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Dalam dokumen the use of self regulated strategy (Halaman 53-61)


B. Discussion

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Content

Content is a component of writing skill. According to Jacob (1991 : 22) the content of writing should be clear for the readers so that the readers can understand the message convey and gain information from it. In order to have a good content of writing, its content should be well unified and completed. This term is usually known as unity and completeness, which become characteristic of good writing.

The use of Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) can improve the students‟ writing content. The table 1 indicates that the improvement of the students‟ writing content in cycle II is greater than cycle I. The students‟ mean score improve from 6.68 become 8.28. The process that can be explained from cycle 1 to cycle 2 as follows:

a. At the beginning of the implementation of the first cycle has not been suitable with planning yet this matter is cause by:

1. The Students are poorly described incomplete information to gain the aim in their writing.

2. The Students are difficult to think creatively and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information.

3. The Students‟ writing is ambiguous and misunderstanding cause he Students did not use capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Therefore, most of them are difficult to write clearly and still felt difficult to think creatively. As result, the mean score of the students‟ content in cycle 1 is still low. As we can see in table 1 that the mean score is only 6.68. Its result is still under the completeness grade standard in SMA.

b. At the end of the second cycle can be concluded:

1. Students already wrote well describe, give the readers very clear information.

2. Students can think creatively, so they can understand what the messages convey.

The explanation above explains that, when the researcher conducted action in cycle II, the students‟ mean score improve from 6.68 to 8.28. It has achieved the standard score in SMA. In this cycle, the researcher intensively interested the students to write. The researcher help the student‟s in improving their writing content.

2. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Organization

Organization is a component of writing. According to Jacob (1991 : 22) the purpose of organizing material in writing involves coherence, order of importance, and general to specific, chronological order and spatial order of pattern. When writing the learner should arrange their writing chronologically.

They should present their ideas based on the order of which happened from the beginning to the end.

The use of Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) can improve the students‟ writing organization. The table 1 indicates that the improvement of the students‟ writing organization in cycle II is greater than cycle I. The students‟

mean score improve from 6.47 become 7.86. The process that can be explained from cycle 1 to cycle 2 as follows:

a. At the beginning of the implementation of the first cycle has not been suitable with planning yet this matter is cause by:

1. The Students are low ideas and topic which relevant in a topic.

2. The Students are can‟t understand what they write because their writing did not organize.

Therefore, most of them are low ideas and they can‟t understand what they write. As result, the mean score of the students‟ organization in cycle 1 is still low. As we can see in table 1 that the mean score is only 6.47. Its result is still under the completeness grade standard in SMA.

b. At the end of the second cycle can be concluded:

1. Students already developed ideas and topic which relevant in a united form.

2. Students can arrange and organize the ideas or messages in writing.

The explanation above explains that, when the researcher conducted action in cycle II, the students‟ mean score improve from 6.47 to 7.86. It has achieved the standard score in SMA. In this cycle, the researcher intensively interested the students to write. The researcher helps the students‟ in improving their writing organization.

3. The Improvement of the Students’ Writing Grammar

Grammar is a one component of writing skill. According to Jacob (1991:22) language used or grammar in writing description and other form of writing involves connected languages and point of grammar should be one that is capable of producing grammar. We should not be able to do anything more than latter separate function. And also grammar can help the students improve the use of formal language.

The table above indicates that the indicators of the students‟ writing grammar improve significantly. The students‟ writing grammar improvement is quite significant from cycle I (5.65) to cycle II (7.21). In fact, the use of SRSD made the students‟ writing grammar increase. The processes that can be explain from cycle 1 to cycle 2 as follows:

a. At the beginning of the implementation of the first cycle has not been suitable with planning yet this matter is cause by:

1) The Students are afraid to make mistake in grammar.

2) Some students‟ writing is containing with errors in verb, noun, agreement and imperative sentence.

3) Some students still did not give attention for preposition, conjunction, articles and tenses.

Therefore, most of them are difficult to write correct and appropriate sentences. As result, the mean score of the students‟ grammar in cycle 1 is still low. As we can see in table 1 that the mean score is only 5.65. Its result is still under the completeness grade standard in SMA.

b. At the end of the second cycle can be concluded:

1) Students already write correct and appropriate sentences.

2) Students are giving attention for rule of grammar and relationship of words in sentences.

The explanation above explains that, when the researcher conducts action in cycle II, the students‟ mean score became improve from 5.65 to 7.21. It has achieved the standard score in SMA. In this cycle, the researcher intensively gives understanding or explanation and chance about Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD). The researcher helps the students‟ in improving their writing grammar.

The research indicated that the students‟ writing skill using Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) show the improvement in content, organization, and grammar.

The researcher has change the activity more interesting in cycle II so that students can show the improvement in the first cycle the researcher give less explanation about Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) to students‟ but in cycle II students‟ really enjoy the SRSD because the researcher give explanation intensively and giving more chance for students.

At the first, students are lazy to participate in Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) but the researcher usually encourages them and made SRSD more interesting by choosing fun material. As a result students became enjoy and fun in learning process.

The observation in the cycle I and II, the teacher making note to the all activities of the students in every meetings, so the teacher can measure the improvement of the students‟ writing skill dealing with content, organization, and grammar. Then, the teacher identity and making note all the problem that we need when teaching and learning process on observation paper and the students doing the evaluation which use the result of the study to know how far their improvement after using Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD).

After exceeded several processes in cycle I and cycle II which consisted of eight meetings, the result of the data analysis through the writing test show that the students‟ writing skill in terms of content, organization, and grammar improve significantly. It is indicate by the mean score of result of the students‟ D-Test is

4.09. It is also lower than the mean score of the students‟ writing test in cycle I that is 6.26 and cycle II is 7.78. Those scores are got from writing content, organization, and grammar. The students‟ enthusiasm also increases along with their improvement.



Based on the result of the data analysis, research findings, and discussion in the previous chapter, the researcher came to the following conclusions. SRSD is an effective way to improving the students skill in writing descriptive of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Datarang Kab. Gowa. In addition, SRSD is the ways that can be expected to motivate the students to study especially in writing descriptive. The researcher formulated practically her conclusions according to the research problems.

Using SRSD improve the students‟ writing content at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Datarang Kab. Gowa. It is proved by the students‟ achievement in cycle II is higher than D-Test where in D-Test the students‟ mean score achievement in writing content is 4.78, but after evaluation in cycle II becomes 8.28. Using SRSD improve the students‟ writing organization.

It is proved by the students‟ achievement in cycle II is higher than D-Test where in D-Test the students‟ mean score achievement in writing organization is 4.10, but after evaluation in cycle II becomes 7.86. Using SRSD improve the students‟

writing grammar, it is proved by the students‟ achievement in cycle II is higher than D-Test where in D-Test the students‟ mean score achievement in writing grammar is 3.41, but after evaluation in cycle II becomes 7.21.

B. Suggestions

In relation to the writing skill in terms of content, organization, and grammar in this thesis, the researcher would like to give some suggestions to the students (learners), the English teacher and the next researchers as follows:

1. For students

a. Being aware that writing is an important skill in English language. The students should try to write individually or in group because it can stimulate to write more and to get many ideas.

b. Generally, there are so many students considered that English as a

“monster” that‟s wrong perception. The students have to consider that English is fun.

c. The students should make English as daily language in their activities even though they just write little by little.

d. The students also should not to forget to memorize many English daily expressions in order to make them write easily in their paragraph.

2. For the English teacher

a. The use of SRSD can significantly improve the students‟ writing skill in terms of content, organization, and grammar at the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Muhammadiyah Datarang Kab. Gowa. So it is strongly suggested to be applied in teaching English writing in the classroom in order to improve the students‟ writing skill.

b. The teachers should be creative in teaching English especially writing because to master English, it needs more technique or technique in improving it.

3. For the next researchers

a. To improve the students‟ writing skill generally, there are many cases which must be improved such as: writing content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics, how to delivery writing etc. but in this research, the researcher focused attention on improving the students writing content, organization, and grammar. So for the next researcher, they can take the other case of writing to be improved neither they use this technique nor other techniques. But it is better to use this technique in order to know the students‟ writing skill improvement with different discussions.

b. The improvement of students can be seen significantly if the next researcher tries to use this technique time after time and of course with some „creative flavors‟.

c. The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or further research with different discussion for the next researchers.


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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/ Semester : XI/ GANJIL

Pertemuan Ke : 1

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit Aspek/ skill : Writing Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari.

Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam retorika dalam esai sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item.


 Menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topic yang dipilih.

 Menulis teks berbentuk descriptive menggunakan metode SRSD.

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Siswa dapat menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topik.

 Siswa dapat menulis teks berbentuk descriptive berdasarkan ide-ide yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode SRSD.

2. Materi Pokok

Pokok Bahasan : My House Sub pokok bahasan : Descriptive text 3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) 4. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan

a. Kegiatan Awal

1) Salam dan tegur sapa

2) Melakukan presensi kehadiran

3) Menyampaikan topik bahasan pelajaran

4) Pemberian motivasi dan apersepsi. Selanjutnya, guru menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti

1) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang strategi SRSD dengan rumus: POW = WWW, What = 2, How = 2.

2) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang strategi tersebut step by step.

3) Guru memberikan topik tulisan kepada siswa kemudian mengumpulkan ide-ide yang akan ditulis.

4) Siswa mempraktekkan strategi yang dijelaskan pada tahap kedua step by step.

5) Students will be asked to organizing the story from the topic into a complete descriptive paragraph. Initially, the teacher will support the implementation of the strategy.

6) Evaluate the students‟ ability to independently apply the strategy.

c. Kegiatan Akhir

1) Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa 2) Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran.

3) Mengakhiri/menutup pembelajaran 5. Alat/Bahan Pembelajaran

1) Buku pedoman (Bahasa Inggris kelas XI, Look A Head 2) 2) Picture

3) Board marker 4) White board 6. Penilaian

 Teknik : Menulis text descriptive menggunakan rumus metode


 Bentuk : Tugas individu

Datarang, September 2015


FITRAWATI NIM. 10535 4898 11



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/ Semester : XI/ GANJIL

Pertemuan Ke : 2

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit Aspek/ skill : Writing Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari.

Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam retorika dalam esai sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item.


 Menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topic yang dipilih.

 Menulis teks berbentuk descriptive menggunakan metode SRSD.

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Siswa dapat menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topik.

 Siswa dapat menulis teks berbentuk descriptive berdasarkan ide-ide yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode SRSD.

2. Materi Pokok

Pokok Bahasan : RA Kartini Sub pokok bahasan : Descriptive text 3. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Self Regulated Stratgy Development (SRSD) 4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

a. Kegiatan Awal

1) Salam dan tegur sapa

2) Melakukan presensi kehadiran

3) Menyampaikan topik bahasan pelajaran

4) Pemberian motivasi dan apersepsi. Selanjutnya, guru menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran

b. Kegistan Inti

1) Melanjutkan dan menjelaskan kembali materi pokok pelajaran menggunakan rumus (POW+WWW, what = 2, and H = 2)

2) Meminta siswa memilih topic cerita yang akan ditulis.

3) Meminta siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan ide-ide yang dikumpulkan.

4) Students will be asked to organizing the story from the topic into a complete descriptive paragraph. Initially, the teacher will support the implementation of the strategy.

5) Evaluate the students‟ ability to independently apply the strategy.

c. Kegiatan Akhir

1) Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa 2) Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran.

3) Mengakhiri/menutup pembelajaran 5. Alat/Bahan Pembelajaran

1) Buku pedoman (Bahasa Inggris kelas XI, Look A Head 2)

2) Picture 3) Board marker 4) White board 6. Penilaian

 Teknik : Mengumpulkan ide menggunakan rumus POW+WWW dan menulis draft berbentuk descriptive

 Bentuk : Tugas individu

Datarang, September 2015


FITRAWATI NIM. 10535 4898 11



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/ Semester : XI/ GANJIL

Pertemuan Ke : 3

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit Aspek/ skill : Writing Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari

Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam retorika dalam esai sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item.


 Menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topic yang dipilih.

 Menulis teks berbentuk descriptive menggunakan metode SRSD.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Siswa dapat menentukan/memilih topik dan mengumpulkan beberapa ide cerita terkait dengan topik.

 Siswa dapat menulis teks berbentuk descriptive berdasarkan ide-ide yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode SRSD.

1. Materi Pokok

Pokok Bahasan : My White Rabbit Sub : Descriptive text 2. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:

Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) 3. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

a. Kegiatan Awal 1) Salam dan tegur sapa

2) Melakukan presensi kehadiran

3) Menyampaikan topik bahasan pelajaran

4) Pemberian motivasi dan apersepsi. Selanjutnya, guru menyebutkan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti

1) Melanjutkan dan menjelaskan kembali materi pokok pelajaran POW+WWW, what = 2, and H = 2 dalam menulis teks berbentuk descriptive.

2) Meminta siswa membuat topic tulisan

3) Meminta siswa membuat teks descriptive berdasarkan rumus SRSD dengan topik yang telah mereka buat

4) Meminta siswa mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka c. Kegiatan Akhir

1) Menanyakan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa 2) Guru menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran.

3) Mengakhiri/menutup pembelajaran 4. Alat/Bahan Pembelajaran

Dalam dokumen the use of self regulated strategy (Halaman 53-61)

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