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B. Discussion

This finding was funded at MTs Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari's Grade VIII students on Monday, 6 Juni 2022. As for the participants, the writer chose class C of the eighth grade. According to the students' documentation, after reads all the data and coding the data. The researcher already noted about the same kind of error where learners in the 8th grade have at MTs


Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari conducted were error on grammar form, error on word order, omitted an item from a well-performed vocabulary, and added an item from well-performed vocabulary.

In addition, as Heidi Dulay's Theory in the previous chapter, the types of errors referred to above are sequentially misformation, misordering, omission, and addition. Meanwhile, the interpretation of each error is omission with 19 errors or 21,2%, addition with a percentage of 14,3% or 25 errors, then misformation with 16 errors or 17,8% and misordering with a percentage of 33,4% or 30 errors. The following chart is to describe data result of the error analysis degrees of comparison of the eighth grade students' at MTs Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari:

Diagram 1. Chart of Error Analysis Degrees of comparison Outcome Besides, as an outcome about an interview with English teachers and learners, the researcher often noted that learners of the grade 8 also made error in degrees of comparison. The English instructor assumed that its majority errors produced by the learners were in the form of grammar.

Furthermore, looking at the students' answers, the errors in degrees of comparison were conducted by the students' are verb transformation, change comparative word of degrees of comparison form, and vocabulary writing.

Thus, based on the findings of the above-mentioned documentation and interview data study , the researcher found that students had still made an error in change comparative word of degrees of comparison on descriptive text. Types of error created by students include omission, addition, misformaton, and misorder. And according to the pie chart above, the researcher also assumed that the most errors produced by the students are misordering with 30 of the total 90 errors or if a percentage was 33,4%.



A. Conclusions

After analyzing the data of the students errors in using degrees of comparison on writing descriptive text, the researcher accomplished to the conclusion that the student of eighth grade at MTs Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari still make an error in the degrees of comparison on descriptive text and need to be enhanced. The types of error done by student of the 8th grade in degrees of comparison on descriptive text from the largest percentage to smallest are error of misformation, omission error, error of ordering and error of addition. The most error produced by the learners of the 8th grade was the error of misordering that took place 30 errors or 33,4%. This is accompanied by an error in addition with a percentage of 27,8%, error in omission with percentage of 21,2%, and error in misformation 17,8%.

There are still many students who make erros using degrees of comparison in English writing descriptive text, students lack knowledge about the function and application of degrees of comparison, so it is necessary to learn the rules and functions of degrees of comparison on writing descriptive text. The students must study and understand more about degrees of comparison, particularly how to use comparative word, in order to minimize these errors.

B. Suggestion

Finally , the researcher would like to express some ideas and hopeful that the teachers and students might have been helpful, as below:

1. For the students'

a. Students should pay special attention to the interpretation of the teacher and learn more about the degrees of comparison.

b. The eighth grade students should read a number of types of books that explore grammar in order to enrich its skill in degrees of comparison, in particular to enhance an memorization of the comparative word form.

2. For the teacher

a. The teaching method was essentially a good one, but it needs to be introduced with a more innovative method so that students do not get bored and still feel involved in teaching the degrees of comparison.

b. Teacher should teach the form of degrees of comparison more depth and clearly, particularly in changing form of comparative word in using degrees of comparisonon descriptive text.


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RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS (The Instruments of Interviews)

A. Questions for English Teacher

1. What problems did you face while teaching the degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

2. What is your solution to solving the problem in teaching the degrees of comparison?

3. Did students make errors in degrees of comparison?

4. What errors did students make the most in degrees of comparison?

5. How can you help students better understand and minimize the errors that students make in degrees of comparison?

B. Questions for the Students

1. Have you learned about degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

2. Can you understand the degrees of comparison properly?

3. Did you make an error in the degrees of comparison?

4. What error did you do in the degrees of comparison?

5. What are steps you take to minimize errors in degrees of comparison?

The Teacher Interview Result Narasumber : Lukluk Fadhilatun Thoyibah, S.Pd

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 06 Juni 2022

Tempat : MTs. Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari


1. Apa saja kendala yang anda hadapi dalam mengajar degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

2. Bagaimana solusi anda untuk mengatasi kendala dalam mengajar degrees of comparison on descriptive text tersebut?

3. Apakah siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

4. Kesalahan apa yang paling sering dilakukan oleh siswa dalam degrees of comparison on descriptive text?


5. Bagaimana cara anda membantu siswa untuk lebih memahami dan meminimalisir kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa ketika membuat degrees of comparison on descriptive text?


1. Masalah pertama adalah keterbatasan media, jumlah buku bahasa Inggris siswa tidak mencukupi. Kemudian media audio visualnya belum ada sehingga saya kesulitan untuk membuat suasana belajar lebih hidup dan enjoy. Masalah berikutnya, siswa lambat memahami pelajaran bahasa Inggris, kosakata mereka terbatas, sehingga sulit untuk memahami degrees of comparison on descriptive text.

2. Untuk permasalahan buku, sembari saya meminta siswa untuk berpasangan dalam menggunakan buku, saya juga meminta siswa untuk membuat rangkuman degrees of comparison agar mereka dapat belajar kembali di asrama. Saya juga meminta siswa untuk menghafal kosakata yang saya berikan setiap minggunya, minimal 20 kosakata. Saya juga meminta siswa untuk menghafal rumus degrees of comparison on descriptive text.

3. Ya, mereka melakukannya.

4. Kesalahan paling banyak siswa dalam menggunakan bentuk tata bahasa, terutama ketika mereka harus merubah satu bentuk kata ke dalam bentuk kata comparative.

5. Saya menjelaskan kembali materi degrees of comparison pada teks deskripsi, membimbing satu per satu siswa yang kurang paham dengan meminta bantuan siswa yang sudah paham untuk menjelaskan kepada teman yang kurang paham. Saya juga menuliskan perubahan kata comparative untuk dihafal oleh siswa. Saya juga meminta semua siswa untuk membaca lebih lanjut tentang mengubah kata comperative dan mewajibkan siswa untuk membawa kamus. Setelah itu, saya memberikan lebih banyak tugas kepada siswa yang kurang paham.

The Students Interview Result


1. Apakah kamu pernah belajar tentang degrees of comparison on descriptive text?


Student 1 : Iya, Pernah Student 2 : Iya, Pernah Student 3 : Iya, Pernah Student 4 : Iya, Pernah Student 5 : Iya, Pernah Student 6 : Iya, Pernah Student 7 : Iya, Pernah Student 8 : Iya, Pernah Student 9 : Iya, Pernah Student 10: Iya, Pernah

Student 11 : Iya, Pernah Student 12 : Iya, Pernah Student 13 : Iya, Pernah Student 14 : Iya, Pernah Student 15 : Iya, Pernah Student 16 : Iya, Pernah Student 17 : Iya, Pernah Student 18 : Iya, Pernah Student 19 : Iya, Pernah Student 20 : Iya, Pernah

2. Apakah kamu dapat memahami degrees of comparison on descriptive text dengan baik dan benar?

Student 1 : Lumayan paham.

Student 2 : Lumayan paham.

Student 3 : Iya.

Student 4 : Lumayan paham.

Student 5 : Lumayan paham.

Student 6 : Iya.

Student 7 : Lumayan paham.

Student 11 : Iya.

Student 12 : Lumayan paham.

Student 13 : Iya.

Student 14 : Iya.

Student 15 : Iya.

Student 16 : Lumayan paham.

Student 17 : Lumayan paham.

Student 8 : Iya

Student 9 : Lumayan paham.

Student 10: Lumayan paham.

Student 18 : Iya.

Student 19 : Iya.

Student 20 : Lumayan paham.

3. Apakah kamu melakukan kesalahan dalam degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

Student 1 : Iya.

Student 2 : Iya Student 3 : Iya.

Student 4 : Iya.

Student 5 : Iya.

Student 6 : Iya.

Student 7 : Iya.

Student 8 : Iya Student 9 : Iya.

Student 10: Iya.

Student 11 : Tidak.

Student 12 : Iya.

Student 13 : Iya.

Student 14 : Iya.

Student 15 : Tidak.

Student 16 : Iya.

Student 17 : Iya.

Student 18 : Iya.

Student 19 : Iya.

Student 20 : Iya.

4. Kesalahan apakah yang kamu lakukan dalam degrees of comparison on descriptive text?

Student1 :Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student2 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student3 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student4 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student5 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student6 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan

"to be".

Student7 : Salah merubah bentuk kata kerja dan penggunaan "to be".

Student 8 : Salah menempatkan kata juga salah dalam penulisan katanya.

Student 9 : Salah merubah bentuk

kata perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student10 : Salah merubah bentuk kata perbandingan dan penggunaan "to be"..

Student 11 :Saya tidak melakukan kesalahan.

Student12 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student13 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student14 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student 15 :Saya tidak melakukan kesalahan.

Student16 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student17 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student18 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

Student 19 : Salah menempatkan kata juga salah dalam penulisan katanya.

Student20 : Salah merubah bentuk kata

perbandingan dan

penggunaan "to be".

5. Bagaimanakah langkah-langkah yang kamu lakukan untuk meminimalisir kesalahan dalam merubah active ke passive voice of simple past tense?

Student1: Bertanya ke Ibu guru. Student11:Memperbanyak hafalan kosa kata


Student2: Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham

Student3: Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan belajar lagi.

Student4: Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan banyak hafalan bentuk kata perbandingan dan kata-kata bahasa inggris lainnya.

Student5: Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris.

Student6: Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan belajar lebih giat.

Student 7:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih paham dan belajar lebih giat lagi.

Student8:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan banyak memahami materi degrees of comparison.

Student9:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan latihan mengerjakan sambil buka kamus.

Student 10:Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan menghafal perubahan bentuk bentuk kata perbandingan.

dan perubahan bentuk kata perbandingan.

Student12:Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan perbanyak latihan.

Student13:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan banyak berlatih sambil buka kamus

Student 14:Belajar lagi dan banyak menghafal kata-kata bahasa inggris.

Student15:Hafalan kosa kata dan belajar lagi.

Student16:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan banyak hafalan kata.

Student17:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan ibu guru.

Student18:Bertanya ke Ibu guru dan perbanyak latihan.

Student19:Bertanya ke teman yang lebih faham dan belajar lebih giat lagi.

Student 20:Belajar lebih giat dan bertanya ke ibu guru kalau masih belum paham.

The Students Books Documentations Result

Soal Nomor:

1. Tito is (fat) than Mario.

Correct Answer: Tito is fatter than Mario Students Answer:

Student 1 : Student 2 : Student 3 : Student 4 : Student 5 : Student 6 : Student 7 : Student 8 : Student 9 : Student 10:

Tito more fatter than Mario.

Tito is fatteer than Mario.

Tito more fatteer than Mario.

Tito fatterst than Mario.


Tito is fatteer than Mario.

Tito fatterst than Mario.


Tito more fatter than Mario.


Student 11 : Student 12 : Student 13 : Student 14 : Student 15 : Student 16 : Student 17 : Student 18 : Student 19 : Student 20 :


Tito is fat than Mario Tito fatterst than Mario Tito is fat than Mario Correct.






2. Tito is (thin) than Miki.

Correct Answer: Tito is thinner than Miki Students Answer:

Student 1 : Student 2 : Student 3 : Student 4 : Student 5 : Student 6 : Student 7 : Student 8 : Student 9 : Student 10:





Tito more thinner than Miki.





Tito more thinner than Miki.

Student 11 : Student 12 : Student 13 : Student 14 : Student 15 : Student 16 : Student 17 : Student 18 : Student 19 : Student 20 :

Tito is thin than Miki.






Tito is thin than Miki.


Tito more thinner than Miki.


3. Miki (fat) of all

Correct Answer: Miki is the fattest of all Students Answer:

Student 1 : Student 2 : Student 3 : Student 4 : Student 5 : Student 6 : Student 7 : Student 8 : Student 9 : Student 10:




Miki is the fatter of all.



Miki is the fatter of all.


Miki is the more fattest of all.


Student 11 : Student 12 : Student 13 : Student 14 : Student 15 : Student 16 : Student 17 : Student 18 : Student 19 : Student 20 :


Miki fattest of all Correct.


Miki is the fatter of all Miki is the more fastest of all Correct.

Miki is the fatter of all Correct.


4. He eats his meal (fast) than Miki and Mario

Correct Answer: He eats his meal faster than Miki and Mario Students Answer:


Student 1 : Student 2 : Student 3 :

Student 4 : Student 5 : Student 6 :

Student 7 : Student 8 : Student 9 : Student 10:

He eats his meal more faster than Miki and Mario.


He eats his meal fastest than Miki and Mario.



He eats his meal fast than Miki and Mario.




He eats his meal fast than Miki and Mario.

Student 11 : Student 12 : Student 13 : Student 14 : Student 15 : Student 16 : Student 17 :

Student 18 : Student 19 : Student 20 :





He eats his meal fast than Miki and Mario.


He eats his meal more fast than Miki and Mario.




5. They are (important) than anything

Correct Answer: They are more important than anything Students Answer:

Student 1 : Student 2 :

Student 3 : Student 4 : Student 5 : Student 6 : Student 7 : Student 8 : Student 9 : Student 10:


They are more importanter than anything.



They are importanter than anything Correct.


They are more importantest than anything



Student 11 : Student 12 : Student 13 : Student 14 : Student 15 : Student 16 : Student 17 : Student 18 : Student 19 : Student 20 :











Table : Total of Error in degrees of comparison on writing descriptive text

Student Number

Number of Items

1 2 3 4 5

1 Mo - - Mo -

2 A - - - A

3 A - - Mf -

4 Mf, O - Mf - -

5 - Mo - - -

6 A - - O -

7 Mf, O - Mf - -

8 - - - - -

9 Mo - Mo - -

10 - Mo - O -

11 - O - - O, A

12 O - O - -

13 Mf, O - - - O

14 O - - - -

15 - - Mf O -

16 - - Mo - -

17 O - - Mo -

18 - - Mf - -

19 - Mo - - -

20 - - - - -


‘O’ = Omission ‘Mi’, = Misformation

A = Addition Mo = Misordering

Table : The Error Types Recapitulation of Degreesof Comparison Student


Types Of Error

Total Error Omission Addition Misformation Misordering

1 - - - 2 2

2 - 2 - - 2

3 - 1 1 - 2

4 1 - 2 - 3

5 - - - 1 1

6 1 1 - - 2

7 1 - 2 - 3

8 - - - - -

9 - - - 2 2

10 1 - - 1 2

11 2 1 - - 3

12 2 - - - 2

13 1 - 2 - 3

14 1 - - - 1

15 1 - 1 - 2

16 - - - 1 1

17 1 - - 1 2

18 - - 1 - 1

19 - - - 1 1

20 - - - - -

Frequency 12 5 9 9 35

Percentage 34,3% 14,3% 25,7 % 25,7 % 100 %

Percentage formula as stated by Anas Sudijono that the formula to calculating the percentage is follows:


‘P’= Percentage

‘F’= Frequenciy of eror made


‘N= Number of cases (total of frequency)38

Omission Error : : 34,3 %

Addition Error : : 14,3 %

Missformation Errori : : 25,7 %

Missordering Error : : 25,7 %

38 Anas iSudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, cet-26. (Jakartai: PT.. Rajagrafindo iPersada, 2018), 43.








Dalam dokumen PDF An Undergraduate Thesis (Halaman 76-80)

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