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Dalam dokumen SPEAKING ABILITY (Halaman 102-106)


B. Discussions

In this part, the discussion dealing with the interpretation of findings derived from the result of findings about the observation result of the students’

speaking ability in terms of accuracy dealing with vocabulary and grammar, fluency dealing with self-confident and Smoothness.

1. The improvement of the students’ speaking ability dealing with the students’ speaking accuracy and students’ speaking fluency.

The result of the data analysis through the speaking test shows that the students’ speaking ability in terms of accuracy and fluency improves significantly.

It is indicated by the mean score of result of the students’ D-Test is 5.22 it is classified as poor achievement. It is also lower than the mean score of the students’ speaking test in cycle I that is 6.42 that is classified as average and cycle II is 7.59. It is classified as good. Those scores are got from the result test of the students’ speaking accuracy and speaking fluency.

a. The students’ speaking fluency at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep

1) vocabulary

The indicator of vocabulary of the students’ speaking accuracy in the first cycle has improved from Diagnostic test. The improvement can be seen after testing and observing the students where the mean score D-


Test is 5.22 and the students’ vocabulary mean score in cycle I is 6.93. It is classified as good. In cycle II, the students’ vocabulary also improves from cycle I to cycle II where the students’ mean score is 7.39 that is classified as good classification.

2) grammar

Furthermore in the first cycle, the students’ grammar in speaking is not bad than the other indicators, like vocabulary. The result of the students’ grammar canbe seen after testing and observing (speaking test of first cycle), whereas the number of students in average score is 38.24% and the mean score achievement is 6. It is indicated that there is an improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I and cycle II where the students’ mean score in diagnostic test is only 5.35. After, testing and observing in the first cycle the mean score becomes 6, and the second cycle the student’ grammar really has a good improvement where the mean score is 7.79. The significant improvement is got in cycle II because the teaching speaking material is really suitable for the improvement of the students’ grammar. Because of the target score has been achieved, the research is not continued to the third cycle.

b. The students’ speaking fluency at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep.

1) Self confident

The indicator of self confident of the students’ speaking fluency in the first cycle has improved from Diagnostic test. The improvement can


be seen after testing and observing the students where the improvement of the students’ self confident in cycle I and the students’ self confident mean score is 6.48. It is classified as average. In cycle II, the students’

self confident also improves from Cycle I to cycle II where the improvement students’ mean score is 7.49, it is classified as good classification.

2) Smoothness

In the first cycle, the students’ Smoothness in speaking is not bad.

The resultof the students’ improvement of Smoothness can be seen after testing and observing (speaking test of first cycle), whereas the mean score achievement in cycle I is 6.26. It is indicated that there is an improvement from diagnostic test to cycle I because the students’ mean score in diagnostic test is only 5.29. But the target was not achieved in the first cycle. Researcher worked hard in the second cycle to reach the target and try to evaluate the weakness in the first cycle. After testing and observing inthe second cycle, the students’ smoothnessreally has a good improvement where the mean score in cycle II is 7.69. Because of the target score has been achieved, the research is not continued to the third cycle.




A. Conclusions

Based on the research findings and discussions in the previous chapter, the following conclusions are presented:

1. The improvement of the students’ speaking accuracy at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep in using communicative approach is significance. It is proved by the students’ achievement in cycle II is higher than cycle I, the students’ mean score achievement in speaking accuracy is 6.47. After evaluation in cycle II the students’ speaking accuracy becomes 7.59.

2. The use of communicative approach is significant to improve the students’

speaking fluency at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep. It is proved by the students’ achievement in cycle II is higher than cycle I, the students’ mean score achievement in speaking accuracy is 6.37.

After evaluation in cycle II the students’ speaking fluency becomes 7.59.

Furthermore, using communicative approach is able to make the students more active in learning process, especially in speaking activities and the process of the teaching and learning runs well during the classroom action research because the students are enthusiast to study English. Besides that, the researcher also gets full support by the teachers.


B. Suggestions

In relation to the speaking ability in terms of accuracy and fluency in this thesis, the researcher would like to give some suggestions to the students (learners), the English teacher and the next researchers as follows:

1. For the students

a. Being aware that speaking is an important skill in English communication. The students should try to speak individually or in group because it can stimulate to speak up more and to get natural communication.

b. The students should make English as daily conversations in their activities even though they just speak little by little.

c. The students also should not to forget to memorize many English daily expressions in order to make them speak easily in their activities.

2. For the English teacher

a. The application of communicative approach can significantly improve the students’ speaking ability in terms of accuracy dealing with vocabulary, and grammar at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep. So it is strongly suggested to be applied in teaching English speaking in the classroom in order to improve the students’ speakingability.

b. The teachers should be creative in teaching English especially speaking because to master English, it needs more technique or method in improving it.


3. For the next researchers

a. To improve the students’ speaking ability generally, there are many cases which must be improved such as: speaking accuracy, speaking fluency, how to delivery speaking etc. but in this research, the researcher focused attention on improving the students speaking accuracy and fluency. So for the next researcher, they can take the other case of speaking to be improved neither they use this method nor other methods. But it is better to use this method in order to know the students’ speaking ability improvement with different discussions.

b. The result of this research can also be used as an additional reference or further research with different discussion for the next researchers.



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Dalam dokumen SPEAKING ABILITY (Halaman 102-106)

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