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Academic year: 2023



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Title: Using a Communicative Approach in Foreign Language Learning to Improve Students' Speaking Skills (A Classroom Action Research on Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Minasatene Pangkep). Judul Skripsi: Using a Communicative Approach in Foreign Language Learning to Improve Students' Speaking Skills (A Classroom Action Research on Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Minasatene Pangkep). Using a Communicative Approach in Foreign Language Learning to Improve Students' Speaking Skills (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Minasatene Pangkep), under the dissertation of the Department of English Education of the Faculty of Teacher Education and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University (led by Abd. Muin and Amar Ma'ruf).

The results of the research show that the use of a communicative approach is important in improving students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy and fluency. This means that students' speaking ability improves in terms of accuracy in vocabulary and grammar, and fluency in terms of confidence and polish. Appendix B.1: Result of students' diagnostic test B.2: Result of students' test in cycle I B.3: Result of students' test in cycle II B.4: Result of students' speaking ability.

Appendix C.1: Percentage of speaking accuracy and fluency of students on the D-Test C.2: Percentage of speaking accuracy and fluency of students of cycle I C.3: Percentage of speaking accuracy and fluency of students of cycle II C.4: Classification and percentage of students ' Speaking skills Appendix D.1: The result of the students' activity. USING THE TIME METHOD BEYOND CENTERS AND CIRCLES TO IMPROVE STUDENTS SPEAKING (An experimental study in the second grade of . SMP Negeri 4 Biringbulu, Gowa).


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study

The teacher should help students to communicate actively while participating in a class discussion or conversation, as students need time to plan and organize their message while speaking. Many tasks can be devised that will require oral communication between students and the community. In the language classroom, there are various important aspects such as methods, strategies, approaches and time management that the teacher (especially the English teacher) uses as a source of information for the students.

From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the teaching technique enables the English teacher to teach the students to communicate in the target language as objective learning. In the meaning, the writer often listens beyond the drilling technique, the grammar translation method, the audio-linguistic method and the chosen approach, which required the students to focus on learning and also the teacher suggested that the materials should be suitable for what the student needs. What is the improvement of students' speaking fluency for SMP Negeri 1 Minasatene Pangkep through the use of Community Approach in foreign language learning.

What is the improvement of the students' accuracy in speaking through the use of the Communicative Approach in learning foreign languages ​​in the eighth grade students of SMPN1 Minasate'ne Pangkep. Improving students' speaking fluency through the use of the communicative approach in foreign language learning. Improving students' speaking accuracy through the use of the communicative approach in foreign language learning.

The significance of this study is to introduce a communicative approach to foreign language learning, in this case, easy speaking from the approach itself to improve students' speaking achievement. The communicative approach can be used as an alternative method where students can imitate a native speaker so that students can practice and develop fluency.


Some Pertinent Ideas

Speaking is one of the four language skills that students or many peoples must master to communicate orally with other people. It includes an examination of how sentences are connected, how sentence patterns vary in word order and remove elements of structure and also some aspects of discourse prosody. The sound of the tongue may be meaningless. line indicates this is phonetic script) several times, e.g.

It includes a consideration of how sentences are connected, how sentence patterns vary in word order and omit structural elements, as well as certain aspects of the prosody of discourse. Therefore, fluency is a very complex issue that mainly concerns the smoothness of continuity in discourse. It includes a consideration of how sentences are highly word-ordered, omitting elements of structure, as well as certain aspects of the prose of the discourse. Therefore, accuracy is critically dependent on the recognizability of the word and the speech pattern.

Furthermore, Newmark (1966) says in Brumfit et al (1979:55) that the communicative approach in language teaching is based on a theory of language as communication. Communication can run well if we have a good command of the language and are able to use the language for communicative purposes. Littlewood (1981:23) states that the communicative approach encourages going beyond structure and takes into account the other aspects of communication.

In other words, in the communicative approach, the teacher organizes the activities in such a way that the students can initiate and control a large part of the interaction, then the class is student-centered and the teacher is the facilitator. From this point of view, the communicative approach is discussed as a point in teaching foreign languages.

Conceptual Framework

A core concern of a communicative approach to language teaching is a concern that this claim cannot be met through methodology alone and not some other aspect. Mistakes are considered with greater tolerance as a completely normal phenomenon in the development of communication skills.

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Research Design

Research Subject

Research Variables and Indicators

The indicators of this research were students' ability to speak English accurately, which consisted of grammar and vocabulary as indicators. The ability of students to speak English fluently, which consists of politeness and confidence as indicators.

Research Procedures

The students were asked to make some conversations on the topic and practice in front of their friend. In this phase, the researcher observed the situation of teaching-learning and the students' activity in teaching-learning process with the help of observation sheet and speaking test at the end of the first cycle. Analyze disadvantages and advantages when applying the application of communicative approach all together taking into account the following steps.

After the completion of the cycle I, the result of the learning process was not significant for what the researcher expects that the cycle II was taken again for the improvement of the achievements of the cycle. Basically, the planning in the first cycle and the second cycle had the same steps. In this cycle, the researcher tried to improve more some deficits in the first cycle with guidelines in achieving the indicators.

The researcher made lesson planning on using communicative approach to deliver each meeting (four meetings) and made an observation sheet format to see the students' state in the teaching process. The students asked to have some conversations about the topic and practice in the presence of their friend.

Research Instruments

It was used to record the students' conversation or dialogue when they took an oral test.

Procedure of Data Collection

Very Good 7.6–8.5 Speech was effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speed and evenness.

Table 3.1: Scoring and Criteria of Vocabulary
Table 3.1: Scoring and Criteria of Vocabulary

Technique of Data Analysis



The improvement of students' speaking skills, with a focus on students' speaking accuracy and fluency. It is also lower than the average oral test score of the students in Cycle I, which is 6.42, which is classified as average, and Cycle II is 7.59. These scores are obtained from the result test of the students' speaking accuracy and fluency.

The vocabulary indicator of students' speaking accuracy in the first cycle is improved by the diagnostic test. Improvement can be seen after testing and observing students where the average score is D-. The self-confidence indicator of students' speaking fluency in the first cycle is improved by the diagnostic test.

The result of improving students' flexibility can be seen after testing and observation (speaking test of the first cycle), while the average score in cycle I is 6.26. After testing and observing in the second cycle, the students' fluency is really a good improvement, with the average score in cycle II being 7.69. The improvement of students' speaking skills among the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep when using a communicative approach is important.

It is proven by the fact that the performance of the students in cycle II is higher than that in cycle I. The average score of the students in speaking accuracy is 6.47. It is proven by the fact that the performance of the students in cycle II is higher than that in cycle I. The average score of the students in speaking accuracy is 6.37.



Pupils should try to speak individually or in groups, because this can stimulate them to speak up more and have natural communication. The students have to make English as daily conversations in their activities, even if they just speak little by little. Also, students should not forget to memorize many English daily expressions to make them speak easily in their activities.

The application of communicative approach can significantly improve students' speaking ability in terms of accuracy in handling vocabulary and grammar of eighth grade students in SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep. So it is strongly recommended to be used in teaching English speakers in the classroom to improve students' speaking ability. The teachers should be creative in teaching English, especially when speaking, because to master English, it requires more technique or method to improve it.

In order to improve students' speaking skills in general, many examples need to be improved, such as: speaking accuracy, speaking fluency, speaking delivery method, etc. So for the next researcher, he can take another speech example for improvement. use this method nor other methods. However, it is better to use this method to find out the improvement of students' speaking skills through different discussions.

The result of this research can also be used as additional reference or further research with other discussion for the following researchers. The effect of a communicative approach on the listening and speaking skills of second-year students.


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1: Scoring and Criteria of Vocabulary
Table 3.2: Scoring and Criteria of Grammar
Table 3.3: Scoring and Criteria of Self-confidence


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