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students' perception on the use of kahoot application


Academic year: 2023

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Judul Topik: PERSEPSI SISWA DALAM PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI KAHOOT TERHADAP MOTIVASI SISWA BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS DI SMAN 1 TAKALAR (Penelitian Deskriptif). Para peneliti mengikutsertakan dua puluh lima siswa dari kelas 11 di SMAN 1 Takalar sebagai partisipan. Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Takalar (Penelitian Deskriptif). Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar) Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Appendix B List of Interview Question 3. Appendix C The result of Interview students

Appendix F Persuratan (Literature)



Learning English or learning English in Indonesia is related to the influence of English in our culture. In conclusion, the researcher would like to get students' perception of using the Kahoot application and how it affects students' motivation to learn English. However, this research also observed students' motivation after they used Kahoot Application, whether they get motivation in learning English or not.

Problem Statement

Some students at SMAN 1 Takalar think that English lessons are a very difficult subject to learn because the language is difficult to understand. Slameto (2010) said: "Interest is a feeling of preference and a feeling of attachment to something or activity, without being told". From this opinion, it can be concluded that interest is an impulse that occurs in a person without coercion or encouragement from others, only his own desire.

Objective of the Study

Significance of the Study

Scope of the Study

Previous Research Findings

The creators of the video game depend on student engagement and interest to keep the game's popularity widespread (Singer, 2016). The view of the importance of English was less, which was only 71.05% of the students. However, regarding the interest in learning English more, it revealed that 86.84% of the students liked more.

Some Pertinent Idea

  • Perception
  • Technology in Education
  • The Strength of Kahoot!
  • The Weakness of Kahoot!
  • Motivation
  • The function of motivation
  • Factors that influence learning motivation
  • Extrinsic Motivation
  • Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation can be defined as the desire that comes from within the person. Whereas, external motivation is an encouragement that comes from outside the person as a trigger. Based on the above two theories, the researcher concludes that intrinsic motivation is a desire from within the person to achieve their own goals.

Figure 2.1 Kahoot! provides users with quiz, discussion and survey options.
Figure 2.1 Kahoot! provides users with quiz, discussion and survey options.

Conceptual Framework

Research Design

Population and Sample 1. Research population

  • XI. MIPA 4 35
  • Sample

According to Sugiyono (2018), the sample is the part of the population number and characteristics that are observed. According to Arikunto (2010), purposive sampling technique asserts the process of selecting sample by taking subject which is not based on the level or area but it is taken based on the specific purpose. The researcher used purposive random sampling because the researcher observed the students who have used Kahoot.

This class will be chosen because it is the result of communication with the English teacher when the researcher came to observe in SMAN 1. Takalar and the teacher said that XI.

Research Instrument

  • Questionnaire
  • Interview

The researcher adapted the questionnaire because the items are made up of statements that are similar to the things the researcher will ask to get the data. The most important data collection technique in a qualitative researcher, according to Fetterman, as cited in Fraenkel and Wallen (2009). In order to obtain information through the interview, the researcher will ask the respondents 5 questions, the question in the interview was adapted by Damara (2016) a similar previous researcher.

The researcher has adapted the questions because it helps the researcher to get information about the matters to be investigated. The researcher will use the mobile phone as a tool to record the interviewers' data.

Procedure of Collecting Data

Technique of Data Analysis

After the researcher administers the completed questionnaire, the researcher counts the total response for each response category that existed in each aspect. The researcher will listen to the outcome of the interview and write down what the students said. The process that shows the data simply in the form of words and sentences to be collected, is possessed by the researcher as a basis to draw the appropriate conclusion.

In this research, the researcher used interview in data presentation because it is the most common data display used in qualitative research. The researcher displayed an organized response of students explaining the perception of using the kahoot application. When the data is collected, the researcher will classify the data between necessary data and unnecessary data.

After that, the researcher makes a summary of the result of the interview and questionnaire to know the perception of students about using Kahoot. The researcher drew the conclusion based on the classification data that the students had already presented based on the questions answered.


  • Students’ Perception on the Use of Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation In Learning English
  • The Effect of the Use Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation in Learning English

The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 10 or 40% choose strongly agree with the statement, 14 students or 56% choose agree, 1 student or 4% choose undecided, while no students answered disagree and strongly disagree with the statement. announcement. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 9 or 36% choose strongly agree, 8 students or 32% choose agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, 1 student or 4% choose disagree, while no students answered strongly. disagree with the statement. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 16 students or 64% choose agree, 8 students or 32% choose undecided, 1 student or 4% choose disagree, while no students answered strongly agree and strongly disagree with the statement.

Siswa mesa tertantang belajar Bahasa Inggris Ketika kelas kamu mendakan aplikasi Kahoot!). choose undecided, 2 students or 8% choose disagree, while no students answered strongly disagree with the statement. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 4 students or 16%. choose strongly agree, 14 students or 56% choose agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, while no students answered disagree and strongly disagree with the statement. application provides extensive English practice to the students. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 3 students or 12%. choose agree, 9 students or 36% choose undecided, 9 students or 36% choose. disagree, 4 students or 16% choose strongly disagree, and no students have answered strongly agree with the statement.

Siswa tidak bisa understand materi dengan aplikasi Kahoot!). undecided, 9 students or 36% choose to disagree, and 3 students or 12% choose to strongly disagree with the statement. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 1 student or 4%. choose strongly agree, 5 students or 20% choose undecided, 9 students or 36%. choose disagree, 10 students or 40% choose strongly disagree, while none of the students choose agree with the statement. The table shows that there were 25 students, the result shows that 2 students or 4%. choose agree, 8 students or 32% choose undecided, 9 students or 36% choose disagree, 6 students or 24% choose strongly disagree, while none of the students answered completely agree with the statement.

The table shows that 25 students were, the result shows that 3 students or 12%. choose strongly agree, 1 student or 4% choose agree, 12 students or 48% choose undecided, 7 students or 28% choose disagree, and 2 students or 8% of the students choose disagree.

Table 5.1  Students  are interested in use of Kahoot!  application.  (Siswa  tertarik menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)
Table 5.1 Students are interested in use of Kahoot! application. (Siswa tertarik menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)


  • Students’ Perception on the Use of Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation in Learning English
  • The Effect of the Use Kahoot! Application Toward Students’

According to Gibson (2014), there are two factors that influence perception, namely internal and external factors. Based on the above findings, the results of the interview show that it was found that there are two effects of using Kahoot. The first is ambition, which can make students active in learning because they have ideals or goals to achieve.

The fourth is the students' environmental conditions, if the students live in an active environment and have an interesting lesson, automatically these students also have a good motivation in learning. The last is the teacher's effort in education, how a teacher prepares for teaching, starting with the preparation of the material, how to convey the material, attract the attention of the students and discipline the students. According to Dimyati & Mudjino (2010) there are several factors that influence learning motivation, one of the factors is the teacher's effort in education, such as.

The first research problem related to the questionnaire result, most students consider it used Kahoot. Because one of the factors that affects students' interest in the learning process is something interesting and can make them excited and active in the classroom. This application is needed by students as a learning media and makes the classroom more effective.

Interesting media or application in the learning process and the creativity that the teacher gives to the students are highly influential in the learning process because a teacher has a fun class and has creative ideas in teaching such as presenting media.


  • The researcher bring a letter to SMAN 1 Takalar
  • The researcher meet English Teacher
  • The researcher give the explanation and how to answer the questionnaire
  • The researcher interview students by using record phone
  • IPS 3

Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot?). apakah aplikasi tersebut cocok digunakan di dalam kelas atau tidak. Apa pendapatmu tentang Kahoot!?). memiliki desain atau suara latar yang sangat menarik. apakah aplikasi tersebut cocok digunakan di dalam kelas atau tidak. Apa pendapatmu tentang Kahoot!?). itu bagus untuk digunakan di kelas. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas.

Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). aplikasi adalah aplikasi yang bagus untuk pelajar karena dengan Kahoot. Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). itu sangat bagus, menarik dan menyenangkan. apakah aplikasi tersebut baik atau tidak untuk digunakan di dalam kelas. Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). Ini adalah aplikasi kuis yang menantang dan bagus di kelas. apakah aplikasi tersebut baik atau tidak untuk digunakan di dalam kelas.

Apa pendapatmu tentang Kahoot!?). sangat baik dan benar-benar memperlancar sarana prasarana pembelajaran dan meningkatkan kreativitas peserta didik. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas. Apa pendapatmu tentang Kahoot!?). Menurut saya aplikasi ini berguna sebagai media pengajaran di kelas. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas. Apa pendapatmu tentang Kahoot!?). adalah aplikasi yang bagus karena melatih ketangkasan berpikir dan menjawab pertanyaan. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas.

Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). ini adalah aplikasi belajar online yang menyenangkan, selain menambah ilmu kita merasa diajak bermain game. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas. Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). bagus karena banyak fitur menarik sehingga pembelajaran tidak membosankan. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas. Apa pendapat Anda tentang aplikasi Kahoot!?). adalah aplikasi online yang menggunakan kouta saat bermain. apakah aplikasinya bagus atau tidak untuk digunakan di kelas.


Figure 2.1 Kahoot! provides users with quiz, discussion and survey options.
Figure 2.2 Time limits also can be set for each question in Kahoot! Quiz
Figure 2.3 The quiz setting let users set the privacy level and descriptions of  the content
Figure 2.4 The invite screen presents players with the game’s web location,  entry pin, number of players registered, and the name of the registered


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