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Students’ Perception on the Use of Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation In Learning English


A. Findings

1. Students’ Perception on the Use of Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation In Learning English



Kahoot application toward students’ motivation in learning english st SMAN 1 Takalar. Then the researcher used a Likert Scale to be able to found the result of the student’s answered.

Table 5.1 Students are interested in use of Kahoot! application. (Siswa tertarik menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 16 64

2 Agree 9 36

3 Undecided - -

4 Disagree - -

5 Strongly Disagree - -

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 16 or 64% choose strongly agree with the statement, 9 students or 36% of the students who answer agree, meanwhile no one of the students answered undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.2 Students enjoy having Kahoot! application. (Siswa senang menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 10 40

2 Agree 14 56

3 Undecided 1 4

4 Disagree - -

5 Strongly Disagree - -

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 10 or 40% choose strongly agree with the statement, 14 students or 56% choose agree, 1 student or 4% choose undecided, meanwhile no one students answered disagree and strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.3 Students agree that Kahoot! application in an effective media to learn English. (Siswa setuju aplikasi Kahoot! media yang efektiv untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 9 36%

2 Agree 8 32%

3 Undecided 7 28%

4 Disagree 1 4%

5 Strongly Disagree - -

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 9 or 36% choose strongly agree, 8 students or 32% choose agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, 1 student or 4% choose disagree, meanwhile no one students answered strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.4 The material in your class in suitable to be taught through Kahoot! application. (Materi dikelas kamu cocok untuk diajarkan melalui aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree - -

2 Agree 16 64%

3 Undecided 8 32%

4 Disagree 1 4%

5 Strongly Disagree - -

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 16 students or 64% choose agree, 8 students or 32% choose undecided, 1 student or 4% choose disagree, meanwhile no one students answered strongly agree and strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.5 Students feel challenged to learn English when your class conducts the Kahoot! application. (Siswa merasa tertantang belajar Bahasa Inggris Ketika kelas kamu mengadakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 10 40%

2 Agree 10 40%

3 Undecided 3 12%

4 Disagree 2 8%

5 Strongly Disagree - -

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 10 students or 40% choose strongly agree, 10 students or 40% choose agree, 3 students or 12%

choose undecided, 2 students or 8% choose disagree, meanwhile no one students answered strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.6 Students feel satisfied in using Kahoot! application. (Siswa merasa puas menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

4 Disagree - -

5 Strongly Disagree - -

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 4 students or 16%

choose strongly agree, 14 students or 56% choose agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, meanwhile no one students answered disagree and strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.7 Kahoot! application gives extensive English practice to the students. (Aplikasi Kahoot! memberikan Latihan Bahasa Inggris dengan mendalam)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 5 20%

2 Agree 10 40%

3 Undecided 5 20%

4 Disagree 3 12%

5 Strongly Disagree 2 8%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 5 students or 20%

choose strongly agree, 10 students or 40% choose agree, 5 students or 20% choose undecided, 3 students or 12% choose disagree, and 2 students or 8% choose strongly agree.

Table 5.8 Kahoot! application develop the students creativity in the class.

(Aplikasi Kahoot! membangun kreativitas siswa di kelas)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 6 24%

2 Agree 11 44%

3 Undecided 7 28%

4 Disagree - -

5 Strongly Disagree 1 4%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 6 students or 24%

choose strongly agree, 11 students or 44% choose agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, 1 student or 4% choose strongly disagree, meanwhile no one students answered disagree with the statement.

Table 5.9 Kahoot! application takes a lot of Internet fees. (Aplikasi Kahoot! mengambil banyak biaya Internet)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 1 4%

2 Agree 5 20%

3 Undecided 11 44%

4 Disagree 3 12%

5 Strongly Disagree 5 20%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 1 student or 4%

choose strongly agree, 5 students or 20% choose agree, 11 students or 44% choose undecided, 3 students or 12% choose disagree, and 5 students or 20% choose

Table 5.10 Students feel bored using the Kahoot! application. (Siswa merasa bosan menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot1)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 1 4%

2 Agree 3 12%

3 Undecided 5 20%

4 Disagree 10 40%

5 Strongly Disagree 6 24%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 5 students or 20%

choose strongly agree, 3 students or 12% choose agree, 5 students or 20% choose undecided, 10 students or 40% choose disagree, and 6 students or 24% choose strongly disagree.

Table 5.11 Students will be lazy to use English book, because of the Kahoot! application. (Siswa akan menajadi malas menggunakan buku Bahasa Inggris karena adanya aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree - -

2 Agree 3 12%

3 Undecided 9 36%

4 Disagree 9 36%

5 Strongly Disagree 4 16%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 3 students or 12%

choose agree, 9 students or 36% choose undecided, 9 students or 36% choose

disagree, 4 students or 16% choose strongly disagree, and no one students answered strongly agree with the statement.

Table 5.12 Students have difficulty using the Kahoot! application. (Siswa kesulitan menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 1 4

2 Agree - -

3 Undecided 7 28%

4 Disagree 11 44%

5 Strongly Disagree 6 24%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 1 student or 4%

choose strongly agree, 7 students or 28% choose undecided, 11 students or 44%

choose disagree, 6 students or 24% choose strongly agree, and no one students answered agree with the statement.

Table 5.13 Students can not understand the material by Kahoot!

application. (Siswa tidak bisa memahami materi dengan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 1 4%

2 Agree 2 8%

3 Undecided 10 40%

4 Disagree 9 36%

5 Strongly Disagree 3 12%

Total 25 100

undecided, 9 students or 36% choose disagree, and 3 students or 12% choose strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 5.14 Students do not have access to Kahoot! application. (Siswa tidak mempunyai akses ke aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 1 4%

2 Agree - -

3 Undecided 5 20%

4 Disagree 9 36%

5 Strongly Disagree 10 40%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 1 student or 4%

choose strongly agree, 5 students or 20% choose undecided, 9 students or 36%

choose disagree, 10 students or 40% choose strongly disagree, meanwhile no one of the students choose agree with the statement.

Table 5.15 Students feel un motivated to learn English by using Kahoot!

application. (Siswa merasa tidak termotivasi belajar Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree - -

2 Agree 2 8%

3 Undecided 8 32%

4 Disagree 9 36%

5 Strongly Disagree 6 24%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 2 students or 4%

choose agree, 8 students or 32% choose undecided, 9 students or 36% choose disagree, 6 students or 24% choose strongly disagree, meanwhile no one of the students answered strongly agree with the statement.

Table 5.16 Students can not login to Kahoot! application account due to bad Internet network. (Siswa tidak dapat masuk ke aplikasi Kahoot! karena koneksi Internet yang buruk)

No Opinion Frequency Percentage %

1 Strongly Agree 3 12%

2 Agree 1 4%

3 Undecided 12 48%

4 Disagree 7 28%

5 Strongly Disagree 2 8%

Total 25 100

The table show that were 25 students, the result show that 3 students or 12%

choose strongly agree, 1 student or 4% choose agree, 12 students or 48% choose undecided, 7 students or 28% choose disagree, and 2 students or 8% of the students choose strongly disagree.

2. The Effect of the Use Kahoot! Application Toward Students’ Motivation in

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