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Academic year: 2023



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Dengan Judul: "Improving Students' Speaking Ability Using Think Pair Share (TPS) Cooperative Learning Method for 8th Grade Students in SMP Pesantren Guppi Sanata (A Classroom Action Research). Improving Students' Speaking Ability Using Think Pair Share Strategy (TPS) at the eighth grade SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata This purpose of this research is to improve students' speaking ability using the Think Pair Share method of cooperative learning for the eight grade students at SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata.

The research findings showed that using the Think Pair Share Method was able to improve students' speaking ability. Based on the data, using the Think Pair Share method gave students more opportunities to speak in English. Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin, The writer expresses her high gratitude to Almighty God Allah SWT because of His blessing and mercy on him, so the writer could finish this thesis with the title "Improving students' speaking ability using the Think Pair Share method (A classroom action Research on Eight Grade Students of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata).


  • Problem Statement
  • The Objectives of the Research
  • The Significance of the Research
  • Scope of Research

This kind of situation also happened among the eight classes of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata. Based on the result of the interview with the English teacher of the eighth grade students of SMP Pesantren, Guppi Samata said that the students' score is 70, while the English proficiency score to be achieved is 75. How to improve the Think-Pair-Share speaking method students' accuracy regarding the vocabulary and grammar of the eight grades of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata.

How does the Think-Pair-Share method improve student speaking skills in terms of fluency and confidence of the eighth student of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata. The students speak accuracy in terms of vocabulary and grammar through the Think-Pair-Share method in the eighth student of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata. The students are fluent in terms of flexibility and confidence through the Think-Pair-Share method in the eighth student of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata.


Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching arrangement that refers to small, heterogeneous groups of students working together to achieve a common goal (kagan:1994). Students participate in learning and are responsible for their teammates' learning as well as their own. Cooperative learning enhances social interaction, which is essential to meeting the needs of at-risk students (Slavin, Karweit, & Madden, 1989: Johnson, 1998).

In the context of collaborative learning groups, students learn to interact with their peers and increase their involvement in the school community. Positive intermediate effects do not always occur naturally, and teaching social skills must precede and coordinate with collaborative learning strategies.

The Concepts of Think Pair Share

In this strategy, students can process information, listen and ask questions, summarize others' ideas and paraphrase them. It takes the fear out of classroom discussion by allowing students to think carefully about their answers and talk them through with a partner before being called on to answer. In this stage of knowledge building, students will discover what they know and don't know that is very valuable to students.

It is not about spending time choosing the students to answer the questions and asking them to share them in front of the class. This technique is not only to give the students opportunities, but it also gives an opportunity to observe all the students while they are interacting in pairs and get an idea if all students understand the content and if there are areas that need to be reviewed. Second, the students are divided into pairs and they have to share, discuss and convey the opinion in pairs.

The Concepts of Speaking

Teaching Speaking

In order to overcome the problems, there must be an appropriate method to improve students' speaking ability. It is because they do not have knowledge of grammar and vocabulary means that students have difficulty asking questions correctly. Think-Pair-Share is a good way to improve speaking skills, especially in discussion, because it improves students' ability in social interaction with their friends, and helps develop the power to analyze problem and provide the solution, because students have fun in learning .

The result of the research was very useful information for the readers in general and specifically for the English teachers in their effort to improve the students. Finally, the teacher invites a few students to share their ideas with the rest of the class. According to L.G Alexander (2007:78), the difference between responsive and interactive speaking is the length and complexity of the interaction, sometimes involving multiple exchanges and/or multiple participants.

Active vocabulary refers to words that students understand, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. When learning a second language, students are influenced by the use of their mother tongue, as it is easier and feels natural to speak.

Conceptual Framework


Research Subject

Research Instrument

The speaking test was used in each meeting and each test in cycle I and cycle II, in each test the researcher gives each student the task of creating a dialogue using the expression that has been learned and using the Think Pair Share method.

Procedure of Collecting Data

The table above shows that the Think-Pair-Share method improved the students' speaking accuracy from test cycle I to cycle II. This indicates that the improvement in the students' speaking accuracy from cycle I to cycle II was 1.13. Therefore, the application of thinking pair sharing method improves the students' speaking accuracy, and the improvement is significant (fairly good  good).

Therefore, using the Think-Pair-Share method improves the speaking skills of the students, and the improvement is significant (fairly good  good). It indicates that the improvement in speaking skills of the students in Cycle I to Cycle II was 1.19. To clearly see the improvement in the speaking accuracy of the students, you can look at the following image.

Therefore, using Think-Pair-Share method improved the students' speaking ability, and the improvement is significant (fairly good  good). Improving the students' speaking vocabulary through Think Pair Share Method had effective method. Improving the students' speaking grammar through Think-Pair-Share Method was an effective method.

Improving students' fluency in speaking with the method of dividing the think pairs was an effective method. Improving students' speaking confidence The Think Pair Share method was an effective method. The researcher found that the application of the method of separation of thought pairs that students score in cycle I was 6.62.


Table 3.4 : The assessment of smoothness
Table 3.4 : The assessment of smoothness

Technique of Data Analysis



After using the method, the researcher found that the students' score was 6.85% in Cycle I and 7.97 in Cycle II. From the above explanation, the researcher analyzes that the Think-Pair-Share method can improve students' proverbial vocabulary, with the students having a higher average score in Cycle II than Cycle I. These score percentages above indicate that the use of the Think-Pair -Share method can improve students' speaking skills. Students' speaking accuracy in terms of vocabulary.

The Think-Pair-Share method improved the students' speaking ability in terms of grammar, the difference can be seen by considering the result. The researcher found that before the use of Think-Pair-Share method the students' score in cycle I was 6.59 % and in cycle II became 7.73. From the explanation above, the researcher analyzed that the strategy of Think-Pair-Share Method can improve students' speaking grammar where the students' average score in cycle I was higher than cycle II.

The Think-Pair-Share method improved students' speaking fluency in terms of fluency. The difference can be seen by considering the result of the student's improvement after taking action in each cycle. The Think-Pair-Share method was 7.10% of the students in cycle I, in cycle II. cycle 8.22%, so the improvement of the student's test cycle was 1.12. These above percentage results show that the Think-Pair-Share method can improve students' fluency in terms of fluency, and the improvement is significant.

The Think-Pair-Share method improved students' fluency in terms of confidence. The difference can be seen by considering the result of the student's improvement after taking action in each cycle. From the above explanation, the researcher analyzed that the Think Pair Share Method can improve students' speaking confidence in speaking, where the average score of the students in Cycle II is higher than in Cycle I. These above percentage points show that using the Think Pair Share Method can improve fluency students' speech in terms of self-confidence and progress is important.

The improvement of students' speaking ability in terms of fluency in the self-confidence treatment was shown by the average score of the students on the D test was 6.1.



The English teacher should consider the students' needs and interest before designing the speaking material. It is useful for them to use Think Pair Share Method as one of the appropriate methods to teach speaking. 34;CETLs: Supporting collaborative activities among students and teachers through the use of Think-Pair-Share techniques.” International Journal of Computer Science Issues.

Improving Students' Speaking ABILITY Using THINK-pair-share of cooperative learning for the 8th class of mts n karangmojo in the academic year 2014/2015. 2014. "Effect of Using Pair Thinking Technique to Increase Students' Speaking Ability on Descriptive Text". 34; IMPROVING STUDENTS' ACHIEVEMENT IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING THROUGH PAIR THINKING.” REGISTER Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed 1.1 (2012).

34;THE EFFECT OF THINKING PAIRS SHARE TEACHING STRATEGY ON STUDENTS' CONFIDENCE AND SPEAKING COMPETENCE OF SECOND CLASS STUDENTS OF SMPN 6 SINGARAJA.". After calculating the result of the students in cycle I and cycle II, the average results are presented. below The result of the students' activity in diagnostic test in teaching- and learning process of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata.

When we want to take some flowers, fruits or leaves from our neighbor's garden and do something for something that has to do with other people, we have to ask permission and the owner can give or refuse to give. When we want to do something or use something, we have to ask other people for agreement. In these stages the researcher explains about the expression of agreement and gives the students tasks, each student should take a few moments just thinking about the task to have a conversation about the topic.

In these stages, the researcher explains about the pronunciation of invitations and gives the students tasks, each students should take a few moments to just think.

Table 4.6: The Percentages of students‟ grammar in speaking.
Table 4.6: The Percentages of students‟ grammar in speaking.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework Think-Pair-Share Method
Table 3.4 : The assessment of smoothness
Table 3.5 : The assessment of self confidence
Table 4.1: The Improvement of the Students’ Speaking Accuracy


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