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Academic year: 2023

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Judul Skripsi : Using Photographs to Improve Students' Writing Skills on Descriptive Paragraphs (Pre-Experimental Research in Grade 8 SMPN 1 Tinggimoncong, Gowa). Using Photographs to Improve Students' Writing Skills on Descriptive Paragraphs (Pre-Experimental Researcher in Grade Eight SMPN 1 Tinggimoncong, Gowa). The aim of the research was to determine whether the use of photographs could improve the writing ability of students in the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Tinggimoncong to write descriptive paragraphs.

The students' scores of pre-test  X1 and post-test X2 , gain/difference between the matched pairs (D), and square of the gain  D2.



Among the skills, writing is the hardest to learn because it requires hard thinking to create words, sentences, and paragraphs all at once. As Richards and Renandya said, "Writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master. In this thesis, the researchers also aim to improve their writing skills in junior high school.

That is why researchers are interested in using photos as a teaching media to improve students' writing skills and try to do research at the junior high school level located in the research village at SMP Negeri 1 Tinggimoncong.

Problem Statement

Objective of The Research

Significance of The Research

Scope of The Research

Previous Related Studies

Learning activities are carried out to involve students' participation so that the case of interaction of students with students, students with the teacher and students with the media, so in the end it is expected to be able to improve the writing ability of the students. . Hasni (2013) in her research entitled "Using picture card to increase writing skill in second grade SDN 1 Dongko" gives conclusions and suggestions based on the research result that (a) be an increase in skill of students individually and classically after the lesson wrote the sentences using media pictures. In addition, students' writing scores also increased after the research in cycle 1 to cycle 2.

The similarities between the four above studies and the research in this dissertation are that researchers use photographs as teaching media to provide motivation and make the students more creative in producing the words, thus developing students' idea of ​​improving writing skills.

Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Concept of Media

  • Concept of Photographs a. Definition of Photographs
  • Concept of Writing
  • Concept of Descriptive Paragraphs
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Hypothesis

According to Sudjana and Ahmad Rifai (1997:71), photographs are one of the most famous teaching media in any educational activity. To do this type of photography, you need a camera with a good zoom function so that you can see the details of the small object. As the name suggests, this type of photography showcases the beauty of the shape of a building or structure.

Its not . difficult for observers to appreciate the movement of the scene shown in the picture. So with the impression or pressure on a single idea, the value of the image becomes very meaningful in teaching. If photography is to be used throughout, it is necessary to consider the possibilities in terms of teaching points.

Once the main idea is well established, additional illustration can be useful to expand the concept. The photo medium in the context of learning is very effective as a visual medium to stimulate the creativity of the student's imagination. It refers to the conventional graphic use of language, i.e. to the steps of arranging letters, words, sentences, paragraphs using knowledge of structure and some others that are related to each other.

A description of your childhood home to give an idea of ​​the poverty in which you grew up. And the organization of the details in your description depends on your topic and purpose. It can give the audience brief details about the when, where, who or what of the topic.

A topic sentence previews the details that will be contained in the rest of the paragraph.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework   (Source: Faam, 2015:42)
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework (Source: Faam, 2015:42)


Research Design

Population and Sample 1. Population

  • Sample

Variables and Indicator of The Study 1. Variable

  • Indicator

Research Instrument

Procedure of Data Collecting 1. Pre- Test

  • Treatment
  • Post-Test

The indicator limitation of this study is the students' writing skills on descriptive paragraphs, focusing on content and organization. The experimenter showed pictures on the whiteboard and the students paid close attention to the pictures. The researcher was given directions for 10 minutes by describing what the students would do with the photos on the whiteboard.

The students were given 45 minutes to practice making descriptive paragraphs based on photographs on the board. The researcher was evaluated the material before the end of the learning teaching process, as well as the students will have the opportunity to ask about the material for 10 minutes. After giving treatment to the experimental class, students were given photographs on the white board.

Students composed descriptive paragraphs by describing the photos on the board in their own words.

Technique of Data Analysis

  • Scoring the students’ answer by using the following formula
  • To classifying the students’ score, there are classifications which will be used as follows
  • Calculating the mean score by using the following formula
  • The percentage of increasing achievement used the following formula: X 2 -X 1
  • Inferential statistical

Events are logically organized, but some parts of the sample may not be fully developed. This skill will be used to find out the significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of the improvement of students' writing skills in the descriptive paragraphs about photos.

Table 3.3 Score of Writing Test  Classification   Score   Criteria
Table 3.3 Score of Writing Test Classification Score Criteria


  • The Improvement of Students’ Writing on Descriptive Paragraph Students’ in term of Content
  • The Improvement Students’ Writing on Descriptive Paragraph in term of Organization

It was seen by the improvement of students in writing descriptive paragraphs in terms of content from pre-test with mean score 25.71 to post-test with mean score 39.71. It was the evidence that after treatment, students' writing ability was found to improve in terms of organization. It was seen by improvement of students in writing descriptive paragraphs in terms of organization from pre-test with mean score 20.95 to post-test with mean score 32.04.

21 students were classified in Very good scores out of 21 students were classified in Good scores. The null hypothesis (Ho) is said to be rejected and the alternative hypothesis (HI) is accepted. This means that there is a significant difference between the result of students writing descriptive paragraphs using Photos as Instructional Media after treatment.

Moreover, the value of t-test was higher than t-table at 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom (df) 21 (N-I=21-1) therefore the alternative hypothesis (HI) is accepted and null. In the country, if the value is lower than the t-table at the significance level of 0.05 and the degree of freedom is 21, the alternative hypothesis is rejected and the null hypothesis is accepted.

Table 4.2 The Students’ Organization Achievement in Pre-test and  Post test
Table 4.2 The Students’ Organization Achievement in Pre-test and Post test


  • Students’ Writing Descriptive Paragraphs in terms of Content using Photographs
  • Students Writing Descriptive Paragraphs in term sof Organization In the pre-test, the researcher scored the students after checking

With the presence of media images, it was expected that students can express themselves, understand the benefits of writing activities that are carried out so that students have a readiness to write, which is formed in the description of the form of discussion. Students completed their paragraph according to the instructions that were written above the photos. The use of photos that can depict real objects made the students excited to look at the pictures because they were vivid, colorful, authentic and therefore more attractive. The increase in results shows that the students were able to improve.

During the sessions, the researcher directed the students to write a good generic (schematic) structure of descriptive paragraphs. In the post-test, the students were able to write a correct sentence and were well organized, and then showed that the written achievement of students in the organization was significantly improved. This research used photographs as a teaching medium and was successful in improving students' descriptive language writing skills. paragraphs in terms of organization because the photos provided by the researcher were interesting and all the students would like to use the photos in the written assignment.

The researcher gave the students a technique to develop their descriptive paragraphs which was photography as a medium. At each meeting, the students explained the different pictures so that they did not get bored, and the researcher provided pictures of interest according to the students' level. With each photo, students found a new word and helped students develop their descriptive writing.

Photos help students provide responses such as comments, questions, or a description of an object in the photo. This finding is consistent with previous research conducted by Linarti, et al. 2011) who concluded that using unique and famous pictures such as Bali and the Eiffel Tower could make students enthusiastic about writing descriptive paragraphs.


The conclusion is about the findings of this research based on the data analysis and the discussion of the previous chapter, while the suggestions are about the researchers recommend.


Improving Students' Ability to Write Descriptive Text Using Grouping Technique (An Action Research in Eighth Grade Students of MTs.DarulMa'arif Cipete- Jakarta). Application of Photo Media to Improve Writing Skills in Indonesian Language Subjects in Grade VI Students at MI Tarbiyatu lUlum Temas Kota Batu. 2013.Improving Students' Ability to Write Simple Descriptive Composition Using Picture Card in English Subject SMPN 20 Bandar Lampung,FKIP Unila, Jl.

Genre (kinds of text) in English language for junior high schools (online), (http://smp3lembang.blogspot.com/2011/03/g enre-kinds-of-text-in-english-language.html, accessed 8 July 2018).


The Result of Students’ Scores on Content in Pre-test and Post- test

The Result of Students’ Scores on Organization in Pre-test and Post-test

Calculating test of significance K. Table distribution of T-Value

Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Pertemuan 1, 2 dan 3

  • Pendahuluan (15 menit)

Siswa mengidentifikasi fungsi teks deskriptif dengan menghubungkan pengetahuan baru dan pengetahuan yang diperoleh sebelumnya. Semua siswa diminta menyusun kalimat secara bersamaan menjadi paragraf-paragraf dalam bentuk teks deskriptif sederhana. Guru menulis paragraf berbentuk teks deskriptif sederhana berdasarkan jawaban siswa di papan tulis.

Guru memotivasi siswa untuk belajar secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan penerapan bahan ajar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan memberikan contoh dan perbandingan lokal, nasional, dan internasional. Setiap kelompok menyimpulkan hasil diskusinya dan perwakilan masing-masing kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya di depan kelas. Guru memotivasi siswa untuk belajar secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat dan penerapan bahan ajar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan memberikan contoh dan perbandingan lokal, nasional, dan internasional;

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Pertemuan 4, 5 dan 6

Setiap pasangan menyimpulkan hasil diskusi dan perwakilan dari masing-masing pasangan mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas. Guru memotivasi siswa untuk belajar secara kontekstual sesuai dengan manfaat dan penerapan materi pembelajaran dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hasil skor rata-rata siswa pada pre-test dan post-test. Perhitungan skor rata-rata isi dan pengorganisasian pada pre-test.

Students' pre-test  X1 and post-test  X2 scores, gain/difference between matched pairs (D) and squared gain  D2 (with respect to content). Students' pre-test  X1 and post-test  X2 scores, gain/difference between matched pairs (D) and squared gain  D2 (in terms of organization).



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework   (Source: Faam, 2015:42)
Table 3.2 Score of Writing Test  Classification   Score   Criteria
Table 3.3 Score of Writing Test  Classification   Score   Criteria
Table 3.4 showed if (1) the t-test value is smaller than t-table value,  the null hypothesis is accepted, while the alternative hypothesis is rejected,  and if (2) the t-test value is equal to greater than t-table value, the null  hypothesis is rejected wh


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