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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The researcher used the Purposive Sampling Technique, and selects 5 participants in each class from 8 class, so for all the sample in this research is 40 participants. For data collection, the researcher used Google Form to share the questionnaire and voice recording via Whatsapp for the interview question as a tool to collect the data from the sample. The researcher concludes that the influence of students' educational background on their speaking ability in the first year students of SMAN 8 Makassar in the Academic Years 2020/2021 is good enough.

Pengaruh Latar Belakang Pendidikan Siswa Terhadap Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris (Deskriptif Kuantitatif di Kelas X SMAN 8 MAKASSAR). Alhamdulillah Robbil „Alamiin, the researcher expresses her gratitude to Allah SWT, the almighty God, for mercy, blessing and opportunity given to her so that the researcher could complete this thesis. There were some handicaps and problems that the researcher encountered from the beginning to the end of this thesis. Thanks to the help and valuable suggestions of countless people, the researcher was able to complete this thesis.

Therefore, the researcher would like to thank and express his special appreciation to her parents Haeruddin and Herlina and all my friends for their attention, support and love. My heartfelt thanks to all lecturers of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, especially to the lecturers of the English Department and all staff of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for their guidance during the years of the researcher's study.

Table 4.14 In Conversation, when I can‟t Find The Right Words,
Table 4.14 In Conversation, when I can‟t Find The Right Words,


  • Background of the Research
  • Problem of Statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significant of the Research
  • Scope of the Research

Five "Slogans of the Day" guide the teacher in using research results in structural linguistics to prepare lessons. English It seems that we are talking about the main window through which we get a complete view of the world, since it is the first language used in most areas of life. One of the obstacles in learning speaking is the contradiction between the teaching material and subjects, so most teachers do not facilitate situations for real speaking practice; In addition, the teacher must consider the interest and needs of the students.

Gardner and Lambert in MacIntyre (2010) explained that the background knowledge affects the learning performance of the students. Based on the background above, the problem statement of this research is as follows: "Does the students' educational background affect their ability to speak English of the students in the tenth grade SMAN 8 Makassar?". Considering the problem statement above, the purpose of the research was to know that whether educational background affects their ability to speak English of the students in the tenth grade SMAN 8 Makassar or not.

The result of the study can be used as reference work for study of the other subject. The scope of this research was focused on the influence of students' educational background in formal and non-formal education on their ability to speak English of the tenth grade SMAN 8 Makassar.


Previous Research Findings

Theoretical Description

Conceptual Framework

From these 2 types, the researcher aims to find out whether the educational background affects the students' speaking ability or not.


  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample of the Research
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Data Collection Procedure
  • Technique Analysis Data

Based on the table above, she found that 42.5% of respondents who chose to agree, 57.5% of respondents who chose to strongly agree. Based on the above table, it is found that 7.5% of the respondents who chose Disagree, 62.5% of the respondents who chose to Agree and 30.0% of the respondents who chose to Strongly Agree. Based on the above table, it was found that 32.5% of the respondents who chose Disagree, 55.0% of the respondents who chose to Agree and 12.5% ​​of the respondents who chose to Strongly Agree.

Based on the above table, it was found that 17.5% of the respondents choose Strongly Disagree, 27.5% of the respondents choose Disagree, 52.5% of the respondents choose Agree and 2.5% of the respondents choose Strongly Agree. Based on the above table, it was found that 2.5% of the respondents selected Strongly Disagree, 5.0% of the respondents selected Disagree, 72.5% of the respondents selected Agree and 20.0% of the respondents selected Strongly Agree. Based on the above table, it was found that 5.0% of the respondents choose Strongly Disagree, 47.5% of the respondents choose Disagree, 30.0% of the respondents choose Agree, 15.0% of the respondents choose Strongly Agree.

Based on the above table, it was found that 5.0% of the respondents who chose Strongly Disagree, 30.0% of the respondents who chose Disagree, 52.5%. Based on the above table, it was found that 2.5% of the respondents chose Strongly Disagree, 15.0% of the respondents chose Disagree, 67.5% of the respondents chose to agree and 15.0% of the respondents chose Strongly I agree. Based on the above table, it was found that 2.5% of the respondents who choose Strongly Disagree, 20.0% of the respondents who choose Disagree, 55.0% of the respondents who choose to Agree and 22 .5% of respondents who choose Strongly agree.

Based on the table above, it turned out that 25.0% of the respondents chose Disagree, 47.5% of the respondents chose Agree, and 27.5% of the respondents chose Strongly Agree. Based on the table above, it has been found that 10.0% of respondents choose Strongly Disagree, 27.5% of respondents choose Disagree, 47.5% of respondents choose Agree, and 15.0% of respondents choosing Strongly agree. Based on the table above, it has been found that 30.0% of respondents chose Disagree, 52.5% of respondents chose Agree, and 17.5% of respondents chose Strongly Agree.

Based on the table above, it has been found that 20.0% of respondents choose Strongly Disagree, 30.0% of respondents choose Disagree, 40.0% of respondents choose Agree, and 10.0 % of respondents choosing Strongly Disagree. Based on the table above, it turned out that 2.5% of the respondents who chose Strongly Disagree, 17.5% who chose Disagree, 57.5% who chose to agree and 22.5% who chose Very much agree. Based on the table above, it turned out that 7.5% of the respondents who chose Strongly Disagree, 17.5% of the respondents who chose Disagree was 47.5%.

Table 3.1 Likert Scale
Table 3.1 Likert Scale



Based on the result of the interview, the research subject with the influence of the educational background of the students can be concluded that the influence of the educational background of the students is quite influenced. Based on the results of the interviews, the research subjects also recognized the influence of their educational background on their English speaking ability.

Table 4.3 I Take Private Lesson  Q3
Table 4.3 I Take Private Lesson Q3


Based on the data collected, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the students' educational background on speaking English. The first discussion in this thesis is the influence of the students' educational background for first-year students at SMAN 8 MAKASSAR in the academic year 2020/2021. This data is obtained by spreading the questionnaire and the interview about the educational background of the students with 15 questions, each from multiple choice items with 4 options for questionnaire and 15 questions for interview.

From the data processing, the researcher found that 16 students with 43.2% frequency answered high level of education, 11 students with 24.3% frequency medium category of education and 12 students with 32.4% frequency. frequency of answers in the weak category of education. The educational background profile of the first year students of SMAN 8 Makassar in the academic year 2020/2021 has a good effect on the process of teaching and learning English. These data were obtained through the distribution of a questionnaire and an interview about the education of students with 15 questions, each of the multiple-choice items with 4 options and for the interview also 15 questions.

Materi yang diberikan dalam les privat bahasa Inggris sama dengan materi yang diberikan oleh guru di sekolah 7. Ketika saya kesulitan memikirkan kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang cocok, saya menggunakan kata atau frasa yang maknanya hampir sama 9. Saya kehilangan konsentrasi dalam mengucapkan bahasa Inggris dalam kata-kata (Kefasihan) 12 Untuk menyebutkan kosa kata, pertama I.

Peneliti: Dalam mengembangkan bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda mengikuti les privat atau semacamnya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda? Peneliti : Menurut anda, apakah mengikuti les privat atau semacamnya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris anda khususnya pada kemampuan berbicara? Peneliti: Ketika Anda mengikuti pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas, apakah materi yang diberikan sekolah formal dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda?

Peneliti: Dalam pengucapan bahasa Inggris, apakah Anda kesulitan berkonsentrasi dalam mengucapkan kata-kata bahasa Inggris (kefasihan)? Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, topik penelitian dengan pengaruh latar belakang pendidikan siswa. Kesimpulan ini ditunjukkan oleh jawaban siswa terhadap pertanyaan spesifik “Apakah latar belakang pendidikan bahasa Inggris Anda mempengaruhi kemampuan bahasa Inggris Anda”.



The researcher concludes that students' speaking ability of the first-year students of SMAN 8 Makassar in the Academic Years 2020/2021 is good enough. This is proven by the frequency calculation, 43.2% is as many as 16 students from the high category.


Pengaruh Pronouncing Terhadap Kemampuan Mendengarkan Yang Baik (Studi kasus kelas VI SD Semowo 02, Pabelan Kab-, Semarang pada tahun akademik disertasi doktoral, IAIN SALATIGA). Korelasi antara latar belakang tingkat pendidikan orang tua dengan prestasi belajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas tujuh MTS NU 13 Ar-Rahmat Sukorejo-Kendal pada tahun akademik Disertasi Doktor, IAIN Surakarta). Peneliti : Bagi anda yang pernah mengikuti les privat, apakah materi yang diberikan di sekolah swasta sebanding dengan materi yang diberikan di sekolah formal?

Researcher: Menurut penangut anda, apakah latar belakang Pendidikan (Les ​​private) beluhaan persuasana langasa inggris anda. From the data collected by the researcher, it shows that subjects applied in students' educational backgrounds are quite influential in improving speaking skills, many students have speaking skills without educational backgrounds, especially through English courses.

Table 4.1 Learning English is Important  Q1
Table 4.1 Learning English is Important Q1


Table 4.14 In Conversation, when I can‟t Find The Right Words,
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1 Likert Scale
Table 4.1 Learning English is Important  Q1


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