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Academic year: 2023



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Judul Skripsi: Using Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Model to Improve Students' Listening Comprehension (An experimental study in the second year of SMAN 1 Belopa. The research aimed to know if the CALL model has any effect on improving students' listening comprehension and Motivation of students in listening in the second year of Belopa SMAN 1. The findings of this research showed that the use of CALL model has some effect on improving students' listening comprehension.


Background of the Research

Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) is a system that helps students improve and practice their language skills. The CALL model has several advantages, namely: 1) Fun: it gives students a sense of pleasure in learning, 2) Responsibility: giving students the opportunity to take responsibility for mastering the material, i.e. through the performed complete tasks, 3) Active: Students will take an active role in any activity while learning. 4) Communicative: Many imaginative things that are difficult for students to imagine can be presented through computer simulations, so that such conditions will ease and simplify the minds of the students in understanding English (Khamkien, 2012: in Widiawati, 2013). Teaching listening skills is one of the tasks that teachers of English have to perform in order to improve the listening skills of the students. Given the above fact, that is one of the reasons why the researcher expected to conduct a study entitled “Using Computer Aided Language Teaching (CALL) to Improve Students’ Listening Comprehension.”.

Research Questions

In fact we can use many interesting media in applying the CALL model to teach the skill of reading, writing, speaking and especially listening comprehension. Teachers can also modify and adopt many CALL learning materials and create a relaxed learning atmosphere as a result to suit students' needs and competence level.

The Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

Based on the explanation above, the researcher uses CALL with computer as a tutor for teaching listening comprehension to present the content of the material to the students. Based on explanation above, listening comprehension is one of the language skills important for language development. According to Davis (1998), the following ideas will help make your Listening Comprehension activities successful.


You can play a video clip without sound and ask students to make predictions about what dialogue will take place. The only way to achieve the goal to be achieved is through learning, without learning it is impossible to acquire knowledge, it is impossible to become an expert. So that motivation comes from self-awareness with an essential purpose, and not merely symbolic and ceremonial.

Conceptual Framework

Output refers to stimulation to improve student listening comprehension and also the student's motivational attitude towards the CALL model in the listening comprehension lesson. After the post-test, questions are asked about students' motivation after learning with the CALL model.

Research Hypothesis


Research Design

The researcher develops a multimedia CALL to present the material and uses the computer as a tutor with an audiovisual application. After the treatment, the researcher conducted a posttest to obtain data to determine if there was any progress or development in the students' listening comprehension after the treatment using the CALL model with audiovisual application. After the publication, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to find out the students' motivation after using the CALL model.

Research Variables

In this research the researcher used purposive sampling technique and the researcher selected class XI IPA 2 as the sample.

Research instrument

Technique for Collecting Data

The square of the result of the sum for the difference D : The sum of the total result for the difference N : Number of the subject. The questionnaire was distributed to the students after the post test to find out the improvement of students' motivation after applying the CALL model. The result is summed up in total, to determine the level of student motivation.

This chapter consists of two parts namely research findings and research discussion. The research finding covers the description of the result of the data collected through the test and the questionnaire, which can be discussed in the section below.

Table 3.1 Scoring Classification
Table 3.1 Scoring Classification


  • The Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability
  • The Students’ Motivation in Listening through CALL Model

So we can conclude that most students are really interested in learning listening using the Calling Model. So we can conclude that most of the students fully agree that listening learning using CALL model is effective and creative in improving listening skills. So, we can conclude that mostly students are motivated in learning listening using the Calling Model.

So, we can conclude that most of the students stated that the use of the CALL model in the learning process is really new for them. So, we can conclude that most of the students stated that the CALL Model can improve their interest in doing the listening tasks. So, we can conclude that mostly students are easy to grasp the materials through the CALL model.

So we could conclude that most of the students said that the CALL model is not really boring. We could therefore conclude that most students stated that the CALL model is suitable for improving listening skills. We can therefore conclude that especially students are interested in learning to listen through the CALL model.

Thus, we could conclude that the majority of students stated that learning according to the CALL model is not really difficult.

Table  4.1  shows  that  in  pre  test  none  of  the  students  got  excellent  score  and  very  good score
Table 4.1 shows that in pre test none of the students got excellent score and very good score


  • The Students’ Motivation in Listening

After calculating the score of the student questionnaire with a total of 15 questions from 30 students, the researcher got the average score of the students. To obtain the data, the researcher conducted a pretest at the beginning of the meeting to assess the students' listening ability. Afterwards, the researcher asked the students to perform the task available on their personal computers in the form of audio and visual exercises compiled by a software application designed by the researcher to increase the students' interest in the task .

After using the CALL model, the students' listening comprehension significantly improved and the students' score was better than before the treatment. Therefore, the researcher concluded that "there is any effect of using the CALL model in improving students' listening comprehension". The result of this research showed that students' motivation in listening has an influence.

Based on the above result, it can be said that “there is some effect of using the CALL model on improving student motivation in listening”. By using the CALL model as a learning model in the second year of SMAN 1, Belopa can improve students' listening comprehension. The CALL model has a significant effect on improving students' listening comprehension. This was evidenced by the students' pre- and post-test results, where the post-test mean score (83.83) was greater than the pre-test mean score (63.33).

It is proven by the result of the average score of the students' motivation questionnaire was 66.33 which was categorized as high motivation.


The effect of using the CALL model as a teaching model in teaching listening comprehension has given effect to students' motivation to listen. The application of technology in teaching is very important for teachers in teaching English effectively to change the usual method that teachers used. In the common method they usually speak in front of the class to explain the lesson material.

The CALL model as a learning model can be used for listening, speaking, writing and reading with appropriate application. Students should improve their awareness of technological advances to learn and practice many aspects of English skills, especially listening skills. The student should be more active in producing English in all skills, especially in listening skills.

The researcher is suggested to conduct another similar research in other language skills or other language areas to know how far he can use the CALL model in the teaching learning process in order to improve students' listening skills.





Landlord: Yes, come over and I'll show you what's available. The landlord took Jack to an apartment. Janet: I paid for a room with an attached office, but this hotel room has no office. Receptionist: I'm sorry.




  • what does the sroty talk about?
  • who is the main character of this story?
  • what did the wolf do in granny’s house?
  • what is the good description for the wolf?
  • who helped the little red riding hood when the wolf was chasing her?

Red Riding Hood lived with her mother in a cabin near a forest, she always wore a beautiful red riding hood while going out. He hit the wolf over the head and it made the wolf open its mouth and scream. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.

An ax was a tool used by the woodcutter to help Little Red Riding Hood (T/F) 3. A police officer helped Little Red Riding Hood when the wolf was chasing her (T/F) 4. The wolf is a bad animal (T/F).


Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek sederhana yang ditulis dengan benar, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Mengidentifikasi tokoh yang digambarkan dalam cerita - Mengidentifikasi informasi penting terkait tokoh tersebut - Mengetahui tenses yang digunakan. Siswa mendengarkan audio yang terkait dengan video yang telah ditontonnya kemudian menyelesaikan latihan yang disediakan.


In one attempt, Franklin was nearly killed when he went outside in a storm and flew a kite with a metal key attached to it. Pasteur made very important discoveries in biology and chemistry, and the technique he developed greatly contributed to the development of medicine and the agricultural and food industries. As a young man, Pasteur studied science at the University of Paris.

Pasteur was one of the first scientists to understand that many diseases could be caused by extremely small, invisible organisms. Thanks to Pasteur's technique, people are no longer infected with diseases by drinking these liquids. Pasteur was one of the first scientists to understand that many diseases could be caused by extremely small, invisible illnesses.

One of Pasteur's most important contributions was the technique that was named after him and is called that.

Type 1: see the picture and listen carefully!(5 Questions)

Fill the Gaps (5 Questions)

What are the questions that Little Red Riding Hood asks Grandma. how big your eyes are. what big ears you have c. what a big head you have. how big are your teeth But Dave, our baker, slipped on a banana two days in the kitchen and hurt his leg. oh) He will be out for at least two weeks.

Type 1: See the picture and listen carefully!(5 Questions)

A smart red hen, a smart cat, a noisy yellow duck and the lazy dog ​​d. A sleepy cat, a noisy yellow duck, a smart dog and the lazy red hen 8. Red hen carried it into the flour mill and ground it into flour and made the loaves together with all friends. Little Red Hen carried it to her friends and made the loaves together c. Little Red Hen carried it into her family and made the loaves.

The red hen took it to the flour mill and ground it into flour and made the bread herself. Listen carefully to the information and fill in the blanks below. was inaugurated as the 43rd president of the United States on 20 2001. Once upon a time a little red chicken lived on a farm with a lazy dog, a sleepy cat and a noisy yellow duck.

And then the little red hen ate all the bread herself and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Table 1: Pre-test
Table 1: Pre-test


  • Questionnare number 2
  • Questionnare number 3
  • Agree 19 63.33%
  • Questionnare number 4
  • Questionnare number 5
  • Questionnare number 6
  • Questionnare number 7
  • Questionnare number 8
  • Disagree - -
  • Questionnare number 9
  • Questionnare number 10

Negative Statements

Questionnare number 11

Questionnare number 12

Questionnare number 13

Questionnare number 14

Questionnare number 15


Mean Score of Students’ Questionnaire


Table 3.1 Scoring Classification
Table 3.2 Hypothesis Testing
Table 3.3 Likert Scale Scoring
Table 4. 2 The Percentage of the Students’ Score  No.  Classification  Range  Frequency  Percentage


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