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Dalam dokumen LISTENING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 61-66)


B. Discussion

Table 4.19 Learning by CALL Model is Really Hard

No. Classification Frequency Percentage

1. Strongly Disagree 6 20%

2. Disagree 22 73.33%

3. Uncertain 2 6.67%

4. Agree - -

5. Strongly Agree - -

Total 30 100%

There were 6 students (20%) said “ Strongly Disagree”. 22 students ( 73.33%) said “Disagree” 2 students ( 6.67%) said “Uncertain”, 0 students said

“Agree” and no one students said “Strongly Agree“. So, we could conclude that mostly students stated that learning by CALL model is not really hard.

b. The Students’ Mean Score of Questionnaire

After calculating the score of students’ questionnaire with total questions is 15 from 30 students, the researcher got mean score of students’

questionnaire is 66.33. it is indicated that students’ motivation was categorized high motivation. It is logically with the classification of intensities motivation in the previous chapter that classify high in rate (61- 80).

listening comprehension. For gaining the data, the researcher conducted pre- test to see the students’ listening comprehension ability at the beginning of the meeting. As the result of pre-test, none of the students got excellent and very good score. There were 5 students got good score, 7 students got fairly score, 7 students got fair score,10 students got poor and just one student got very poor score.

After that, the researcher was giving the treatment by applying CALL model.Some activities that the students did in the classroom during the treatment those were watching video material in their personal computer that was inputed by the teacher and next some students mentioned some vocabulary that they got in the video and next they described the video. After that, the researcher asked the students to completed the task that was available in their personal computers in form of audio and visual excercise compiled by hot potatoes software application that was designed by the researcher to enhance the students’ interest to do the task.

After the researcher gave the treatments there was no students got very poor score and none students got fair score, there were 6 students got fairly good score, there were 17 students go good score, 5 students got very good score and 2 students.

The mean score of pre test was 63.33 and the mean score of post test was 83.83. It shows that there is a significant improvement in students’

listening comprehension after giving treatment with the percentage of it was 32.38%. The result of this research showed that the students’ listening

comprehension at the second year of SMAN 1 Belopa in the academic 2017/2018 has improved. The students’ listening comprehension was significantly improve after applying CALL model and the students’ score was better than before the treatment was given to the students. It means that CALL model has any effect in improving students’ listening comprehension. The result can be supported by Pederson (1988) in Levy (1997) claimed that CALL can encourage the development og language learning skills and results in more learning.

The result of this research also supported by Nobar and Saeideh (2012) There is significance difference impact of CALL on EFL learners’ listening comprehension between experimental with computer access and control group without computer access, which can be shown by the mean score of experimental group (8.95) was higher than the control group (6.00). it means that the experimental group outperformed the control group and obtained a higher everage.

The resul of improvement was also proved by t-test value. The value of t-test (11.32) and t-table (2.045). It means that the t-test is greater than t-table.

The result can be supported by Jauhara (2014) found that there was significant influence between the student’s who was taught computer assisted language learning and without computer assisted language learning in students’

listening skill. It can be shown by the results of t test formula the value of t0 (t observation) was 8.74 and t –table, score degree of freedom 5% is 2.02. So, it can be concluded that t0 is higher than tt (t0 : tt =8.74 > 2.02).

Based on the result above, hypothesis test showed that Null Hypothesis (H0) was rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Therefore the researcher concluded that “there is any effect of the use of CALL model in improving students’ listening comprehension”.

2. The Students’ Motivation in Listening

The result of this research showed that the students’ motivation in listening has any effect. the data was collected through motivation questionnaire as explained in previous finding sections showed that the students’ motivation in listening was categorized high motivation. It can be supported by Purwantini (2011) found that the application of CALL in English lesson makes students easy to understand English lessons and students are very enthusiastic in learning, so that students' learning interest can be motivated by watching video and can encourage students to speak in English even though the words are still lacking but the students can show their encourage to speak.

The mean score of the students’ questionnaire is 66.33. it was categorized as high motivation. It is suitable with the calssification of intensities motivation that categorized Very high in rate 81-100, High in rate 61-80, Intermediate in rate 60-50, Low in rate 41-51 and Very low in rate 20- 40. From the result of mean score is 66.33 showed that the students motivation in rate high. It means that CALL model improve the students’ motivation in listening.

It can be supported by Nobar & Saeideh (2012) There is any impact of CALL on motivating EFL learners, which can be shown by the mean score of experimental (78.28) was higher than the control group (69.07). It means that the motivation of the experimental group was higher than the control group.

Based on the result above, it can be stated that “ there is any effect of the use of CALL model in improvig students’ motivation in listening”.



Based on the finding and discussion of the study the researcher concludes namely:

1. By using CALL model as the learning model at the second year of SMAN 1 Belopa can improve students’ listening comprehension.

2. CALL model has significant effect in improving students’ listening comprehension .It was proven by the result of the students’ pre test and post test where the mean score of post test (83.83) was greater than the mean score of pre test (63.33). It was also proven by the test value of the post test (11.32) which was bigger than t-table (ɑ) = 0.05. It means the hypothesis of this research is accepted.

3. CALL model can improve the students’ motivation in listening.

4. The effect of the use of CALL model as the learning model in teaching listening comprehension has given effect to the students motivation in listening . The students are more motivated, more active, focus, enjoy, and more fun in learning. It was proven by the result of the mean score of students’ motivation questionnaire was 66.33 that categorized as high motivation.

Dalam dokumen LISTENING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 61-66)

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