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Dalam dokumen LISTENING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 66-71)


B. Suggestion



Based on the finding and discussion of the study the researcher concludes namely:

1. By using CALL model as the learning model at the second year of SMAN 1 Belopa can improve students’ listening comprehension.

2. CALL model has significant effect in improving students’ listening comprehension .It was proven by the result of the students’ pre test and post test where the mean score of post test (83.83) was greater than the mean score of pre test (63.33). It was also proven by the test value of the post test (11.32) which was bigger than t-table (ɑ) = 0.05. It means the hypothesis of this research is accepted.

3. CALL model can improve the students’ motivation in listening.

4. The effect of the use of CALL model as the learning model in teaching listening comprehension has given effect to the students motivation in listening . The students are more motivated, more active, focus, enjoy, and more fun in learning. It was proven by the result of the mean score of students’ motivation questionnaire was 66.33 that categorized as high motivation.

A. For the teacher :

1. The application of technology in teaching is very important for teachers in teaching English effectively to changes the usual method that teachers used. In usual method they usually speak in front of the class to explain the material of learning.

2. CALL model as the learning model can be used for listening, speaking, writing and reading with appropriate application. CALL model can give opportunity for teacher for designing the apllication for teaching material.

3. CALL cannot replace the teacher although the development of computer increase.

B. For the students

1. The students should improve their realize toward technological advancement for learning and practicing many aspects of English skill especialy listening skill.

2. The student should be more active in producing English in all skill especially in listening skill.

C. For the future research

The researcher is suggested to conduct another similar research in other language skills or other language fields to know how far CALL model can use in teaching learning process in order to improve students’ listening skill.


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Mata Pelajaran : Bahas Inggris Kelas / Semester : XI /1

Topik Pembelajaran : Expression of complaint A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI

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Dalam dokumen LISTENING COMPREHENSION (Halaman 66-71)

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