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Academic year: 2023



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Using Concept Sentence Method to Improve Writing Skills of X Grade Students in MA Muhammadiyah Palleko Kabupaten Takalar. The research results indicated that the application of the Concept Sentence method was effective in improving students' writing skills in terms of content and organization. 33 Table 4.4 The average score of students' writing skill in terms of organization 34 Table 4.5 Students' improvement in writing skill…….


  • Problem of the Research
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the Research
  • Scope of the Research
  • Previous Related Research Findings
  • Definition of Concept Sentence Method
  • The Advantages Of Concept Sentence Method
  • The weakness of the Concept Sentence Method
  • The procedure of the Concept Sentence Method
  • Conceptual framework
  • Hypothesis

How can using the Concept Sentence method improve student writing skills in terms of content at MA Muhammadiyah Palleko. The title of the study is the effect of the draft sentence technique on students' performance in writing narrative text 4. Based on the conceptual framework, the draft sentence method is a teaching method for teaching writing skills.

Figure 1. Conceptual framework
Figure 1. Conceptual framework


Research Design

Research Variables and Indicator 1. Research Variable

Instrument of the Research

Procedure of Collecting Data

After the treatment, the students took a post-test with a written test to assess the students' writing skills. The score was used to determine their progress in writing skills after implementing the Concept Sentence method.

Technique of Data Analysis

1 VERY BAD: Shows no subject knowledge, non-substantive, irrelevant, or not enough to evaluate. test and post-test were compared to achieve significance results to show how effective the Concept Sentence Method could be used in writing writing lessons, based on the score ranking table below: In the second step, the researcher counted the individual score of the students by applying the formula as follows:

Fourth, the researcher calculated the percentage of students of the improvement. write performance after using the Concept Sentence method. 2: The sum of D (the difference between the scores of two pairs). Gay et al, 2006) The formula revealed the significance difference between the pre-test and the post-test by calculating the value of the t-test. The purpose of the formula was to know which teaching method is or is not effective in achieving the writing skills of the students at X Grade MA Muhammadiyah Palleko.

After students' significance scores (t-test value) were obtained, it was compared with the t-table value. When the t-test value was equal to or greater than the t-table value, it means that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted because it was significant. This chapter particularly presents the findings of the research with the description of the result of the data collected through the pre-test and post-test.

It represents the content and organization of the student's writing skills using the Concept Sentence method.

Table 3.2 Score Classification of the Students  No.  Classification  Score
Table 3.2 Score Classification of the Students No. Classification Score


  • The Frequency of Students’ Writing Skill in Descriptive Text
    • The Mean Score of Students’ Writing Skill in Terms of Content
    • The Mean Score of Students’ Writing Skill in Terms of Organization
  • Hypothesis testing (t-test of Significant)

The purpose of the test was to measure students' ability to write a descriptive text before and after the lesson using the Concept Sentence method. Based on the results of the data analysis, the average grade of the written content of the students in the posttest was 76.87, which means that. The table shows that the improvement of students' writing skills using the Concept Sentence method was significant for the content aspect.

Based on these results, it was concluded that using Concept Sentence Method can improve the students' writing skill in terms of content. Frequency and percentage score of students' writing skills in terms of organization in pre-test and post-test. The data analysis of the students' writing organization aspect can also be seen in Appendix K.

Based on data analysis; it is found that the average score of students' writing organization in the post-test was 71.25. The table shows that the improvement of students' writing ability using the conceptual sentence method in terms of organization was quite. Thus, the improvement of the average score of students in terms of organization from pre-test to post-test was 72.72%.

It means that there have been improvements in students' writing skills in terms of content and organization.

Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Score of Students’ Writing Skill in  Terms of Content in Pre-test and Post-test
Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Score of Students’ Writing Skill in Terms of Content in Pre-test and Post-test


  • The Differences of Students’ Writing Skill in Pre-test and Post-test
  • The Students’ Writing Skill Descriptive Text Improvement in Terms of Content and Organization

Based on above discussion, it was concluded that Concept Sentence Method was one of teaching methods that can improve the students' writing skill at X Grade MA Muhammadiyah Palleko. According to Rizki (2015), the use of the concept sentence method has a significant effect on the students' performance in writing narrative text. Concept sentence method is a beneficial method that can make the students write better and increase the students' motivation in learning.

Descriptive text improving students' writing ability in terms of content and organization of content and organization. This showed that the students' writing ability had increased after the implication of cooperative learning with the Concept Sentence method. The concept sentence method is a useful method that can encourage students to write better and can increase students' motivation to learn.

The next section below shows the students' performance after being taught using the Concept Sentence method. Concept Sentence method has a positive effect on the students. Therefore, it increases the writing component of the students. She also said that Concept Sentence can motivate the students to develop their imagination in writing.

Nurpadilah (2017) asserted that Concept Sentence can improve students' ability to write descriptive text in organization variable.




The use of "Concept Sentence" technique in the teaching of writing descriptive text (A quasi Experimental Research at the Second Grade of MTs Al-Hidayah Ciomas Serang in academic year 2016/2017). Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Institute for Islamic Studies Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten. Improving students' descriptive paragraph writing ability through class-wide peer teaching method (CWPT) (A Classroom Action Research on Tenth Grade Students at SMK Mastar Makassar).

Enhancing Writing Skills with Sentence Concept for Grade Eleven Students of SMAN 1 Tunjungan Blora.


Kompetensi Dasar


Penjelasan sederhananya, identifikasi berfungsi untuk mengenalkan pembaca pada objek atau sesuatu yang akan kita uraikan sebelum menceritakan sifat-sifatnya. Deskripsi: Bagian ini—di paragraf kedua dan seterusnya—berisi ciri-ciri yang melekat pada sesuatu yang Anda perkenalkan kepada pembaca di paragraf pertama. Hal ini karena kita akan menguraikan suatu fakta atau kebenaran tertentu yang berkaitan dengan sesuatu atau seseorang.

Dan salah satu fungsi dari simple present adalah untuk menggambarkan suatu fakta atau kebenaran (contoh: matahari bersinar). Karena fungsinya untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu dengan menjelaskan sifat-sifatnya, maka dalam teks deskriptif Anda akan menemukan banyak kata sifat seperti tampan, cantik, tinggi, kecil, besar, atau jika kata sifat tersebut berasal dari kata kerja, Anda akan menemukan akhiran -ve, - ing , -nt menurut dia. Dalam teks deskriptif kita sering menemukan kata kerja relatif yaitu is (seperti pada fungsi nomor 1).

Karena tujuan atau fungsi dari teks deskriptif adalah untuk mendeskripsikan, maka kita pasti sering menjumpai kata is (is). Ruang komputer berada di sebelah perpustakaan dan gedung olah raga berada di belakang ruang komputer.

Metode Pembelajaran Conept Sentene

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mempertanyakan antara lain makna, fungsi, dan struktur teks deskriptif. Guru menjelaskan gambaran umum teks deskriptif, apa fungsi sosial teks deskriptif dan struktur umum teks deskriptif. Guru meminta setiap anggota kelompok mendeskripsikan gambar dengan bergantian menulis di papan tulis.

Guru menjelaskan komponen teks deskriptif yaitu penggunaan simple present tense yang berbentuk kalimat nominal untuk menyusun teks deskriptif.

Sumber Belajar

  • Penilaian
    • Jenis / Teknik Penilaian - Tes tulis dan tes kinerja

Sumber Pengajaran: Teks Relevan untuk Kelas X SMA Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Ciri-ciri dan Contoh Teks Deskriptif.2013.

Pedoman Penskoran Rubrik

The Borobudur Temple Compounds are one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world, and were built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty. The monument is located in the Kedu Valley, in the southern part of Central Java, in the middle of the island of Java, Indonesia. The main temple is a stupa built in three levels around a hill that was a natural center: a pyramidal base with five concentric square terraces, the trunk of a cone with three circular platforms and, at the top, ' a monumental stupa.

The vertical division of the Borobudur temple into base, body and superstructure perfectly matches the concept of the universe in Buddhist cosmology. The universe is believed to be divided into three overlapping spheres, kamadhatu, rupadhatu and arupadhatu, which represent the sphere of desire where we are attached to our desires, the sphere of form where we give up our desires but are still bound to name and form and sphere formlessness, where there is no more name or form. In the Borobudur temple, kamadhatu is represented by a base, rupadhatu by five square terraces, and arupadhatu by three circular platforms and a large stupa.

The entire structure shows a unique blend of the very central idea of ​​ancestor worship, associated with the idea of ​​a terraced mountain, combined with the Buddhist concept of the attainment of Nirvana. The temple should also be seen as a prominent dynastic monument of the Syailendra dynasty that ruled Java for about five centuries until the 10th century. He becomes a singer after his father with his group SONET 2 BAND follow his father's music genre.

He is 21 years old, ridho has wavy, short, black hair, pointed nose and rather large eyes.

Kompetensi Inti Body

Menghargai dan menghargai perilaku adil, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), sopan santun, percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam lingkup pergaulan dan eksistensi.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

  • Sumber Belajar
  • Penilaian

Jenis / Teknik Penilaian - Tes tulis dan tes kinerja

  • Pedoman Penskoran Rubrik

One of the most preferred colors is white, because of white, rabbit is symbolized as a clean animal and absolutely adorable. Four feet they have are very strong, especially the back feet, because they are used as a point for jumping. Females can mate from the age of 6 months, while the males when they reach the age of 7 months.

After mating, the females will make their nests in the ground to give birth to the babies. THE CLASSIFICATION SCORE OF THE PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST OF STUDENTS IN WRITING SKILLS in terms of content and organization. THE CLASSIFICATION SCORE OF THE PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST OF STUDENTS' WRITING SKILLS in terms of content.



Figure 1. Conceptual framework
Table 3.2 Score Classification of the Students  No.  Classification  Score
Table 3.3 Criteria of the Hypothesis Testing
Table 4.1 Frequency and Percentage Score of Students’ Writing Skill in  Terms of Content in Pre-test and Post-test


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