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Problem Statement

Dalam dokumen SPEAKING ABILITY (Halaman 61-64)


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the writer formulates to following research questions as follows:

1. Whatis the improvement of the students’ fluency in speaking of SMP Negeri 1 Minasatene Pangkep through the use of Communicative Approach in foreign language learning?

2. What is the improvement of the students’ accuracy in speaking through the use of Communicative Approach in foreign language learning at the eighth grade students of SMPN1 Minasate’ne Pangkep.

C. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of the study are to find out:

1. The improvement of the students’ fluency in speaking through the use of communicative approach in foreign language learning.

2. The improvement of the students’ accuracy in speaking through the use of communicative approach in foreign language learning.

D. Significance of the Study

Basically, there are two kinds of research significance are as follows:

a. The Theoretical Significance

The significance of this study is to introduce Communicative Approach in Foreign Language Learning, in this case the easy speaking from the approach itself for improving the students’ achievement in speaking. The research findings will also enrich the previous theories and research findings about the English skill, especially speaking skill.


b. The Practical Significance

The research findings will give some advantages to the English teachers to develop the learning and teaching a language in school.

Communicative Approach can be used as the alternative method that is the students can imitate the native speaker so that the students can practice and produce the fluency in speaking. The writer implied this method to get information about the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N I Minasatene Pangkep with respect to their ability to use Communicative Approach as a good method to study English.

Furthermore, this research was expected to be useful information for many people in learning process, such as:

1. For the educators, the result of this research expected to give contribution theoretically and practically in the development in English teaching.

2. For the teacher, this research is expected to add information of teaching approach in the class and to encourage their teaching, especially for teaching speaking.

3. For the students, this research is expected to improve the students’

achievement in learning English and make them interest to speak English.

For the researcher, this research is expected information or contribution to other researcher who want to conduct more complex research especially in classroom action.


E. Scope of the Study

This research limited only to find out the improvement of students’

speaking accuracy (grammar and vocabulary) and fluency (self-confidence Smoothness) and by using the communicative approach in foreign language learning at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minasatene Pangkep.



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Related Research Findings

Some researchers have reported their findings about interview technique to improve the students’ English speaking skill. Some of the findings are presented in the following section.

Munir (2005) in his thesis, “The Implementation of Communicative Approach in Teaching Speaking”. He found that communicative competence is one of the most impressive aspects of communicative approach. The use of communicative competence indicates that there is improvement of the students’

speaking skill after doing the pre-test and post-test, where the mean score of pre- test is 4,2 and categories as poor, then in post-test is 7,2 and categories as good.

Therefore, the implementation of communicative approach has developed the students’ speaking accuracy in the sense of acceptable pronunciation, correct grammar, and appropriate word choice.

Yanti (2011) in her journal, “Teaching English Skill by Using Communicative Approach”. She found that by having communicative activity in the communicative approach, the researcher gets that the students’ gained the aims of this approach, which are the ability to communicate, recognize the forms meaning, as well as the functions of the language, and they can use them for communication appropriately in any human understanding.

Isabella (2008) in her thesis, “The Implementation of Communicative Approach in Communicative Language Teachingat Jambi University”. She found


that Communicative Approach make a teaching learning process successful, effective, and meaningful. Most of the students stated that they liked the teaching model, felt challenge to speak, could speak more, and were curious.

Mahdalena (2007) in her thesis, “The Effect of Communicative Approach on Listening and Speaking Skill of the Second Year Students”.She found that the students’ achievement in speaking was increased by using communicative approach and whereas some students test showed the improvement of the students’ achievement in class.

Amini (2008) in her thesis “Teaching Speaking by Using Communicative Approach at the Eighth Grade Students”. She found that increasing the students’

speaking ability through Communicative Approach is an effective way because the students have low confidence to speak because they are afraid of making mistake, they have insufficient vocabulary, their grammatical knowledge is still low, and their ability arrange sentence is poor. She reported that 90.5% of the students were increasing in speaking through problem based learning strategy. She said that 97% were effective in speaking.

Regarding to previous related research findings above, Munir, Yanti, and Isabella have similarity in their research about how effective communicative approach in teaching English especially in speaking generally. But, it is different with Mahdalena’s and Amini’s research, their research not just concern to the element of the speaking but also concern to the accuracy, fluency. And this research is similarity with Mahdalena’s and Amini’s research, where, the


researcher will focus on accuracy (grammar and vocabulary) and fluency (Smoothness and self-confidence) in speaking.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. General Concepts of Speaking a. Speaking Skill

Many language learners regard speaking as the measure of knowing a language. People who know a language are referred as “speaker” of that language. Learners then define fluency in a language as the ability to converse with others, more than the ability to read, write or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in term of their accomplishments in spoken communication.

Speaking is one of the four language skills that should be mastered by the students or many peoples to communicate orally with other people. In conversation, speaking is primary vehicle to express enough idea with interlocutor of what we intend. In Webster encyclopedic states that speaking is the act, utterance, or discourse of a person who speaks. Speaking is as an instance of using communication. Therefore, as vehicle speaking is more direct to social interaction than other language skill.

Widdowson (1985:57) states that speaking is a means of oral communication that gives information involves two elements, namely speaker who gives the message and the listener who receptive the message in other world, the communication involves the productive skill of listening


Byrne (1976:8) says that the oral communication is two way process between the speaker and the listener and in value the productive skill as speaking and receptive skill and listening, so both speaker and listener are active during the oral communication takes place. It means that a speaker may express his/her mind to the listeners later giving response related to the topic they are talking about.

While Harmer (1983:130) formulates that, when two people are engaged in talking to one another, we can be sure that they are in general way to suggest that the speaker makes a decision to address someone. Speaking may be forced on him in some ways but can still say that he wants or intends to speak, otherwise he would keep silent. He has some communicative purposes namely speaker says things because they what something to happen because of what they say. He selects from his language store. The teacher has an alternative capacity to create new sentences if he is a native speaker.

In relation with the statements above, speaking is a way of conveying message from one person to others. It is the most essential way in which the speaker can express himself through language. Where speaking skill involves fluency and accuracy expression meaning, the exercising of pragmatic or communicative competence and the observance of the rules of appropriateness, all this skill together may be said to make up the global skill of speaking as an act of communication and interaction with other.

Accuracy and fluency are emphasized in speaking in order to have more effective communication, meaningful and understandable by other. The


description on speaking accuracy and fluency will be explained in the following details:

1) Speaking accuracy

Speaking accuracy lies on acceptable pronunciation, correct grammar and appropriate word choice. According Mc Keenhiil in Syahbuddin (2008:9) pronunciation is the act of manner of pronouncing something, articulate utterance. Certainly, pronunciation cannot be separated from intonation and stress. Pronunciation, intonation and stress are largely learnt successfully by imitating and repetition. Teacher should have a good standard of pronunciation in order that students can imitate their teacher in teaching and learning process.

2) Speaking fluency

Fluency is highly complex notion relate mainly to smoothness of continuity in discourse. It includes a consideration of how sentences are connected, how sentence patterns vary in word order and omit elements of structure and also certain aspects of the prosody of discourse.

Richards, Platt and Weber in Syahbuddin (2008:12) state that fluency is the features which give speech the qualities of being natural and normal, including native like use of pausing. Rhythm, intonation, stress, rate of speaking and use of interjections and interruptions.


a. The Elements of Speaking

As the other skills in English, there are some specific elements of speaking that have strong correlation with the skill. According to Harmer, (1991:159) aspects of speaking can be divided as follow:

1) Accuracy a) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is an act or result producing the sound of speech including articulation, vowel formation, accent and inflection. Sometimes the listener does not understand what we talking about because lack in pronunciation. Pronunciation is the fact of manner of articulate utterance.

Certainly, pronunciation cannot be separated from intonation and stress use, which are the indicators of someone whether he has good pronunciation in language spoken. Furthermore pronunciation and stress are largely learned successfully by imitating and repetition. Often with reference some standard of contents or acceptability, the concepts of pronunciation may be said to include:

(1) The sound of language

The sound of language may be well meaningless. If you said /t/

(the line shows that this is phonetic scrip) a few times, e.g. tu, tu, it will not be very much English. Neither will be sound /k/, /a/, or /s/ but if we put all these are sound together a certain order we and up the word catch and does mean something.


(2) Stress

Native speakers of language unconsciously know about the stress and how it works, they know which syllables of words are stressed and they know how to use stress, to change the meaning of phrase, sentences and questions.

(3) Intonation

Intonation is clearly important item, and component user of language recognize what meaning it has and can change the meaning of word they say through using it in different ways, when we teach English language, students need to use rhythms and stress correctly if they are to be understood.

b) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is very important in speaking English. It is impossible to speak without mastery of vocabulary. Therefore, this element is somewhat essential to learn before practicing speaking. The students sometimes get trouble in memorizing all vocabulary that they have known because they seldom practice and use them. Thus, it needs to keep them in their mind.

Good (1973:662) defines vocabulary as content and function words of language which are learned so thoroughly so that becomes part of Childs’

understanding speaking, reading, and writing. It also means word having been heard or seen even though not produced by individual himself to communicate each other.


Harmer (1991:135) divides vocabulary in two types that is active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is the words that students have learned and they expect to be able to use them. Passive vocabulary is the words they can recognize but cannot be produced. Someone can be considered of having good vocabulary use, when the vocabulary produced is wide appropriate with certain situation of dialog of speech.

c) Grammar

According to David Crystal (2004) cites grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. And it can help everyone--not only teachers of English, but teachers of anything, for all teaching are ultimately a matter of getting to grips with meaning.

2) Fluency

According to Hornby (1995:122) cites that fluency is the quality or condition of being fluent. Fluency is highly complex notion relate mainly to smoothness of continuity in discourse. It includes a consideration of how sentence are connected, how sentence patterns vary in word- order and omit elements of structure and also certain aspects of the prosody of discourse.

Byrne (1987:78) states that the main goal in teaching the produce speaking skill will be oral fluency. It can be differed as the ability to express oneself intelligibly reasonable accurately and without too much hesitation


(otherwise communication my break down because the listener loses in interest best impatient. To attain this goal, you will have to bring the students from the stage where they are mainly imitating a model of some kind or responding to cues, to the point where they can use language fluency to express their own ideas.

According to Heaton (1989:115) the main factors in assessing ability, as follow:

1) Fluency refers to how well a learner communicates meaning rather than how many mistakes that they make in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. Fluency is often compared with accuracy, which is concerned with the type, amount and seriousness of mistakes made. Therefore, fluency is highly complex ration relate mainly to smoothness of continuity in discourse, it is include a consideration of how sentences pattern very in word order and omit element of structure and also certain aspect of the prosily of discourse.

For example: A learner might be fluent (make their meaning clear) but not

accurate (make a lot of mistake).

2) Intelligibility (accuracy) refers to how correct learner use of the language system, include grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. Accuracy is often compared to fluency when we talk about a learner’s level of speaking and writing. Therefore, accuracy is an essential depend on the recognizably of the word and sentences pattern of speech. It therefore, involves us in


considering the phonetic character of conventional English, particularly from the point of view segmental (vowel and consonant) system.

For example: in the classroom, language manipulation activities can help

to develop accuracy. These include of controlled practice, drills, study and application of grammar rules and activities can help the students to

‘notice’ their own mistakes.

Appropriateness (comprehensible) refers to suitability of language to situation. It is also about the way in which informality is expressed by choice of vocabulary, idiom system. Therefore, comprehensible is a language input that can be understood by listeners despite but not understand all the words and structures in it. According to Krashens, theory of language acquisition, giving learners is the kind of input to helps them in acquiring language naturally.

Based on the statement above, the researcher can conclude that fluency refers to be able to speak smoothly, and easy flow word or to person able to communication with base it suggested the ready flow an accomplished speaker and writer, it is usually a term of commendation.

2. Concept of Communicative Approach

According Broumfit and Johnsonin Munir (2005: 17) citethe approach of teaching which the communicative approach had adopted in the 1984 and it first discusses are concept of communicative approach, component of communicative approach, aspect of communicative approach, and communicative approach as foreign language teaching.


a. Communicative Approach

According to Richards and Rogers (1986:42) define communicative is an adjective, which means ready and willing to talk and give information. The verb form of communicative is to communicate which means pass on news, information, feeling, etc. In other words, it can be said that people communicate to reveal something or give information to other people. The ability to communicate, to talk or give information, is communication. Communication is an exchange of information. Approach is a way of dealing with something, manner or method of doing in language teaching and learning.

Furthermore Newmark (1966) cites in Brumfit et al (1979:55) says the communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The points are that we are able to talk in foreign language; we communicate with other people and express our own thoughts. In order to speak in a foreign language; we should not be afraid of making mistakes in the language form structure, because the success of communication is not judged on the structural mistakes made by the speaker, rather on the success in sending the message to the other people. The communication can run well if we have good command of the language and the ability to use the language for communicative purpose. A person who has a good command of language and knows how to use it for communication will be able to express our ideas to someone else.

Widdowson (1972:72) defines that the communicative approach is an approach which view the language teaching with focuses on how people master the use of language not only just attempt how people master the language


structure. From this statement, we can conclude that in communicative approach, we do not only teach form or structure language, but also have to give motivation so that the students are eager to use the language for communication in real situation.

Gumperz (1971) cites in Scarcely et al (1990:86) state that effective communication requires that speakers and audiences agree both on the meaning of words and on the social import or values attached to choice of expression. It means the whenever communication takes place, of course, there is a speaker and a listener, one presents the information or idea, and the other receives the information. In order to send our ideas or messages to the receiver, the receiver must also has a good ability in interpreting what is meant by the speaker if the interpretation interpreted by the receiver is not the same with what is meant by the informant, communication fails ion to communicative approach in language learning.

Littlewood (1981:23) states that the communicative approach encourages to go beyond structure and takes account of the other aspects of communication.

That statement means that communicative approach provides the students to the situation in which they can communicate in the foreign language, so that they can develop their communicative competence. In applying communicative approach to develop communicative competence, the teacher must remember that she/he is ultimately concerned in the process of commutating through the learners’ ability, rather than with the perfect mastery of individual structure. In the communicative approach, the teaching of English involves communication activities in which the

Dalam dokumen SPEAKING ABILITY (Halaman 61-64)

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