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IT, DT and Six Sigma

6. Further Issues for Implementation of Six Sigma

6.2 IT, DT and Six Sigma

(1) Emergence of DT

It is well known that the modern technology for the 21st century is regarded as based on the following 6Ts. They are:

IT : Information Technology BT : Bio-Technology

NT : Nano-Technology

ET : Environment Technology ST : Space Technology

CT : Culture Technology

We believe that one more T should be added to these 6Ts, which is DT, data technology.

Definition of DT (data technology): DT is a scientific methodology which deals with

• Measurement, collection, storage and retrieval tech- niques of data;

• Statistical analysis of data and data refinement

• Generation of information and inference from data

• Statistical/computational modeling from data

• Creation of necessary knowledge from data informa- tion

• Diagnosis and control of current events from statistical models and,

• Prediction of unforseen events from statistical models for the future.

DT is an essential element for Six Sigma, and in general for national competitiveness. The importance of DT will rapidly expand in this knowledge-based information society.

(2) Difference between IT and DT

Many believe that DT is a subset of IT. This argument may be true if IT is interpreted in a wide sense. Generally speaking, however, IT is defined in a narrow sense as follows.

Definition of IT (information technology): IT is an engi- neering methodology which deals with

• Presentation and control of raw data and information created by DT;

• Efficient data/information and image transmission and communication;

• Manufacturing technology of electronic devices for data/information transmission and communication;

• Production technology of computer-related machines and software; and,

• Engineering tools and support for knowledge manage- ment.

Korea is very strong in IT industries such as the Internet, e- business, mobile phones, communication equipment and com- puter-related semiconductors.

The difference between DT and IT can be seen in the infor- mation flow as shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1. Information flow of DT and IT

DT is mainly concerned with data collection, statistical analy- sis of data, generation of information, and creation of neces- sary knowledge from information. However, IT is mainly con- cerned with data/information/image transmission and commu- nication, and development of engineering devices and comput- ers for information handling. Also IT is concerned with engi- neering tools for knowledge management. Generally speaking, DT forms the infrastructure of IT. Without DT, IT would have limitations in growth. DT is software-oriented, but IT is hard- ware-oriented and systems-oriented. Without IT, DT cannot be well visualized. IT is the vehicle for DT development.

Table 6.1 shows the differences between DT and IT in terms of characteristics, major products, major study fields and advanced levels in Korea.

Table 6.1. Comparison of DT and IT

Contents DT IT

Major characteristics

Major products

Major study fields


level of Korea Low High

Software-oriented, scientific approach for data analysis, statistical modeling for future prediction

Software such as DBMS, CRM, SPC, ERP, Statistics, Data-mining, Simulation, and Cryptography

Mathematics, Statistics, Information Science, Computer Science, Management Science

Hardware & systems-oriented engineering approach for transmission &

communication of data/information/image

Communication systems and auxiliary software, Computers, Semiconductors, Electronic devices, Measuring and Control devices

Computer engineering, Electronic/

communication engineering, Control &

Systems engineering

Fact Data

collection DT

Statistical analysis of data and data


Generation of information and inference from data

Creation of knowledge from


IT Fact

Data/information/image transmission and


Development of engineering devices and computers for

information handling

Engineering tools and support for


(3) Knowledge triangle

It is said that the 21st century is the knowledge-based infor- mation society. We can think about the knowledge triangle as shown in Figure 6.2 in which DT and IT play important roles.

Figure 6.2. The knowledge triangle

In each step, the following activities are usually implemented.

Table 6.2. Major activities in each step of knowledge triangle Step





Major Activities

Measurement, Data refinement, Sampling design, Design of experiments, Meta-data management, Gauge R&R test

Data analysis and modeling, Data-mining, Data redefinement for application, Diagnosis and control, Prediction modeling

Output summary, Valuation, Remodeling, Information clustering

Knowledge generation from Information clustering Information

Data Knowledge


2. DT

1. DT

4. God’s Kingdom

3. DT & IT


(4) Scope of DT

The scope of DT can be divided into three categories: man- agement, multiplication and execution. Management DT comes first, and then multiplication DT, and finally execution DT pro- vides valuation and profit generation for the organization con- cerned. The scope can be shown sequentially as in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3. Scope of DT

(5) Loss due to insufficient DT

A weak DT can result in big loss to a company, to a soci- ety and to a nation. Some examples of national loss due to insufficient DT are as follows.

Economic crisis in 1997:

Korea faced an economic crisis in 1997, and the Interna- tional Monetary Fund helped Korea at that time. The major reason was that important economic data, so-called Foreign Exchange Stock (FES) had not been well taken care of. Had the collection of FES, trend analysis of FES, and prediction of FES been well performed by good DT, there would not have been an economic crisis.

Management DT

Multiplication DT

Execution DT

Valuation &

Profit Generation

Acquisition, Storage, Retrieval Basic analysis of data Creation of information

Minute analysis, Re-explanation of results obtained, Information is multiplied and regenerated by using DT, Data-mining plays large roles, Knowledge is created.

Execution of generated knowledge, Data/information transmission, Higher value & bigger profit.

Inherent political dispute in politics:

Politics is perhaps the most underdeveloped area in Asia including Korea. Non-productive political disputes hamper development of all other areas such as industry, education, culture and so on. If people’s opinion surveys are properly conducted by DT, and political parties just follow the opinion of the majority of people, politics can become more mature, and can assist all the other areas to become more developed.

Big quality cost:

The quality costs of most companies in Asia including Korea make up about 20% of the total sales value. The quality costs consist of P-cost for prevention, A-cost for appraisal and F-cost for failure. The ratios of these costs are roughly 1%, 3%, and 16% for P-cost, A-cost, and F-cost, respectively. If DT is well utilized for the data analysis of quality cost, the quality cost can be reduced to about 10% of total sales value. Perhaps the opti- mal ratios of these costs would be 3%, 2%, and 5% for P-cost, A-cost, and F-cost, respectively. Actually, Six Sigma project teams are very much aimed at reducing quality costs.