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According Robiatussholikah (2019) Song is a short musical work set up with an equally essential poetic text for music and language. It can be written for one or more voices and it is normally performed with accompaniment to the instrument.

It is generally easy to understand the language of the album. This provides inspiration and makes the bond closer between the teacher and the students. The partnership would make the students have the confidence to ask the teacher about everything they learn.

While according to Ocak (2012) songs are Essential teaching instruments in EFL teaching Since as (English Foreign Language) Most educators figure out that students enjoy Listening to in-language songs The schoolroom. Students also occupy strong positions. Perceptions of music and students who are Silence may

usually become very talkative. In explaining it. Therefore the students They should be greatly inspired.

2. Kinds of song

According to adawiyah (2017) there are kinds of song :

a) ) For all songs. It is named so because this kind of song can be used for any task.

b) A fast song or a slow one. This implies that the operation that is in line with this is The behavior that does not involve a lot of energy, such as sleeping, is a kind of music.

c) A song which tells tales. It's a song of stories in chronological order. It has a beginning, a middle, and an ending.

d) A lengthy song. This kind of song is a song that is four minutes long or longer, and it's usually hard to sing because it's 4 minutes long or longer.





Teaching listening (Song) The material

that are teach Listening

Students listening achivement

Identifying the effectiveness

of joox application Using joox

application Identifying the

students responses in

listening Listening

a. Input: refers to the pre-test that has been prepared to measure the level of listening skill of students.

b. Process: refers to treatment about listening using JOOX application in class or online class if condition not allow.

c. Output: refers to the effectiveness of JOOX application in teaching listening through a post-test and refers to the students responses in listening through JOOX application.


Based on the study above, researchers propose a hypothesis for this study as follows:

1. Null hypothesis (H0) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is not effective in teaching listening.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is effective in teaching listening.


This chapter, consist research design, research variable, population and sample, research instrument, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

This research applied a pre-experimental research design where the researcher take one group pre-test and post-test. The treatment will conduct after doing pre- test and post-test. This design was presented as follows :

Where according (Sugiyono, 2017) O1 (Pre-test) : Result of pre-test.

X (Treatment) :Treatment that will be given in the class by using JOOX application.

O2 (Post-test) :Result of post-test.

Based on table above, in the experimental class, pre-test (O1) were given to find out students knowledge before giving treatment. Furtheremore, given treatment (X) is through JOOX application and post-test (O2) is applied to determine students achievement. Score arecompared to see the effectiveness of JOOX application in teaching listening.


O1 X O2

B. Research Variable

There are 2 variables in the study, the first is dependent and the second is independent. which includes dependent is listening skill and independent is a JOOX application.

C. Population and Sample 1. Population

The population of this research was conducted on senior high school. Which consist of six classes. Each classes consist of 26 students so the total is 182 students.

2. Sample

The sample selected by used purposive sampling, it means the researcher take one class of the second grade SMAN 1 Tapalang as the experimental group of the research. So, the sample in this research is 26 students. School that has been sampled is SMAN 1 Tapalang because students at the school lack understanding and not interested in listening.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument of this research were fill in the blanks listening test, question- answer and interview. Fill in the blank was a pre-test and question answer was post-test when listening using JOOX application. After giving a post-test, researcher interviewed students to find out students responses in listening through JOOX application.

E. Technique of Data Collection 1. Pre-test

The researcher given a fill in the blanks test by listening music in JOOX application to know the ability of students.

2. Treatment

The researcher was conducted treatment about 2 times in the classroom or virtual learning if conditions do not allow.

3. Post-test

After doing treatment, the researcher provide a post-test by playing song from JOOX application. The researcher gave question-answer. By conducting this test, the researcher will compare with pre-test to measuring listening skill.

3. Interview

The researcher gave interview to the students after doing post-test. this interview to know the students responses in listening through JOOX application.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer used spss program to analyze the data. The step to collecting data undertaken the quantitative analyses is as follow :

π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’ =π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘π‘Žπ‘™ π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’

π‘ π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ Γ— π‘†π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘Žπ‘™ (100)

Classification Score

Very good comprehension 86-100

Good comprehension 71-85

Poor comprehension 41-55

Very poor comprehension <40

(Kariadinata, 2015) a. Statistic

The data collecting through the pre-test and post-test analyze by using program SPSS becouse SPSS is an application program that has the ability for statistical analysis and data management systems (data processing).

b. Qualitatively

The data collecting through the problem number 2 analyze qualitatively in a way the researcher would conclude the responses of all students.



In this chapter consisted of findings of the research and discussion of tPhe research. The findings of the research would like to discuss about the result of the research through the pre-test and post-test that have been collected by doing research. And discussion would like to discuss about the description of the findings research that have been analyzed.


1. The effectiveness of JOOX application in teaching English

The description of the result of data analysis will be covered in findings of the research. The description of the result of data analysis about student’s listening skill through JOOX application which the data were collected from 26 students as an experimental group by using fill in the blanks and question answer. The test was given by the researcher in pre-test and post-test.

This research was conducted for four meeting which followed by 26 students.

The material of pre-test and post-test was listening song through JOOX application which the title β€œI believe I can fly”. For the first, the researcher explained to the students about the aim of the researcher. The researcher also explained about JOOX application and the question of fill in the blanks and question answer.

a. The effectiveness of students’ listening skill

The effectiveness of JOOX application in students listening skill in pre-test

amount of pre-test is 1571 and post-test 2220. From the table the average of pre-test 60,42 and the average of post-test is 85,38.

b. The classification and frequency of pre-test and post-test in experimental group

Table 4.1

Classification and frequency of students pre-test score

No Classification Experimental group

Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 0 0%

2 Good 4 15%

3 Fair 12 46%

4 Poor 10 39%

5 Very poor 0 0%

SUM 26 100%

According to the table of classification and frequency of pre-test in experimental group, no one students who gets very good score. About 4 students get good score with 15%, the students who gets fair score about 12 students with 46%, and the students who gets poor score about 10 students with 39% of the percentage and no one students who gets very poor score. Based on the table above, the experimental group of pre-test still lack of listening skill because no one students get very good score.

Table 4.2

Classification and frequency of students post-test score

No Classification Experimental group

Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 12 46%

2 Good 12 46%

3 Fair 2 8%

4 Poor 0 0%

5 Very poor 0 0%

SUM 26 100%

Based on the table of classification above, about 2 students get fair score or the percentage 8%. The students who get good score about 12 students or 46% of the percentage. And the students who get very good score are 12 students or 46% of the percentage. This table shows that the students get significant score or increase the score from the pre-test and post-test.

2. The total scores of the students listening test by using SPSS

From the row score students listening on pre-test and post-test, it can be seen that the learning outcomes in class XI Mipa 1 are seen from the total pre-test and post-test scores. After that it was entered into the SPSS application. In this case, to find out the results of students learning listening. Student learning outcomes can

Table 4.3

Learning Outcomes Pre-test and Post-test in Class XI Mipa 1 N Minimum Maximum Mean Std deviation

Pre-test 26 46 80 60,42 9,551

Post-test 26 70 100 85,38 7,473

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the maximum pretest score obtained in class XI Mipa 1 is 80, while the minimum score is 46. The average value obtained is 60,42 with a standard deviation of 9,551. Than , it can be seen that the maximum post-test score obtained in class XI Mipa 1 is 100, while the minimum score is 70. The average value obtained is 85.12 with a standard deviation of 7.638. following diagram of pre-test and post test.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

46 53 60 66 73 80



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

70 75 80 85 90 95



a. Test of normality

According to Payadnya (2018), The normality test has a function to be able to find out whether the data is normally distributed or not by using SPSS as follows:

Tabel of 4.4 Test of normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Pre-test ,166 26 ,063 ,932 26 ,084

Post-test ,149 26 ,142 ,954 26 ,288

Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table above, it can be seen the results of normality testing using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If the significant value is greater than 0.05 (significant level), it means that the data comes from a normally distributed population (Herlina, 2019).

Based on the table, the results of the pre-test normality test show that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value is significant at 0.063 and the Shapiro-Wilk value is significant at 0.084 using a significant level of 0.05. The significant value obtained is greater than Ξ± (0.063> 0.05). Then the results of the post-test normality test showed that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value was significant at 0.142 and Shapiro- Wilk 0.288 using a significant level of 0.05. The significant value obtained is greater than Ξ± (0.142> 0.05). So it can be concluded that all pre-test and post-test scores of class XI Mipa 1 students are normally distributed.

b. Test of homogeneity

The second is the homogeneity of data variance. According to Herlina (2019), If the significant value> 0.05 then the data is declared homogeneous and if the p- value <0.05 then the data is declared not homogeneous. The homogeneity test of data variance can be seen in the following table:

Table of 4.6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Lavene statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1,368 1 50 ,248

Analysis of data at SPSS using homogeneity calculations, obtained a p-value

= 0.248. Conditions that must be met as a condition so that the data comes from a homogeneous population, namely p-value> Ξ±, Ξ± = 0.05. Because the p-value = 0.248> Ξ± = 0.05, based on the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the population variance comes from the same population (homogeneous).

After conducting the prerequisite test, namely the normality test and the homogeneity test, as a prerequisite test for conducting the hypothesis test, then the hypothesis test will be carried out to test and answer the research hypothesis. The hypothesis testing is as follows:

c. Test of hyphothesis

Hypothesis testing has a function to determine the provisional conjecture formulated by the researcher. The following is the hypothesis that the researcher previously set. Based on the homogeneity and normality test, the statistics applied

are parametic statistics with paired sample t-tests. The following is the hypothesis that the authors set earlier:

1. Null hypothesis (H0) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is not effective in teaching listening.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is effective in teaching listening.

Tabel 4.7 Paired Samples Test Paired differences

t df Sig

(2- tailed) Mean Std.

deviat ion


error mean

95% convidence interval of difference lower upper Pair 1

(pretest- posttest

-24,962 2,323 ,456 -25,900 -24,023 -54,780 25 ,000

After conducted paired sample test, there is way that can be done to test the hypothesis in this paired sample t test. Namely by comparing the t test with t table. The basic for making decision are if the t test >t table, then Ha is accepted and if t test <t table, then H0 IS accepted.

Based on the table paired sample test above, t test is -54,780 negative becouse the mean score of the pre test was low than the mean score of the post- test. in this cases, the negative t test can be accesed by the positive. So that the t test becomes 54,780. Next is the stage of finding the t table, where the t table is searched based on the df value (degress of freedom).

From the output above, its known that the df is 25 and the value is 0,05.

The researcher used this value as a reference basic in calculating the t table in the distribution of the t table statistics. Then find the t table 1,708. Thus, because t test 54,780>1,708, then the selection of the basic for decision making above can be rejected, that H0 is rejected an Ha is accepted. So ,This means that there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes between those taught before getting treatment and after getting treatment in class XI Mipa 1 SMAN 1 Tapalang.

3. Students Responses In Listening Through JOOX Application

In this part, the researcher explain about students responses in listening through JOOX application by giving interview for every students. The result of interview test as follows :

Easy 73%

Difficult 27%

Students responses in listening through joox application

About 26 students who attended interview and the students has answered the interview of the researcher. All of the students said that they like JOOX application while they are studying. The students said that JOOX application is fun because this is the first time for the students study about listening and using JOOX application, the JOOX application has made the students interested in learning English and get a new way to learn English.


The section present the discussion based on the findings of the study. It is concerned about the effectiveness of JOOX application in teaching English and students response in listening through JOOX application.

1. The Effectiveness of Joox Application In Teaching English

According to Nurizmawati (2013), The use of the media in the teaching and learning process provides the learners with inputs. However, mastery of the content presented must be matched with the technologies used. The use of media in teaching learning process can help teacher to create learning situation effectively. Therefore, the media is important in the process of teaching and learning. The media help teachers deliver the content they are teaching. It also helps students to be able to readily understand the content.

Based on the research, there are significant between pre-test and post-test.

mean score of the students in pre-test is 60,42 and mean score of the students in post-test is 85,58. So the researcher also comparing the t test and t table that the df is 25 and the sig level is 0,05. Then find the t table is 1,708. Because t test is

54,780 > 1,708, so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So the researcher can concluded JOOX application is effective in teaching English.

2. Students Responses In Listening Through JOOX Application

Based on the result of the interview that the researcher has done, about 26 of the students said that is difficult in listening skill through JOOX application. The students said that the students difficult to listening the pronunciation of the JOOX application, the students also feel difficult in listening through JOOX application because the students lack of the vocabulary, some students also said that is not difficult in listening through English song by JOOX application. The students said that JOOX application is fun and easy to understand what they hear.

Based on the result above, the researcher can conclude that there are two factors that the students difficult in listening through JOOX application. The first, the pronunciation of the singer from JOOX application. Second, lack of the vocabulary of the students.



This chapter consist of conclusion and suggestion of the research based on the findings and discussion in previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion in previous chapter, the researcher comes to conclusion:

1. The effectiveness of joox application in teaching english. It has been proved that shown the standard deviation and mean score of the students as an experimental group is got better in post-test than in pre-test and test of hypothesis t test > t table (54,780>1,708. It shown that the Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

2. Using JOOX application in teaching listening makes students fun and more interested even though the students find some difficulties in using JOOX application.

3. The students need more learn about vocabulary to make the students rich of vocabulary.

B. Suggestions

Here are some suggestion of the researcher after doing research :

1. The researcher needs LCD, the researcher is hard to find LCD in that school because in that time LCD is not working. The researcher hopes that next researcher can prepare the LCD in the future.

2. The researcher hopes that side of the school accepted what the writer has done in that school. The researcher also hopes that the teacher can use JOOX application in teaching listening because JOOX application effective in listening skill.


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