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The total scores of the students listening test by using SPSS


E. Technique of Data Collection

2. The total scores of the students listening test by using SPSS

From the row score students listening on pre-test and post-test, it can be seen that the learning outcomes in class XI Mipa 1 are seen from the total pre-test and post-test scores. After that it was entered into the SPSS application. In this case, to find out the results of students learning listening. Student learning outcomes can

Table 4.3

Learning Outcomes Pre-test and Post-test in Class XI Mipa 1 N Minimum Maximum Mean Std deviation

Pre-test 26 46 80 60,42 9,551

Post-test 26 70 100 85,38 7,473

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the maximum pretest score obtained in class XI Mipa 1 is 80, while the minimum score is 46. The average value obtained is 60,42 with a standard deviation of 9,551. Than , it can be seen that the maximum post-test score obtained in class XI Mipa 1 is 100, while the minimum score is 70. The average value obtained is 85.12 with a standard deviation of 7.638. following diagram of pre-test and post test.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

46 53 60 66 73 80



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

70 75 80 85 90 95



a. Test of normality

According to Payadnya (2018), The normality test has a function to be able to find out whether the data is normally distributed or not by using SPSS as follows:

Tabel of 4.4 Test of normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Pre-test ,166 26 ,063 ,932 26 ,084

Post-test ,149 26 ,142 ,954 26 ,288

Lilliefors Significance Correction

Based on the table above, it can be seen the results of normality testing using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If the significant value is greater than 0.05 (significant level), it means that the data comes from a normally distributed population (Herlina, 2019).

Based on the table, the results of the pre-test normality test show that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value is significant at 0.063 and the Shapiro-Wilk value is significant at 0.084 using a significant level of 0.05. The significant value obtained is greater than α (0.063> 0.05). Then the results of the post-test normality test showed that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov value was significant at 0.142 and Shapiro- Wilk 0.288 using a significant level of 0.05. The significant value obtained is greater than α (0.142> 0.05). So it can be concluded that all pre-test and post-test scores of class XI Mipa 1 students are normally distributed.

b. Test of homogeneity

The second is the homogeneity of data variance. According to Herlina (2019), If the significant value> 0.05 then the data is declared homogeneous and if the p- value <0.05 then the data is declared not homogeneous. The homogeneity test of data variance can be seen in the following table:

Table of 4.6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Lavene statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1,368 1 50 ,248

Analysis of data at SPSS using homogeneity calculations, obtained a p-value

= 0.248. Conditions that must be met as a condition so that the data comes from a homogeneous population, namely p-value> α, α = 0.05. Because the p-value = 0.248> α = 0.05, based on the results of these calculations it can be concluded that the population variance comes from the same population (homogeneous).

After conducting the prerequisite test, namely the normality test and the homogeneity test, as a prerequisite test for conducting the hypothesis test, then the hypothesis test will be carried out to test and answer the research hypothesis. The hypothesis testing is as follows:

c. Test of hyphothesis

Hypothesis testing has a function to determine the provisional conjecture formulated by the researcher. The following is the hypothesis that the researcher previously set. Based on the homogeneity and normality test, the statistics applied

are parametic statistics with paired sample t-tests. The following is the hypothesis that the authors set earlier:

1. Null hypothesis (H0) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is not effective in teaching listening.

2. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) : accepted if English song by JOOX application is effective in teaching listening.

Tabel 4.7 Paired Samples Test Paired differences

t df Sig

(2- tailed) Mean Std.

deviat ion


error mean

95% convidence interval of difference lower upper Pair 1

(pretest- posttest

-24,962 2,323 ,456 -25,900 -24,023 -54,780 25 ,000

After conducted paired sample test, there is way that can be done to test the hypothesis in this paired sample t test. Namely by comparing the t test with t table. The basic for making decision are if the t test >t table, then Ha is accepted and if t test <t table, then H0 IS accepted.

Based on the table paired sample test above, t test is -54,780 negative becouse the mean score of the pre test was low than the mean score of the post- test. in this cases, the negative t test can be accesed by the positive. So that the t test becomes 54,780. Next is the stage of finding the t table, where the t table is searched based on the df value (degress of freedom).

From the output above, its known that the df is 25 and the value is 0,05.

The researcher used this value as a reference basic in calculating the t table in the distribution of the t table statistics. Then find the t table 1,708. Thus, because t test 54,780>1,708, then the selection of the basic for decision making above can be rejected, that H0 is rejected an Ha is accepted. So ,This means that there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes between those taught before getting treatment and after getting treatment in class XI Mipa 1 SMAN 1 Tapalang.

3. Students Responses In Listening Through JOOX Application

In this part, the researcher explain about students responses in listening through JOOX application by giving interview for every students. The result of interview test as follows :

Easy 73%

Difficult 27%

Students responses in listening through joox application

About 26 students who attended interview and the students has answered the interview of the researcher. All of the students said that they like JOOX application while they are studying. The students said that JOOX application is fun because this is the first time for the students study about listening and using JOOX application, the JOOX application has made the students interested in learning English and get a new way to learn English.

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