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B. Theoretical Framework

2. Motivation

a. The definition of motivation

According to Dornyei and Otto (1998), motivation is the dynamically changing cumulative arousal in a person that initiates, directs, coordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the cognitive and motor processes whereby initial wishes and desires are selected, prioritized, operationalised, and (successfully or unsuccessfully) acted out.35 Motivation is one of the most crucial factors that affect students' ability to achieve their goals. Motivation can also be defined as an internal drive that drives people to do things to achieve their goals.36 Motivation is a complex framework of beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and behaviors. However, by getting motivation students will be spirited in learning, so they will be motivated to study well.37

35 Zoltan Dornyei, & Itsvan Ottó, Motivation in action: A process model of L2 motivation. Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, 1998, 4, 43–69.

36 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman Group, 1993), p. 98

37 Neng Aprilia Purnama, Neng sri rahayu, et.al, “students’ motivation in learning English”, profesionaljournalof education, vol.2 no.2, (July:2019), 2614-6258

Rojabi (2022) stated that the success or failure of learners is determined by their motivation. Students who motivate themselves to obtain their learning targets will always control their time to study intensively. 38Therefore, teachers should be aware of the significance of motivation in the process of learning and through some changes they can help to increase students’ motivation.

Long, Ming, and Chen (2013) stated that one of the essential aspects of English learning is learner motivation, and many researchers have conducted studies on this subject.39 But in fact, we know that students’ motivation to learn could be high or low. Thus, it can be seen that students’ motivation is very important to be enchanted when they have low motivation to participate in the learning process. From those definitions, it can be concluded that motivation is one of the most important factors influencing students' performance or achievement during the learning process. It is also someone's decision to set goals before achieving them. Motivation is important as a power that encourages someone to do something.

38Ahmad Ridho Rojabi, Slamet Setiawan, Ahmad Munir, Oikurema Purwati, Widyastuti,” The Camera-on or Camera-off, Is it a Dilemma?

Sparking Engagement, Motivation, and Autonomy Through Microsoft Teams Videoconferencing”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, Vol. 17, No. 11, (2022), https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i11.29061

39 Long, C., Ming, Z., & Chen, L., The study of student motivation on English learning in junior middle school – a case study of no.5 middle school in Gejiu. English Language Teaching (2013) 6(9), 136-145. https://doi:10.5539/elt.v6n9p136

b. Types of Motivation

Motivation is classified into two types: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Both of these motivational types can be defined as follows:

1) Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation is the desire to act caused by an internal motivator. In other words, individuals are compelled to act in certain ways in the absence of any external motivators. Students who are intrinsically motivated to participate in learning activities can be identified by their diligence in completing learning tasks because they believe they need and want to achieve their goals.40 Furthermore, Hayikaleng, Nair, and Krishanasamy (2016) confirmed that intrinsic motivation in language learning refers to the motivation to engage in certain activities because they are enjoyable and interesting. Someone may be motivated by their enjoyment of the learning activity or their desire to make themselves happy.41 Thus, students who have intrinsic motivation will show high involvement and activity in learning. In addition, to

40 Adetya Dewi Wardani, Imam Gunawan, Desi Eri Kusumaningrum et.al, “Student Learning Motivation: A Conceptual Paper”, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, vo. 487, 2020.

41 Hayikaleng, N., Nair, S. M., & Krishnasamy, H. N., “The Students Motivation on English Reading Comprehension”. Utara Malaysia University: Malaysia, 2016.

build the students' intrinsic motivation in learning, intellectual, emotional, and social maturity needs to be considered.42

2) Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is defined as motives that are active and function because of external stimuli.43 Extrinsic motivation is not a true feeling or desire within students to learn.44 Furthermore, Hayikaleng, Nair & Krishnasamy (2016) argue that extrinsic motivation refers to a performance that an individual performs in order to gain a reward such as good grades or to increase salary, or alternatively to avoid punishment.

Gardner and Lambert divided motivation into two types, they are:45

a) Integrative motivation

Integrative motivation means learning the language with the intention of participating in the culture of its people.

b) Instrumental Motivation

Instrumental motivation suggests and implies that a learner learns the language to support a purpose related to

42 I. Gunawan, D. Eri Kusumaningrum, and R. Bambang Sumarsono, “Investigation of Principal Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 487 277 Leadership Based on Pesantren: Descriptive Study about Implementation of Human Resources Empowerment Models Based on Soft System Methodology,” 2020, pp. 255–258.

43 Sardiman, Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar: Pedoman bagi Guru dan Calon Guru.

Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2001.

44 E. Prayitno, Motivasi dalam Belajar. Jakarta: Proyek Pengembangan LPTK, 1989.

45Robert C. Gardner, & Wallace E Lambert, "Motivational variables in second language acquisition”, Canadian journal of psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie, 13 (4),1959 p.266

occupation or another motive. These two types of motivation can influence and control the process and outcome of learning.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that motivation is a set of reasons that determines someone to engage in a particular behavior. It refers to the internal conditions or states that activate or energize human beings to perform certain behavior to reach a goal. In this research, the researcher just focuses on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of students. Intrinsic motivation is the motives that come from the inner heart of a person. It occurs when people engage in an activity, such as a hobby. Meanwhile, Extrinsic motivation comes from outside the performer.

c. Students’ motivation in the classroom

The classroom environment is an important factor that can influence and develop students' interest in the learning activity.

However, creating situational interest in the classroom is not an easy job. In this case, the teacher plays an important role in the learning process. Several studies have compared classrooms from a motivational and engagement perspective. Teachers with motivated, engaged classrooms have different characteristics and exhibit different behaviors than those teachers with classrooms in which the

motivation and engagement of students are low.46 Therefore, the teacher must be able to create an enjoyable situation in the classroom so the student’s personal interest in learning can be increased.

Motivating teachers foster a positive, upbeat, and compassionate learning environment. Lessons are well-planned, meaningful, and engaging, for student autonomy and cooperation.

Teachers' motivational models can include techniques, subject matter, positive learning behavior, and interpersonal relationships.47

Furthermore, Kilic and Kilic (2021) stated that learning and teaching factor that can motivate students are grouped into some models:48

1) Setting Goals

Student goals are an important factor to consider when planning the lesson. Students' success and failure situations are determined based on their level of achievement of the goal.

Giving students information about the lesson's objectives, teaching methods, and materials is beneficial because it allows them to be guided individually. The presence of attainable goals can primarily motivate students.

46 Ronald L. Girmus, “How to Motivate Your Students”, New Mexico State University at Carslbad, 2012.

47 Ibid, P. 6.

48 Muhammad Emre Kilic, Mehmet Yasar Kilic, “Motivation in the classroom”, Participatory Educational Research (PER) Vol. 8(2), (April:2021), PP. 31-56.


2) Use of Communication and Emotion

School is one of the most important socialization environments that is essential for communication development.

Schools are places where new behaviors and attitudes emerge.

As a result, communication is the fundamental dynamic of the educational and training process. Communication is one of the most important elements that connect stakeholders in schools.

The quality of communication that teacher establishes are very important for student motivation.

3) Use of Rewards and Punishments

Rewards are essential factors that stimulate an individual's desire to work. Financial awards are monetary awards such as books, pens, and chocolate that are given when a student's attitude toward learning is poor. In contrast, social rewards are spiritual motivations that make the student feel good, such as laughing, eye contact, and approval. Exclusion from class, dropping out of school, humiliation in the classroom, writing children's names on the blackboard, calling parents, and explaining the problems are all examples of school punishment.

4) Attracting Attention

Teaching through discovery, panel, problem-solving, role-playing, and narration techniques used at the start of the lesson keeps the student interested. Students' constant attention is

linked to their participation. Gestures, movements, sounds, and questions can be used as tools for students throughout the lesson to accomplish this.

5) Modeling

Teachers serve as role models for students. Students, especially in primary school, look to teachers as role models for their actions. Modeling behaviors for students to imitate is critical for their motivation. Teachers should monitor their students' behavior.

6) Focus on Success

Some students should be supported more individually, and efforts should be made to increase the person's motivation.

Teachers should emphasize that they are not afraid of failing their students. Even if the students' answers are incorrect, positive feedback should be given to them to change their attitudes.

7) Physical Conditions of School and Classroom

It is observed that student relations have changed positively with the change in the physical environment of the classroom. Variables such as temperature and warming of the classroom must be controlled by the teacher. To be effective in the lesson, teachers should construct all the possibilities in the classroom to motivate the students and attract their attention.

8) Providing Feedback.

Feedback from a teacher can help a student improve his performance. If the student does not receive this feedback, he may become dissatisfied with his work. Feedback can be effective if it has a positive impact on student development, and the student will be more successful.

d. Motivation in learning vocabulary

One of the important factors that can influence students' English achievement is motivation. Students' motivation is widely regarded as a critical factor influencing the rate and success of second language learning.49 It is further stated by Alqahtani (2015), who confirmed that vocabulary is a set of words in a language that is required by everyone in learning a language, particularly a foreign language.50 Based on the explanation above the researcher conclude that the meaning motivation in learning vocabulary is a desire or drive to observe, read, learn and imitate a list of words. Thus, the students can learn more effectively to achieve their goals.

Since motivation has an effect on learning activity, it can be said that motivation also has a role to facilitate students in increasing their vocabulary learning. Therefore, teachers need to motivate their students in learning vocabulary so that they will study

49 Alwan Faiz, Leroy Holman,”The Effect of Using Game on Students' Motivation in Learning Vocabulary”, Tarbiatuna: Journal of Islamic Education Studies, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022) P. 1-8 https://DOI:47467/tarbiatuna.v2i1.886

50 M. alqahtani,2015.

the new words intentionally or incidentally.51 In learning vocabulary there are so many factors that can motivate students such as giving rewards or punishment, providing good media, doing some games or using interesting strategies.

Moreover, Sipur (2011) mentions that there are so many ways to increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary, such as;52 (1) Look and listen for new words, and keep your eyes and ears open for unfamiliar words when reading. You will hear them when conversing with others, watching movies, or listening to the radio or television. (2) Make a list of new words. When you learn new words, write them down in your notebook. (3) Look up the definitions of new words in a dictionary, and look up the definitions of new words in your vocabulary notebook. (4) When speaking with family or friends, use your own words. (5) Add several new words to your vocabulary notebook each day. Maintain your interpersonal prowess.

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