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D. Discussion

Chapter V is the conclusion of the findings and some suggestions for future research.

In this study, the researcher used a quantitative approach. Quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables.60 The researcher used a quantitative approach with a Quasi-experimental research design. This design was chosen to know the effect of groups who receive treatment and another group who does not receive the treatment.

According to Creswell quasi-experimental is a form of experimental research in which individuals are not randomly assigned to groups61 In this study, researchers used a quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group design. This research involved two classes of groups, namely: an experimental group and a control group.

The experimental and the control group will be given a pretest test, to know the ability of the students before treatment. After being given treatment, both the experimental group and the control group were given a test, namely a posttest, to find out the students’ motivation after treatment. During the experiment, the experimental class was taught by using Vocabulary Self- collection Strategy while the controlled class was taught by using the

60 John W Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.

Third Edition.Singapore:SAGE Publication,Inc. 2009.p.32

61 John W Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantative, and Mixed Methods Approaches.

Fifth Edition.Singapore:SAGE Publication,Inc. 2018. P. 230

conventional strategy (without Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy intervention).

Tabel 3.1 Research design Non-equivalent

Group design

Class Pre-test Treatment Pos-test

Pre-test design A O1 X O2

Post-test design B O3 O4


A : The experimental class B : The control Group

O1 : Pre-test for the experimental group O2 : Post-test for the experimental group O3 : Pre-test for the control Group O4 : Post-test for the control group

X : Treatment using Vocabulary self-collection strategy

As seen in table 3.1, it can be seen that the researcher divided the subject into two groups, the experimental group, and the control group. The researcher used pre-test and post-test designs to measure the students’

motivation before and after the treatment. The pre-test was conducted before the treatment while the post-test was conducted after the treatment.

B. Context and Participant

This research was conducted at SMP Unggulan Darul Ulum Jember, Jawa Timur. This location was determined based on some considerations. Firstly, Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy has never been used in teaching vocabulary in this school. Secondly, the researcher has already conducted pre- observations and pre-interviews at school. Thirdly, the researcher has already

got permission to conduct the research in this school. The participants were the students of VIII C as an experimental group consisting of 29 students and VIII D as a control group consisting of 25 students.

1. Population

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researchers to be studied and take the conclusions.62 The population of this study is the 8th-grade students of SMP Unggulan Darul Ulum in the academic year 2022/2023 which consists of five classes from classes 8A to 8E. The total population was 155 students. This population was selected based on the teacher’s recommendation. The English teacher noted that the 8th-grade students have moderate achievement in English. The students’ achievement in English is not too high or too low, especially in vocabulary acquisition.

2. Sample

The sample is part of the number and characteristics of population.63 In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling in which the sample was selected based on some consideration. This technique was chosen based on the characteristic of the students and the teacher’s recommendation in which the teacher recommends these two classes as they have an equal level of ability. Thus, the researcher took two classes as the sample of this research, they were VIII C as an experimental group consisting of 29 students and VIII D as a control group consisting of 25 students.

62 Ibid, P. 212

63 Ibid, P. 212

The research instrument was a tool used to measure and collect data in research so it was easier to be processed.64 It was used in a study to make data easier to process. In this study, the researcher used instruments in the form of test, motivational questionnaires and observation checklist. Test is used to measure the students` vocabulary ability before and after the treatment given by the teacher. Questionnaires are used to collect information from the participants related to their motivation in the teaching and learning process.

Then, the researcher used an observations checklist to observe students’

motivation and behavior during the treatment.

1. Test

Test is a tool that is used to determine the skills or abilities possessed by an individual or group.65 In this study, all participants in both the control and the experimental group were given the test. The test was given before and after treatment which is known as pre-test and post-test. A pretest was used to measure the students` vocabulary ability before the treatment given by the teacher, while, a post-test was used to measure the students’ vocabulary after giving treatments. The test consisted 20 questions in the form of multiple choices.

2. Questionnaire

In this study, the researcher used a questionnaire to know the students’ motivation in teaching learning vocabulary. As the participants,

64 Ibid, P. 215

65 Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,2006

the students were asked to fill the questionnaire related to their habit that showed their motivation in learning English vocabulary. In this study, the researcher used adapted questionnaire from Nur Napiah (2019). To check the validity, the questionnaire was checked by using SPSS and it showed that there were 30 valid questions. The questionnaire is using likert-scale model which consist of five (5) options answer for positive and negative statements, they are as follows:

Table 3.2 Likert scale

Option Score

Positive Question Negative Question

Strongly agree 5 1

Agree 4 2

Neutral 3 3

Disagree 2 4

Strongly disagree 1 5

The questionnaire items in this study use positive and negative statements. It consists of 3 variables which are divided into 30 statements/items. The specifications of the questionnaire after validity checking can be seen in Table 3.3

Table 3.3

Specification of questionnaires adapted from Napiah Nur66: Variable Dimension Indicator Number Number of

Questions (+) (-)


Intrinsic motivation


in learning 1,7,2 ,4 4 Tenacity in

facing difficulties

3,6 5 3

Interest in

learning 8,17,23 3

Independent in learning

9, 19,

27 3

Extrinsic motivation

The friend’s influence


13,15, 3

The teacher’s influence

14,18 10,11 4

Vocabulary Self-

collection strategy


Advantages of VSS strategy



26, 22 21

3 Students’



29 3

Motivating students

24, 30, 28

25 4

∑ 30

3. Observation Checklist

An observation checklist is used to observe students' behavior during treatment. The researcher used an observation checklist to find out the students’ learning motivation during learning. In this study, the researcher used adapted observation checklists from Setiawan M Rizky (2020). To validate the instruments, the researcher consulted the instruments with expert judgments. They have been chosen as the

66 Nur Napiah,” Improving Students’ Motivation and Vocabulary Knowledge Through Hangman Game (A Classroom Action Research at Seventh Grade of MTs Negeri 2 Jakarta in Academic Year 2019/2020)” (Thesis, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Universty Jakarta), 46.

supervisor suggested them. This instrument contained 6 indicators used to measure student motivation (facing the task, resilient facing difficulties, showing interest in learning vocabulary, preferring to work independently, do not get boring with learning routines, and feeling happy to answer the questions). Moreover, this observation checklist was used in the experiment and control group.

4. Instrument Validity

According to Arikunto, validity is a measure that indicates the level of validity of an instrument.67In this research, the researcher used content validity. The researcher asked the validators to perform the validity test in this research study. The researcher asked the English lecturer to conduct a validation test on the instrument.

5. Instrument Reliability

Reliability is used to know the degree of stability of the instrument.68 It is used to assess the consistency and stability of test scores when the test is used on different occasions. The reliability test for this study was taken from a population that was not sampled in this study.

Therefore, the researcher conducted the tryout to find out the reliability of the instrument.

In this study, the researcher used Cronbach's Alpha to assess instrument reliability. As stated by Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, Cronbach’s Alpha is a coefficient of inter-item correlations. It is used to

67 Arikunto. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2002)

68 Ibid.,178

measure the internal consistency of items and is used for multi-item scales.69 Thus, the results of scores obtained by the students were proceeded through using Cronbach’s Alpha formula in SPSS type 21.

Data analysis is the process of analyzing the data from the research. The data of this study were analyzed statistically by using SPSS. The analysis is aimed to measure the significant effect of students’ motivation in learning vocabulary before and after being taught using the Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy. There are some data analysis techniques that the researcher carried out to analyze the data, they are:

1. Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics are used to describe research data, such as the number of data, maximum and minimum scores, and mean and standard deviation. The result of the questionnaire and observation checklist are analyzed using descriptive statistics after the test is completed. The researcher computed the data using SPSS version 21.

2. Normality Test

In this study, the researcher used the normality test to prove whether the pre-test and post-test of each group are normally distributed. As stated by Arikunto that the normality test is a way to determine whether the data

obtained are normal.70 To know whether the distribution of the data was normal or not, the researcher used the Shapiro-Wilk formula with a significance level of more than 0.05 (α= 0.05) provided in SPPS version 21.

The data is normally distributed if the level of significance is higher than 0.05 (p > 0.05). On the other hand, if the significance level is lower than 0.05 (p < 0.05), this means that the data is not normally distributed and an independent sample t-test cannot be performed.

3. Homogeneity Test

Data homogeneity is also one of the requirements needed before doing the independent sample t-test. In this study, the Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data in variables X and Y are homogenous. The data used in this section is data from the post-test experimental class and control class. The researcher used Levene’s test on SPSS version 21 to test the homogeneity of the data. The variance of scores was considered homogeneous if the significance value (p) is higher than 0.05 (p > 0.05). On the other hand, if the value of sig (p) is lower than 0.05 (p < 0.05), it means that the variance score is not the same or not homogeneous.

4. Independent Sample T-test

The researcher used the Independent Sample T-Test after determining that the data from the pre-test and post-test were normally distributed and homogeneous. It was used to determine the significant difference between the means of the two groups. So, it can be said that the independent t-test is

70 Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,2006 p.290

used to determine the difference scores between the group who were taught using Vocabulary Self-collection and the one who didn't. Moreover, this test was used to prove whether VSS is effective to increase students’

motivation or not. The independent t-test will be tested by using SPSS 21.

Then, the results of the test would determine whether the difference between the scores of the two groups is significant or not. If the value is Sig. (2-tailed) <Research Alpha (0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, and if the value is Sig. (2-tailed)> Alpha Research (0.05), then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected.




This chapter presents the description of the object, the description of data, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and discussion based on the result of this research.

A. The Description of The Research Object 1. The profile of the School

SMP Darul Ulum is a school managed by Mambaul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, which is located in Jl. KH Askandar KM. 2 Wringinputih Village, Muncar Village, Banyuwangi Regency. The chairman of SMP Darul Ulum is Mr. Bakhrudin, S.Pd. This institution has two employees and 21 teaching staff. Besides, There are 12 classrooms, two laboratories, one library, one school medical room, four toilets, two gazebos, one students' cooperative room, and one mosque in this school.

2. The Identity of School

a. School Name : SMP Darul Ulum Muncar b. NPSN : 20574435

c. Address : Jl. KH Askandar KM.2 Wringinputih d. Village : Wringin Putih

e. District : Muncar f. Province : Banyuwangi g. Accreditation : B

h. School Status : Private

i. Fax :–

j. Website : http://www.smpdu-bwi.sch.id k. Email : smpdu.muncar@gmail.com 3. Visions

Intellectually, spiritually, socially, and culturally based on loyalty and purity.

4. Missions

a. Increasing the ability, tenderness of knowledge, and curiosity of students in academic and non-academic fields

b. Develop a culture of fondness for reading, curiosity, tolerance, cooperation, discipline, honesty, hard work, creativity, and innovation.

c. Create a learning atmosphere that is challenging, fun, communicative, and democratic.

B. The Description of Data

This chapter discussed and described the result of students’ motivation and their vocabulary achievement at 8th-grade students of SMP Darul Ulum Muncar. This study was conducted from the 22nd of August 2022 until the 29th of September 2022. The researcher used tests before and after the treatment to collect data on the student’s achievement in vocabulary learning.

Moreover, to collect the data researcher used pre-test and post-test, a motivational questionnaire and an observation checklist. All data were collected from two classes, VIIIC as the experimental group and VIIID as the control group. The researcher gave a test in the form of a pre-test and a post-

test. The researcher conducted a pre-test before the treatment and a post-test after the treatment. The pre-test was conducted on 5th-7th September 2022.

The researcher gave a vocabulary test consisting of 20 questions in the form of multiple-choice. Students only had 80 minutes to answer the questions. After conducting a pre-test, the researcher gave treatment to the experimental class using Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy. The treatment was conducted on 9th September 2022. The researcher divided the class into small groups consisting of 5 persons. Then the researcher guided them to identify a word.

Then, the students in the small group discussed words they want to nominate with their groups, found the meaning of each word, and discussed the reason why they chose that word. At the end of the class, each group presented their work in front of the class. For the control class, the researcher taught vocabulary material conventionally without using strategy.

After the treatments, the researcher conducted a post-test on the experimental and control class. The post-test was conducted on the 20th and 23rd of September 2022. The post-test was administered for two classes by giving a multiple-choice test containing 20 questions. Moreover, the data was explained as follows:

1. Students’ Vocabulary Scores of The Pre-test a. Experimental Class

In this section, the researcher presented the data of the pre-test in the experimental class before treatment. The 8C was chosen as the

experimental class. The class consisted of 29 students. The result of the pre-test can be seen as follow:

Table 4.1

Vocabulary score of Pre-test in the Experimental class


1 AWA 45

2 ARS 30

3 AR 35

4 AR 50

5 AR 30

6 CRM 45

7 CPPK 65

8 CN 35

9 DKPA 40

10 DAP 30

11 EKN 35

12 FM 35

13 FAH 50

14 GMD 20

15 HFS 25

16 ICS 40

17 NKN 35

18 NSM 35

19 NN 65

20 NFA 35

21 RA 50

22 RAZ 50

23 SNH 45

24 SAA 40

25 SFD 60

26 UFU 30

27 VKM 50

28 WN 55

29 ZZJ 25

Total 1185

Mean 40

As seen in table 4.1, it could be seen that the mean score of students in the experimental class was 40 with a minimum score of 20 and the maximum score of 65.

b. Control class

In this section, the researcher presented the data from the pre-test in the experimental class. The researcher has already chosen 8C as the control class. The class consisted of 25 students. The result of the pre-test can be seen as follow:

Table 4.2

Vocabulary score of Pre-test in the Control class


1 AA 20

2 AFZ 35

3 AR 50

4 ASDN 30

5 AS 40

6 DMS 45

7 DOF 20

8 FDH 25

9 HR 30

10 IA 35

11 KVA 50

12 LR 45

13 MNA 30

14 MNLJ 40

15 NSS 30

16 NARK 50

17 NAK 55

18 NM 35

19 PVR 35

20 RMZ 50

21 ASN 40

22 SM 30

23 TAD 60

24 TM 50

25 ZSS 50

Total 980

Mean 39,2

As seen in table 4.2, it could be seen that the mean score of students in the control class was 39.2. The minimum score of the pre-test was 20 and the maximum score was 60.

2. Students’ Vocabulary Score of The Post-test a. Experimental class

This section displayed the result of the post-test in the experimental class in which the students were taught by using VSS Strategy. The data was obtained from the vocabulary test contains of 20 questions. The result can be seen as follows:

Table 4.3

Vocabulary score of Post-test in the Experimental class


1 AWA 80

2 ARS 85

3 AR 75

4 AR 75

5 AR 75

6 CRM 90

7 CPPK 90

8 CN 80

9 DKPA 65

10 DAP 80

11 EKN 70

12 FM 85

13 FAH 85

14 GMD 95

15 HFS 80

16 ICS 75

17 NKN 75

18 NSM 80

19 NN 90

20 NFA 70

21 RA 90

22 RAZ 80

23 SNH 90

24 SAA 75

25 SFD 95

26 UFU 65

27 VKM 85

28 WN 80

29 ZZJ 65

Total 2325

Mean 80,1

As seen in Table 4.3 the mean score of students in the control class was 80.1. The minimum score of the students’ post-test was 65 and the maximum score is 95. So, it can be concluded that the scores of the students’ post-test increased after the students were taught by using VSS Strategy.

b. Control class

The result of the pre-test in the control class can be seen as follow:

Table 4.4

Vocabulary score of Post-test in the Control class


1 AA 65

2 AFZ 55

3 AR 50

4 ASDN 85

5 AS 75

6 DMS 60

7 DOF 55

8 FDH 90

9 HR 80

10 IA 75

11 KVA 55

12 LR 70

13 MNA 80

14 MNLJ 70

15 NSS 80

16 NARK 75

17 NAK 75

18 NM 60

19 PVR 90

20 RMZ 75

21 ASN 60

22 SM 60

23 TAD 70

24 TM 65

25 ZSS 75

Total 1750

Mean 70

As seen in Table 4.4, it could be seen that the mean score of students in the experimental class was 70. The minimum score was 50 and the maximum score was 90.

3. The Description of Observation checklist a. Experimental class

This section displayed the results of the observation checklist in the experimental class in which the students were taught by using VSS Strategy. The data obtained in the observation checklist was displayed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5

The Description of Observation checklist in Experimental Class

No Indicators Frequency Percentage

1 Diligently facing the task 27 93%

2 Resilient facing difficulties 25 86%

3 Showing interest in learning

vocabulary 29 100%

4 Preferring to work

independently 25 86%

5 Do not get bored with

learning routines 23 79%

6 Feeling happy to answer the

questions 24 83%

Total Percentage 528%

Percentage 88%

As seen in table 4.5 the percentages of students' motivation were collected from the total score of one group. The total percentage of the data was calculated by using this formula:

P= x 100 Where:

P = percentage F = frequency.

N = the total number of students b. Control class

This section displayed the results of students’ motivation in the control class. The data obtained in the observation checklist was shown in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6

The Description of Observation checklist in Control Class

No Indicators Frequency Percentage

1 Diligently facing the task 19 76%

2 Resilient facing difficulties 15 60%

3 Showing interest in learning

vocabulary 11 44%

4 Preferring to work

independently 15 60%

5 Do not get bored with

learning routines 11 44%

6 Feeling happy to answer the

questions 20 80%

Total Percentage 364%

Percentage 61%

Ass seen in table 4.6, it could be seen that the total score of observation checklist in the control class was 364%. The result of the percentage based on the total score was 61%.

4. The Description of the Questionnaire

This section displayed up the results of the Questionnaire in the experimental class in which the students were taught by using VSS strategy.

The Questionnaire was used to know the students’ motivation after being given treatment. The data obtained in the observation checklist was shown in Table 4.7.

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