• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Suggestions

After conducting this research, there are some advice are provided for the teachers and The next researchers as follows:

1. For teachers

English teachers are recommended to apply the Vocabulary Self- collection Strategy since it is proven to be effective and gives advantages in increasing students’ motivation and their achievement in vocabulary learning. Therefore, the teachers are suggested to use the VSS Strategy in the process of vocabulary teaching.

2. For the next researcher

The next researchers are suggested to conduct further research concerning the implementation of the Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy.

They are also suggested to conduct other research on other skills such as Writing and reading skills. Moreover, VSS needs to be developed to be more enjoyable and easier to fit the student’s ability in various levels.


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Title Variables Sub Variables Indicators Data

Resources Research Method Formulation of The Problem The

Effectivenes s of

Vocabulary Self- collection Strategy on Students’

Vocabulary Mastery

A. Independent:

Vocabulary self-

collection strategy

B. Dependent:



1. Selecting

2. Defining

3. Finalizin

1. Intrinsic

2. Extrinsic

a. Identifying word b. Choosing word a. Analyzing

b. Finding information a. Final list

b. Creating vocabulary list

a. Curiosity b. Interest

a. Prices b. Grades

c. Positive feedback d. Teaching strategy e. Classroom environment

Students Quantitative method:

Quasi experimental.

Research )

Instrument & Data collection:

Observation Checklist



Indicator of the instrument:

Diligently facing in task

Resilient in facing difficulties

Show interest in learning vocabulary

Prefer to work independently

Do not get bored with learning routines

Happy to answer the questions

Data Analysis:


1. Is there any significant effect of using

vocabulary self- collection strategy in increasing students’

motivation in learning English vocabulary?

2. How was the students’

motivation who are taught using Vocabulary Self- collection Strategy and those who are taught without using

Vocabulary Self- collection Strategy

Appendix 3



Appendix 4

SPSS Output

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pretest Experiment 29 20 65 40.86 11.731

Posttest Experiment 29 65 95 80.17 9.111

Pretest control 25 20 60 39.20 10.962

Posttest control 25 50 90 70.00 11.180

Valid N (listwise) 25

Explore Normality Test


Kelas Statistic Std. Error

Hasil Belajar Siswa


Mean 40.86 2.178

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 36.40

Upper Bound 45.32

5% Trimmed Mean 40.59

Median 40.00

Variance 137.623

Std. Deviation 11.731

Minimum 20

Maximum 65

Range 45

Interquartile Range 18

Case Processing Summary

Kelas Cases

Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Hasil Belajar Siswa

PRETEST EXPERIMENT 29 100.0% 0 0.0% 29 100.0%


29 100.0% 0 0.0% 29 100.0%

PRETEST CONTROL 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%

POSTTEST CONTROL 25 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 100.0%

Skewness .437 .434

Kurtosis -.385 .845


Mean 80.17 1.692

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound


Upper Bound


5% Trimmed Mean 80.19

Median 80.00

Variance 83.005

Std. Deviation 9.111

Minimum 65

Maximum 95

Range 30

Interquartile Range 10

Skewness -.169 .434

Kurtosis -.700 .845


Mean 39.20 2.192

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound


Upper Bound


5% Trimmed Mean 39.17

Median 40.00

Variance 120.167

Std. Deviation 10.962

Minimum 20

Maximum 60

Range 40

Interquartile Range 20

Skewness -.011 .464

Kurtosis -.884 .902


Mean 70.00 2.236

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound


Upper Bound


5% Trimmed Mean 69.94

Median 70.00

Variance 125.000

Std. Deviation 11.180

Minimum 50

Maximum 90

Range 40

Interquartile Range 18

Skewness .024 .464

Kurtosis -.820 .902

Tests of Normality

Kelas Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Hasil Belajar Siswa

PRETEST EXPERIMENT .174 29 .025 .954 29 .227

POSTTEST EXPERIMENT .148 29 .107 .938 29 .090

PRETEST CONTROL .158 25 .110 .950 25 .256

POSTTEST CONTROL .153 25 .136 .955 25 .330

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Hasil Belajar Siswa

Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Homogeneity Test

Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Hasil Belajar Siswa

Based on Mean 1.765 1 52 .190

Based on Median 1.802 1 52 .185

Based on Median and with adjusted df 1.802 1 51.654 .185

Based on trimmed mean 1.784 1 52 .187

Hasil Belajar Siswa

Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Hasil Belajar Siswa Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= 1

Frequency Stem & Leaf .00 6 .

4.00 6 . 5555 2.00 7 . 00

4.00 7 . 5555 7.00 8 . 0000000 6.00 8 . 555555 3.00 9 . 000 3.00 9 . 555 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Hasil Belajar Siswa Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Kelas= POSTTEST EXPERIMENT

Frequency Stem & Leaf 1.00 5 . 0 3.00 5 . 555 4.00 6 . 0000 2.00 6 . 55 3.00 7 . 000 6.00 7 . 555555 3.00 8 . 000 1.00 8 . 5 2.00 9 . 00 Stem width: 10 Each leaf: 1 case(s)


Group Statistics

Kelas N Mean


Deviati on


Error Mean

Hasil belajar siswa

Post test

Experiment 29 80.17 9.111 1.692 Post test

Control 25 70.00 11.180 2.236

Independent Samples Test Levene's

Test for Equality of Variances

t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig.

(2- tailed)

Mean Differen



Error Differen



Confidence Interval of

the Difference Low er

Uppe r

Hasil belajar siswa

Equal variance s assumed

1.76 5

.190 3.68 4

52 .001 10.172 2.804 4.52 9

15.8 15

Equal variance s not assumed

3.62 8

46.3 29


Appendix 5



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Darul Ulum Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas / Semester : VIII / 1

Pokok Bahasan : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 JP


KI-1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI-2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI-3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI-4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori


3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksitransaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan memintainformasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadisecara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple present tense)

4.7 menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dansederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkaitkeadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin ataumerupakan kebenaran umum, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks C. INDIKATOR PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI

3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum

3.7.2 Menyebutkan ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum

4.7.1 Menulis teks lisan sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan menanyakan keberadaan orang,benda binatang dalam jumlah yang tidak tentu

4.7.2 Menulis teks tulis sederhana tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau kebenaran umum.


Setelah selesai pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutinatau merupakan kebenaran umum, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

2. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentangtindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan / terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaranumum, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaanyang benar dan sesuai konteks.

3. Mengidentifkasi kata yang sulit yang berhubungan dengan (Verb,noun, adjective)


Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum

Fungsi sosial

- Menyatakan tindakan/kejadian yang merupakan rutinitasdankebenaran umum dalammenjagahubungan interpersonal dengan guru danteman

Struktur teks

- Tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin

I wake up at five every morning.Do you?

No, I don’t.

I wake up at four

Do you have breakfast before school?

Yes, I do.

Mom doesn’t prepare breakfast for us.

We prepare it ourselves.

How often do you have English at school?

We have it twice a week.

Who teaches you English?

Mrs Anna does.

- Tindakan/kejadian yang merupakan kebenaran umum

Where does the sun rise?

It rises in the east

How does salt taste?

It tastes salty

Dogs bark, cats meaow.

Unsur kebahasaan

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, kosakata (action verbs: go, do, teach, prepare, adverb of time: every day, every morning, in the morning, at night, adverb of frequency: always, usually, sometimes dsb) dan tata bahasa (Simple Present tense)

Simple Present Tense A. Pattern :

1. (+) Subject + is, am, are + Complement Ex : She is a teacher

(-) Subject + is, am, are + not + Complement Ex : She is not a teacher

(?)is, am, are + Subject + Complement?

Ex : Is she a teacher

Note : we use “is” if the subject is singular : He, she, It We use “are” if the subject is plural : they, we, you We use “am” if the subject is “I”

2. (+)Subject + Verb 1/es + Object Ex : The bird has two wings

(-)Subject + do + not + Verb 1 + Object does+not+Verb 1 Ex : The bird does not have four legs

(?) Do + Subject + Verb 1+ Object ? Does Ex : Does the bird have two wings?

Note :

- We use Verb 1 if the subject is plural : They, we, I, You - we use verb s/es if the subject is singular : she, he, it B. The use of Simple Present tense

1. To express the habit ( untuk mengungkapkan kebiasaan) ex : a. I ussually get up at five in the morning

b. Pussy, my lovely pet likes to sleep on sofa

1. To express the fact (mengungkapkan kenyataan/fakta) Ex :

a. We believe the existence of God b. The earth is round

 Teks pembelajaran Teks 1

I have a friend named Julie Rose. She is my classmate in Senior High School grade 12. She is 17 years old. She likes music, swimming and going to the cinema. She also likes hanging out with friends. She is very kind and friendly.

She is a very normal American girl. But, she has one unusual hobby. She loves extreme sports like parachuting, bungee jumping, wing-suit flying, kite surfing, skateboarding, and many more. Julie joins one sport club.

This club conducts one extreme sport on Sunday, twice a month. Julie wins many competitions of this kind of sport. Julie wants to be a professional athlete of extreme sport.Sh s never afraid of danger or being injured. She always says that extreme sports are a part of her life. She is alive and feels joy of life while doing the extreme sport.

Teks 2

Yogyakarta is a very special city for its arts, culture and culinary. It is a perfect place to find the best batik as well as to watch puppet as well as gamelan concerts. Ramayana Ballet is the most popular performance in Yogyakarta. The play is based on an ancient Hindu love story, King Rama and Princess Shita.

There are many great places to visit in Yogyakarta. Some of them are Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Kalibiru National Park, Keraton Royal Palace, Alun-Alun Selatan Keraton, Malioboro Street, etc. Among all of them, temples become one of the biggest reasons why people visit Yogyakarta. Local people in Yogyakarta are so warm and friendly. They love to greet and wave hands to many tourists. When tourists get lost along the street, they help to show a way happily. In some tourism objects, there

are many local guides. You need to deal with the price before having a guidance service.

Teks 3

Hello, my name is Rose alfrena. You can call me Rose. Here I will tell about my daily activities every day except in Saturday and Sunday. Well, I always wake up at 6 o’clock, then I wash my face in wastafle and then I prepare a cup of coffee. I drink a cup of coffee in the garden with reading a newspaper in order I can follow every hot news in the world. Thirty minutes after I do it, I will prepare to take a bth, I just need fifteen minute to take a bath. Then, at 7 o’clock I will prepare to go to office by a taxi. I always work until 3 pm in the office, Then usually I go hung out with my friends to drink an evening coffee. At 6 pm, I go home and clean my room.

At 7 pm, I take a bath then prepare for dinner by myself, After it I usually watching television or call my parents by phone, Then at 10 o’clock I prepare to sleep. I always do those activities from Monday until Friday.

Teks 4

I am an office worker who lived in a small city in Indonesia. I am 24 years old. My daily life is quite regular. Everyday, I wake up at 5 am. After making my bed, I do a little workout to keep my health. After done streching my body, I prepare my meal. Usually I cook for 3x meals. After done prepping my meals, I take a bath and get ready to work. I ride my motorbike to my office. My office open at 9 am, but I usually leave for work at 8 am to avoid traffic jam. After arriving at the office, I do some preparation or ritual before started working. I make a cup of coffee and grab some snacks from the pantry. I work from 9 am to 5 pm. I go home at 5 pm. Sometimes, when my friends and I are free, we hang out at the nearby cafe. After 7 pm, I go home and take a rest.


 Teks dan gambar terkait materi

 Things around us.

2. Strategi Pembelajaran

 Vocabulary Self-collection Strategy 3. Sumber Belajar

 Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa Kelas VIII Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings a Bell, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta : 2014, page 70-79


a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

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