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B. Description of Data

4. Reflecting

Based on the result of cycle I, it can be seen that most of students get difficulty in speaking performance. It happens because the students had less confident to speak up and did not know how to express their idea. In the end of cycle 1, the result of students’ activitiesincreased. The students who passed the test also increased from the 9,53% in Pre-Test and33,33% in Post- Test, but it was not fulfil the completeness standard at least 70%

students must get ≥68.

For the information related to the indicator of success has not been achieved,so the research continued on cycle II.

c. Cycle II

The cycle II was similar with cycle I. It divided into planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. It would be explained more as follows:

1) Planning

Based on the reflection that had been conducted in the cycle 1, the researcher and the collaborator made the planning of the action, as follows:

(1) Preparing the material of narrativetext.

(2) Preparing the lesson plan.

(3) Preparing the items that will be examined as the post-test in the end of cycle.

(4) Preparing Shadowing Technique that used in the action teaching and learning process.

(5) Preparing the observation sheet of the students’ activity 2.

(6) To plan the scenario of the implementation of action and the implementation of Shadowing Technique.

2) Acting

The action in the cycle II, consist of two meetings, one meeting for the action, and one meeting for the post-test in the end of cycle. They were:

a) The First and Second Meeting

Based on the learning implementation plan II, the allocation of the time for two meetings was (4 x 45 minutes), therefore, the first and the second meeting were used as the implementation of the action in cycle II.

The first meeting was conducted on Saturday, January20th, 2018. The action that was conducted as follows:

(1) The teacher greeted the students and checked the attendance list.

(2) The teacher gave the information about the subject that would be learnt.

(3) The teacher reviewed the material that had learned in the cycle 1 that was speaking performance.

(4) The teacher gave the example ofnarrative story.

(5) The teacher gave Shadowing Technique for the students. The role of this strategy as follows:

a) The teacher played a video of narrative performance.

b) The teacher gave example to do Shadowing Technique.

c) The teacher asked the students to imitate the native speaker.

d) The teacher asked the students to do shadowing until they could do it well.

(6) The students followed the teaching learning carefully, they were enjoy and enthusiasm to study.

(7) The students were asked to review their performance.

(8) For the last, the teacher and students made a conclusion and closed the meeting.

The second meeting was conducted on Saturday, January20th, 2018. This meeting used as the post-test II in the end of cycle II, for 2x45 minutes the students was given the action. It has been finished well by the students where

they had to do shadowing technique and speak up in front of the class about report. The result of the students’ grade in post-test II can be seen in the following table:

Table 14

The Result of the Students’ Grade in Post-Test II


1 A P 70 Complete

2 A KS 75 Complete

3 APP 70 Complete

4 AIY 75 Complete

5 AKW 70 Complete

6 BR 70 Complete

7 DAA 75 Complete

8 DS 65 Incomplete

9 DPW 65 Incomplete

10 IMR 75 Complete

11 IPAB 70 Complete

12 IWYSWP 65 Incomplete

13 ITL 80 Complete

14 JMS 75 Complete

15 MR 70 Complete

16 MA 75 Complete

17 RMS 75 Complete

18 SH 70 Complete

19 SNA 75 Complete

20 S - Incomplete

21 VAF 70 Complete

TOTAL 1435




Table 16

The Frequency of the Students’ Grade in Post-Test II No Score Frequency Percentage Category

1 >68 16 80% Complete

2 < 68 4 20% Incomplete

Total 20 100%

The result of the post-test II showed that there were 4 students failed to achieve the minimum standard of mastery (MMC). There were 16 students (80%) who gained grade 68 or above, and 4 students (20%) who gained grade under 68.

The highest grade in post-test was 80 and the lowest grade was 65. But, the result of the students’ test was better than the students’ post test in cycle I.

Chart 3

TheIncrease Percentage of Students’ Grade from Post-Test I and Post-Test II









Post-Test I Post-Test II

Increase Percentage


From the data of Post-Test I and Post-Test II, it was shown that there were 33,33% students who passed in Post-Test I and 80%

students who passed in Post-Test II, so the progress was 46,67%.

Because the target was 70%, this cycle was successful.

3) Observing

In this step, the researcher presented the material and applied Shadowing Technique in teaching and learning process.

The researcher gavea video about spoken narrative by native speaker. Then, the students imitated it. Next, the students tried to do English speaking about narrativeas well. Based on the result of the observation sheet in cycle II, the researcher indicated that learning process in cycle II was successful. The result score of students’ learning activities observation, as follows:

Table 17

The Result of the Students’ Activity in Learning Process of Cycle II

No Students' Activity Frequency Percentage 1 To pay attention to the teacher’s

explanation. 21 100%

2 Active to do Shadowing Technique 20 95.23%

3 Active to imitate the speaker 19 90.47%

4 Active to practice speaking 19 90.47%

5 To give response in learning

process 21 100%

The table above showed that the students’ activity in cycle II was increased. The students’ activity that had high percentage were pay attention of teacher’s explanation (100%) and active to do Shadowing Technique (95.23%). The students who were active to imitate the speaker were 19students (90.47%). Then, the students wereactive to practice speaking(90.47%) and the last the students gave response in learning process (100%). Based on the result above, the researcher indicated that learning process in cycle II was successful because the fifth students’ activity got percentage ≥80%.

Based on the result of the research in cycle II, it could be concluded that cycle II was successful. The researcher felt satisfied about the result of the research. There were ≥70% of students passed the test. It means the students’ speaking performance had increased. From the result above, the researcher concluded that this research was successful and would be not continued in the next cycle.

The table below showed the recapitulation of the students’ increasing speaking performance in pre test, post test I, and post test II.

Table 17

The Recapitulation of Students’ Increasing






1 A P 50 65 70 INCREASED

2 A KS 70 70 75 INCREASED

3 APP 50 65 70 INCREASED

4 AIY 60 70 75 INCREASED

5 AKW 60 65 70 INCREASED

6 BR 60 65 70 INCREASED

7 DAA 55 75 75 CONSTANT

8 DS 55 60 65 INCREASED

9 DPW 65 65 65 CONSTANT

10 IMR 60 70 75 INCREASED

11 IPAB 60 60 70 INCREASED


13 ITL 70 75 80 INCREASED

14 JMS 60 70 75 INCREASED

15 MR 60 65 70 INCREASED

16 MA 60 70 75 INCREASED

17 RMS 65 75 75 CONSTANT

18 SH 65 65 70 INCREASED

19 SNA 65 65 75 INCREASED

20 S 55 60 0 INCREASED

21 VAF 60 60 70 INCREASED

Total 1260 1395 1435

Average 60 66,4 71.75

The Lowest

Grade 50 60 65

The Highest

Grade 70 75 80

Based on the result above, it could be inferred that using Shadowing Technique to teach speaking performance could increase the students’ speaking performance because there was increasing from average in pre-test 63,8 became 66.4 in post-test I and 72,25in post-test II. In the cycle II, most of the students could

increase their speaking performance. It means that cycle II was successful.

4) Reflecting

According to the result of the observation above, it can be inferred that the result of using Shadowing Technique was good.

The researcher checked the students’ grade before and after using Shadowing Technique. The researcher found the significant increased in students’ grade in speaking performance. The comparison between the students’ gradesat pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II has taken. All students got increased grade in cycle II.

B. Discussion

1. Interpretation the Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II

The students’ learning activities data was gotten from the whole students’ learning activities on observation sheet. The table increasing of it as follows:

Table 18

The Result of StudentsActivities in Cycle I and Cycle II No Students’


Cycle I Cycle II Increasing F Percentage F Percentage

1 To pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

15 71.42%

21 100% 28.58%

2 Active to do 10 47.61%

20 95.23% 47.62%

Shadowing Technique 3 Active to

imitate the speaker

10 47.61%

19 90.47% 42.86%

4 Active to practice speaking

10 47.61%

19 90.47% 42.86%

5 To give response in learning process

15 71.42%

21 100% 28.58%

Based on the table, the students’ activities have increased from cycle 1 and cycle 2. The students who paid attention to the teacher explanation has increased from 15 students (71.42%) became 21 students (100%). There were 10 students (47.61%) became 20 students (95.23%) in their activeness to do Shadowing Technique

Then there were 10 students (47.61%) who were active to imitate the speakerand has increased up to 19 students (90.47%). The students’

wereactive to practice speaking has reached out from 10 students (47.61%) up to 19 students (90.47%). The most increasing reached out of all students (100%) from 15 students (71.42%) was in giving response in learning process.

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