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The Prepositional Phrases Used as And Adverb


B. Phrases and prepositional Phrases

5. The Prepositional Phrases Used as And Adverb

When a prepositional phrase tells when, where, how, much, or how far the action of the verb takes place when it is using as and adverb and is called and adverb phrases.

For Example:

a. Before class, josh bagged his friends for a pencil.

The adverb phrases before class when jhon begged his friends for a pencil. It can answer the question when did josh his begging? Before Class

b. I dived into the water.

The adverb phrases into the ell where I dived. The in that sentence modifies water. It can answer the question of where did I dive into? In the water.

c. He missed the target by a foot

d. By a foot is an adverbs phrases telling to what extent.

e. Freddy is stiff from yesterday‟s long football practice.

This adverb phrases tell how a prepositional phrase can take the place of an adverb. The adverb phrases in sentence 2 modifies verb, the phrases with care tells how Bruce drives.

f. Bruce drives carefully (1) g. Bruce drives with care (2)

Moreover, an adverb phrases can also modify and adjective or an adverb, for example:

h. These shoes are too small for comfort

The adverb phrases for comfort modifies the adjectives small i. Never in a million years will be admit defeat

The adverb phrases in a million years modifies the never.

6. The Basic Structure of a Prepositional Phrase

Prepositions are words that begin little phrases that describe something‟s or someone‟s location in space or time (in the cupboard, with Janie, above the house, after the movie). These little phrases are called prepositional phrases.

1) Object of preposition

The last word in a prepositional phrase (the noun of pronoun that completes the phrases) is called the “prepositional object”, or “o.p.” in short. in the example below, the objects of the prepositions are house, car, chair, he, dock, home, container, and everyone, at home

In the car

Between the chairs Near her

On the long, wooden dock Before the game

From the very large container After everyone

Here are some sentences with prepositional phrases that have parts labeled in them:

After the big (game) the boys on the (team) ate ice cream sandwiches Note:

After and on: prepositional

Game and team: object of preposition

After the big (game) the boys on the (team): prepositional phrase A prepositional list word may occur in a phrase, but it does not function as a preposition. Because it lacks an object, you can tell (o.p).

Compare and contrast the sentences below. Both of these sentences use the preceding word, which is on your preposition list. However, it is only used as a preposition in one sentence.

a. I drink a cup of water before bed.

b. Matt had never seen a bridge this tall before.

Compare and contrast the sentences below. Both of these sentences use the preceding word, which is on your preposition list.

However, it is only used as a preposition in one sentence.

The word before in the sentence "B" is not a preposition because it has no object and hence does not begin a prepositional phrase. The adverb appeared in the previous "B" sentence. "Before bedtime" is a prepositional phrase in the sentence "A," therefore before serves as a preposition.

Another Example:

a. Susan goes into the after ballgame b. The puppy walks in the dog house.

The word before in the sentence "B" is not a preposition because it has no object and hence does not begin a prepositional phrase. The adverb appeared in the previous "B" sentence. "Before bedtime" is a prepositional phrase in the sentence "A," therefore before serves as a preposition.

Remember that prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and conclude with a noun or pronoun, with a descriptive word or two in between the preposition and the o.p. "Inside the doghouse" follows the pattern, but "inside after the ballgame" doesn't because after isn't a descriptive word; it starts its own prepositional phrase, "after the ballgame."


C. Conceptual Framework


Figure 2.1 conceptual framework

The figure 2.1 describes the purpose of the research. In this case, the students‟ performance in identifying prepositional phrases as adverb of time and place in narrative text and what are the students‟ difficulties in identifying prepositional phrases. Therefore, to collect the data, the researcher used a test and questionnaire to found out the percentage of the students‟ problems in identifying prepositional phrases.

Students‟ Performance

Prepositional Phrases

Time Place

Test & questionnaire

“Students‟ Performance in Identifying Prepositional Phrases in Narrative text



This chapter describes the method used in the research conducted.

It was intended to address the research problem. This chapter covers, (a) research design, (b) research flexibility, (c) population and sample, (d) research tool, (e) data collection strategy, (f) data analysis.

A. Research Design

The structure of this study was a descriptive method of quantity.

According to Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2012: 7) in their book mass research is the collection and analysis of statistical data to describe, interpret, predict or control events of interest. Descriptive mathematical research is preferred because this type of research describes what it is and can help to generate new points and meanings. According to Polit & Hungler in Rijasti (2017), descriptive research aimed at interpreting and observing aspects of the situation as they occur naturally. Flexible Research

Flexibility is a quality or attribute of an individual or organization that researchers can measure and observe, and it differs between individuals and study groups. When a researcher does an evaluation, he or she collects data from individuals by asking them to answer questions. And if the variability is broad, it means that schools will assign various values to different types of variability. (Creswell, 2012: 112). In this study, variables were used depending on the variables and the independent variable

Independent variables are a factor or factor influencing outcome or dependent variables (Creswell, 2012: 116). Independent variables are the cause of another type. Based on the above description, the independent variation of this study was the starting point.

Dependent variation is a factor or factor dependent on or influenced by independent variables (Creswell, 2012: 115). It is the result of an independent variable. This variability was not used by the researcher, but was influenced by independent variables. The variance that relied on this study was the difficulty of the students.

B. Population and Sample 1. Population

The participants in this study were students at the State Islamic University of Alauddin. Jl. Sultan Alauddin No. 36 Romangpolong is where the university is located. The subject of this study was a third-semester English Department of Education student, with a total of 50 students. The students are divided into two groups, A and B.

2. Sample

The researcher used a simple random sampling method. According to (Gay, et al, 2012: 131). Simple Random Sample is a process of sample selection in such a way that everyone in the defined community has an equal and independent opportunity to choose a sample. With this random sampling process, the researcher took 10 students‟ as the samples. The third semester of the English department at Islamic State University.

C. Researcher Instrument

The instruments in this research used narrative tests and questionnaires on prepositional phrases. Students‟ test about prepositional phrases in narrative text and the researcher also used a questionnaire.

1. Test

A test is a set of questions or other devices used to assess an individual's or group's skills, knowledge, intelligence, abilities, or capabilities. The researcher employed narrative text in this study to find out how well students could identify prepositional phrases of time and place.

2. Questionnaire

Arikunto (2010) defines a questionnaire as a set of questions intended to acquire information from a respondent. The researcher used a questionnaire in this study. The researcher created ten statements using Google Forms, and in the questionnaire, students were asked to (Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) or disagree with each statement. This was done to determine what circumstances made it harder for pupils to identify prepositional phrases.

D. Procedure of Data Collection

Collecting data a few steps were completed. Steps in data collection are included. The researcher has created a group Internet connection, and then the researcher gave the students‟ a test in the form of narrative text and questionnaire, which consisted of each 10 questions. After that, the researcher gives explained how to do the test. The last, the researcher analyzed students‟


The researcher made text based on grammar books (Suherman, 2017).

The researcher gave the test with ten-item questions. There were four-item questions about prepositional phrases of time and six-item questions about prepositional phrases of place. Questionnaire there are ten-item statements and then on statement, there are five choices (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) questionnaire adaptation from (Alsadig Abdalla Suleiman 2018)

E. Procedure of Data Analysis

In the data analysis, the researcher analyzed results from students‟ tests and questionnaire data. The researcher analyzed the students‟ answer sheets in the narrative text to know the students‟ performance in identifying prepositional phrases. The criteria for students‟ scores in the narrative text were the highest score of 70% has no problem and the lowest score of 70% has a problem.

Finally, the researcher calculated the percentage of students‟ who have or have

no problems. The researcher used the formula from Arikunto (2012) as

follows: %

Score ≥ 70% = correctly Score ≤ 70% = incorrectly Note:

P: The percentage of students

F: frequency of students‟ correctly and incorrectly N: Number of respondents

The researcher after checked the validity of the questionnaire, s the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the specified research sample (10) students‟, the questionnaire to know what are the students‟ factors difficulties in identifying prepositional phrases and created the table needed to collect data.

This step used quantitative variables with five choices (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree), as well as the graphical representation used for this purpose.

Number of Items Percentage

10 100%

Total 100%



This chapter is divided into two sections namely discovery and discussion. Display results or research findings and explain more about the findings. The findings of the research relate to answers the research questions about how are the students‟ performance is identified correctly and incorrectly in phrases formed in narrative text and what are the students‟ factors difficulties in identifying prepositions phrases. And part of the discussion further details was provided by the researcher. The study was conducted for students in the third semester of the Department of English Education Islamic Islamic University of Alauddin.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher collected the data from students of the English education department at the Islamic State University of Alauddin. To find out the students' performance in identifying prepositional phrases in narrative texts and to find out what factor‟s students experience difficulties in identifying prepositional phrases. There were ten students‟ as a sample of third- semester students. The researcher gave the test and questionnaire. The findings of this research are based on the test and questionnaire.

a. Students’ Performance in identifying Prepositional Phrases in Narrative text

As a result of the student's test, the researcher found that many students were incorrectly identifying prepositional phrases in narrative text. In this study, researchers used the test as a tool used to collect data at the Islamic State University of Alauddin, where students identified the correct prepositional phrases time and place. Based on the results of the study, most students have difficulty in identifying preconceived notions, especially in identifying preconceived notions of time and place. Having problems Student test results identifying the prepositional phrases of time and place in the table of research results below:

Table 4.1 Percentage of students’ correctly and incorrectly in identified prepositional phrase


Categories Total Students’ Percentage

Correctly 3 30%

Incorrectly 7 70%

Total 10 100%

Based on the table above, it can be concluded as many as seven students answered incorrectly, with a percentage of 70% in identifying prepositional phrases of time and place. Three students answer correctly with a percentage of 30% in identifying prepositional phrases. The students‟ not too

difficult in identifying prepositional phrases. Because previously the students‟ have learned how about prepositional phrases by third semester students studying English at Islamic State University Alauddin. A more detailed description can be seen in the appendix.

b. Students’ Factors Difficulties in identifying Prepositional Phrases on Questionnaire

To know the students‟ factors difficulties in identifying preposition phrases. The researcher also used the questionnaire technique to collect the data. This technique to know the students‟ factors difficulties in identifying prepositions phrases. The questionnaire was distributed to the ten students in the third-semester students of the English department at the Islamic State University of Alauddin. In the questionnaire, there are ten-item statements, and then on statements, there are five choices (Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree). The students‟ response is presented below:

Table No (4.2) Distribution of Response Respondents Number No.

(1) "Students' Not Interested in Identified prepositional Phrases ".

Table 4.2

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 5 50 (%) 50 (%)

Agree 2 20 20

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 3 30 30

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.1) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (1)

Regarding the statement, "Students‟ are not interested in identified prepositional phrases". Five students chose the "Strongly Agree" with a percentage of 50%, two students who chose the answer "Agree" with a percentage of 20%, three students “Strongly Disagree”. The table above shows that students must learn to develop the utilization of English preposition phrases.

Table No (4.3) The Frequency Distribution for The Respondents’

Answers Of Item No. (2) “The Textbook Does Not Contain Enough Practice in Identified Prepositional Phrases”

Table 4.3

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 4 40 (%) 40 (%)

Agree 3 30 30

Neutral 1 10 10

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 2 20 20

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.2) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (2)

Based on the students' statement to the second questionnaire, Students‟

who answers the statement "Strongly Agree" there were four students with a percentage of 40%, students who had answered the statement "Agree" there were three students with a percentage of 30%, who answers the statement

“Neutral” there was one student with a percentage 10%, students who had answers the statement “Strongly Disagree” there were two students with a percentage 20%. This shows that students should be well trained in developing identifying of English prepositional phrases as shown in the table above.

Table No (4.4) The Frequency Distribution for The Respondents’

Answers of Item No. (3) “Some teachers do not give sufficient practice in classroom to clarify prepositional phrases”

Table 4.4

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 5 50 (%) 50 (%)

Agree 2 20 20

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 3 30 30

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.3) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (3)

Based on the students' statement to the third questionnaire, Students‟ who answers the statement "Strongly Agree" there were five students with a percentage of 50%, students who had answered the statement "Agree" there were two students with a percentage of 20%, students who had answers the statement

“Strongly Disagree” there were the students with a percentage 30%. This proves the idea that teachers should encourage students to Object Answers improve English prepositional phrases as shown in the table above.

Table no (4.5) the frequency distribution for the respondents’

answers of item no. (4) “Teachers Do Not Develop the Use Physical Movement to Demonstrate Prepositional Phrases”

Table 4.5

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 1 10 (%) 10 (%)

Agree 4 40 40

Neutral 1 10 10

Disagree 4 40 40

Strongly Disagree 0 0 0

Total 10 100% 100%

figure no (4.4) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (4)

Based on the students' statement to the fourth questionnaire, Students‟ who answers the statement "Strongly Agree" there was one student with a percentage of 10%, there were four students who had answered the statement "Agree" with a percentage of 40%, students who had answered the statement “Neutral” there were one student with a percentage 10%, there were four students‟ answers

„Disagree” with percentage 40%. This reinforces the view that; teachers should develop students in identifying English prepositional phrases as shown in the table above.

Table no (4.6) the frequency distribution for the respondents’

answers of item no. (5) “Teachers Do Not Shed light on Grammar When They Teach Students’”

Table 4.6

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 1 10 (%) 10 (%)

Agree 1 10 10

Neutral 1 10 10

Disagree 3 30 30

Strongly Disagree 5 50 50

Total 10 100% 100%

figure no (4.5) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (5)

Based on the students' statement to the fifth questionnaire, Students‟

who answers the statement "Strongly Agree" there was one student with a percentage of 10%, there was one student who had answered the statement

"Agree" with a percentage of 10%, students who had answered the statement “Neutral” there were one student with a percentage 10%, there were five students‟ answers “Strongly Disagree” with percentage 50%. This shows that the application of English grammar will help students to write prepositional phrases correctly as shown in the table above.

Table no (4.6) The Frequency Distribution for The Respondents’ Answers of Item No. (6) “Increasing the Awareness of Using Prepositional Phrases Can Positively Help Students’ Develop Their Competence”

Table 4.6

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 1 10 (%) 10 (%)

Agree 6 60 60

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 1 10 10

Strongly Disagree 2 20 20

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.6) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No.


Based on the students' statement to the sixth questionnaire, Students‟ who answers the statement "Strongly Agree" there was 1 student with a percentage of 10%, there were 6 students who had answered the statement "Agree" with a percentage of 60%, students who had answers the statement “Disagree” there were 1 student with a percentage 10%, there were 2 students‟ answers “Strongly Disagree” with percentage 20%. This indicates that students should be instructed by their teachers to familiarize themselves with English prepositions phrases as shown in the table above.

Table no (4.7) the frequency distribution for the respondents’ answers of item no. (7) “Teachers should prescribe more texts that deal with prepositional phrases”

Table 4.7

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 5 50 (%) 50 (%)

Agree 4 40 40

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 1 10 10

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.7) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No.


Based on students‟ statements on the seventh questionnaire, students who answered the declaration Strongly Agree there were five students with a percentage of 50%, there were 4 students who answered the statement Agree with a percentage of 40%, there was one student who answered "Strongly Disagree"

with a percentage of 10 %. This proves that the teacher must develop students in identifying English prepositions as shown in the table above.

Table No (4.8) The Frequency Distribution for The Respondents’

Answers of Item No. (8) “Teachers Should Provide Practice for Students’ on How to Identifying Prepositional Phrases”

Table 4.8

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 50 50 (%) 50 (%)

Agree 4 40 40

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 1 10 10

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.8) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No. (8) Based on student statements on the eighth questionnaire, students who answered the declaration Strongly Agree there were five students with a percentage of 50%, there were 4 students who answered the statement Agree with a percentage of 40%, there was one student who answered Strongly Disagree with a percentage of 10 %. This proves that the teacher must develop students in identifying English prepositions as shown in the table above.

Table No (4.7) The Frequency Distribution for The Respondents’

Answers of Item No. (9) “Teachers Should Give Students’ Chances for Oral Participant in How to Identifying Prepositional Phrases”

Table 4.9

Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Strongly Agree 6 60 (%) 60 (%)

Agree 3 30 30

Neutral 0 0 0

Disagree 0 0 0

Strongly Disagree 1 10 10

Total 10 100% 100%

Figure No (4.9) Frequency Distribution the Respondents' Answers No.


Based on students‟ statements in the ninth questionnaire, students who answered the declaration Strongly Agree there were six students with a percentage of 60%, there were three students who answered the statement Agree with a percentage of 30%, there was 1 student who answered Strongly Disagree with a percentage of 10%. This indicates that the teacher should encourage learners to become familiar with the prepositional English phrases as shown in the table above.

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