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Academic year: 2023



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Student Performance in Identifying Prepositional Phrases in Narrative Text of Third Semester Students of English Education Department Islamic State University of Alauddin. This research was research Students Performance in Identification Prepositional Phrases in Narrative Text of third semester students of English Education Department Islamic State University of Alauddin. In this study aims to find out students' performance in identifying prepositional phrases in narrative text.

Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang kinerja siswa dalam mengidentifikasi frasa preposisi dalam teks narasi oleh mahasiswa Semester III Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin. Penulis mengucapkan puji syukur yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan bimbingan, rahmat dan kesehatan sehingga skripsi ini dapat terselesaikan. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

Ummi Khaerati Syam, S. Pd M. Pd., Head of the Department of English, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University, Makassar, who gave her valuable authorities and suggestions in this thesis. Huma as my first supervisor who devoted his valuable time and seriousness to motivate and guide me in completing this thesis.


  • Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of Study
  • Significance of Study
  • Scope of Study

The relationship between the preposition and other elements of speech in a sentence is indicated by this word. Remember that adverbs are words that show the relationship between different aspects in a sentence, and you'll never lose prepositional phrases again. At least two basic parts of the object and the preposition are always present in the prepositional phrase.

The conjunction shows a connection between the following noun and one of the essential elements of the sentence: doer, verb, object or adverb (Wishon & Burks: 1980 in Rahmanita et all 2019). Based on the above background, there is a departmental problem that the researcher wants to investigate in this study. This also applies to the readers' problem with the prepositional phrases of the story. The aim of this study is to provide guidance to teachers in identifying student prepositional phrases.

This study aims to be a guide for other university in the process of recognizing prepositional phrases. However, the researcher focuses only on students who recognize prepositional phrases as adverbs of time and place (and, on and at).


Concept of performance

  • Performance
  • Students‟ performance

Performance writing allows for a deeper look at the formal and ideological tactics that authors and artists construct textually in response to or in reaction to their period and fields. The study of factors affecting the academic performance of university students has become a hot topic in the higher education community. Several recent studies have been conducted to investigate the elements that influence the academic success of university students.

The findings of the research studies focused on how various factors such as learning abilities affect student performance, because the new paradigm around learning assumes that all students can and should learn at higher levels, but this does not should be seen as a limitation because other factors such as race, gender, and sex may also affect student performance. In Hizat and Naqvi, Joe B. Some researchers even tried to explain the relationship between students. 2001) in Hizat and Naqvi (2006), explained the effects of age, distance of the qualification from the place of learning, etc. Students' performance in the module is not affected by factors such as age, gender and residence, but is associated with a qualification in quantitative subjects.

Student achievement is influenced by a number of characteristics according to Hanson (2000), including learning capacity, gender and race. The main focus of this study is on the students' ability to recognize prepositional phrases.

Phrases and prepositional Phrases

  • Phrases
  • The use of Prepositional phrases in writing
  • Students‟ difficulties in learning prepositional phrases
  • The Prepositional Phrases Used as Adjective
  • The Prepositional Phrases Used as And Adverb
  • The Basic Structure of Preposition Phrases

Therefore, to collect the data, the researcher used a test and a questionnaire to find out the percentage of students' problems in identifying prepositional phrases. The researcher analyzed the students' answer sheets in the narrative text to know the students' performance in identifying prepositional phrases. From the above table, the researchers can find out the factors that make it difficult for students to identify prepositional phrases.

In this study, the researcher also used the questionnaire to find out what are the students' factors of difficulty in identifying prepositional phrases. Third point discusses “Some teachers do not provide enough practice in the classroom to clarify prepositional phrases” Based on the students' statements for the third questionnaire, Students answering the statement. The eighth point discusses "teachers should give students practice on how to identify prepositional phrases" Students who answered the statement "Strongly agree" there were five students with a percentage of 50% there were four students who answered the statement "Agree" ".

Based on the description above, several factors often cause students to have difficulty recognizing prepositional phrases. The results of the questionnaire show that there are factors that cause problems for students in recognizing prepositional phrases.

Figure 2.1 conceptual framework
Figure 2.1 conceptual framework

The Concept of Framework


Research Design

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that seven students answered incorrectly, with a percentage of 70% in identifying the prepositional phrases of time and place. This reinforces the view that; teachers should develop students in identifying English prepositional phrases as shown in the table above. 34; I agree" with a percentage of 10%, students who responded to the statement "Neutral" had one student with a percentage of 10%, there were five answers of students "Conditions do not agree" with a percentage of 50%.

There are 3 students with a percentage of 30% correct and 7 students with a percentage of 70% identify prepositional phrases in narrative text incorrectly. The effect of using picture on the students' ability to learn prepositional phrases at grade VIII SMPN 1 Siabu (Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Padangsidimpuan). Teachers should prescribe more texts that deal with prepositional phrases (siswa suka dalam identifikat frasa preposisi).

The Students' Performance in Identifying Correct and Incorrect Prepositional Phrases of Time and Place by Third Semester Students of English Education Department Islamic State University of Alauddin.

Table  4.1  Percentage  of  students’  correctly  and  incorrectly  in  identified  prepositional phrase
Table 4.1 Percentage of students’ correctly and incorrectly in identified prepositional phrase

Research Subject

Instrument of Research

Procedure of data collection

The researcher created a group internet connection and then the researcher gave the students a test in the form of a narrative text and a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions each. There were four questions about prepositional phrases of time and six questions about prepositional phrases of place. The questionnaire consists of ten-item statements, and then there are five options (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) on the statement, adapting the questionnaire from (Alsadig Abdalla Suleiman 2018).

Data analysis

Because the students previously learned how about prepositional phrases by third semester students studying English at the Islamic State University Alauddin. This shows that students should be well trained in developing the identification of English prepositional phrases as shown in the table above. The second item discusses "the textbook does not contain enough practice in identified prepositional phrases" Based on the students' statement in the second questionnaire, Students who answered the statement "Strongly agree" there were 4 students with a percentage of 40%, students who answered the statement "Agree" there were 3 students with a percentage of 30%, who answered the statement "Neutral" there was 1 student with a percentage of 10%, students who had answers the statement "Agree strongly not together" there were 2 students with a percentage of 20%.

The ninth item discusses "teachers should give students chances for an oral participant in how to identify prepositional phrases".




The researcher gave an overview of the success of students in recognizing the correctness and irregularity of prepositional phrases in a narrative text and what are the factors of students' problems in recognizing prepositional phrases among students of the third semester of the English Department of Education of the Islamic State. University of Alauddin. On the basis of the analyzed data on the results of the students' tests, the researcher concluded that many students still made incorrectly identified prepositional phrases in the narrative text with the title story Two women and a cat. The total number of students incorrect 7 with a percentage of 70% in the recognition of prepositional phrases and the total number of students correct3 with 3 percentage 30% in the recognition of prepositional phrases.

There are 10 data of prepositional phrases used in the narrative text of two women and a cat. The results above, in this study the researchers used prepositional phrases as an adverbial function (place and time). Based on the findings above, it can be concluded that there are many students in students of the third semester of the Department of English Education Islami State University of Alauddin misidentified prepositional phrases in narrative text.

This supports the view that teachers should encourage students to improve their English prepositional phrases. Based on data analysis of students' performance in recognizing prepositional phrases Students of the Department of English Education at the Islamic State University of Alauddin are in their third semester. In the identified prepositional phrase in the narrative text Based on the above findings, it can be concluded that there are many students in the third semester. Students of the Department of English Education at Alauddin Islamic Islamic University can distinguish between a prepositional phrase of place and a prepositional phrase of time.

There are many students who incorrectly identify prepositional phrases in the narrative text, the two women and a cat. Was to find three aspects such as Students' performance in knowledge and understanding, students' difficulty in identifying prepositional phrases and the causal difficulty of students' performance in identifying prepositional phrases. Because students often have difficulty distinguishing prepositional phrases, especially prepositional phrases about time and place.

A study on the ability of the second-year students of the English study program of Universitas Riau in choosing the correct prepositional phrases for adverbial phrase (Doctoral thesis, Riau University). Find the Ten prepositions to form the exact prepositional phrases of time and place (in, on, at). The textbook does not contain enough practice on prepositional phrases (siswa menguatiha bagaimana penguangan frasa preposisi.

Beberapa guru tidak memberikan latihan yang cukup di kelas untuk menjelaskan frasa preposisi kepada siswa. siswa memahami penggunaan frasa preposisi) 4. Guru tidak mengembangkan penggunaan gerakan fisik untuk mendemonstrasikan frasa preposisi. siswa kesulitan mengidentifikasi frasa preposisi). Frase preposisi harus diajarkan secara intensif oleh guru. siswa mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup dalam mengidentifikasi frase preposisi).

Tabel 1 Students’ Skor
Tabel 1 Students’ Skor


  • Conclusion
  • Suggestions


Figure 2.1 conceptual framework
Table  4.1  Percentage  of  students’  correctly  and  incorrectly  in  identified  prepositional phrase
Table  No  (4.2)  Distribution  of  Response  Respondents  Number  No.
Table  No  (4.3)  The  Frequency  Distribution  for  The  Respondents’


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