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10257-Abstrak.pdf - Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar


Academic year: 2023

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Firman. 2019. Efektivitas Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa. Skripsi.

Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Pembimbing I Dr. Rukli, M.Cs., M.Pd dan Pembimbing II Ma’rup, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Pra-Eksperimen yang melibatkan satu kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Penerapan Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick pada siwa kelas VII SMP Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa tahun Ajaran 2019 yang ditinjau dari ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa, peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, aktivitas siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, respon siswa dalam pembelajaran setelah diberikan perlakuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan Penerapan Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttes design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa sebanyak 23 orang yang diberi perlakuan dalam penerapan Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: skor rat-rata pretest 43,82 dan skor rata-rata posttest 81,21 dengan standar deviasi masing-masing pretest 21,05 dan posttest 6,48. Dari hasil tersebut diperoleh bahwa Ketuntasan klasikal tercapai. Selain itu peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkan Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick dimana nilai rata-rata gain ternormalisasi yaitu 0,66 berada pada kategori sedang dengan rentang interval 0,30 ≤ g 0,70. Rata-rata persentase aktivitas siswa yaitu 79,37% maka aktivitras siswa mencapai kriteria aktif. Siwa memberikan respon positif dimana rata-rata persentase 88.69% dan umumnya berda pada kategori baik. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick efektif diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Matematika pada siswa kelas VII SMP Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa

Kata kunci : efektivitas, hasil belajar, dan penerapan model Kooperatif tipe Talking Stick



Abstract: The Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Through a Talking Stick- type Cooperative Model in Class VII Students of Somba Opu Middle School, Gowa Regency. Essay. Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. Supervisor I Dr. Rukli, M.Cs., M.Pd and Advisor II Ma’rup, S.Pd., M.Pd. This type of research is a Pre-Experiment research involving one class as an experimental class with the aim to find out the Effectiveness of Mathematics Learning Through the Application of the Talking Stick Cooperative Model in class VII students of Somba Opu Middle School in Gowa Regency in 2019 in the academic year 2019 in terms of students' mastery learning achievement, improvement student learning outcomes, student activities in following learning, student responses in learning after being given treatment. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Implementation of the Talking Stick Cooperative Model. The research design used was one group pretest-posttes design. Subjects in this study were 23 grade VII students of Somba Opu Junior High School in Gowa Regency who were treated in the application of the Talking Stick Cooperative Model. The results showed that: the pretest mean score was 43.82 and the average posttest score was 81.21 with a standard deviation of each pretest 21.05 and posttest 6.48. From these results it was obtained that classical completeness was achieved. Besides the improvement in student learning outcomes after applying the Talking Stick Cooperative Model where the average value of normalized gain is 0.66 in the medium category with an interval range of 0.30 30 g <0.70. The average percentage of student activity is 79.37%, the student activity reaches active criteria. Shiva gave a positive response where the average percentage of 88.69%

and generally stood in either category. From the results of the study it can be concluded that, the Talking Stick type Cooperative Model is effectively applied in Mathematics learning in Grade VII students of Somba Opu Middle School, Gowa Regency

Keywords: effectiveness, learning outcomes, and application of the Talking Stick Cooperative model


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