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Alfred University, for the college year, 1896-1897


Academic year: 2023

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All former students of U11i versity, whether graduated or not, and all other friends of the institution and of higher education, are cordially invited to attend. AN~ ALUMNE who do not receive a cOP,Y of the ANNUAL or who change residence~. For nearly 1 ifs, his opportunities for study became "weepingly limited: but he succeeded in becoming fit for college, and spent two years at Union, leaving thence in 1839 to take charge of the select school at Alfred.

Overwork and ill health compelled him to resign the burocns of the preside1ley in 1866, while he sought health and strength in a foreigll journey. UNIXG CLASS FOR TEACHERS, GIFTS TO THE GXIYERSITY, ACK~owrA':;DG;\fBXT OF GIFTS, FOR;\[S OF DEVISE AND BEQ'CEST. Hull Professor of Pastoral Theology: Professor of Church History and Homiletics; and professor of biblical languages ​​and literature. go; Graduate of Luion 'rheological Seminary, '92; Pastor of Seventh.day Bat)ist Church at Bcrlin, New York, 1891-93.

Student, Alfred Ll1iversity IiltOll Collcge, 1863-67; Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 1868-73; First Assistant, Kentucky Gcological Survey, 18n-92; Professor of Science, Kentucky Slalc College.


The said university shall be subject to the visitation of the regents of the university of this state in the same manner and to every extent as the several colleges in the state. The income has been allocated by the university to support the Chrtr of 1fathcmatics. By the provisions of the will of that true friend of the university, the late George H.

He had been a frequent member of the Board of Trustees of the University since 1881 and, at the time of his death, was its President. Students are allowed free access to the shelves and are encouraged to use the books diligently. The natural history cabinets of the University are furnished with specimens illustrating the various departments.

DØRSPORT is responsible for the Athletics Association (a student organisation), which has a football team that plays under. It is the aim of the university to give due attention to the physical welfare of its students and at the same time to give priority to the psychological, to the contained and moral development. A printed notice of hours and subjects for this year will be given to the students.



THE GER;'IL\NIA OF TACITUS, will be the work of the first half,'ear. The history of ancient philosophy will be studied in conjunction with the study of the text. The work also includes an investigation into the origins and development of the Gl'eck drama.

The G."eek read by the class is made the basis of a study of the style of DC111osthenes. The quarter's work is .. also designed to provide an overview of the development of Attic oratory. Emphasis is placed on the study of the Iliad as literature, and 01'1 study of hcroic nge life as revealed in the poem.

A study of the flora of Western New Zealand, as found in the region around A1tt'ed, is being continued during this quarter. The work of this quarter is largely the study of the characteristic fossil forms of the different Geological Epochs. This course also includes a consideration of the ethical problems arising in current social issues.

The purpose of the course is to guide the student towards a practical and amicable adaptation of the current sociological questions. Vincent and Small's "IntnHiuction to the Study of Society" is used as a hasis of the study. The human skeleton, m~nakin, enlarged m;dc1s of the sense organs and the brain, and a number of microscopic slitcs are available to the student to aid him in the study of sub-.

A critical study is made of the life of Christ as presented in the Gospels. All such productions must be submitted to the professor of the department before the rel'(:,SS vacation.





The theological views of the apostle] ohn are critically and systematically studied from the Gospel and the letters of] ohn. THE HISTORY OF THE TILE CHURCH from Christian times to the present is explored through textbooks, library references and lectures. The beliefs of different denominations of Christians are taken into account for their practical differences.

THE HISTORY OF THE BAPRIST is studied by me (lns of lectures. In this study there is a careful co-ordination of the various relations and mutual obligations between the past and the Church under his care. A thorough understanding of the languages ​​in which the several hool{s in Ribk \vere written is the basis of everything.

CELL IINARY. . aeCU1'ate exegesis, and so indispensable to onc \\,ho would make an independent study of the Oraele of God. 1. HENREw. The grammar is studied by the Inductiyc method loosely connected with the reading of the first eight chapters of the Book of Gcnesis. Selected passages are read in connection with an investigation into the purpose and scope of Hcbrew prophecy.

In this case special emphasis will be given to the study of the Jvlessian passages in the original. For those not well prepared in Greek, the study of the Kew Testament, grammar by the inductive method, \with the reading of the Gospel according to John, is offered. Students who are prepared are encouraged to study Biblical Aramaic and the Syriac version of the Old Testament.






An unexp.cd third class teacher's certificate:lte and a sixty percent certificate in civil Goycrl111 lent during the uniform examinations. Uniform examinations for the third class certificates and in the civil administration are held in each school COllllllsiollersdistrkt (lIlle~sondtted) under the supervision of the commissioner, commencing 011 the first Thursday in March and June: the second Thursday in January and August; little fourth Friday in April and September; and continues two days!-l. In the public schools of the State of New YOl-k, upon the completion of such preparation.

The duration of the l'ecitation is fifty minutes and the Jess will not need more than two hours to prepare for each recitation. ~G TEACHERS' CLASS. . the substance in ordinary industries is thoroughly reviewed, while instructions in methods are given at the same time. The uniformity of the textbooks is not required in this review. and penwns \vhich are considering entering the class should bring their books for reference.

Actual practice in caching is also provided under instructor prompting and critique. Review the following topics, with particular reference to teaching: Definition of terms: Marking and counting;. GBOGRAPHY_ Re,'iew {nowing-tems, with special reference to teaching: Definition of terms; )-Iathc11latical; Physical;

1'he mistakes, struggles and triumphs of the great educators of the past; Growth and development of eclilea1.iol1al principles and systems; Different phases that education has assumed ill different llatioml and age!-l; The relationship between education and the conditions of the time and the environment of the population; The School System of ~cw York. Review the following topics, with particular reference to teaching: Definition of concepts; Parts of speech; Syntax and analysis of sentences, and practical exercises; Composition. Methods, hygiene and the effects of stimulants and narcotics are taught in connection with the following subjects: Skeleton; Muscles; Skin; Food disorders; Circulation; Respiration; Hxrctory or~ans: N~.rVOllS system; Organs of special sense.

The laws of Mental Development and the Principles of Teaching are illustrated and developed in conjunction with the above study subjects. CERTIFICATES, authorizing them to teach for three years, will be awarded by the Department of Public Instruction1 to members of the Training Class who obtain a standing of seventy-five per cent and above in each subject pre-school bed, in both the January - and June exam.


Af{~er a~ continl1i~.Y of questions; 1\Ianer of tisking questions; Leading, alter- n.attve,.cltrcet and lIldirect questions; Different forms of the same question; C011- slderatlOll of answers as to correctness. BnmIcK, of Alfred, who for many years has been onc of Flli\'crslty's most de\'oted Trnstecs, has given the institution the use of a large, well-maintained hall. Burdick 111 this timely pledge of one of the pressing needs of the l'ni'erity, is very endearing to all friends of tile Institution.

1., contributed fifty dollars until he applied for the endowment of the Presi(lent's Chair. THE FIRST SEYEXTll-nAY BAPTIST CHl"RCH OF ALFRED SCHOLARSHIP was conditionally established. in 1895. by the chllreh whose name it hears. One hnndl' ed dol1nrs is paid 011 Hecolnt of the amount required for full endowment.

TILE LAIHES OF ALFREDA SCHOLARSIlIP were founded in 189f> by the ladies of Alfred. B.\ PTIST CIll'RCII AXD SOCIETY OF SCHOLAI

Babcock Professorship of Physics, Department of Chemistry, New York State, Alleghanian I,yceulll, Orophil iall Lycc 11111. York, few dollars to be spent on pnrcila!e books for the I.bibrary.




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