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an undergraduate thesis - IAIN Repository

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Academic year: 2023

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THE INFLUENCE OF THE EXPANSION DRILL TECHNIQUE ON THE SPEAKING SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN EIGHTH SCHOOL STUDENTS. THE INFLUENCE OF THE EXPANSION DRILA TECHNIQUE ON THE SPEAKING SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN THE EIGHTH SCHOOL OF SMP. So this means that there is a significant impact of using the expansion exercise technique on students' speaking skills in the eighth graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung.


  • Background of the Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Benefits of the Study

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that the students' speaking ability is low. So, the author would like to conduct a research titled "The influence of expansion drill technique on the students' speaking ability at the eighth grade of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung." The following is the purpose of the research is to investigate whether there is a positive and significant influence of Extension Drilling Technique on the Students' Speaking Ability in the Eighth graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung.


Theoretical review

  • Concept of Speaking Ability
  • Concept of Expansion Drill Technique

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm

The theoretical framework in this research is “if the expansion drilling technique is fully used in teaching and learning English. Whereas, if the expansion exercise technique is not fully used in the teaching and learning process, the students' speaking skills will be poor. Based on the above picture, we can assume that the expansion exercise technique is good, the students' speaking ability is also good.

So there is a positive and significant benefit of using expansion drill technique towards students' speaking ability. However, if the expansion drill technique is poor, the students' speaking ability is also poor. So there is no positive influence of using expansion drill technique towards students' speaking ability.


  • Hypothesis formulation
  • Statistical Hypothesis


  • Research Design
  • The Operational Definition of Variable
    • Independent Variable
    • Dependent Variable
  • Population, Sample and Sampling
    • Population
    • Sample
    • Sampling Technique
  • Data Collection Method
    • Test
    • Observation
    • Documentation
  • Research Instrument
    • Instrument Blueprint
    • Instrument Calibration
  • Data Analysis Technique

This research aims to investigate whether there is a positive and significant influence of using expansion drill technique against students' speaking ability of the eighth graders in SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung. The population of this research was students from eighth grades of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung. The researcher measured the use of expansion drill technique on students' speaking ability at pre-test and post-test.

Pre-test score of students towards speaking ability in the eighth grade of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian. Post-test score of students towards speaking ability in the eighth grade of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian. And (Ho) was rejected, if there was no positive and significant impact of using the extension training technique on students' speaking ability.

To find out if there was a positive and significant influence of the expansion drill technique on the students' speaking ability of the eighth graders at SMP PGRI 04 Pubian. Independent variable (X) was expansion drill technique and dependent variable (Y) was expansion drill technique against students' speaking ability. More precisely, there is a positive and significant influence of using the expansion drill technique on the students' speaking ability after the treatment.

So there is an influence of extension training technique on the speaking ability of students in the eighth grade of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung.


General Description

  • Description of The Research Location
  • Description of The Research Data

SMP PGRI 04 Pubian is aided by the School Committee, Official Staff, Head of Student, Head of General and Head of Curriculum. It was done to find out the basic knowledge of the students in speaking skills during an oral test before the treatment was given. The result of students' pre-test on speaking skills in eighth graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian.

In summary, from the result of the pre-test, the researcher found that the problem of the students was in using an ineffective strategy in teaching the learning process. After considering the pre-test result of speaking ability in the oral test, the researcher conducted the treatment of concept expansion exercise to help the students gain a better understanding of speaking ability. Beware, the researcher identified the difficulty of the students with the speaking skills of the oral test and offered concept extension exercises to know if there was a positive and significant influence from it.

Furthermore, after the students in this class were given the treatment of concept expansion drill technique and they already understood, the researcher administered the post-test to measure their speaking ability in oral test. Source: documentation of post-test result of speaking ability in oral test collected on 20th, August 2018. The Result Of Students’ Post-Test Towards Speaking Ability At The Eight Graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian.

In summary, the result after the test was categorized into a passing category, even though several students still lacked extension exercises on the students' speaking ability, but overall there was some influence to help the students get a better understanding .

Hypothesis Testing

  • Getting the Data into the Formula of Chi-Square (x 2 )
  • Getting the data Into the Formula of t-test

FYI, t_observed was 32,366 as a result of counting using the chi-square formula above. The researcher prepared the table and put the data into the t-test formula below to get t_observed. The results of pre-test and post-test results of speaking ability of eighth graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian.

It should be noted that t_observed was 17.44 as a result of counting using the above t-test formula. Meanwhile, the critical value of the t-test (t_table), the researcher first calculated the df, df is the degree of freedom. In addition, the researcher presented the data in the table below which was analyzed by t-test in SPSS.

The table above showed that the total sample of pretest was 26 with the minimum value was 48 and the maximum value was 74, the mean value of the pretest was 61.04 with the standard deviation was 7.437. Meanwhile, the total sample of the post-test was 26 with the minimum value was 52 and the maximum value was 88, its mean value of the post-test was 69.60 with the standard deviation was 9.186. The table above illustrated that the mean of the pre- and post-test result was 56.53 and its standard deviation was 51.686 with the standard error mean was 1.013, t_observed was 17.44 with the degree of freedom was 26 to the confidence interval of the difference 95%.



In conclusion, the use of the expansion exercise technique could affect the speaking skills of the eight graders of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian. Based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the expansion exercise technique is an alternative technique that affects the students' speaking ability. Eighth grade students of SMP PGRI 04 Pubian Central Lampung, especially VIII.1, took the pre-test.

In other words, there was a positive and significant influence on the students' use of expansion drilling technique. To be precise, through expansion practice as an alternative technique, students learned such speaking skills by learning English. It showed that there was a change in the number of students who got lower scores.


Based on the analysis and research result, the researcher can conclude that the expansion drill technique has a positive impact on the students' speaking ability. In addition, students should be confident to speak more in order to improve students' speaking fluency. Materi Pokok: Meminta serta utarasat samparat dan kiyosat angsatsara kansara (to give my opinions and to ask for the opinions of my friends and to show my appreciation to my friends).

Siswa mengamati gambar dan beberapa ekspresi tentang menghargai kinerja yang baik dan mengajukan pertanyaan dan mengungkapkan pendapat. Siswa memberikan komentar dan pandangan tentang fungsi, tindakan, penghargaan kinerja yang baik dan meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat. Siswa membaca lebih cermat semua ungkapan untuk mengapresiasi penampilan yang baik dan meminta serta mengungkapkan pendapat dalam gambar untuk memberikan komentar dan pandangan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.

Siswa membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam ungkapan yang berbeda untuk mengapresiasi penampilan yang baik dan bertanya serta mengungkapkan pendapat. Siswa mendiskusikan masalah yang dialami dalam membuat kalimat mengungkapkan tindakan menghargai kinerja yang baik, dan meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat dan menuliskannya dalam jurnal pembelajaran sederhana dalam bahasa Inggris. Prestasi (latihan) latihan cara membaca ungkapan untuk meminta dan menyatakan pendapat serta tindakan untuk mengapresiasi prestasi (memberikan pendapat saya dan meminta pendapat teman saya dan menunjukkan penghargaan saya kepada teman saya) yang diberikan oleh guru.

Tes tulis dapat membuat kalimat/ekspresi untuk tindakan bertanya dan mengungkapkan pendapat serta tindakan untuk menghargai prestasi (memberikan pendapat saya dan meminta pendapat teman saya dan menunjukkan penghargaan saya kepada teman saya).



It can be used as the technique in learning speaking skills and it can improve in learning to speak.


Because extension exercise is effective in stimulating the student's brain to freely explore their feelings and ideas. In addition, interaction and giving motivation is necessary for students to improve their speaking skills. The teachers recommended to choose and use the drill technique as one of the alternative teaching techniques that should be used in the learning process so that the students can speak English well and achieve the study goal.

This research can be the starting point for developing expansion exercises to improve students' speaking ability. Endang Haryanto, Improving the Students' Speaking Skills Through Expansion Drill Technique at Senior High School of South Bengkulu, Indonesia, Bengkulu: Internatinal Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.2, 2012. Larsen, Diane – Freeman, Techniques and Principles In Language Teaching Second Edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selama proses pembelajaran, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan memberikan contoh perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri dan tanggung jawab serta tindakan meminta perhatian dan memeriksa pemahaman. Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan yang digunakan. Tingkat ketepatan elemen linguistik: tata bahasa, kosa kata, pengucapan, penekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan.


Lesson Plan

Instrument of Pretest and Posttest

Students’ Scores on Pretest

Students’ Scores on Posttest


Letter of Pre-survey

Response Letter of Pre-survey

Permit of Research

Response Letter of Research

Thesis Guidance Letter

Curriculum Vitae


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