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Academic year: 2023



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Furthermore, the students' activities in cycle 2 can be reported that there were (a) 20 students paid attention to the teacher's explanation (80%), 18 students ask/answer questions (72%), 21 students could complete the task (84%), 22 students active in class (88%). This result drew the conclusion that Mind Mapping Technique was able to improve descriptive writing ability of students in THE 10TH GRDAE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 PURBOLIGGO EAST LAMPUNG. The comparison result of the students' descriptive writing in pre-test, post-test I in cycle I and post-test II in cycle II 72 12.


  • Background of Study
  • Problem Identification
  • Problem Limitation
  • Problem Formulation
  • Objective and Benefits of Study
  • Prior Research

To find out whether the use of mind mapping technique can improve the learning activity of students in the tenth grade of Senior High School 1 Purbolinggo East Lampung. Second, Saputro et al conducted research on “Using the Mind Map Learning Model for Learning Outcomes and Student Engagement”.


The Concept of Writing Skill

  • The Concept of Writing
  • The Concept of Descriptive Text

Cushing, Assessing Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p.. a) Students should be able to write an effective introduction. Therefore, there are many skills that the students need to understand in order to write descriptive writing.

The Concept of Mind Mapping Technique

  • Definition of Mind Mapping Technique
  • The Rules of Mind Mapping Technique
  • The Advantages of Mind Mapping Technique
  • The Disadvantages of Mind Mapping Technique

Here is the example of mind mapping technique before writing with the subject of hobbies. By using mind mapping technique before writing, it is expected that students can apply it in their writing.

Action Hypothesis

From the picture, the idea about "hobbies" can be obtained that sports, pleasure and education are concluded the topic. Although, other things, which are identified, are also concluded as the parts of a part of Hobbies itself. Even if the subject is only one word, the part of the subject can be more than one word, as shown in the image.

It just needs a few ideas to fill in the box of branches as words that will be used in writing. From the branch, students can easily write some sentences using the words in the branch.


Variable and Operational Definition Variable

  • Dependent Variable
  • Independent Variable

Then, measurement result of dependent variable in this research if most students achieve minimum standard mastery (MSC), and there are significant improvements in writing descriptive text and the students become more active in the teaching learning process. The rule of this technique is to use our mind to think about what should be the importance of information in the text that displays a graphic, lines, symbols, keywords, color and images. These are useful for visual learners as they are illustrative tools that help manage thinking, guide learning and make connections.

To measure this technique, the student only needs a few ideas to fill in the box of branches as words they would use in writing.

Research Setting

Subject of The Study

Research Procedure

  • Cycle 1
  • Cycle 2

The teacher took an eighth grade class where the students got 19Anne Burns, "Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching". In this step, the author observes the process of teaching learning by using observation mode. By reflection, the writer and teacher would know the strength and weakness from action done by the writer and teacher.

Planning is the first step in any activity, without planning the activity that the writer would not focus on. In addition, the researcher would also collect the post-test data and the result of the student's activity. In this step, the writer compares the score of the pre-test and the post-test.

The writer reviews and reflects on the students' activity and the teacher's efforts, whether it is positive or negative, whether the second cycle is enough or the next step is needed.

Figure 1. classroom action research Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model 19 Based  on  the  explanation  above,  it  could  be  inferred  that  the  classroom  action  research  is  a  dynamic  process  that  has  four  aspects  (planning,  acting,  observing,  and
Figure 1. classroom action research Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model 19 Based on the explanation above, it could be inferred that the classroom action research is a dynamic process that has four aspects (planning, acting, observing, and

Data Collection Technique

  • Test
  • Observation
  • Documentation
  • The Field Note

The purpose of observation is to describe situations, events, individuals and the relationship between situations, events and individuals. The researcher uses this method to obtain the students' activities such as the students' understanding of the answer to the question, the students' writing activity, the students' participation and the students' tendency to learn English in the classroom. Documentation was a tool to collect some information in the form of a written source or documentary such as books, magazines, daily notes, etc.

The researcher used documentation to obtain data on the condition of the students, the history, the environment, the condition of the teachers, the staff and the organizational structure, and the geographical condition of State Senior High School 1 Purbolinggo East Lampung. To collect the data more accurately, the researcher uses field notes to make it easier to analyze the data.

Research Instrument

  • Field Note

The field recording instrument in this phase was given by a colleague who looked for all the activities of the researcher during the teaching of the learning process.

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

Then, the graph of comparison of the students' Descriptive writing pre-test and post-test. The researcher assumes that teaching writing through the use of mind mapping technique can improve the students' Descriptive writing ability. Furthermore, in cycle II, the students' average score is higher than cycle I. the following is the table of illustration score in cycle I and cycle II.

It is supported by an increasing score of the students from pre-test to post-test I and from post-test I to post-test II. 3. The result of the students' learning activities in cycle I and cycle II The students' learning activity data was obtained from all the students' learning activities on observation sheets. The result of the students' activities in cycle I and cycle II, there is an increase in the students' learning activities. From the above table, it can be deduced that mind mapping technique can improve students' Descriptive writing ability.

It can be seen that there was an increasing score of the students' Descriptive writing.


Result of The Research

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of The Research

This was the real reason why the researcher used the mind mapping technique to improve students' descriptive writing ability. In addition, the researcher made an observation sheet that consists of a list of students' names and a list of students. Finally, the researcher guided the students to check and correct the errors in the descriptive writing output.

Then the researcher allowed the students to ask about the material and the researcher gave an explanation to answer the students. In addition, the researcher makes an observation sheet, which consists of a list of students' names and a list of students' activities that he will observe during the teaching of the learning process. Then the researcher explained that the students had to organize their ideas according to one of the given topics.

Student activities that have a high percentage are students who are able to complete the task 84%, the percentage of students who pay. Based on the above result, the researcher states that the learning process in II. the cycle was successful because the students' activity reached a percentage of >75%. From the table above, it can be seen that the results of the students in the posttest II were different.


  • Result of Students Learning
  • Comparison of Score
  • The Result of Students’ Learning Activity

In this research, the researcher conducted posttest I to know the students writing descriptive test mastery after implementing the treatment. It can be concluded that most of the students were incomplete in understanding the material. It showed that most of the students have achieved a Minimum Standard ceiteria (MSC) of at least 70.

The comparison of the students' pre-test, post-test I scores in cycle I and post-test II scores in cycle II. Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test I and post-test II, it is known that there is a positive significant increase in the students' scores. From the graph above, it can be deduced that mind mapping technique can increase students' Descriptive writing ability.

From graph 10, it can be seen that the average score and total number of students who pass the test increases from the pretest, posttest I to posttest II.


Then, based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it can be concluded that the use of mind mapping technique increased the students' Descriptive writing ability. Based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it can be concluded that the use of mind mapping technique can improve the students' Descriptive writing ability. Based on the result of the learning process over two cycles, the researcher wants to describe the conclusion that the students' Descriptive writing ability can be increased by means of Mind mapping technique.

The teacher is suggested to use mind mapping as a teaching learning technique because it can improve students' writing ability. The English teacher is suggested to include the mind mapping technique in the teaching process. Teachers should creatively use the mind mapping technique in teaching, especially in the writing class, in order to engage students to be active in the learning process.

The Application of Mind Mapping Learning Model the Students’ Learning Outcomes and Liveliness” in Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), (Kartasura: . Universitas Sebelas Maret), Vol 158, 2017.



The average of students' activities in cycle I is 80%, then increase to 88% in cycle II. This can be seen in the progress from pretest to cycle I and cycle II.


Students' Problems with Cohesion and Coherence in EFL Essay Writing in Egypt: Different Perspectives", in Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ), (copyright), Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2010. Mind Mapping and Students Writing Perormance" in Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), (Jordan: Yarmouk University), Vol 8, No. The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Using The Mind Mapping Technique for Better Teaching of Writing in English” i English Education Journal (EEJ), (Banda Aceh: University of Syiah Kuala), Vol 7 No 1, January 2016. Motivation” i International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching og Learning, (Virginia: Polytechnic Institutz and State University), Vol 6, No. Does Mind Mapping Enhance Learning?” i International Journal of English Language Teaching, (Kuwait: The English Department, College of Basic Education), bind 5, nr. 8, november 2017.

A Preliminary Study on the Use of Mind Maps as a Visual Learning Strategy in Teaching General Education Science to Arabic Speakers in the United Arab Emirates", in Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, (United Arab Emirates), Vol. 16 No. 1, February 2016.


Figure 1. classroom action research Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model 19 Based  on  the  explanation  above,  it  could  be  inferred  that  the  classroom  action  research  is  a  dynamic  process  that  has  four  aspects  (planning,  acting,  observing,  and
Figure 1. classroom action research Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model 21 Based  on  the  explanation  above,  it  could  be  inferred  that  the  classroom  action  research  is  a  dynamic  process  that  has  four  aspects  (planning,  acting,  observing,  and


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In cycle I, out of 18 students, 15 students (83.33%) completed their learning motivation. The full results can be seen in the attachment. In this first cycle,