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an undergraduated thesis

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The subjects of this research were 21 eighth grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung. The author conducted the study with an English teacher of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung Mrs.


Allah gave the writer his gift so that she could complete her thesis. Many helpful individuals participated in the production of this undergraduate thesis, which the writer could not mention one by one.


Background of the Study

The data proves that the percentage of students who are able to meet the minimum mastery criteria (MKC) is smaller than those who are not able to meet the minimum mastery criteria (KMK). By using this technique, the writer hopes to make it easier for students to write what they need to write in the recount text.

Table 1.1  The pre-survey data
Table 1.1 The pre-survey data

Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

When writing needs to be improved through various research efforts, this research can be one of the real examples of one of the efforts to improve writing using this technique. This research will be useful for further research to be developed in the next research.

Prior Research

  • The Concept of Writing Skill
  • The Implementation of Brainwriting 6-3-5 Technique in Teaching Writing Skill Writing Skill
  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Brainwriting 6-3-5 Technique Technique

3 Devi Hermasari, "The effectiveness of brain writing and brainstorming techniques in teaching writing to students with different learning strategies", vol. 5, no. 2 (2015). Another linguist, Hyland explains that writing is a way of sharing personal meaning.5 People construct their own views on the subject.

Action Hypothesis

Less social interaction between participants as each participant wrote their own ideas without talking to the participants.


Operational Definition of Variable

Dependent variable is a variable that can be improved by an independent variable.26 The dependent variable in this research is students' writing skill, which focuses on students' skills. Students are able to compose report text based on the appropriate generic structure of retelling text.

Setting of The Research

According to Evelyn, Independent Variable is variable that the author suspects may be related to or improve the dependent variable.

Subject of the Research

Meanwhile, the subject of this research is the writing skill of students in VIII. to the class of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung.

Action Plan

  • Classroom Action Research
  • The Steps in the Research

The writer informs the students about the competence, indicators and goals that will be achieved. In addition, the author also collects data from the post-test and the result of the student's activity.

Figure 3.1: The Cycle of Classroom Action Research by Jean McNiff
Figure 3.1: The Cycle of Classroom Action Research by Jean McNiff

Data Collection Technique

The author used documents taken from the data of the school, such as the total of the students, the teachers and the condition of the school. In this research, the author did the field note to get the complete data of the tenth grade of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung about the student activities, events in each learning steps, learning purposes, leaning time and feelings of the students in the learning process. To measure students' narrative writing ability of the eighth grade of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung, the author.

Both tests are designed to ask students to write recount text based on the ideas students have listed on the Brain Writing 6-3-5 chart. The post-test is a practice to see the improvement of the student's writing ability in recounting the text.

Data Analysis Technique

If from cycle 1, there are some unsuccessful students, so the researcher will carry out cycle II. The minimum cycle in classroom action research is two cycles if by cycle II the students were successful, the cycle can only be stopped until cycle II. The formula to understand the percentage of students passing MSC in each cycle is as follows:.

Indicator of Success

  • Description of the research

Can the Brainwriting 6-3-5 Technique Improve Students' Skills in Writing Eighth Grade Recount Texts at MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung?”. Can Brainwriting 6-3-5 Technique Improve Eighth Grade Learning Activities of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung?”. The researcher had told the students that the researcher conducted the research in their class to know their writing essay test before doing the action research in class.

The type of test was a written test in which students were asked to complete a text repetition test. Source: MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung Class VIII Writing Prelims Result 12 November 2019.



In the planning stage, the researcher and the collaborator prepared several things related to the teaching and learning process, such as: prepared the lesson plan, made the instrument that would be examined as a post-test in the cycle I, prepared the material, the observation sheet of the students' activity, identified the problem and found the causes of the problem at the beginning and the end of learning activities. The researcher also planned to give evaluation to measure the students' mastery on the given material.


Then the researcher gives a sheet of paper containing a brawriting 6-3-5 shape and asks the students to write the idea. In the second meeting, the researcher asked the students to arrange the idea that they had made in the first meeting. At the end of the meeting, the researcher gave motivation to the students and stimulated the students to finish the material.

The type of test was writing test which asked the students to write retelling text. The result of the students' test in post-test 1 was better than test in pre-test before.


The criterion of students who were successful in acquiring the material should get the minimum mastery criteria, at least 68. Students who were active in the discussion would receive the point by marking it on the observation sheet for meeting 1 and meeting 2. The students were 57 ,14% students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation, 47.61% students who understand the material, students who are active in class 52.38% and 57.14%.

The Student's activity


The comparison of percentage of students' completeness grade on pre- and post-test I. The kind of test was writing test that asked students to write a retelling text. In the learning process, there were also four indicators that were used to know the students' activities just like in the learning process earlier.

Source: The students' writing essay at the eighth grade VIII of MTs Muhammadiyah Bumi Nabung. Based on the result above, the researcher indicated that the learning process in cycle II was successful because the students' activity percentage got >75%.

Learning activities


  • Result of Students Learning a. Result of students Pre- Test
  • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the

The researcher offered the post-test II to measure the students' proficiency after the implementation of the treatment. It could be seen that the grade of the students in post-test II was different that 16 students (76.2%) were successful and 5 other students (23.8%) were not successful. Comparison of grade in pre-test, post-test I in cycle I, and post-test II in cycle II.

The comparison of students' pre-test, post-test I grade in Cycle I and post-test II grade in Cycle II. The comparison grade of students writing an essay in pre-test, post-test I in cycle I and post-test II in cycle I.



The teacher must be able to create the teaching learning process, such as choosing a text or new teaching media. It is better for the teacher to use Brainwriting 6-3-5 technique in English learning, especially in writing, because it can improve students' writing skills. The teacher should motivate the students to be active in the learning process.

It is suggested that students be more active in the learning process in class and improve their writing skills so that they can be successful in learning English. It is supported by the English teacher to use the Brainwriting 6-3-5 technique in the learning process because the Brainwriting 6-3-5 technique is so useful.


Materi Pembelajaran

  • Kegiatan Inti Mengamati
  • Penutup
  • Pendahuluan

Kami pergi untuk melihat singa, harimau, buaya, ular, dan hewan lainnya. Jelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau keterampilan dasar yang akan dicapai dan rencana kegiatan pada pertemuan ini. Dalam kerja kelompok terbimbing, siswa mendiskusikan kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi ketika membaca, mendengarkan dan menulis teks menceritakan kembali dengan fokus pada tujuan komunikasi, struktur dan unsur kebahasaan.

Siswa menyampaikan laporan hasil diskusi kelompok yang membahas struktur, unsur kebahasaan, gagasan utama, informasi spesifik, dan informasi detail dari teks narrative. Jelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi inti yang ingin dicapai dan rencana kegiatan dalam pertemuan ini.


Siswa mendapatkan umpan balik dari guru dan teman pada setiap masalah yang disajikan dalam kerja kelompok. 17-14 Baik sedang : kadang-kadang terjadi kesalahan kata/idiom, pilihan, penggunaan tetapi makna tidak kabur. 13-10 Cukup-kurang : sering terjadi kesalahan pada kata/idiom yang keluar, pilihan, penggunaan, makna yang membingungkan atau kabur.

17-11 Fair to poor: Major problems in simple/complex constructions 10-5 Very poor: Virtually no mastery of rules for sentence construction Mechanics. 5 Excellent to Very Good: Shows mastery of conventions 4 Good to Average: Occasional spelling errors, punctuation 3 Fair to Poor: Frequent errors in spelling, punctuation.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mengamati dan mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, gagasan utama, dan informasi lebih rinci dari masing-masing teks tersebut. Siswa berpartisipasi dalam membaca kutipan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku teks, untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks tentang peristiwa pendek dan peristiwa sederhana. Siswa membaca semua teks yang terkumpul tentang peristiwa pendek dan peristiwa sederhana dan mengidentifikasi teks tersebut.

Secara berkelompok, siswa menyiapkan beberapa teks tentang kegiatan, peristiwa pendek dan sederhana yang ada dalam kehidupan siswa. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa bertanya dan bertanya tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari masing-masing teks tersebut.

The Students’ Score of Pre-survey

Some students did not pay much attention to the teacher's explanation, but they were very excited when the teacher told an interesting topic on November 19, 2019. The class condition did not work because some students were noisy when the teacher explained the material. The students paid more attention when the teacher evaluated the common mistakes and they had more spirit when taking post-test 1.

Rather, the students felt bored because they had to do the same task in every meeting, but they still paid attention to the teacher. The students are more enthusiastic, interested and give full attention to the researcher because they understood the way and the rule to follow the teacher's instruction.

The Result of Pre-test

The Result of Post-test 2

Please choose one of the themes below and then write recount text by using brainwriting technique based on the topic that you have


Table 1.1  The pre-survey data
Table 1.2  The Pre-survey Result  No.  Minimum  Mastery
Figure 3.1: The Cycle of Classroom Action Research by Jean McNiff


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