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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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The primary objective of this study was to know the influence of the use of reciprocal teaching technique (X) on student reading comprehension (Y) in the eleventh graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in academic year 2013/2014. In this case, the writer attempted to investigate whether the use of reciprocal teaching affected the students. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the use of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension.

It means that there was a positive and significant influence of the use of reciprocal teaching on the reading comprehension of students in the eleventh grade of Senior High School 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014. Until the merging of apakah and pengaruh yang positive dalam menggunakan mutual education terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa kelas XI. Based on the above explanation, the researcher is interested in conducting a study on “the influence of the use of reciprocal teaching on student reading comprehension in the eleventh graders of SMA Muhammadiyah 01 Metro in academic year of.

The Identification of Problem

The Limitation of The Problems

The Formulation of Problem

Is There a Meaningful Impact of Using Reciprocal Teaching on Reading Comprehension of Grade Eleven Students at SMA Muhammadiyah 01 Metro.

Objectives and Benefit of the Study

  • The Concept of Reading Comprehension a. Definition of Reading Comprehension
  • Interpretive Level
  • Applied Level
  • Concept Of Reciprocal Teaching a. Definition of Reciprocal Teaching

At the same time, it embraces the concept of mutual education and the strategy for implementing mutual education. Brown states, “Reciprocal teaching is an instructional strategy based on modeling and supervised practice in which the instructor first models a series of reading comprehension strategies and then regularly transfers responsibility for these strategies to the learners. Thus, the goal of reciprocal teaching is for students to learn the strategies for reading comprehension, learn how and when to use the strategies, and become self-regulated in the use of those strategies.”16 It means that reciprocal teaching method is the instructional technique for teaching students through a structured dialogue between the students and the teacher.

Based on the theoretical foundation above, it can be concluded that reciprocal teaching are strategies that enable the students to improve their reading comprehension by having a structured dialogue between the students and the teacher using the four strategies: summarizing, questioning , explanation and prediction. 17 Norlida Ahmad, Effects Of Reciprocal Teaching Strategies on Reading Comprehension,"The Reading Matrix" , Volume 11, April 2011,p.141. 21Abrahams F & Abrahams D,"The Impact of Reciprocal Teaching on the Development of Musical Understanding in High School Student Members of Performing Ensembles".Thesis(,New.

The premise of reciprocal teaching is that students are taught to use the four strategies together in dialogue, which will help them make meaning of the text and encourage their internalization of the use of the strategies. Maria claims that reciprocal teaching is a successful technique for children with reading comprehension difficulties.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical Framework


Based on the above figure, it can be described that the application of reciprocal teaching technique is possible to increase students' reading comprehension.

Hypothesis Formulation

In this study, the author used a quantitative design to investigate whether there was a positive and significant impact of using the reciprocal teaching technique on reading comprehension. In addition, Daniel concluded that “there are two main types of quantitative research design, experimental design and non-experimental design. Also, the researcher did the research with the experimental design which was defined as a test under controlled conditions conducted to explain a confirmed truth or to investigate the validity of a hypothesis.”30.

Therefore, in this research, the researcher used one class as control class and experimental class because they have the same characteristics.

Population and Sampling 1. Population


The sample of this research was the students of the class who have the same characteristics and low reading comprehension skills.

Sampling Technique

Reciprocal teaching was one of the techniques used to improve students' reading comprehension, which helped students understand the text they read. Thus, the creation of mutual teaching was one way of presenting and communicating concepts that the individual understands. In addition, based on the theoretical review, the writer gave the technique of reciprocal teaching as a criterion.

Dependent variable (y) in this research was reading comprehension which was defined as the process of reading activity to get clear information. To get that, readers need to understand text, and readers need to recognize words so they can easily understand text. This means that the students reading comprehension are the students who understand the content of the reading text that the teacher has given them.

To measure the reading comprehension text and mutual teaching, the writer has a pretest and posttest for the students.

Data Collection Method


So the highest score was 100 and the lowest score was 0. sometimes even by the tester).34. The purpose of the test is to know how much the students understand the narrative text read. The post-test was held to understand the meaning of the narrative text read by the students through reciprocal teaching.



Research Instrument

Instrument Blueprint

The instrument that was used in the current research is in the form of using teaching and reciprocal exercises. Exercises were created for both the control and experimental groups, while reciprocal teaching was only for the experimental group. The researcher used the same type of pre-test and post-test instrument for both control and experimental groups.

Pretest Instrument The pretest instrument differed from the posttest instruments but had the same difficulty. The pre- and post-test instruments used in this study were in the form of reading tests. The instrument types were the same type as the treatment instrument but in a different reading address.

Instrument in this research was designed and adapted with the indicators specified. Furthermore, instrument used in the test form consisting of 10 essay questions on Reading and reciprocal teaching.

Instrument Callibration

Data Analysis Technique

The result of the student's pre-test in the eleventh grade (control class) of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro. The result of the student's post-test by using cross-teaching in the eleventh grade (experiment class) of. Therefore, it can be concluded that the student's reading comprehension in the posttest is improved by the implementation of mutual education.

It can be said that there was a positive and significant impact of the implementation of mutual teaching techniques on the students' reading comprehension. This means that there is a positive and significant influence by using mutual teaching techniques. towards the pupils' reading comprehension in the eleventh grades at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014. The table above illustrated that the mean of pretest X1 and post-test X2 result was 14.333 and the standard deviation was 7.397 with the standard error mean was 1.350, t observed was 10.614 with the degree of freedom was 29 to confidence interval of the difference 95%.

This means that there is a positive and significant impact of using the reciprocal teaching technique on students' reading. It is useful to know the effect of the use of the reciprocal teaching technique on reading comprehension from the results of these tests, as the results of the students varied. The researcher formulated an alternative hypothesis (Ha) such as: “There is a positive and significant impact of using the reciprocal teaching technique on the student's reading comprehension in the eleventh grader of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014.

This means that there was a positive and significant influence by using mutual teaching technique towards. Furthermore, the positive and significant influence was clarified by the assumption of the critical value of chi-square and t-test between mutual teaching technique and reading comprehension, which was sign positive and significant. This meant that there is a significant influence of using reciprocal teaching techniques on students' reading comprehension.

This means that there is a positive and significant impact of the use of reciprocal teaching technique on the reading comprehension of students in the eleventh grader of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014. Finally, the result of this research explained that the theory of the effect of reciprocal teaching technique on reading comprehension prevailed in the eleventh grader of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014. On the basis of IV. chapters, the author can conclude that there is a significant impact of the use of reciprocal teaching on the reading comprehension of students in the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Metro in the academic year 2013/2014.

Table 10 Testing of  Data Sel: f o F t  =  f o –  f t
Table 10 Testing of Data Sel: f o F t = f o – f t


Ahmadi, et.al., Goal of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy Instructional the International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLAL) Vol 2, januari 2013. Attar, “The Effecctiveness Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies in Developing Faculty of Education EFL Students' Listening Comprehension Skill”, Thesis, Egypt: Zagazig University Faculty of Education, 2008. Freihat saleh en khalaf, The Effect Of Reciprocal Teaching Procedure (RTP) on Enhancing EFL Students' Begrijpend lezen Gedrag in een universitaire setting, International Journal of Humanities and Social Center , deel 2, nr. 5, maart 2012.

Grabe William, Reading in a Second Language Moving From Theory to Practice, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Harmer Jeremy, How to Teach English, An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching, Malaysia: Longman, 1998. Helms, Samuel , "Advantages and Disadvantages of Reciprocal Teaching," in http://Www.Ehow.Com/Info_8337995_Advantages-Disadvantages-Reciprocal-Teaching.Html, June 2012.

John Hedgcock S, Teaching Readers Of English Students Text and Context, New york in London: Routledge, 2009. Klinger Janette, et.al, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulty, New York: The Guilford Press, 2007. Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008 Young Carl, at.al, Reciprocal Teaching for Reading Comprehension in Higher Education A Strategy for Fostering the Deeper Understanding of Texts, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, letnik 17, november 2, 2006.

Yuwadee Yoosabai, “The Effect of Mutual Education on English Reading Comprehension in a Thai Secondary School Class”, Thesis, Thailand: Srina Kharin Wirot University, 2009. She has a brother and a sister. The names are Siswo Edi Wibowo and Dian Popi Oktari. She was enrolled in State Elementary School 1 Suka Agung in 1996 and graduated in 2001.

Actually, in the same year, she was registered as an S-1 student of the English Education Study Program of State Islamic College (STAIN) Jurai Siwo Metro.


Table 10 Testing of  Data Sel: f o F t  =  f o –  f t
Table 13 Descriptive Statistics
1) If “  2 observed ” is higher that “  2  table”, Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted


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