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Annual Campus Safety Report 2009 and Annual Fire Report


Academic year: 2023

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The Office of Public Safety telephone number is and should be used to report all crimes. Members of the University community are encouraged to file reports with the Office of Public Safety as well as the Alfred Police Department. This daily log is available from the Office of Public Safety located in the Physical Plant Building on campus.

A log of all campus fires is kept in the Office of Public Safety and may be inspected during normal business hours.

Education programs

The Alfred Community Coalition consists of members from Alfred University, Alfred State College, and the Village and City of Alfred who are committed to addressing issues that arise regarding students living in the Alfred community. The coalition is also committed to promoting responsible decision-making among college students and educating students about their rights and responsibilities as good neighbors and citizens in the Village and City of Alfred. Expanded membership that includes a landlord, a business owner, and each campus' health/wellness/alcohol and other drug (AOD) educators.

Efforts to finance grants for the development of urban initiatives and partnerships; submitted a federal grant to prevent sexual assault on AU and ASC campuses. The Alfred University Office of Residence Life is actively involved in educating and supporting the residential community. ENT staff members are trained to respond promptly and appropriately and to direct students to appropriate resources.

Residence Life advocates daily for students to make sure they always lock their room doors and don't prop outside residence hall doors. Specifically on RA rounds, the “If I Were a Thief” program is used by having staff check room doors and, if unlocked, a. The Wellness Center staff contributes to and organizes many aspects of education to the campus community, such as: training for the Office of Residence Life's Resident Assistants and Resident Directors on responding to sexual assault;.

Campus Wellness Education Program


On-Campus Wellness Education Program

Public Safety operates a secure escort service on campus for any member of the University community requiring a dusk-to-dawn escort. This escort may consist of a vehicle or foot escort depending on the activities at the time of the call. During busy periods, callers may experience some form of delay in escort arrival.

Escorts are offered for safety and for students with physical disabilities, not for convenience. Alfred University's Safe Escort service is a service intended to provide companions to people who actually need an ESCORT and do not want to walk ALONE at night. ALTHOUGH ESCORTS ARE DELIVERED TO LOCATIONS IN ALFRED, THEY ARE NOT DELIVERED TO PARTIES AND RESTAURANTS.


Sexual Crimes Information

When an Alfred University student has been the alleged victim of an act of misconduct that harms an individual's physical and/or mental well-being, the victim should expect the justice system to respond in a careful and sensitive manner that allows the victim to utilize unhindered judicial process, preserving the rights of the accused student. The right to be informed of the outcome and sanction of any court hearing on campus involving violence, usually within 24 hours of the conclusion of the court hearing;. The right to be informed of privacy laws prohibiting disclosure of non-violent campus court results;

The right to make a victim impact statement at the campus judicial proceeding and to have that statement considered by the board in determining its sanction;. The right to request a campus physical restraint or "restraint" order against another student who has engaged in or threatens to engage in stalking, threatening, harassing, or other inappropriate behavior that poses a danger to the welfare of the complaining student or others. The right to have the "keep away" measures takes effect immediately and remains in force until the end of the hearing proceedings: The victim may request that students, and third parties, as appropriate, be instructed by the University authorities not to do not attempt to retaliate, harass, threaten, intimidate or contact the other party.

The right to have complaints of sexual misconduct responded to promptly and sensitively by public safety and the campus judicial process; The right to involve a victim advocate or counselor in all phases of their investigation and legal proceedings on campus; The right to be fully informed of campus judicial rules and procedures, as well as the nature and extent of any allegations contained in the complaint;

Substance Use & Abuse Policy

Any organization or individual(s) planning to sponsor a function with alcohol present on University premises must submit a University Alcohol Permit for approval to the Office of Student Affairs at least three weeks prior to the event date. Permissions will be returned to the author(s) within seven business days of receipt in the Office of Student Affairs. When alcohol will be served in a facility other than Ade Hall, Howell Hall, or the Powell Campus Center, a New York State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (ABC) permit must be obtained in addition to the university's permit to alcohol.

University employees, including but not limited to public safety and life support staff, are authorized to report violations of the University's Substance Use and Abuse Policy to the appropriate office. If a student is found to be in violation of the University's substance use and abuse policy, that individual will be subject to legal action, up to and including expulsion from school. If a student is found responsible for a violation of this policy, the parent or legal guardian may receive a copy of the letter sent to the student documenting the outcome of any related judicial hearing.

This notice will be sent to the parent or guardian's address. If an employee is found to be in violation of the University's Substance Use and Abuse Policy, that individual will be subject to the University's applicable disciplinary policy up to and including termination of employment. However, if that person refuses or fails to complete the assistance program, sanctions will be imposed, including expulsion from the university or termination of employment.

Integrated Contingency Plan

Myers Hall Second Floor-Rooms 221-227 First Floor-Southwest Sidewalk in front of Myers (Academic Alley). Myers Hall Third Floor Rooms First Floor-Northwest Sidewalk in front of Myers (Academic Alley). Myers Hall Third Floor-Rooms First Floor-Southwest Sidewalk in front of Myers (Academic Alley).

Seidlin Hall First, Second Floor First floor-east door on academic alley in front of Seidlin.

Exclusions & Special Situations None

This policy outlines the university's protocols for fire safety, including fire prevention, fire incidents, inspection and testing of fire alarm systems, fire drills and life safety requirements for assembly areas. The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety of the university community, prevent damage to university property and to comply with federal, state, city and university regulations and policies. Every member of the campus community is responsible for preventing and properly dealing with common fire hazards and for knowing proper emergency procedures and telephone numbers.

The Environmental Health and Safety Office is responsible for the development, implementation and enforcement of this policy regarding fire and life safety. The Executive Director of Facilities and Legal Affairs is responsible for enforcing this policy regarding the maintenance, testing, and testing of fire systems. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, affiliates, students and visitors of Alfred University.

The Offices of Facility Operations, Environmental Health and Safety, and Public Safety are responsible for all aspects of fire and life safety within Alfred University. Acts as liaison to the Department of New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control and all other agencies involved in fire and life safety matters. Facility Operations is responsible for the proper operation of all fire systems, including testing, inspection, maintenance and repairs to ensure reliability in the event of a fire or an emergency.

New York State Guidelines for Fire Safety Training at Colleges and Universities Content

Alfred University

Fire Safety Training Student Program

NY State Guidelines for Fire Safety Training of College and University Students Content


ABC dry chemical can be used for any of the above; most fire extinguishers on campus are of the ABC type. Misuse of fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment is a violation of University policy as well as state law. Electrical appliances that draw more than 800 watts or contain unprotected heating elements (including but not limited to plates, heating coils, dryer ovens) may not be used in student rooms.

Electric grills or appliances complying with this wattage limitation may only be used in designated kitchen areas of each residence hall facility. Certain appliances, including but not limited to those consuming more than 800 watts, those with an open coil (eg, toaster ovens, microwave ovens, etc.) in residential homes. Website: http://www.police.nassaucountyny.gov/4th_pct.htm Crime Statistics for the Downstate CITE Program.

The Downstate CITE program is not considered a branch campus for annual reporting purposes within the Federal Clery Act. Any crime statistics will be found in Alfred University's annual Right to Know campus report within the off-campus category. The report was prepared by the Office of the Dean of Students and can be accessed at the Alfred University website www.alfred.edu/academic/html/crime.pdf.

New York State

Division of Criminal Justice Services

How to Obtain Information about Sex Offenders Living in Your Neighborhood…

Adapted from the Implementing Regulations of the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act" (originally the Campus Security Act), originally published in the Federal Register on April 29, 1994 (Vol. 59, No. 82) and November 1, 1999 (vol. 64, no. 210). The definitions for murder, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, weapons violations, drug abuse violations, and liquor violations are taken from the Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook. The definitions of forcible and non-forcible sex offenses are taken from the National Incident-Based Reporting System Edition of the Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook.

Crime Definitions From the Uniform Crime Reporting Handbook Arson

Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting/National Incident-Based Reporting System Crime Definitions


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