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Copyright © 2021 Michael Ross Kearney

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Academic year: 2023

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I am also grateful to my elder team at Erindale Bible Chapel: Elias Murad, Bob Westrope,. Additionally, all the ministry leaders at Erindale Bible Chapel who took studies and classes: your participation was indispensable.


Part of the wonder of the story is that God delegated the work to the people. The building of the temple in the days of Solomon was a momentous event in redemptive history. However, this does not preclude the positive leadership shown in the construction of the temple.

The service is not for a certain class of people in the congregation, but is the duty of the congregation itself. Each of these types of people is given by God for the equipping of the church. Christ has given the church gifted people, who are to "equip the saints for the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:12).

Gifted people are given to the church "to equip the saints for the work of the ministry" (Ephesians 4:12). Christians do not need the world's confirmation of the wisdom of God's plans for church service. In fact, all participants were members of the church, but the training was targeted at existing leaders in the church.

Paul taught that the saints must be equipped for the work of ministry (Eph 4:12). Besides being serious followers of Christ, they are also key people in the life of the church.

Table 1. LPI responses in percentages   LPI Question  Strongly
Table 1. LPI responses in percentages LPI Question Strongly

Would Do Differently


The following survey was given to those who participated in the curriculum training program and was administered both before and immediately after implementation. Instructions: Please read the following carefully and indicate which of the options best describes your level of agreement with each statement. I know how to conduct meaningful, non-threatening performance reviews of the members of my team.

The following letter was given to each ministry leader at EBC who met the eligibility criteria. To succeed in this, I need the participation of our ministry leaders—and that is why I am writing to you. The good news is that this means you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING SEMINAR: READER NOTES The following pages consist of detailed class notes for each of the seminar sessions taught in Weeks 8 through 12 of this project.

A Course in Ministry Leadership


Session #1

God’s Work Carried out by God’s People Under Godly Leadership is a Biblical Prescription

15 On the contrary, if we speak the truth in love, we must grow in all respects into him, who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body proceeds, united and joined together with all the joints with which it is equipped, when each part functions properly, provides , that the body grows, that it is built in love. When Jesus said, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), he surely had in mind his future death, resurrection, and bestowal of the Holy Spirit. In short, three factors are essential: members who serve, godly leaders who equip, and Christ from whom it all comes.

The precept (God's work is done by God's people under God's leadership) is a pattern.

The Prescription (God’s Work is Carried Out by God’s People Under Godly Leadership) is a Pattern

  • The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” ()
  • You have made him (people) a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the
  • God gives elaborate instructions to Moses regarding how the tabernacle was to be made and all that it should contain
  • The people almost miss out on the joy and reward through rebellion 13
  • The people do exactly as God directed, to the letter The Work was Carried Out by God’s People
  • And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all

Being created in God's image has, in part, to do with attributes of God that are reflected in us (our ability to reason, communicate, create, etc.). Because dominion over God's creation is what image bearers do—people are made to represent God by doing God's work in the world. Don Carson sums it up well: "(Human beings) are charged with the responsibility of caring for (God's) creation, (and) in doing so, (they) reflect something of God."8.

We still wear the image of God—it's part of our make-up—but sin has marred the image we portray. The results we want to see in the lives of the people we serve in ministry originate in God's creative purpose and will be fully realized in the. But we see that part of our wiring as humans is to carry out God's work in the world.

Based on Scripture, in what way(s) is my ministry related to God's great purpose in the world.

Session #2

Character is Crucial: The Key to Leading Well

Character is Crucial: Key Scripture Texts

Yes - it's obviously clear that not everyone is fit to lead in the church. The word "deacon" suggests that their role was largely a servant, but they were recognized ministers in the church as far as they were identified. They were not pastors or elders, but are always referred to as elders wherever we find them in NT19.

One major difference is that deacons do not need to have the ability to teach (teaching the church in doctrine is a responsibility of elders).

Notice: one thing that “apostles,” “prophets,”

  • Character is Crucial: Empirical Evidence
  • Developing Our Own Character: “Train Yourself for Godliness” (1 Tim 4:7) As Christians we know that true change – growing in godliness – is something God does

2 Timothy What would be the primary means by which Timothy would exercise leadership in the local church. Kouzes and Posner write: "In general, (honesty) emerges as the single most important factor in the leader-constituent relationship. In other words, the companies that went from good to great, and that stayed great - what is it about them that they could be better than the rest for the long term?30.

Collins says leaders from great to great have "never aspired to be put on a pedestal or become unattainable icons." When asked about their successes, they give credit to their team or attribute it to "good luck." The impact of leader character and the moderating role of followers' personality,” The Journal of Psychology 148, no. docile, agreeable, trusting), are more influenced by the quality of the leader's character than those who score low on friendliness.37. In his memoirs, he wrote: "Those entrusted with leadership must study their profession in order to become fully competent.... Prior to the invasion, I read every tactical manual I could get my hands on to improve my tactical knowledge and professional competence. improving while the other soldiers were partying in the pubs.

It is worth noting that in the market, researchers also see the indisputable virtue of character leadership in healthy and growing organizations.

Session #3

Competency is Critical

The Skills of Effective Ministry Leaders

Competency is Critical to Effective Ministry

Then Moses said to the people of Israel, ‘See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he has filled him with

As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.”

  • Key Skill: Communication
  • The Leadership Code” – “Rules” Every Leader Should Follow

He writes insightfully: "Leadership doesn't happen until communication happens." He continues, "The leader may have the most brilliant strategy in his mind, the most breathtaking vision in his binoculars, and an irrepressible passion in his heart, but if these are not communicated to others, true leadership simply does not occur." 40. Upward feedback is ad hoc," "The CEO has a vision, but he thinks it's just him. 44 Tourish and Robson, "Critical Upward Feedback in Organizations," 161. . management team's) flawed approach gave them a misplaced collective view of a perfectly functioning communications system... The group's final decision was to suppress the report and take no further action on its contents.”46.

Rule #4: "build the next generation" = the ability to ensure long-term sustainable service and develop people. It is "the ability to commit oneself passionately over a long period of time to achieve a goal."53 This is about what drives you, it is your "why?". Study - study the scriptures and the lives of the saints around you: we learn about God's gifts to us first in the Bible (some important passages: Romans Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4:7-16; 1 Peter 4); we also learn about God-given abilities by seeing the lives of those around us in the church – what are their gifts.

Desire – what we want to do, what we enjoy, what we seek is often an indicator of how God has endowed us (cf. Psalm 37:4).

Assignment: A Personal Capabilities Profile – Identify and Reflect on Your God-Given capabilities

But we can develop what we have and try our best to get what we need to take the next step to serve the Lord with excellence.60. Good leaders will recognize their God-given abilities and seek to develop them while working to acquire and develop other complementary skills to better serve the Lord.


Session #4

The Three “R’s” of Ministry Leadership: Managing

Church ministry is a team effort – we don't have to go about the Lord's work alone. 1 Corinthians 12 – Within the church there are a variety of gifts that God has given for the health and growth of the church. Jonathan McKee and Thomas McKee: “Effective recruiting requires a very clear, complete and concise presentation of the roles and responsibilities of the position you are recruiting for.

Role description: A short summary of the role (two or three sentences that provide an overview of the job). No one will join (nor abide by) your ministry unless they have a compelling reason to do so. We need to prepare, equip, train or "ready" our team members to do what we ask of them.

67 One of the purposes of this project is to sharpen this area of ​​our church ministry in the following ways: (1) clarify direct reports to ministry leaders (who do you report to and who do you review your ministry with?), (2 ) establishing a mechanism , whereby the Ministry's progress is regularly evaluated.

Session #5

Goal Setting and Hard Conversations

  • Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you
  • Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is honored
  • A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise
  • Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy

This is what Paul said to Timothy: "The object of our accusation is love, which proceeds from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith" (1 Tim. 1:5). 9 Why did you despise the word of the LORD to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.

Share your facts, tell your story and invite another perspective81 - resist making accusations, don't assume you have full knowledge. N – Note your calling – you are there as a representative of the Lord Jesus and the local church. A - Always be prepared to listen - the best form of confrontation is a two-way conversation, where each party hears and understands the other, where questions are asked and answered, where clarifications are made, where confessions can be made, where the parties involved can perceive each other's hearts.

The curriculum is sufficiently thorough in its coverage of the material to equip ministerial leaders.


Table 1. LPI responses in percentages   LPI Question  Strongly
Table 2. Additional LPI responses in percentages   LPI Question  Strongly
Table 3. LPI results on conflict resolution and hard conversations in percentages  LPI Question  Strongly


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