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The Correlation between Self-Concept and Students’ English Reading Ability to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in Academic Year 2014/2015


Academic year: 2023

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The weakness of self-concept and reduced motivation make us fail to achieve our achievements. Therefore, the writer conducts the research under the title: The Correlation between Self-Concept and Students' English Reading Ability to the Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in Academic Year 2014/2015. The study focuses on the correlation between self-concept and students' English reading skills for seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015.

To find the relationship between self-concept and students' English reading skills among the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015. Motivate the students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in improving their self-concept and reading skills. According to Brooks, self-concept is the direct result of how significant others respond to the individual.


Possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done. Literacy means a person's ability to communicate or give meaning in written or printed symbols and to extract information from the text by using his knowledge, skills and strategies to achieve the purpose of the reading activity itself.23. Rascevska, "The relationship between children's reading ability, verbal and fluency intelligence, and measures of eye movements during reading."

It is thus possible to understand the reading passage even if he does not understand all the individual words. Within a top-down approach to reading, the teacher focuses on meaning-making activities rather than bottom-up mastery of skills such as letter, sound, and word recognition. The reader combines elements of the bottom-up and top-down reading models to achieve comprehension.26.

The Correlation between Self- Concept and Students’ English Reading Ability

In Persad, Mueller defines self-image as a system of attitudes, feelings and perceptions that an individual has about himself. He suggested that the individual's self is the center of his entire mental-feeling world and that all his actions originate from his perception of himself and the world.31. From the above theory, the writer hypothesized that there is a relationship between self-esteem and a student's ability to read in English.

Previous Research Finding

English speaking ability score was less, 13 students or 40.625% with scores between 60 and table rxy > r. There is a significant relationship between students' self-concept and English speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Dolopo Madiun. In addition, other findings of previous research were presented by Siti Nurcholipah with the title Correlation between Self-Confidence and English Reading Skills in SMAN 1 Badegan.

The researcher found that out of 24 students, the mean confidence score of 15 students or 62.50% with a score between 6.0 and 7.3 included sufficient or moderate categorization. Also, 18 students or 75% scored between 6.0 and 7.3 in reading proficiency in English, which included sufficient or moderate categorization. Thus, the researcher can conclude that there is a significant correlation between self-confidence and English reading skill of tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Badegan.

Unlike this thesis, the researcher in this research assumes that there is a correlation between self-esteem and English reading ability of seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015.

Theoretical Framework


Research Design

Population and Sample 1. Population


The sample consists of a number of people from the population survey who have been selected to participate in the study.35 The total number of people in the sample is certainly smaller than the population. The main characteristic of probability sampling is that each member or element of the population has a known probability of being chosen in the sample. Non-probability sampling involves selection methods in which elements are not chosen through random procedures.

Convenience sampling is the technique to determine, on a random basis, a member of the population who is interviewed by the researcher and is willing to be interviewed.37 The principle of convenience.

Instrument of Data Collection


Validity test used in item analysis by relating each item's score to a total score that is the sum of each item.42 Validity is an important key to effective research. To test the validity of the instrument, the researchers sampled 30 respondents using 20 items of self-concept instruments and 20 items. From the result, we can conclude that there are 16 valid self-image instruments, 16 reading test items and 4 invalid self-image instruments, 4 reading test items.

Based on the above validity analysis, the researcher can reduce the item based on the necessity of each item.


View the correlation result (ri) with the product moment “r” table after determining the degrees of freedom (df).

Technique of Data Collection


This scale assesses the attitude or manner of behaving that the researcher prefers, asking various questions to the respondents. The respondent was then asked to provide a choice or answer in the scale measurement given, for example, strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.47. The different agree/disagree responses are assigned a numerical value, and the total scale score is determined by adding the numerical responses to each item.48 Students must choose the alternative answer based on their opinion.

This questionnaire was conducted to know the students' self-concept in learning to read, the researcher adapted this concept changed some items to specify the statement in English reading. Test is rank of question or exercise or other instrument that measures skill, knowledge, intelligence, ability or aptitude possessed by individual or group.49 Thus, test is used to measure skill or abilities of the observed objects. In this research, a test is applied to measure the students' English reading ability among the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015.

Documentation is a way of obtaining information or data through notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, diaries, etc.50 It means that documentation is used to collect data through printed materials. This research paper searches for the data of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015 selected as population.

Technique of Data Analysis

Before data analysis identifies a hypothesis, the data must meet the test requirements of normality and homogeneity. In this research, the researcher used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov formula, the theory is very familiar and can avoid some mistakes. The calculated value of Z by the formula X is the original value of the data and µ is the population mean, which can be estimated using the sample mean or mean, while � was the sample standard deviation.

When describing relationships between variables, researchers usually use correlation procedures to obtain the corresponding correlation coefficient, which will normally be quoted as "r", "rpbi", or "�". rho), depending on the specific procedure used.53. The product moment of correlation as a formula to answer the problem statement is about the correlation between self-concept and students. English reading comprehension among seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015.

According to Retno, “The product can be converted at a variable time into a variable that can be used/dataya bersifat. The total subject of a small sample is less than 30 people while a large sample is more than 30 people.55. Ho: rxy = 0 (There is no significant correlation between self-concept and English reading skills of students in academic year 2014/2015).

Ha: rxy≠ 0 (There is a significant correlation between self-concept and students' English reading ability in the academic year 2014/2015).


  • Research Location
    • Historical Background of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo
    • Profile of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo
    • Vision and Mission of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo a. The Vision of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo
    • Teacher and Students Condition
    • School Facilities
    • Organizational Structure of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo
  • Data Description
    • Students’ Self -Concept
    • Students’ English Reading Ability
    • Students’ Self - Concept and Students’ English Reading Ability
  • Data Analysis 1. Normality
    • Homogeny
    • The Correlation Analysis of Students’ Self - Concept and Students’
  • Discussion and Interpretation

The facilities at SMPN 1 Sambit are principal's room, office, teacher's room, library, science lab, language lab, auditorium, artist room, skills room and School Healthy Unit room. The school organization of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo consists of principal, administrator, vice for curriculum, vice for students, librarian, public relations, storage environment, computer lab, science lab, media technician, teachers, counselor and class of guardians. The population of this research is the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015.

The table below describes the self-concept score of seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit. To obtain this data, the researcher uses a questionnaire technique for seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit. The table below describes the reading comprehension scores of seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit.

To obtain this data, the researcher used a test technique for seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit. The table below describes the assessment of self-esteem and reading ability of seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit. The results of the self-esteem questionnaire and the reading test in the seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit.

In order to determine whether or not there is a correlation between self-esteem and a student's ability to read in English, the researcher uses the product-moment correlation formula. Ho: rxy = 0 (There is no significant correlation between self-esteem and English reading ability of students in the academic year Ha: rxy ≠ 0 (There is a significant correlation between self-esteem and English reading ability of students in the academic year Table 4.10 From the calculation of the correlation between self-esteem and English reading ability of students for the students of the seventh grade of SMPN 1 Sambita Ponorogo, it can be seen that the result of the survey is 0.64.

There are two ways to interpret whether there is correlation between self-concept and students' reading ability in English for seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo using the product moment correlation formula. After finding the research result, the correlation between self-concept (X variable) and English reading ability (Y variable) is 0.64, it is positive value. The researcher can conclude that there is a significant correlation between self-concept and students' reading ability in English of seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Sambit Ponorogo in the academic year 2014/2015.

Table calculation of Product Moment Correlation
Table calculation of Product Moment Correlation




Students should know and realize their self-esteem in order to improve their English reading skills, when they know their self-esteem is low, they can change their thinking pattern to be better.


Self-Esteem and Self-Esteem in Adolescence: Instead of buying programs to improve self-esteem, principals should focus on helping students develop their strengths in a supportive environment.


Table calculation of Product Moment Correlation


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