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Academic year: 2023

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Judul Skripsi: Students' Perceptions of the Methods Used by the Teacher in Teaching English at SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep (A Descriptive Study). Students' perceptions of the methods used by the teacher in teaching English at SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep (a descriptive study). The data was conducted from August to September 2017 on 30 second grade students of SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep from 5 classes.

Persepsi siswa terhadap metode yang digunakan guru dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan Agustus sampai September 2017 dari 30 siswa kelas II SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep dari 5 kelas. Tesis yang berjudul “Persepsi Siswa terhadap Metode yang Digunakan Guru dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep (Penelitian Deskriptif)” ini diserahkan ke Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk lulus di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. .

Arif Yusuf, S.P., M.P.d. and Sumarni, S.P.d. as teachers who always guide the researcher when doing research at SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep and sincerely help the researcher to complete the data collection 9.


  • Problem Statements
  • Objectives of Research
  • Significances of Research
  • Scope of Research

Students' perception also becomes such a tool to measure the successful teaching and learning process in the classroom. It has been proven that when students have observed well, they will also behave well to achieve teachers' goals in the classroom. Based on the background explained above, this research investigated what are the methods used by the teacher and how the students' perception of their EFL teachers' teaching method in the classroom is rightfully experienced by the students.

This research is expected to enrich the knowledge of English teachers with the methods that the teacher uses and also the students' perception about teaching methods in the classroom. The researcher hoped that teachers can choose the appropriate teaching method in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This research is expected to provide more information for the teachers about methods in teaching English and students' perception about the teaching method carried out in the teaching and learning process.

In addition, this research was helpful for the government to know the importance of the teaching method with appropriate educational needs of the students in the EFL teaching and learning process, especially for the second grade of SMA Negeri 13 Pangkep.


Teaching Method

Principle in Choosing Teaching Method

It is intended to bridge student needs and prevent student saturation in learning.

Method of Teaching English

The teacher asks the students a series of questions in the target language, which the students must understand in order to answer. If the teacher intends to increase the skill of the students' rational thinking, such as the ability to analyze a situation, to apply their knowledge in a new one. If the teacher wants the students to be able to solve a problem and challenge the students' intelligence.

Motivate the students to find appropriate information and conduct experiments to solve the problem. During this stage, the teacher asked the students to recreate the thinking and activities performed during the process of their learning activities. By working together, stimulating individual, creative and critical thinking, students are asked to take responsibility for their own learning.

This method is useful for encouraging student activity and responsibility towards themselves and team members. Thus, the teacher must master the techniques of encouraging students in order to enable students to explore. It is important that the practice activities match the language you are learning and the level and competence of the students.

Table 2.1 The procedure of Problem Based Learning  Phase 1: Orienting learners on learning problems
Table 2.1 The procedure of Problem Based Learning Phase 1: Orienting learners on learning problems

The Concept of Perception

  • Perception
  • Indicators of Perception
  • Types of Perception

One of the most important things to remember is that production activities should not "tell" students what to say. While in practice students had most or all of the required information, during production they do not have this information and have to think. Different scholars define perception differently, as Chee (2002) stated: “The reception of stimuli that can be influenced by an individual's mental awareness, past experiences, knowledge, motivation, and social interactions.

Lindsay and Norman (1997) state that perception is the process by which the organism interprets and organizes sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. If one of the sense organs has limited function or even worse, cannot function at all, the ability of the other sense organs will increase. According to Wang Perception is a set of internal sensory cognitive process of the brain in the layer of subconscious cognitive function that detects relates, interprets and mainly seeks the internal cognitive information.

Perception involved more of a thinking process, since the information received from the sensory systems is certainly about things or events. Rachmania Bachtiar Kassing (2011) in her thesis "Perceptions of Motivational Teaching Strategies in an EFL Classroom" said that "the findings showed that the student-teachers in this study prefer foreign language learning experiences that are satisfying, enjoyable , are not face-threatening and are rewarding. for them and disliked those who caused them embarrassment or discomfort. While the student teachers' opinions on many general teaching strategies matched those of their EFL teachers, they also shared different opinions on some other teaching strategies.”

Based on some definitions of perception above, perception is a process of interpretation of a current stimulus, where people express their sense and their interpretation of the previous experience. The process of acceptance or reabsorption is an indicator of perception in physiology stage, it is about the function of the five senses in grasping external stimulus. The individual compares the newly acquired understanding with the subjective criteria or norms of the individual.

Comparing the perception of the three indicators above, the first opinion is that perception exists when students receive and evaluate, while it differs from the second opinion that perception can exist when students absorb and understand. We construct images of others in ways that serve to stabilize, predict, and control our view of the social world to the extent that we attribute stable hardships and enduring moods to other people.

Teaching Method in Teaching English Commonly

Many studies have been conducted to improve students' English language skills, whether focusing on language skills or elements of language. Unfortunately, Siddiqui & Umer stated that in the majority of schools, especially in the disadvantaged areas, students are still treated through traditional methods that hinder their intellectual growth. The students, as the people who interact most with teachers in the classroom, will have their own perception of how their teachers are performing in the classroom.

Whereas many studies have been conducted to describe student perception as a way to evaluate teacher performance. Collecting data from the students can be a positive feedback for the teacher to improve their performance in the classroom. As argued by Ahmad and Aziz (2009), the collection of data from students regarding their teachers'.

They were lecture or discussion as the most effective method used because it can involve the students in active learning rather than passive listening. The second was team project because it can help the students to develop another skill. The study also revealed that the major challenges found by teachers in the large class are getting the students to participate, getting the students to pay attention, assessment challenges and identifying weak students.

A descriptive analysis of students' perceptions of the teacher's speech in the English classroom” said that “students' perceptions of the English teacher's speech are very different. The students' way of practicing activities in the classroom is also much more influenced by the students' perception. When students perceive their teachers' teaching in class positively, they will also perform positively in the teaching and learning process in class.

Siddiqui and Umer said that stat faction of the students with their teachers during the class increases their interest in the classroom. Sajjad said that teaching methods should be improved by considering the students' perception about them.

Framework of the Study


  • Sample and Population
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis

The questionnaire was given to the students in the class with the required teaching time of the teacher. Presentation Practices and productions using media in lessons make students happy in teaching and learning English. Another understanding of materials through presentation practice and production is listening to students.

Using dialogue media in teaching English can increase students' vocabulary. Students' understanding depends on their group members or friends themselves. It showed that students understood that they depended on their friends and were less.

It means that the new knowledge of the students can help the students to answer the teacher's question. And when the teacher plays the video, all students see the video immediately. Then the teacher asks the students to analyze the conversation based on the lesson material.

They share their ideas with the students' experiences to complete their tasks together. Based on this, students perceive teamwork in teaching and learning English in the classroom. With friends' ideas, thoughts, or explanation, students will definitely be able to understand the material easily.

Outside of the students who usually don't work on the task given by the teacher and just talk randomly in group. Students like more the situation that makes them happy in teaching and the learning process.


Method used by the teacher in teaching English

The students then discuss and make the dialogue as a result of understanding the material. Because when the students are happy in the learning process, it means that the students liked the use of media in teaching and learning process. This indicates that the students are not much like the cooperative learning in teaching and learning process in the classroom.

After that, media is given by the teacher so that the students can directly see the mother tongue.

Students‟ PerceptionofPPP and Cooperative Learning


Table 2.1 The procedure of Problem Based Learning  Phase 1: Orienting learners on learning problems
Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework of the research English


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