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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannyac

Lisa Ayu

Academic year: 2023

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50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya



A long time ago, the sky was close to the earth. When yo stoo! " an! stretche! yor arms, yo

col! toch it.

#ne !ay, a $armer %roght some coconts $or his wi$e. His wi$e wante! to !rink the &ice insi!e.

She knocke! on o$ the coconts against a rock to %reak o"en the shell

'That(s not the way to !o it, 'her hs%an! sai!. 'Yo shol! ct it o"en with a kni$e) He ga*e her his %olo or &ngle+kni$e

His wi$e raise! the kni$e to ct the cocont shell. 'crack ). As she li$te! the kni$e a%ot her hea!

it s"lit o"en the sky an! there was hea*y rain.

The woman tol! the sky, 'Will yo "lease go a little higher- I can(t raise my kni$e high enogh to ct this cocont shell)

She raise! the kni$e o*er her shol!er the secon! time. #nce again, it hit the sky an! there wasthn!er an! lightening 'Yo are still too low,) the woman sai! to the sky. 'lease go higher.)

She raise! the %olo a thir! time. It still cracke! the sky. There was a ty"hoon, an! the woman(s hose was almost %lown away %y the $ierce win!.

'What are yo !oing-) crie! her hs%an!, '/an(t yo e*en try to o"en a cocont shell withot casing a ty"hoon-)

'It(s not me,) his wi$e answere!. 'It(s the sky which is too low). I nee! more room to se the kni$e.)

0inally, the woman %ecame *ery angry. She looke! " an! shote! at sky. 'Yo(! %etter !o as I tol!. #therwise I shall ct yo to "ieces.)

The clo!s rose an! rose an! the sky went " higher an! higher. That(s why it is now so high.

1. What is the ty"e o$ the te2t a%o*e- a. narrati*e

 %. !escri"ti*e c. re"ort

!. recont e. news items

3. What is the social $nction o$ the te2t- a. To !escri%e a%ot cocont shells

 %. To entertain the rea!ers with $airy legen!

c. To in$orm rea!ers a%ot cocont shells

!. To !escri%e how the $armers o"en the cocont shells e. To e2"lain to rea!ers why it(s har! to o"en cocont shells

4. 5ase! on the te2t a%o*e, what ma!e the woman get angry- a. The sky went " too high

 %. He hs%an! !i!n(t want to hel" her  c. She col!n(t ct the sky into "ieces

!. Her hs%an! $or%a!e her to crack the cocont shell o"en


e. The sky ga*e her rain, thn!er, lightening, an! ty"hoon

6. Which one o$ the $ollowing statements is 7#T T89E accor!ing to the te2t- a. A %olo is a &ngle kni$e

 %. The woman tore the sky $or se*eral times.

c. A *ery long time ago, the sky was *ery low

!. The $armer %roke the cocont with the kni$e $or his wi$e e. The $armer(s wi$e wante! to !rink some cocont water 

. 'She knocke! one o$ the coconts against a rock to %reak o"en the shell) :"aragra"h 3;.

The n!erline! wor! can %e re"lace! %y<< .

a. ct

 %. stroke c. o"ene!

!. kicke!

e. threw


Ken!ari SA8 Team 0on! 4 =ore >ictims

KE7?A8I, Sotheast Slawesi, on Thrs!ay a searching an! resce team $on! three more *ictims $rom a shi" that sank in 5an!a Sea, who ha! %een missing since the inci!ent occrre! on 0ri!ay last week. They were Aris Triono, the ca"tain o$ Amami cargo Shi", Tak%, a crewman, an! Sharto, a "assenger.

They were $on! on Thrs!ay $loating in waters close to =eni Islan!, /entral Slawesi

ro*ince. The "ro*ince is a!&acent to Soth East Slawesi ro*ince, within those territory lies the 5an!a Sea. Two other *ictims were earlier sa*e! %y SA8 team in the 5an!a Sea on Satr!ay last week only a !ay a$ter the shi" sank !e to the %a! weather.

The SA8 team is still searching $or 1@ crew mem%ers an! a "assenger still missing $rom the inci!ent, sai! 8ocky Asikin, the hea! o$ Ken!ari SA8 Team.

. The commnicati*e "r"ose o$ the te2t is <<< . a. to retell "ast e2"erience

 %. to !escri%e "articlar thing

c. to e2"lain a%ot SA8 team(s work 

!. to "ersa!e rea!ers to hel" *ictims

e. to in$orm rea!ers a%ot an im"ortant e*ent

B. Why !i! the shi" sink to the sea- It ha""ene! %ecase <<<<<<

a. the weather was %a!

 %.c. the shi" was %rokenthe shi" was o*er loa!e!

!. there was a leak in the shi"

e. the shi" crashe! another shi"

C. How many crew mem%ers an! "assengers incl!e! in the acci!ent-

a. two

 %. three

c. $i*e


!. si2teen

e. more than si2teen

D. Who is the sorce o$ the news- a. SA8 team

 %. Yak%, a crewman c. Sharto, "assenger  

!. Aris Triono, the ca"tain

e. 8ocky Asikin, the hea! o$ SA8 team

@. SA8 team $on! three more *ictims.

The n!erline! wor! means <<< . a. a "assenger o$ a shi"

 %. a "erson who &oin the SA8 team c. a "erson who cres the sick "eo"le

!. a "erson who hel"s the in&re! "eo"le.

e. a "erson that is in&re! or kille! in an acci!ent


?ella an! im Yong, newly marrie!, were "oor. im(s wage was enogh to rent only a *ery small a"artment. 5t there were two things o$ which each was e2tremely "ro!. ?ella ha! the longest an! most %eati$l hair in all 7ew York, thoght im, as he watche! her com%ing itF an!

im "ossesse! a magni$icent gol! "ocket watch, gi*en %y his $ather.

/hristmas was !rawing near, an! im an! ?ella %egan to think what "resent they col!

a$$or! to gi*e each other. ?ella always notice! sa!ly, when im looke! at his watch :which he

!i! whene*er he ha! an e2cse to;, that it was $i2e! to the %tton+hole o$ his coat %y common ol! leather stra". He really nee!e! a gol! chain. An! im o$ten thoght, as he looke! at ?ella

!oing her long hair, how well it wol! looke! i$ only he col! %y her &ewele! com% to hol! it in  "lace. 5t a gol! watch+chain or &ewele! hair+com% wol! ha*e cost $ar more money than eithero$ them "ossesse!.

 7ow it was /hristmas E*e. With tear$l eyes ?ella ha! conte! the money she ha! sa*e!

$or im(s /hristmas "resent $or the tenth time CB cents. 'I$ only I knew ...) she thoght. Then s!!enly she ha! a won!er$l i!ea. She hrrie!ly "tting on her ol! hat an! coat, she ran !own the street to the sho" with the notice 'Hair %oght). She entere! an! an hor later walke! ot o$

the sho" richer %y 1 !ollars, %t withot her chair #n the way home she sto""e! at e*ery watchmaker(s sho" ntil at last she $on! e2actly the right chain to sit im(s watch.

8etrning home, with one !ollar an! CB cents le$t in her "ocket, she ha! &st enogh time  %e$ore im arri*e! home $rom work to wra" the "recios gi$t. She also crle! her remaining hair.

When im saw it, he was s"eechless. '#h im, !on(t look at me like that. It will grow again),

?ella crie!. 'An! I ha! to !o it. Here. She ga*e the "arcel to im,) yo see, 'I ha! to sell my hair  to get money $or yor "resent =erry /hristmas, !ear).

When im o"ene! it, he colla"se! on a chair. 'I think we(! %etter "t or "resents away

$or a while,) he sai! gently at last, 'Yo see, I(*e sol! my watch to %t this com% $or yor hair).

He ga*e the "ackage to ?ella.

 7o!!ing while tears rose in her eyes too, ?ella ga*e im a %ra*e smile an! sai!, '#r gi$ts are the %est "resents in the worl!, yo know-)


1. What !i! ?ella !o to get the money to %y her hs%an! a /hristmas "resent a$ter she conte! that her sa*e! money wasn(t enogh-

a. she !i!n(t want to s"en! the money she ha! sa*e!

 %. she col!n(t think what to %y $or CB cents money c. she !i! not n!erstan! why she ha! sch little money

!. she thoght im ha!n(t sa*e! any money e. She sol! his long an! %eati$l hair 

3. ?ella thoght theirs were 'the %est /hristmas "resent in the worl!) %ecase they <<< . a. ha! cost a lot o$ money

 %. wol! %e se$l $or a long time c. how I col! get some more money

!. s"ent really a great !eal o$ time

e. showe! how mch they lo*e! each other 

4. Which one is T89E accor!ing to the te2t- a. ?ella an! im were a well+to+!o $amily

 %. ?ella an! im col! gi*e each other a /hristmas gi$t c. ?ella !i!n(t want to sell her long an! %eati$l hair 

!. im $inally ga*e his magni$icent gol! "ocket watch to his wi$e as a /hristmas "resent e. ?ella an! im col!n(t cele%rate the /hristmas since they !i!n(t ha*e enogh money.

6. She hrrie!ly "tting on her ol! hat an! coat :"aragra"h 4;.

The wor! '"tting on) means <<< .

a. charging

 %. ironing

c. wearing

!. washing

e. kee"ing

TEXT 6?en"asar, 5aliF En*ironmental #rganiation 0ana /onser*ation $or i$e :E#0/0;

claime! that 5ali is the %iggest site o$ trtle tra!ing in the contry.

In the "erio! %etween =ay throgh to Agst 1DDD, it was re"orte!, some D,6@@ o$ the  "rotecte! animals ha! %een tra!e!.

Accor!ing to t isa Ksma =stika, a re"tile e2"ert $rom the In!onesian Worl!

Wil!li$e 0n! :WW0;, tortoises ha*e long %een kille! in se*eral o$ In!onesia, with the highest nm%er in 5ali.

'=ost o$ them are consme! as $oo! while some o$ them are se! $or tra!itional ceremonies,) t tol! Antara.

5esi!es its meat, t sai!, tortoise shells are also se! as so*enirs $or torists.

. The commnicati*e "r"ose o$ this te2t is <<< . a. To !escri%e the threatene! trtle in 5ali

 %. To tell the rea!ers that trtles are threaten to e2tinct c. To in$orm a%ot im"ortant an! newsworthy e*ents

!. To e2"lain the im"ortant o$ "rotecting trtles e. To !escri%e the way how to "reser*e trtles

. What is the main in$ormation o$ the article a%o*e-


a. Trtle tra!ing  %. A re"tile e2"ert

c. The "rotecte! animals

!. 0ana /onser*ation $or li$e e. So*enirs $rom tortoise shells

B. It can %e concl!e! $orm the te2t that <<< . a. Trtles are not "rotecte! animals

 %. Trtles are mostly tra!e! in 5ali c. Trtles mainly tra!e! $or so*enirs

!. Tra!itional ceremonies always reire trtle

e. 5ecase they are not "reser*e!, trtles are threatene! to e2tinct Te2t 

The sgar gli!er is a mars"ial, &st like the other Astralia animals J the Kangaroo, the koala an! the wom%at $or instant. The sgar gli!er is a "ossm J *ery similar to the t"ai in In!onesia.

It %asically li*es in trees. It eats lea*es an! $rit. Howe*er, the Astralia sgar gli!er has a *ery s"ecial skill. It can &m" $rom tree to tree like a t"ai %t it can also sort o$ $ly( as well. In $act, it gli!es or ter%ang laying in 5ahasa In!onesia. When it &m"s $rom one tree to another it s"rea!s its $or legs ot wi!eF an! its e2tra skin also s"rea!s ot an! $nction like a "arachte.

C. What !oes the te2t mainly tell s a%ot- a. The Koala.

 %. The sgar gli!er.

c. The Kangaroo.

!. The wom%at.

e. Astralia animals

D. Why can sgar gli!er &m" $rom tree to tree- a. It eats lea*es an! $rit.

 %.c. It %asically li*es in trees.It has a *ery s"ecial skill

!. It can s"rea! its legs an! skin ot wi!e.

e. It is *ery similar to the t"ai in In!onesia.

B@. ' L it s"rea!s its $or legs ot wi!e L ' The n!erline! wor! means L

a. e2ectes

 %. e2"an!

c. e2cee!s

!. e2amines

e. e2ten!s


Yong Stars

The $inalists o$ 'Aka!emic 0antasi In!onesia 1) :A0I; are won!er$l yong "eo"le.

=awar who was %orn on 3 0e%rary 1DC is a cte girl. She has straight, short hair. Her %right skin, ch%%y cheeks an! lo*ely smile make her look *ery mar*elos. She is not *ery tall.

Howe*er, her weight which is 6@ kgs matches her %o!y well an! makes her look cte.


9nlike =awar, >e looks tall. She is 1.D meters tall. She looks iet slim. She weighs 6

kgs. /om"are! to =awar, >e looks !arker. The 33+yeas+ol! girl has %lack, straight hair.

Another $inalist is Ismail who is %etter known as Smile. The yong man who was %orn on 1 Se"tem%er 1DC4 looks mch %igger an! taller than his two $emale $rien!s. He is tall an!

msclar. His com"le2ion is $air an! his hair is short an! straight.

B1. What is the main in$ormation o$ the te2t- a. >e A0I

 %. =awar A0I

c. Ismail A0I

!. The $inalist o$ A0I

e. The characteristics o$ A0I

B3. What is the organiation o$ the te2t a%o*e- a. general statement J !escri"tion

 %. general classi$ication J !escri"tion c. i!enti$ication J !escri"tion

!. orientation J e*ent J resoltion

e. orientation J com"lication + resoltion B4. Which one is tre a%ot =awar- a. She is taller than >e.

 %. She is hea*ier than >e.

c. Her skin is !arker than >e(s

!. She taller than smile e. She is yonger than Smile.

B6. 'Her %right skin, ch%%y cheeks.' :aragra"h 3;

The n!erline! wor! can mean L

a. white

 %.c. !ark %lack  

!. %rown

e. %rownish


The st!ents o$ IA ha*e &st $inishe! !oing an e2"eriment in the la%oratory. It is nine

$i$teen. It is time $or them to ha*e a %reak now. Et*ia an! her $rien!s are in his canteen. The canteen is %ig an! clean. There is a washing ta%le with the sentence 'wash yor han!s %e$ore an!

a$ter eating) a%o*e it. There are %owls o$ si!e+!ishes an! !rinks sol! in the canteen. All the st!ents ee " to %y their $oo!. ?isci"line an! o%e!ience hel" to make sre e*ery %o!y

$ollows the canteen rles. The rles are to ee " to %y $oo! an! not to s"lit on the $loor. I$

the st!ents are coo"erati*e, the canteen will %e clean an! sa$e.

B. Where are the st!ents now- a. In the la%oratory

 %. In the li%rary c. In the canteen

!. In the classroom


e. In the o$$ice

B. What are the canteen rles- a. ?isci"line an! o%e!ience.

 %. ?on(t %e noisy in the canteen c. Work together to "re"are $oo!.

!. Wash yor han!s %e$ore an! a$ter eating.

e. Mee " to %y $oo! an! not to s"it on the $loor.

BB. 'There is a washing ta%le with the sentence wash yor han!s %e$ore an! a$ter eating(

a%o*e it).

The wor! it( re$ers to L a. The washing ta%le

 %. The sentence c. The canteen

!. The han!

e. The rle


/A8EE8 #98T97ITY

#r com"any+one the %iggest national "harmacetical tra!ing com"any :"harmacetical raw materials incl!ing $oo!F $ee!F cosmetics;is o$$ering a challenging "osition.

#E8ATI#7A ?I8E/T#8 

8ight can!i!ate shol! "ossess a !egree $rom re"ta%le 9ni*ersity either a%roa!N local with at least 1@ years e2"erience in com"any with similar acti*ities. 5eing a team lea!er yo are e2"ecte! to %e !ynamicF inno*ation with a strong ca"acity to "er$orm in a mlticltral en*ironment. Shar" with a strong initiati*eF sel$ moti*ate! an! har!working. 0or the right can!i!ate we are willing to o$$er com"etiti*e an! %ene$it "ackage which will sit to yor nee!s

$or yor long term career !e*elo"ment. lease $orwar! yor a""lication letter with yor />

co*ering !etails o$ yor "re*ios em"loyment recor!s "ro$essional achie*ement "ls a recent  "hotogra"h an! contact "hone nm%er to

#. 5#X 1DD K 1@@1D

A""lication shol! reach s %y 1@ the #cto%er 3@@C an! will %e treate! with the strictest

con$i!ence. #nly a""licant who meets or reirements will %e contacte! $or selections an! on inter*iew.

BC. Which one is not reirement nee!e!- a. goo! at o"erating com"ter  

 %. a !egree $rom re"ta%le ni*ersity

c. inno*ati*e, sel$ moti*ate! an! har! working

!. at least 1@ years e2"erience in a com"any e. !ynamic an! inno*ati*e to %e the team lea!er 


BD. 'lease $orwar! yor a""lication letter with yor />....), ine 1 The n!erline! wor! stan!s $orL

a. /ltral *ariety  %. /rriclm *itae

c. /om"any *acancy

!. /om"etence an! *ita e. /reati*ity an! *ali!ity

C@. The te2t a%o*e is a kin! o$ $nctional te2t in the $orm o$ <<<< 

a. Annoncement

 %. A!*ertisement c. In*itation

!. 5rochre

e. 7otice

C1. What "osition is the com"any o$$ering- a. A team lea!er  

 %. A challenging "osition c. A career o""ortnity

!. An o"erational !irector   e. A marketing manager   TEXT D


5ran! new l2ry 1 an! 3 %e!room a"artments. At Heather!owns an! Green Street. /on*enient to Sothgate Sho""ing /enter. /lose to %s rote 33.

8entals $rom O3@ incl!e the $ollowing tilitiesP heat, air, shag car"et, a""liances, !ishwasher,  "atio, lan!ry, room, "ool, 1 year lease an! secrity !e"osit.

#ne+ "reschool+age! chil! consi!ere! in 3 %e!rooms.

A%soltely no "ets.

=o!el o"en week!ays 1+, Sn. 1+ %y a""ointment 361+BB31. =anage! %y San!s /or"oration.

An eal hosing o""ortnity.

C3. Which o$ the $ollowing statement is T89E accor!ing to the te2t- a. There is no lease reire!.

 %.c. #"en only in weeken!The %s rote is $ar away.

!. The rent incl!es some tilities.

e. #nly one+%e!room a"artment are a*aila%le.

C4. Which o$ the $ollowing $amilies wol! %e a%le to rent an a"artment accor!ing to the a!*ertisement-

a. A man with a small cat

 %. A woman an! her twel*e+year+ol! chil!.


c. A hs%an!, wi$e an! their "reschool chil!.

!. 9n!er $i*e+year+ol! %a%y an! his "et e. A hs%an!, wi$e an! two small "ets.

C6. '8entals $rom O3@ incl!e heat, air, shag car"et, a""liances L ' The n!erline! wor! means ..L

a. !e*ices  %. reirements

c. im"ro*ements

!. a"artments e. "ayment TEXT 1@

5reak$ast is "ro*i!e! $ree o$ charge. We also ha*e s"ecial !iscont on $oo! an! !rinks at or restarant $or all registere! gests. #n to" o$ that, there(s a $i$ty "ercent !iscont $or chil!ren  %elow 13 at or restarant. We are locate! close to the a""le gar!en an! %tter$ly $arm. Yo can

also see the snset an! snrise $rom or room. /hil!ren wol! also %e entitle! to $ree horse ri!ing lessons e*ery morning.

8".64@, @@@ "er night

/## HE>E7, 5AT9 HIGHA7?S, =AA7G 8eser*ation P :@461; BCDDC@

Email P coolhea*enQyahoo.com C. Which is $ree o$ charge in the hotel- a. Ha*ing $oo! an! !rinks in the restarant.

 %. Ha*ing %reak$ast an! horse ri!ing lesson.

c. Entering the a""le gar!en.

!. Staying $or nights.

e. 8egistere! gest

C. '#n to" o$ that, there(s a $i$ty "ercent !iscont $or chil!ren %elow 13 at or restarant.)   The n!erline! wor! means L

a. o*er  

 %. n!er  c. a$ter  

!. a%o*e

e. in the age o$  


Koes ls was well known as "o" msic gro" in the se*enties ntil the eighties. At that time most In!onesia "eo"le were <<<<:CB; a%ot their songs %ecase they were nice an! sim"le.

E*ery ra!io station %roa!caste! these songs an! always "t them in the to" o$ "o" msic. Their msic shows were always $ll o$ <<<<<<< :CC;.

CB. a. $anatical  %. !issatis$ie!


c. cray

!. !isa""ointe!

e. %oring

CC. a. $ollowers  %. s"ectators

c. "artici"ants

!. s"eakers

e. mem%ers


A tiger once caght a $o2 while hnting $or $oo!. The $o2 was *ery %ol!. 'I am the king o$ the

$orest,) he sai!. 5t the tiger grew <<<< :CD; an! sai! that he wol! eat the $o2 at once. 'I$ yo

!on(t %elie*e me, come $or a walk with me, 'answere! the $o2 ite calmly. 'Yo(ll soon see whether all the other animals are a$rai! o$ me or not. 'Tiger agree! to go with the $o2. <<<<<

:D@; all the animals saw them coming <<<< :D1; ran away as $ast as they col!. The tiger ne*er

$on! ot that animals were really $rightene! o$ him an! the $o2.

CD. a. righten  %. ite $rien!ly

c. *ery angry

!. rather sa!

e. *ery strong D@. a. i$  

 %. so c. %ecase

!. %e$ore e. when

D1. %. shea. he c. it

!. they e. their 

D3. ?esi P Ali, I(*e got goo! news $or yo. 8oy, the cray gy, has got the "ersonal manager &o%.

Ali P What-

What !oes Ali(s e2"ression mean- a. An agreement

 %. A sr"rise c. A estion

!. A re$sal e. An o%&ection

D4. =r. oy P How is yor $inal E2am, In!ra-

In!ra P I "asse! with $lying colors, I got D $or the test.

=r. oy P <<< . a. I agree with yo

 %. I(m *ery "ro! o$ yo


c. I !on(t %elie*e it

!. I(m !isa""ointe! with yo

e. Yo are *ery great

D6. Ariel P ?o yo know the reslt o$ the game-

Sn P 7ot yet. The annoncement << twice.

a. "ost"one!

 %. will %e "ost"one!

c. was "ost"one!

!. ha*e %een "ost"one!

e. was %eing "ost"one!

D. ?ona P Where !i! yo %y this new !ress-

?ini P I %oght it in '=atahari) !e"artment store. Why-

?ona P It seems *ery %eati$l an! sit on yo.

?ini P <<<<<<<<.

a. ?on(t %e silly  %. Are yo sre

c. Thank yo

!. I !on(t %elie*e it

e. Yo are *ery kin! to me

D. Isna P What(s wrong with yo- Yo !i!n(t come to my we!!ing "arty yester!ay.

Atik P I(m sorry. I ha*e to accom"any my hs%an! to the !entist 0rom the !ialoge we can concl!e that<< .

a. Isna in*ite! Atik to her we!!ing "arty  %. Isna !i!n(t in*ite Atik to her we!!ing "arty

c. Isna will in*ite Atik to her we!!ing "arty

!. Atik !i!n(t know it so she !i!n(t come e. Atik came to the "arty with her hs%an!.

DB. =anager ack P PWhat !i! the manager want to know, Tari-Why was Yoga a%sent yester!ay- Tari P He wante! to know <<< .

a. i$ Yoga was a%sent  %. why Yoga was a%sent

c. why was Yoga a%sent

!. whether Yoga has %een a%sent e. why Yoga ha! %een a%sent

DC. Ys$ P ?o yo $eel like coming to my %irth!ay "arty ne2t weeken!- Se"ti P I(! lo*e to %t I(m a$rai! I can(t

I ha*e to take my "arents to my %rother(s hose in akarta What !oes Se"ti mean with her statement-

a. She !eclines the in*itation  %. She wants to come to the "arty

c. She a""ro*es o$ the in*itation

!. She !oesn(t like the "arty e. She o%&ect to the in*itation

DD. =otherP Ha*e yo washe! the !ishes-

8ini P Sorry, I can(t hear yo =om-


=other P I aske! yo <<<< the !ishes.

a. ha*e yo washe!

 %. ha! yo washe!

c. i$ yo ha! washe!

!. whether yo can wash e. whether yo ha*e washe!

1@@. Amir P 'Has =other $inally !eci!e! what to %y $or hersel$-) 8iko P 'I !on(t know, let(s ask her what <<<.)

a. !oes she want to %y  %. !i! she want to %y

c. will she %y

!. !oes she %y e. she wants to %y

KUNCI JAWABAN 50 SA! BA"ASA IN##$IS K%!AS 10 S%&%S'%$ 2

1. A

3. 5

4. E

6. ?

. 5

. E

B. A

C. ?

D. E

@. E

1. E

3. E

4. 5

6. /

. /

. A

B. 5

C. 5

D. ?

B@. E

B1. ?

B3. /

B4. E

B6. A

B. /

B. E



BD. 5


C@. A

C1. ?

C3. ?

C4. /

C6. A

C. 5

C. 5

CB. /

CC. 5

CD. /

D@. E

D1. ?

D3. 5

D4. 5

D6. /

D. /

D. A



DD. /

1@@. E


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