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the effect of using explicit method on students' ability


Academic year: 2023

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Judul Skripsi : The effect of using the explicit method on students' ability to understand poems (a pre-experimental research in the second grade of "Madrasah Aliyah Negeri" Selayar). The aim of this research is to determine the effect of using the explicit method through the students' ability to understand the poem on the concept of interpretation (meaning) using the explicit method. The research presented deals with the result of the effect using the explicit method through the students' ability in understanding the poem.

Dan post-test pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa pengaruh metode eksplisit terhadap kemampuan pemahaman puisi siswa. Dengan demikian, sampel MAN Selayar sebanyak 15 siswa berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan pemahaman puisi siswa. Temuan yang disampaikan berkaitan dengan pengaruh penggunaan metode eksplisit terhadap kemampuan pemahaman puisi siswa.

Finally, to all those who have provided valuable suggestions, instructions, help and advice to complete this thesis, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.


  • Background
  • Problem statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significant of the Research
  • The Scope of the Research
    • Characteristic Of Explicit method
  • The Concept of Poems 1. Definition of Poems
  • Conceptual Framework

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chose pre-experimental because only that method is suitable for use in direct learning using poem. Therefore, the Researcher conducts a research with a title "the effect of using explicit method on students' ability to understand poems ​​​​​​in the second grade in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Selayar". The benefits for the researcher is that the researcher gets information related to students' ability to understand poem by using explicit method and also adds the researcher about understanding poem by using explicit method.

The purpose of the research was the focus to know how the explicit method used an effect on the students' ability to understand especially interpretive poems, the researcher's focus on meaning in the second grade Madrasah MIA II Alyah Negri Selayar. The researcher uses poetry because reading English poetry is believed to have a direct impact on pronunciation skills. Hastiani (2018) formulated the thesis entitled "The application of poetry reading practice to improve students' pronunciation" (Pre-experimental study on eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung).

The differences were the first previous findings, the researcher focused on the students' reading comprehension. According to Kardi et al, who cited Uno et al (2012), the following are some characteristics of the explicit instruction (direct instruction) model. a) Existence of learning objectives, as well as the impact of models on students, including learning assessment procedures. Finally, the researcher collected the students' pre-test and post-test scores so that the researcher could compare the students' pre-test and post-test scores and determine what influences the students' ability to understand the poem.

Figure 2.0 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.0 Conceptual Framework


  • Research Design
  • Research Variables and Indicator 1. Variables
  • Prosedure of collecting data 1. Pre-Test
  • Findings

The population of the research was the second grade in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Selayar in the academic year of 2021/2022. The students in second grade consist of XI MIA II with always 32 students for in the class. The researcher would have chosen one class in second grade at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Selayar. Told that schools were closed during the pandemic, but the teacher instructed the students to go to school to help my research.

Based on the suggestion of the English teachers, the researcher used half of eleventh grade XI MIA II consisting of 15 students in Madrasa Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Selayar as a sample, because eleventh grade XI MIA 2 has a poor understanding of poems. The pre-test would be done before using the explicit method in the classroom so that the researcher could know the effect on the students' ability to understand the song, while the post-test would be done after the treatment after using the explicit method as teaching. method for assessing and checking students' ability to understand songs, both before and after the test, used to determine students' ability to understand songs after treatment with the explicit method. The researcher gave the student a pre-test in the first meeting to find out their knowledge of understanding the poem and to know what they should do to answer the poetry question.

The treatment of the research was carried out in 4 meetings in which each meeting required 120 minutes. After the treatment was done, the researcher gave a post-test test to measure the increase in students' knowledge. In the post-test, the researcher who gave a poem question like In pre-test was to get to know the students how the Students' Comprehension poem develops in post-test. -test better than pretest or not.

Calculation of the average score of the students' answer using formula: The researcher calculated the average score and standard deviation of the students' comprehension poem with meaning by using SPSS Program Version 24 (IBM SPSS Statistic 24). Means (H0) there was an effect of using explicit method through students' ability to understand poem. H1) there was no effect of the use of explicit method by students. In finding presented, deals with the result of the effect using explicit method by students' ability to understand poem.

The researcher was given the date pre-test and post-test, pre-test consists of five questions that are used to test the students' ability to understand poem. The ability to understand poem using explicit method from this research that there was an effect on students' ability to understand poem of class XI IPA II students, the results of this study were seen from the pre-test results, namely to give tests for students to test their abilities before receiving treatment and to supplement students' results in post-tests.


The use of explicit method have an effect on students’ ability in understanding poem



In the discussion, the researcher would like to explain the findings on the effect of using explicit methods on students' ability to understand poems. It aimed to describe the students' ability to understand poems in terms of meaning using explicit methods and the benefits of explicit methods for teachers and students in learning during a pandemic. Students' ability to understand poems using the explicit method. The researcher carried out the treatment using the explicit method, so that the students could demonstrate an effect in the post-test.

In the pre-test, the researcher gave poems about "Dreaming" to know their prior knowledge before using explicit method. Almost of the students were very lacking in vocabulary. So the researcher gave the treatment by using explicit. The finding showed that the frequency and percentage was quite good on the Meaning pre-test from 15 students who were 11 or 73.30% gotGood category and 4 or 26.70% in the Fair category increased their scores after being treated and given a post-.

The results of this study, especially in terms of understanding, the researcher found that the students of Class XI IPA II Man Selayar were quite capable of understanding poetry and had an effect on the ability of the students given by the researcher. The significant indicator determines that the use of the explicit method affects the students' ability to understand the points of the poem. However, the weakness of the students' poetry comprehension in the pre-test phase that the researchers found was that those with less vocabulary had not been able to understand the content of the poem.

Some previous researchers, who also used explicit with different objects, found that the Effect of explicit instruction on strategic reading in a literacy methods course. In his research, “Results showed that teacher candidates increased their awareness of metacognitive reading strategies following the intervention. Based on the above statement, the researcher concludes that the explicit method has an effect on the students' ability to understand the poem, but the researchers also found that the students experienced a decrease in attendance in direct interaction.

Based on the findings and discussions, it can be concluded that the use of the explicit method was effective to improve the students' ability to understand the poem in terms of meaning, it can be seen from the calculation result, using SPSS 24, Sig ( 2-tailed) was 0.00 at the level of sig < α (0.05). The significant indicator determines that the use of the explicit method affects the ability of students to understand the points of poetry in the meaning class XI IPA II MAN Selayar.


Hastiani (2018)"the implementation of reading poetry practice to improve students' pronunciation" (pre-experimental study on eleventh grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung). Muhammadiyah University of MakassarTeacher Training And Education FacultyEnglish Education Department. Lestari (2015) "Reading poems as a strategy to improve English pronunciation on segmental features and word stress". 2021) "EFFECT OF USING SCHOLOGY IN IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING SKILLS" (A Pre-experimental Research at The Eleventh Grade of MAN Selayar). Qalby Nur (2014) the use of explicit teaching strategy was significant to improve students' reading comprehension.

Using the Interactive CD Assisted Explicit Instruction Learning Model to Increase the Activities and Learning Outcomes of Grade X Multimedia Students in Digital Audio Learning at SMK IT Bali Global Singaraj. All requests come true All dreams come true The smile is meaningful On the face full oh happy c. Of prospects and dreams Even though it's so high Above the sky outside space.

In the morning with a smile in the sunshine At dawn the creeping leaves hug. In the light of the sun Embraced the body's heat cold This morning I will reincarnate Be anything as long as by your side. On all that favor, that beautiful to be grateful for with happiness Thank God.

The students' scores from pre-test (X1) and post-test (X2), gain/difference between the matched pairs (D), and square of the gain (D.

Table Didtribution of T-Value  Degree of freedom (df) = N ─ 1 = 15 ─ 1= 14, T-table = 2.145  the level of significance 0.5
Table Didtribution of T-Value Degree of freedom (df) = N ─ 1 = 15 ─ 1= 14, T-table = 2.145 the level of significance 0.5


Figure 2.0 Conceptual Framework
Table 4.1 Classification of Meaning (Pre-test and Post-test)  Classification    Score
Table  4.1  shows  that  the  frequency  and  percentage  were  quite  good  on  the  Meaning pre-test from 15 students, there were 11 or 73.30% gotGood category, and 4  or 26.70% in Fair category their scores increase after being treated and given a  post
Graphic  4.1  and  graphic  4.2  it  was  also  seen  that  the  change  in  bar  graphs  was  very  good  and  shows  that  students  of  MAN  Class  XI  IPA  II  have  improvements  in  students understanding poem in term of meaning by using direct inter


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