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Academic year: 2023



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Title : IMPROVING READING UNDERSTANDING BY USING COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING (CSR) IN THE Eleventh GRADERS OF THE MA MUHAMMADIYAH METRO IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017. The students find it difficult to improve their reading comprehension because they rarely read at school. Based on the above reasons, the researcher conducted classroom action research using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) to improve the reading skills of the students.

Problem Identification

Klinger and Sharon Vaughn write that the goals of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) are to improve reading comprehension and increase conceptual learning in ways that maximize student engagement.1. The researcher chooses the topic because the students will not only be interested in learning to read, but they can also increase their vocabulary and certainly improve their reading comprehension.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objectives of the Study

Benefits of the Study 1. For the Students

It is hopefully a positive contribution to the teaching of English in Indonesia and especially the teaching of reading English in the second grade of MA Muhammadiyah Metro.

Reading Comprehension Ability

The Concept of Reading Comprehension Ability

According to Lems, Leah and Tenena “reading comprehension is not a static competence; it varies depending on the reading purposes and the text involved. Furthermore, Janette Klingner states that reading comprehension involves much more than readers' reactions to text. From these definitions it can be deduced that reading comprehension ability is one's ability to understand written or printed.

The Factors Influencing Reading Comprehension Ability

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)

  • The Concept of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)
  • The Strategies of CSR
  • The Roles of the Teacher in CSR
  • The Roles of the Students in CSR
  • The Procedure of CSR 1) Pre Reading Activity
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of CSR 1) Advantages
  • Disadvantages

In this regard, students work in collaborative groups with defined roles to engage in reading.14 In addition, Vaughn and Meaghane assert that CSR is an example of a multi-component intervention that integrates several reading comprehension strategies into so that students are able to organize how they read and understand a text without manipulating multiple strategies. 15. Refer to the theory above; It is clear that Cooperative Strategic Reading (CSR) is a strategy that merges between reciprocal teaching and cooperative learning to improve students' learning skills in reading comprehension by applying four strategies: . preview, click and press, get the gist and finish. 14 Zohreh Ziyaeemehr, “The Effectiveness of Collaborative Strategic Reading on ESP Students' Reading Comprehension”, on Social Science Higher Education, (Canada: Center for the Development of Sciences and Cultures), Vol 2/January 2012, p.39.

The teacher helps the students with preview by reminding them to use all the visual cues in the text, such as pictures, graphs or charts, and to look at the headings and subheadings used throughout the passage. This means that students with CSR discuss what they have read, assist each other in understanding the text, and provide academic and affective support to their classmates. The teacher helps the students with preview by reminding them to use all the visual cues in the text, such as pictures, graphs or charts, and then the teacher asks them to answer the question together.

As the students finish reading, the teacher asks each group to summarize what they read, they generate questions about the text with WH questions. Here, students are taught to identify the important information throughout the text and characteristics of the person place or thing in the passage. The teacher gives some tests of reading text to the students based on the text they have read.

It means that if the students work in groups, the teacher should monitor them carefully to make sure everyone's opinion is taken into account, because each student has different abilities.

Action Hypothesis

Object of the Study

Action Plan

Planning is the first step in any activity, the researcher explains what, why, when, where, who and how to carry out the action.5 Without planning, the researcher's activity will not focus. It is the realization of the planning carried out by the researcher.6 Without action, planning is just a fantasy that can never be real. Observation is the activity of recording an event and an action.7 Based on the observation, the researcher can determine if there is something that the researcher needs to improve soon, so that the action can achieve the goal that the researcher wants.

In this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning using form of observation. This step is reflection and evaluation until acting is done.8 The reflection is the fourth steps that the researcher has done. Through reflection, the researcher analyzed and discussed the result during teaching learning, such as the weakness and strength done by the researcher and the students during teaching learning process.

In this step, the researcher observes the teaching learning process using the observation format to collect the data in action plan II. d) Reflecting. The researcher examines and reflects on the students' activity whether it is positive or negative, whether the second cycle is sufficient or the next step is needed.

Figure 1. Spiral Classroom Action Research. 4 Classroom Action research (CAR) Cycles are:
Figure 1. Spiral Classroom Action Research. 4 Classroom Action research (CAR) Cycles are:

Data Collection Technique

Test is the sequence of questions or statements used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, ability possessed by individual or group.9 The material in pre-test and post-test are different but have the same problems. The pre-test is given in the first meeting before treatments are done to know the ability of the students before the action research is done. The post-test is given in the last meeting after treatments have been done to find out if the treatments have made any contribution to the students'.

Improvement can be seen if the average post-test score is higher than the pre-test. This step is done after the treatment to know the impact of CSR if it is able to improve the student's reading comprehension ability. Observation is the modification of choices, the recording and the combination of coding in the behavior in the situation of the organism that suits the empires.

The purpose of the observation is to explain the situation being investigated; activities, people or individuals are involved in data collection strategy where subjects' activities are examined visually.11. Documentation is data collection technique by examining objects written like book, magazine, document, note and others.12 The researcher used this technique to get data about the history of the school, the total number of teachers, officials and students at MA Muhammadiyah Metro .

Data Analysis

Then, the researcher will calculate the percentage of the student's activities during the teaching learning process in each cycle. Moreover, to know the result, the researcher will compare between pre-test and post-test. If from cycle 1, there are some students who are not successful so we develop cycle 2.

Indicator of Success

So if 70% of the students in that class score at least 75 on the post test, it means that CSR can improve students' reading comprehension ability.

Result of The Research

  • Description of the Research Location
  • Description of Research Result
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting
  • Planning

The researcher pre-tested the students to see the students' level of reading comprehension before the treatment was given. The pre-test was done on Monday, August 29, 2016, the study told the students that the researcher would conduct the study in their class to know their reading skills. Therefore, the researcher used Collaborative Strategic Reading to improve the students' reading comprehension. a) Cycle I 1) Planning.

The students are very confused about the material and then the researcher explains the narrative text, the purpose and the generic structure of the narrative text. She then asked them to identify the text and the researcher gave them several times to discuss it. Then, at the end of this meeting, the researcher gave Posttest Cycle 1 with the similar task on pretest before.

In addition, the researcher has prepared an observation sheet consisting of a list of the students' names and a list of the activities of the students that will be observed during the teaching-learning process. In cycle 2, the researcher drew up the action plan. The action in cycle II consists of two meetings, one meeting for the action and one meeting for the post-test. The researcher prepared the lesson plan, prepared the material, made an observation sheet of activity II of the students and tried to identify the problems and find the root of the problems and overcome the problems.

After that, the researcher instructed the students to make some groups consist of 5-6 people. After treatment the researcher conducted post-test II, the test was multiple choice there were 10 questions. The researcher concluded the lesson, the result of post-test II could be seen in the table below:.


The Comparison of Result in Post-test Cycle I and Post-test Cycle II The researcher found that the score of the post test I was better than


Improving The Students English Learning Process

The researcher approached the students' activity in the learning process by using observation sheets.

Cycle 2 Improving

  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion
    • For the Students
    • For the English Teacher
    • For the Headmaster

The conclusion of this research is that the use of Collaborative Strategic Reading can improve reading comprehension ability among eleventh graders of Metro MA Muhammadiyah. It means that students' reading comprehension ability after treatment using cooperative strategic reading is increasing. Therefore, it can be concluded that using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) can improve students' reading comprehension ability in the eleventh grades of Metro MA Muhammadiyah.

This technique can motivate students to study English, especially to understand the material given. The English teacher can use Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR), which effectively improves and motivates students to learn reading comprehension. Bremer, Christine D., et al, "Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR): Improving Secondary Students' Reading Comprehension Skills", on Research to Practice Brief, (Washington DC: University of Minnesota), Volume 1/July 2002.

Hitchcock, John., et al., The Impact of Collaborative Strategic Reading on the Reading Comprehension of Grade 5 Students in Linguistically Diverse School, Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2011. Vaughn, Sharon, and Meaghane, Dmonds, “Reading Comprehension for Oudere lezers", over interventie op school en kliniek, (Texas: University of Texas), deel 41/januari 2006. Ziyaeemehr, Zohreh, "The Efficacy of Collaborative Strategic Reading on the Reading Comprehension of ESP Learners", over Higher Education of Social Science, (Canada: Ontwikkelingscentrum van Wetenschappen en Culturen), Vol 2/januari 2012.

Zoghi, Masoud., et al, »Collaborative Strategic Reading with University EFL Learners«, on Journal of College Reading and Learning, (Malezija: Univerza v Maleziji), letnik 41/2010.


Figure 1. Spiral Classroom Action Research. 4 Classroom Action research (CAR) Cycles are:


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