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Academic year: 2023

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34;Kerfoot's Parliamentary Practice" shall be the standard of rules by which the deliberations of the Association shall be governed. Arrangements for the next Association shall not be dealt with on the first day of the meeting. These rules shall be read clearly by the Clerk immediately after the Organization of the Association.

The One Hundred and Nineteenth Session of the Elkhorn Baptist Assoication was convened with the South Elkhorn Baptist Church, Fayette County, Ky., on Tuesday morning, September G, 1904. I'etary and Treasurer of the Executive Board; beg leave to report that we have investigated the same and find the report correct, leaving a balance of $275.00 in the broker's hands. But how weak we become in the preceding of this task, if our own life moves UPOIl1 a low plane and is not faithful to the teachings of the Word.

The merits of the SOllithern Baptist Theological Seminary for the education of the ministry are all acknowledged. It is the feeder of the church, pouring constant streams of young life into His body. Argabrite as State Evangelist; that we dedicate him to the brotherhood, and endorse the plans of the State Mission Board to push this evangelistic part of our State Mission work more vigorously.

Elkhorn Association is one of the most proficient and also one of the most progressive of all our Distriot Associations. And yet it must not be admitted that we should consecrate much more than for the evangelization of the whole world. The need of a groaning world is the blessed Gospel of the Son of God.


Last year the twenty-nine churches, which compose the Elkhorn AssocillJtion, contributed to this cause less than twenty-six hundred dollars. From these figures it will be seen that Assoc. Convent. The success of our Foreign Mission work has also excelled the progress in workers and contributions from

Your committee will recommend that the International Churches of this Association give serious consideration to the question of supporting, through our Foreign Mission BoaI'd, a preacher in the forefront. With dedicated effort our Ass,odrution can double their gifts to this object in one year. Louis are large mission fields and a large part of the cash receipts could be used with profit in this.

We note with pleasure that the work of this Council is taking a new hold on the affections of olr people, which predicts greater support in the coming year. The subject of Temperance is one of vital importance, and the suppression of the legalized liquor traffic is one of the greatest questions. A marked advance has been made in Kent!ll'cky during the past twelve months by our State Local Option Committee, in driving the saloons out of "wet" territory and preventing them from entering "dry" territory.

Our County Unit law lapsed in the last Legislature, but an important law was passed regulating the wholesale trade in local Option counties, and several bills were defeated which were pressed by the whiskey interests. I second the statement of the General Association of Baptists of KentuckY in recommending the organization 'Of the Kentucl{y Anti·. As citizens of this Commonwealth, we urge the passage of two bills now pending in Congress, known as the Hepburn-Dolliver bill, and the McCumber bill, and we respectfully request our senators and representatives to give their by vote and otherwise support the passage of said bill during the next session of Congress.

For St8lte and district officials, "note to no one who favors the continuation of the modern open saloon.



Baptist Church, Fayette County, Ky., to all Associations with whom we correspond, send Christian greetings and greetings:. Dear Brethren:-We deplore the fact that worldliness and dis-service reign to some extent on our borders, but we rejoice to know that the Lord has been merciful to his chosen people. We cordially invite you to meet us by letter and messenger at our next meeting held at Mt; Pleasant Tuesday after the first Sunday in September 1905.

The women's missionary meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. who read the Bible, Isaiah 35, Mrs. Mrs. Lizzie Tucker of South Elkhorn Ohurch gave the address of welcome, which made all feel They were welcome and impressed upon all the great work of the Lord to be done by women~ Then "Rescue the P€rishing" was sung and the answer was given by Mrs. Baiteman, of Cane Run Church. Reports from societies were read, indicating the increased interest shown throughout the work during the past year. Some of the ladies present made suggestions as to how the members might be interested in missionary work.

Then a discourse was given on the week of prayer, with great benefit to all. The subject of Missionary Chests for the Frontier was usefully discussed, after which a large amount of literature was distributed to the various Secretaries of the Society present. A motion has been made and passed that a member of each association give a short speech next year about how the money they give will be collected.

A discussion on the subject of getting the children interested in Missions was conducted with great enthusiasm and efficiency. statement was made and carried that we establish a permanent expense fund for the use of the Vice President· and to be sent to· her at George·. town, Instead of the Central Committee. All the societies present responded and it was ordered that the secretary inform those absent of this action of the societies assembled. A motion was made and carried that each society make a quarterly report of their work to be sent to the Vice-President, also a copy to be sent to Miss Willie Lamb, at Louisville, Ky., Box 396, and each bring year. an annual report to the Association to be printed in our minutes!, Mission and Homework separately.

Interrupted with prayer by Mrs. Crystal, of David's Fork Church, to meet in a year's time at Mt. m., on the Wednesday after the first Sunday in September. I thank the societies for the sincere cooperation I have received and pray that we can do even greater things for our Master in another year. For special gifts we are asked to give to churches in Para., Brazil, and Pinar Del Rio, Cuba.

Let us remember that we do not act as outsiders, but as part of the churches, with each society reporting to its own church.



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