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Academic year: 2023



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The thesis aims to find out which extended reading approach is effective to improve the vocabulary mastery of students in group XI MIA 4 of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar in terms of noun and verb. The average score of students in terms of verb in the pre-test was 42.67 and after implementing an extended reading approach this figure increased to 74.67. Meanwhile, the average score of students in terms of noun was 43.33 in the pre-test and 78.00 in the post-test. This means that a comprehensive reading approach is effective in improving the vocabulary mastery of students in grade MIA 4 of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar in terms of noun and verb.

The rate frequency of the students' score in pre-test and post-test in terms of verb. The rate frequency of the students' score in pre-test and post-test in terms of noun. Based on the previous explanation above, the researcher concluded that extensive reading approach can help students to improve students' vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, this was the reason why the researcher tried to find out the effectiveness of an extensive reading approach to improve students' vocabulary mastery at SMA Negeri 2 Takalar which consisted of 36 classes. Based on the problem statement above, the aim of the research was to find out “extensive reading approach that is effective in improving students' vocabulary mastery in terms of verb and noun at grade XI of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar.”.

Figure 4.1. The rate frequency of the students‟ score in pre-test and post-test in  terms of verb ......................................................................................................
Figure 4.1. The rate frequency of the students‟ score in pre-test and post-test in terms of verb ......................................................................................................



Reading is one of the skills in learning English, we can get a lot of information through reading, there is an old saying "Books are the windows to the world", so we can get experience and information without going there, and the most important thing is that it can improve students' vocabulary mastery. Extensive reading focuses on how students read for pleasure and not only in the classroom, but can read at home and anywhere, and in addition, students can freely choose the reading material, so when they read material that is not interesting to them, they can change from other reading material regarding to their delight and level. The reading topic should be interesting and suitable for students. Nuttal in Kredatusova (2007).

There are many researchers who had done research using comprehensive reading approach, their research was successfully improved students'. Meanwhile, Amalia (2016) in her research success in improving students' reading comprehension ability shows that after implementing a comprehensive reading approach, students are more active and serious in participating in the lesson, and students can also understand the text. According to Day and Bamford (2004), Extensive Reading is an approach in language teaching that students very easily target material.

The problem arises because the lack of motivation and interest of students to read, the reading material uses unfamiliar words, uses the wrong pronunciation when reading, they always have trouble understanding the meaning of the words. Sometimes students feel bored with the old method and students need a new atmosphere to make the students interested to improve their vocabulary.

Problem Statement

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Amalia (2016) found in her research that the implementation of extended reading approach can improve the students' ability in reading comprehension. Her research found that teaching English through the use of extensive reading can enrich students' vocabulary in terms of receptive vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher thought that the process of extensive reading could help improve students' vocabulary mastery in terms of nouns and verbs.

Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant effect of using the extensive reading approach on improving students' vocabulary mastery. Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant effect of using the extensive reading approach to improve students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher used a pre-experimental design because he wanted to measure students' vocabulary mastery using the extensive reading approach.

The indicator in this study is a comprehensive reading approach to improve students' vocabulary mastery in terms of noun and verb. It means that there are significant differences between the learners' vocabulary in terms of nouns before and after using extended reading. Nuttall in Ayuningtyas (2012) also said that extensive reading is an effective way to improve students' vocabulary mastery.

This meant that the competence students' vocabulary in the form of verbs improves more after extensive reading. In addition to that, implementing extensive reading could improve students' vocabulary in terms of nouns. Therefore, it could be concluded that there were improvements in students' vocabulary regarding nouns after implementing comprehensive reading approach.

It showed that students' vocabulary in terms of noun improved better after the implementation of extensive reading was 80.00. Arafa (2018), found that the result of implementing extensive reading activity successfully improves students' vocabulary mastery. Improving students' vocabulary learning through extensive reading (A Study of Students in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar), (Online), Vol.

Enrichment of the students' vocabulary through extensive reading (a class action research among the second year students (XI IPA) of SMA Negeri 3 Bulukumba)”. The implementation of extended reading to improve students' vocabulary (An experimental research at the second grade of SMA Negeri 1 Bontonompo). The students' vocabulary means score of the pre-test and post-test in terms of Verb.

The students' vocabulary average score of the pre-test and post-test in terms of Noun.

Figure  1.1  explained  about  process  to  find  out  is  extensive  reading  approach effective to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery in terms of verb  and noun
Figure 1.1 explained about process to find out is extensive reading approach effective to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery in terms of verb and noun

Scope of the Study


Previous Related Findings

  • Concept of Vocabulary

Conceptual Framework

Teaching reading is one of the most important aspects, because by reading we can get information, but not all students like to read, this happens because sometimes reading material is uninteresting for students and also have to read reading material provided by teacher , it makes students feel lazy and bored to read. In extended reading, students chose the reading material with their pleasure and their level, the students read with the big and they could read their reading material anywhere and anytime they wanted, but students also have reading target. Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing, and nouns are words used to identify any class of people, places, or things.

Therefore, this was the reason why the researcher tried to use extensive reading approach to improve students' vocabulary mastery, especially verb and noun.

Hypothesis 26

Research Design

Variable and Indicator

Population and Sample

  • Population 28

The research instrument in this research was vocabulary test, which consisted of 10 multiple-choice items and 10 fill-in-the-blank items. In this test, the first session was given before the use of extensive reading and the second test was post-test. The purpose of the post-test was to know the effectiveness of extensive reading to improve students.

Procedure of Data Collection

The findings of this research obtained the result of implementing extensive reading to improve students' vocabulary mastery through testing. Explain in these findings the result of the research such as students' score pre-test and post-test in terms of verb and noun. After the implementation of extended reading approach, most of students' score rose to fair, and only 6 students were in fair category.

The result shows that in the pre-test before the implementation of extended reading approach, the majority of students' score was categorized as poor. In this section, the researcher presents the discussion of the findings about the students' vocabulary improvement in terms of noun and verb in teaching learning process by using extensive reading. Therefore, it can be said that there was improvement in students' vocabulary after treatments were done using extended reading approach.

The result before the application of extensive reading, students' average scores in pretest were still poor, and after the application of extensive reading, students' average scores improved. Ayuningtyas (2011) found that the use of the extensive reading activities successfully improved students' vocabulary mastery by using book flow activity and telling the truth. Similarly, in this research, the researcher developed the students' vocabulary in terms of nouns and verbs.

Meanwhile, Students' score in term of noun before the implementation of extended reading was 43.33 and after application of extended reading, students' score became 78.00. Extensive reading activity should be implemented in the learning process because it can not only improve students' vocabulary but also help.

Procedure of Data Analysis


Findings 33

Therefore, we can conclude that there was an improvement in the students' vocabulary regarding nouns from the pretest to the posttest, the improvement was 80.00%. Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery through Extensive Reading Activities at Grade XI IPA of SMA N Pleret Bantul in the Academic Year of 2011/2012.

Table 4.1 shows that the students‟ vocabulary score category in terms of  verb, in the pre-test majority of students were score categorized as poor, even  sadly there were 8 students performed very poor score
Table 4.1 shows that the students‟ vocabulary score category in terms of verb, in the pre-test majority of students were score categorized as poor, even sadly there were 8 students performed very poor score


Figure 4.1. The rate frequency of the students‟ score in pre-test and post-test in  terms of verb ......................................................................................................
Figure  1.1  explained  about  process  to  find  out  is  extensive  reading  approach effective to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery in terms of verb  and noun
Table 3.1: Research Design
Table 4.1: The students’ score category in terms of verb


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