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Academic year: 2023



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Using Enrekang's folktales to improve students' speaking skills and motivation in learning English. Thus, the use of Enrekang's folktales in learning English to the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Baraka can improve the students' speaking skills and motivation.

Table 4.15 I`m lazy on attending the class in learning English used folktales ....... 50 Table 4.16 I truly don`t know English, therefore I`m lazy in studying English ....
Table 4.15 I`m lazy on attending the class in learning English used folktales ....... 50 Table 4.16 I truly don`t know English, therefore I`m lazy in studying English ....



Instead of having the students read the story themselves, the teacher can read it aloud (with comments on the pictures) and have the students summarize it. The researcher used folk tales to find out the students' motivation and fluency in learning English, because folk tales are the most popular among students.

Research Problem

They will make the students relax to study and take interest in the learning process because the folk tales are close to their lives, so the students will enjoy the learning process. Based on the description above, the researcher did a research under the title "The Use of Enrekang's Folktales to Improve the Students Speaking Skills and Motivation in Learning English".

Research Objective

Significance of the Study 1. For Students

Scope of the Research

Previous of Related Research Findings

Hasriani analyzed the use of folktales with pictures to improve students' writing ability, in addition to the researcher will increase the students' speaking skill and motivation to learn English through Enrekang's folktales. Muhmar analyzed the students' motivation to learn to read through folktales, in addition the researcher will increase the students' speaking skills and motivation to learn English through Enrekang's Folktales.

Some Pertinent Ideas

  • The Concept of Speaking a. Definition of Speaking
  • Concept of Motivation a. Definition of Motivation
  • Concept of Folktales a. Definition of Folktales

Some people say that theme is the message or moral of the story. Kenney (1983) points out that the theme is the meaning of the stories released, it can be the meaning of the story reveals.

Conceptual Framework


Research Design

Population and Sample 1. Population

  • Sample

Research Variable

Research Instrument

Data Collection

  • Pre-test
  • Treatment
  • Post-test

In main activities, the researcher gave activities related to the material and the students practiced the skill. After giving the treatment, the researcher gave post-test on Enrekang's Folktales titled Jalan Pintas Lajana, Tumaling dari Tuara, Dua Bersaudara Menjadi Batu, Buntu Mataran dan Kutu and Cado`dong and the students had one of all the folktales chosen.

Data Analysis

Then the researcher gave Enrekang's folk tales at each meeting titled Jalan Pintas Lajana, Tumaling dari Tuara, Dua Bersaudara Menjadi Batu, Buntu Mataran dan Kutu and Cado`dong and asked them to retell the story. e. The students worked individually and the students prepared to retell the folktales and the researcher recorded it. f. After giving the treatment, the researcher gave post-test about Enrekang's folktales titled Jalan Pintas Lajana, Tumaling dari Tuara, Dua Bersaudara Menjadi Batu, Buntu Mataran dan Kutu and Cado`dong, and the students chose one of all the folktales. Test is used to know the improvement of students' speaking skill used Enrekang's folktale. a) Accuracy.

Grammar and word order make understanding difficult, often have to rephrase sentences or limit his/her basic pattern. His intent is always clear, but several interruptions are necessary to help him convey a message or seek clarification. Only small bits (usually short phrases and sentences can be understood and then with considerable effort by someone who has to listen to the speakers.

Even when the listener makes a great effort or interrupts him, the speaker is unable to make clear anything he seems to have said. Inferential Statistics The technique was used to evaluate the research hypothesis and to find out the significant difference between pre-test and post-test of students' speaking skill by using T-test.

Table 3.5 Interval score of students` responses on the questionnaire
Table 3.5 Interval score of students` responses on the questionnaire

The Findings

  • The students` speaking skill used Enrekang`s folktales in learning English
  • The students` motivation in learning English
    • Students` Responses on the Questionnaire

Table 4.3 showed that the comparison of mean score and standard deviation of pre-test and post-test. So we could conclude that students are mostly more motivated to learn English in class than previous learning. So we could conclude that most of the students in learning English used Enrekang's folktale, there was something that stimulates their curiosity.

So we could conclude that most of the students in learning English used Enrekang's folktale, make them happy and want to study harder. So we could conclude that mostly students in learning English through Enrekang's folktale and it was very entertaining for students. So we could conclude that students mostly not lazy to join the class to learn English use folktales.

Thus, we could conclude that all students studying English used Enrekang's folktales, which makes them understand them better than when they study English by using other stories. Thus, we could conclude that all students who studied English used Enrekang's folktales, motivated to learn English and used Enrekang's folktales.

Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score
Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score


  • The students` motivation used Enrekang`s folktales in learning English

The researcher has used the significance level of 5% in the significance table, which shows that on the 19th and the significance level is 1,729. Based on the data analysis collected through a questionnaire, it was found that there is an improvement in students' motivation in learning English using Enrekang's folk tales. This was reflected in the percentage of the questionnaire with positive statements; there are 39.45% students who strongly agree (SA), there are 38.23% students who say Agree (A), there are 20% students who say Neutral (N), there are 8.89% students who say Disagree (D) and there are 2.23% of students who say Strongly Disagree (SD).

Applying appropriate media in teaching English means inviting students' motivation to learn English. So, based on the above explanation, it showed that the students had a high motivation because they were motivated, relaxed and more interested in learning Enrekang's folktales, in this case the use of Enrekang's Folktales in teaching English can to improve students in eleventh grades at SMA Negeri 1 Baraka, Enrekang.



Roro Jonggrang, whose beauty and very famous in the country, she was the daughter of Prabu Baka, an evil king. Seeing the beauty of Princess Roro Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love and wanted to marry her. She did not want to marry Bandung Bondowoso because he had killed her father.

I will marry you, but you must build a thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noise of grinding rice so that the roosters would think it was dawn. Bandung Bondowoso was disappointed because he failed to complete the temple of the same. the princess has tricked me!” after his anger, he cursed Roro Jonggrang, “You tricked me.

Since then, people called the temple Prambanan Temple, and the statue of the princess is the Roro Jonggrang statue. Directions: Choose one folk tale and read it carefully, then repeat it in your own English words.


Standar Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Because Cado`dong`s business was a great success, his brothers and sisters were jealous of him. When Cado'dong's body was in duni, they quickly sealed the duni and threw it into Mata Allo's river. The dong and chicken accompany him and always tried to help Cado`dong out of duni.

The dog scratched the dune with his fingers while the hen clawed at the dune until Cado`dong got out of the dune. He stayed there and started gardening, but Cado`dong was confused by the situation.

Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik / Media

Sumber Belajar

  • Penilaian

Rubrik Penilaian

  • Simple Past Tense

There were many types of stones, which were; needle, machete and crowbar, so the locals called it Buntu Mataran (Sharp Mountain). Once, there was a child who had lice because there were so many lice on her head, they were visible around the child's neck and face. Her parents had tried several times to remove the lice from her hair, but the child always refused.

Over time, the lice increased and her body was not enough to accommodate the lice. One day, lice moved into the child's bed, and all the rooms in her house became a nest of lice. Then the child was on top of a sharp stone and then he fell down.

In a moment the blood was out and the child died instantly, quickly the lice sucked the spilled blood. At that time there were two siblings safe from the flood, they ran to a mountain called Karorang's mountain which was in Baroko.

Langkah - Langkah Kegiatan 1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

Pedoman Penilaian

He loved his village very much, so when several people came to his village, he asked them some questions. Tumaling, I will see your courage! I want you to go to the southern area, the area was very chaotic because many criminals and thieves lived there. said the king. So you can't see your stomach, only the victim's ears.” continued the king.

When he arrived there, the condition was actually more serious than the king said it was. The king and all the people saw that they admitted that Tumaling was very brave. After they talked, his mother went straight to the neighbor's house to borrow Ketan's rice and chicken.

After everything is finished, his mother brought the food to the field and she has to cross the river. In addition, Lajana was very happy because he himself ate the food his mother brought him.

Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Pre Test Score 1. Mean Score of Pre Test

  • Standard Deviation of Pre Test
  • Standard Deviation of Post Test

T-Test Value

  • Negative Statements a. Stongly Agree (SA)
  • Students transcript in Pre-Test a. The lowest score in the pre test

Belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan cerita rakyat dari Enrekang lebih membatasi pemahaman saya dibandingkan belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan cerita lain. Saat belajar bahasa Inggris dengan bantuan cerita rakyat dari Enrekang, ada sesuatu yang menggugah rasa penasaran saya. Saya sangat menikmati belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan cerita rakyat Enrekang dan itu sangat membesarkan hati.

Menggunakan cerita rakyat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris membuat saya bosan dan tidak senang belajar bahasa Inggris di kelas. Saya memang tidak tahu bahasa Inggris, jadi saya malas belajar bahasa Inggris. Belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan cerita rakyat Enrekang membuat saya lebih paham dibandingkan belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan cerita lain.

Nama saya Rahmat Tukyo, cerita ee.ee Bandung Bondowoso dan Roro Jonggrang. Kemudian Cado`dong datang ke desa kacamata, dimana Cado`dong menjadi orang kaya dan saudaranya meminta maaf kepada Cado`dong.


Table 4.15 I`m lazy on attending the class in learning English used folktales ....... 50 Table 4.16 I truly don`t know English, therefore I`m lazy in studying English ....
Figure 2.1. Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1 Likert Scale
Table 3.5 Interval score of students` responses on the questionnaire


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