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"Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise.

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

Membagikan ""Whoever follows a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him the path to Paradise. "


Teks penuh


Identification of The Problem

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Problem Objective

Nuroh, “The Effect of English Subtitles in the Movie Zootopia on English Speaking Skills,” Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol.5, No. 2, February 2018. 2 Nadhifan Dzulfahmi, .Alfu Hikmah, "The Effect of Using Movies in Improving Vocabulary and Motivation To Learn among Students Across Different Age of Groups", Journal of English Teaching, volume 3, No 1 2019. There is a positive and significant a hypothesis on the effect of audio visual learning by watching Zootopia movie on vocabulary mastery for grade seven at SMP CENDEKIA MADANI .

There is a positive and significant hypothesis towards the impact of audio-visual learning through watching the movie zootopia to master vocabulary for the seventh grade in SMP CENDEKIA MADANI. There is no positive and significant hypothesis towards the influence of audio-visual learning through watching the movie zootopia to master the vocabulary for the seventh grade in SMP CENDEKIA MADANI. There is a positive and significant impact of audio-visual learning through watching the movie Zootopia on mastering vocabulary for seventh grade at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in Akademik.

After pretest, the researcher implemented audiovisual learning by watching zootopia film to master vocabulary directly in class. So, there is a positive The Influence Audio Visual Learning by watching Zootopia movie to master Vocabulary for Seventh Grade at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in Academics 2021/2022. The teachers are suggested to support for vocabulary master students, the teacher can apply Audio Visual Learning by Watchin Zootopia Movie to master Vocabulary Mastery.

Nadhifan Dzulfahmi, .Alfu Hikmah, "The effect of using films in improving vocabulary and motivation to learn among students across different age groups", Journal of English Teaching, volume 3, No 1 2019 Nalliveettil George Mathew, " A Study on the Usefulness of audio-visual aids in. Key answer of pre-test 1. Key answer of post-test 1. The result of pre-test.

Table 5  The Pre-Test Result  Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Table 5 The Pre-Test Result Students’ Vocabulary Mastery

Benefits of the Objectives

Prior Research

Based on the above figure, Audio Visual Learning will give impact on students' vocabulary mastery. The researcher assumes that there is positive and meaningful audio-visual learning through watching Zootopia to Master vocabulary. There is no positive and significant hypothesis to the influence of audio-visual learning through watching the movie zootopia to master the vocabulary for the seventh grade in SMP CENDEKIA MADANI.

The independent variable is the predictor or the cause.16 Independent variable (X) in this research is Audiovisual learning through watching zootopia movie. This section will be taken to get data about the implementation of audiovisual learning through zootopia movie. In this research, the researcher conducted the treatment by using audiovisual learning through Watching Zootopia Movie in the research process.

After obtaining the full data, the researcher examined the influence of audiovisual learning through watching Zootopia movies on vocabulary mastery using SPSS. It means that from the above value, there was some positive and significant influence on audiovisual learning by watching Zootopia movie to master vocabulary for seventh grade at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in Academic 2021/2022. It means there was a positive and significant influence on audiovisual learning by watching Zootopia movie to master vocabulary for seventh grade at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in Academic 2021/2022.

Pre-testing was done before the researcher applied the treatment using audiovisual learning by watching zootopia film. The students are suggested to develop their vocabulary mastery by using audiovisual learning by watching zootopia film, especially it can improve vocabulary students.


The Nature of Vocabulary Mastery

The Aspects of Vocabulary

From the table we can understand that vocabulary is an integral part of language and there is no language without words. In other words, we can say that vocabulary is an important part of language.

The Concept of Audio Visual Learning

  • The Nature of Audio Visual Learning
  • Principles of Audio Visual Learning
  • The Characteristic of Audio Visual Method
  • The Concept of Zootopia Movie
  • The Teaching of Audio Visual Learning Through

Audio-visual learning method that directly prepares the students to master vocabulary and pronunciation in a short time. The result of this research is described based on the attempt to answer the research objectives in order to investigate whether there is any positive and significant The Influence Audio Visual Learn English By Watching Zootopia Movie To Master Vocabulary Seventh Grade SMP Cendekia Madani Metro.

Theoritical Framwork and Paradigm

  • Theoritical Framwork
  • Paradigm


The researcher will conduct the research among the students of the seventh grade of SMP Cendekia Madani in the academic year 2021/2022. SMP Cendekia Madani Metro is a junior high school in North Metro sub-district, Metro City. The numbers of teachers at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in the academic year 2021-2022 can be seen in the table below.

Source: The Data of Students Quantity Got from the English Researcher at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro). Source: The observation of overview Obtained from the English researcher at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro). The researcher conducted a Pretest on January 27, 2022 by giving vocabulary test to the seventh graders in SMP Cendekia Madani Metro.

The seventh graders VII B of SMP Cendekia Madani Metro. vocabulary mastery of students after treatment.


The Operational Definition of Variable

  • Independent Variable (Audio Visual Learning)
  • Dependent Variable ( Vocabulary Mastery Through
  • Observation
  • Test
  • Documentation

An operational definition is a concept or approach that can be used for the case study of a study.14 Meanwhile, the variable is anything that can affect other values.15 Based on the previous statement, variables in this study include watch Zootopia movie and vocabulary mastery. The students can understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the conversation in the Zootopia movie. The students should be able to understand the target language used by the teacher in class, expressions and each character in the zootopia movie c.

Students need to understand the new vocabulary given by the teacher through the movie Zootopia. The sample is from a very specific group, and the extent to which these findings apply to other populations needs to be investigated.20 The sample of this research is an experimental group class. In order for every member of the population in this research to have a chance to become a sample, the researcher used class VII B as the only experimental class because this research is a pre-experimental design.

Observation is exercised in order to plot the incident, existence and frequency of elements and to compare one situation with another.21 The researcher will be helped by the teacher as the collaborator to observe and description directly about the students participation in the learning process.

Research Instrument

  • Instrument Blueprint
  • Instrument Calibration

The number of students at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro in the academic year of 2021/2022 is what can be seen on the figure below:. Overall, for a school that is still very young, the state of infrastructure and facilities at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro is good. Class VII Class VIII Class XI. The researcher conducted a post-test after the researcher gave a treatment on February 12, 2022 by giving the Vocabulary test to the seventh graders at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro.

In testing the hypothesis, the researcher used SPSS in calculating the effect of Triple-Entry Journal Strategy on the writing skill of students in the seventh grade of SMP Cendekia Madani Metro.

The Data Analysis Technique


Profile at SMP Cendekia Madani Metro

Description of Research Result

Testing of Hypothesis

In testing the hypothesis of this research, the researcher refers to two hypotheses, as follows: Whereas, if sig.2-tail is higher than 0.05 and t-value is lower than t-table, then the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. 2) If mean score in experimental and control group is to be compared. If the average score in experimental group is higher than the average score in control group, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

This can be seen from the results of the students' pre-test and post-test.


Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menunjukkan dan menanyakan nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Mengidentifikasi teks ekspresi lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Siswa dimotivasi untuk fokus pada topik teks ekspresi lisan dan tulis untuk menunjukkan dan menanyakan nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa.

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan gambar yang disajikan dan akan dijawab melalui kegiatan pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan materi teks ekspresi lisan dan tulis untuk mengidentifikasi nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum berkata dan bertanya serta kosa kata yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa. Siswa diberikan tugas kosa kata untuk berdiskusi, mengumpulkan informasi, menggambarkan, bertukar informasi tentang ekspresi teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengidentifikasi nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari siswa, untuk menyerahkan dan permintaan. Siswa dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi mengolah data observasi dengan berdiskusi, mengolah informasi dan mengerjakan soal data dari materi teks ekspresi lisan dan tulis untuk mengidentifikasi nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengan siswa untuk query dan query 'setiap hari hidup - hari.

Siswa mendiskusikan hasil observasinya dan mengecek hasil observasinya dengan data atau teori yang ada di buku sumber melalui kegiatan mengolah informasi teks ekspresi lisan dan tulis untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan nama dan nomor hewan, benda, bangunan umum dan kosa kata yang dekat dengannya. siswa kehidupan sehari-hari.



Menangkap makna teks petunjuk, rambu atau tanda (short notice), rambu peringatan. peringatan/hati-hati), diucapkan dan ditulis dengan sangat singkat dan sederhana. petunjuk), rambu atau rambu (pemberitahuan singkat), rambu peringatan. peringatan/hati-hati), lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan.


Table 1   :  The  Result  of  Pre-Survey  The  Student’s  English  Vocabulary    Mastery ......................................................................................
Table 5  The Pre-Test Result  Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Table frequency and graph of the result of pre test  Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
Table 7  The Post-Test Result  Students’ Vocabulary Mastery


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Alamat Web Jurnal/ Artike : http://www.pertanika.upm.edu.my/pjssh/brows e/regular-issue?article=JSSH-8473-2021 h.Terindeks di : SCOPUS Q1 SJR 0,16 2021 Kategori Publikasi Jurnal