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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN MEMBACA MENGGUNAKAN MINAT BAHASA RAMAH DAN STRATEGI PENGETAHUAN SEBELUMNYA (FLIP) DI BAWAH SEBELAS. Artinya, dengan menggunakan strategi Friendliness-Language-Interest and Prior Knowledge (FLIP) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa pada teks report.

Background of the Study

According to the reading problem, the researcher conducted a preliminary survey on SMA Teladan Way Jepara on March 2, 2020. To solve the above reading problem, the writer tries to improve students' reading skills by introducing Kindness, Language, Interest and Foreknowledge (FLIP).

Identification of the Problems

Based on all the illustrations above, the writer tries to help students improve their reading comprehension by using the FLIP strategy. Therefore, the researcher compiles a research proposal titled Improving Reading Comprehension Using FLIP Strategy among Grade Eleven in SMA Teladan Way Jepara.

Limitation of the Problems

Problem Formulation

Objectives and Benefit of the Study 1. Objective of the Study

This writer is expected to benefit the principal in facilitating teachers to improve the quality of teaching English, especially reading. In addition, this study is expected to encourage principals to make efforts to improve the quality of students' reading by motivating teachers to implement new strategies and supplement English learning media.

Prior Research

CAR included the objectives of these two studies: to examine students' FLIP strategy of reading comprehension. The second study titled The Contribution of FLIP Strategy into Students Reading Comprehension at Third Grade Students of SMP N 4 Batipuh conducted by Mia Widya Rahma uses classroom action research.

Concept of Reading Comprehension

  • Definition of Reading
  • Definition of Comprehension
  • Definition of Reading Comprehension
  • Process of Reading Comprehension
  • Assessment of Reading Comprehension
  • Benefits of FLIP
  • Steps of Teaching Procedure Using FLIP

The examiner asks the students to rate the language of the assignment by asking the students lots of new words and long, complicated sentences. The researcher asks the students to rate their interest in the topic of the assignment by asking the students if the content of the text is very interesting to them.

Table 3 Indicator of Reading
Table 3 Indicator of Reading

Action Hypothesis

Operational Definition of Variable

The dependent variable of this research is students' reading comprehension. The things you are trying to study or measure are known as dependent variables. The independent variable may be causing an effect on the things you are trying to understand.

Research Location

Subject and Object of the Research

But the writer is not only as an observer but the writer also takes actions by making lesson plan and giving assessment. Then, the author also collects and analyzes data with the teacher to know the result of their student reading score.

Action Plan

  • Cycle 1 a. Planning
  • Pre-Teaching
  • While Teaching
  • Post-Teaching
  • Cycle 2 a. Planning

The writer asks the students to preview the read text, look at the headings, sub-headings, captions, etc. The writer asks the students to preview the read text, look at the headings, sub-headings, captions, etc.

Data Collection




Data Analysis Method

The formula to calculate the percentage of students who pass the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) in each cycle is as follows: 27. If cycle I fails some students, we run cycle II. So, in cycle II, if all students are successful, it will not proceed to another cycle.

Indicator of Success

Result of the Research

Description of Research Location

Exemplary High School already has a school operating permit issued by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Education in Lampung Province with Decree Number G4/MN/2000 dated October 14, 2000 on the approval of the granting of operating permits to private junior high schools and high schools. Way Jepara High School, East Lampung is located in Labuan Ratu village, Way Jepara District, East Lampung Regency, exactly on Pramuka street, Labuan Ratu I Way Jepara, zip code 34196. The location of the school is about 1 km from Way Jepara market, so it is far from the noise of motorized vehicles and other.

In the north, the school borders the rice fields of the population, so the location is very suitable for the teaching and learning process. The formation of the teacher and official employers in SMA Teladan Way Jepara can be identified as follows:.

Description of the Research

The author told the students that the author would conduct research in their class to know their reading comprehension before doing the action of the classroom action research. Based on the results of the pre-test, it can be concluded that all students achieved less than 70. Based on the table above, it was analyzed that there were no students who achieved the (MMC) score, which is a minimum score of 36 students (100%) who failed the pre-test.

From the results of the pre-test, the researcher also got an average of 31.2. From the results of the pre-test, the researcher also got an average of 40. The author also planned to give evaluation to measure the students' mastery of the given materials.


The writer began the lesson with prayers, greetings, checking attendance records, and asking the students' condition. The students read 10 minutes of the texts and the students close the text that the teacher gives. The teacher asked the students for all the information of the text and the students write all the information of the text on a white board in each group.

Furthermore, on November 27, 2021, the writer gave a post-test cycle I with a similar task on a pre-test before. The result of the test of the students in post-test 1 was better than the test in the pre-test before. It means that the performance of the pupils in Cycle I could improve sufficiently, but was not yet successful.


Based on the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC), there were 14 students on post-test I got score ≥ 70.


Based on the result of reflection in cycle I, there were some suggestions to be revised in cycle II, such as: The teacher gave more detailed explanation and questions after explaining the materials to check the students. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test I, it was investigated that there was an improvement from the students' result scores. Although there was an improvement in student performance, cycle I was not yet successful because only 14 students (36%) passed post-test I.

It can be concluded that cycle I was not successful yet because the indicator of success was not achieved yet and the researcher had to revise the teaching and. The strategy of teaching and giving the material is still the same from cycle 1.


After giving the treatment process in cycle I and cycle II, the investigator held a post-test II on Thursday, December 2, 2021. From the above chart stated that 88% students complete and 12% students incomplete in post-test 2, it means second cycle is successful in reading comprehension. Based on the results of the research in the second cycle, it can be concluded that the second cycle was successful.

Based on the results of the observation sheet in the second cycle, the researcher showed that the teaching interaction in the second cycle was successful. From the above result, the researcher concluded that this research was successful and would not continue in the next cycle. Based on the result of the post-test II, the percentage of students with reading comprehension (88%) had reached the indicator of.

Graph of Students Activities in Cycle II
Graph of Students Activities in Cycle II


Therefore, the researcher concluded that the research was successful because the indicator of successful was achieved in this cycle. In addition, the progress seen in terms of learning activities shows that students progress in terms of their attention to reading the Report Text 84%, determination of friendliness, language of the Report Text in pairs Page 78%, determination of interest, prior knowledge of the Report text in a pair, presenting the conclusion of the result of Flip 68%. It is also relevant to the theory stated by Jane Shay Chum this Flip Strategy helps the students to become skilled in determining important aspects in reading text, as they investigate the problem independently and then collaborate with peers, they begin to identify crucial information 29 Therefore, it is concluded that this research is successful in improving the students' reading comprehension and their learning activity.

In addition, the researcher would like to give the suggestion to the teacher in teaching reading comprehension using the Flip strategy.




Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Menangkap makna dalam teks laporan lisan dan bertulis mudah tentang benda, haiwan, gejala/peristiwa semula jadi.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran

According to the data, there are only three species of camels left in the world. Only a few countries in the world are inhabited by camels, those countries are: Middle East, Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. Camels can provide many things to humans, for example: they produce milk, we can eat their meat, we can use their hair for textiles, and we can also ride them, use them as a courier to bring our things.

It is recorded that the average height of a full-grown adult camel can reach 1.85 m, it can reach a height of 2.15 m if we also add the size of the hump. Their head resembles the head of a horse and their eyes are located on either side of the head. Their eyes are protected by the three eyelids and two rows of long eyelashes, which help them survive the blowing sand.

Metode Pembelajaran

Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran Pertemuan 1

The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. The distinguishing features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the "buffalo horns", the roof design and the rich decorations on the walls. It is a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small high, small eyes, long white tusks and, above all, a long sound, the trunk. The trunk is the special feature of the elephant, and it has several uses.

The elephant looks very clumsy and heavy, but it can move very quickly. An elephant is a very intelligent animal. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph. Adult females can change sex, but the triggers for this development are not yet known. Napoleon is found mainly on the edges and debris of coral reefs.

Students assess their prior knowledge of the topic by asking students if they are familiar with the material presented. The researcher asks students to assess their prior knowledge of the topic by asking students if they are familiar with the material being presented.

Table List of Document Point at MA Maarif Roudlotut Tholibin
Table List of Document Point at MA Maarif Roudlotut Tholibin


Table 3 Indicator of Reading
Graph of Students Activities in Cycle II
Table List of Document Point at MA Maarif Roudlotut Tholibin


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