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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Artinya, strategi fix-up dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca dan aktivitas belajar siswa. MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN MEMBACA SISWA MENGGUNAKAN FIX-UP STRATEGY DI KELAS SEPULUH MA MUHAMMADIYAH METRO. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi fix-up dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca dan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas X MA Muhammadiyah Metro.



Background of Study

There were several problems that students encountered in the reading process. Most readers have a limited English vocabulary so they have difficulty understanding the content of the lectures. Furthermore, pre-survey result of reading comprehension is classified based on passing grade of English subject of the tenth grade which is 68. Therefore, it can be concluded that the reading comprehension of the tenth grade at MA Muhammadiyah Metro is unsatisfactory.

Identification of The Problem

Based on the illustration above, the researcher considered the need to improve the reading comprehension of MA Muhammadiyah Metro's tenth graders through a fix-up strategy. In this case, the researcher conducted classroom action research at MA Muhammadiyah Metro through the implementation of the fix-up strategy. Therefore, the researcher conducted a study titled “Improving student reading comprehension by using a refurbishment strategy among MA Muhammadiyah Metro tenth graders in the academic year of .

Problem Limitation

Formulation the Problem

Objective and Benefit of Study

The strategy of this research is expected to help students improve their English skills, especially reading. This research is expected to help teachers in the process of teaching English, especially teaching reading. This research is expected to bring enormous benefits to improving students' academic performance in school.

Prior Research

Students' self-confidence”.1 The first previous research result that fix-up strategy is an effective way to teach the students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung reading in grade eight, from that result fix-up strategy can be implemented in the class in order to in order to achieve the optimal result. The other previous research was conducted by Yovi Ramadhani with the title of the research "Teaching Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text by Combining Fix-Up and Get the GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text) Strategy for IX Grade at Junior High School".2 The second previous research result, which fix-up strategy is, can be to improve students' understanding in reading texts and can also help students when they experience difficulties or confidence in understanding the content of the text. The third previous research was conducted by Indah Fadilah Rahman titled "the implementation of Collaborative Strategy Reading (CSR) and its Effects on Students' Reading Comprehension".3 The finding indicates that CSR is responded positively by the experimental class.

Reading Comprehension

  • The Concept of Reading Comprehension
  • Reading Comprehension Models
  • The Components of Reading Comprehension
  • Indicator of Reading Comprehension
  • The Assessment of Reading Comprehension

In addition, Gary Woolley assumes that reading comprehension is the process of making meaning out of text.7 This means that a reader needs to read in order to take meaning or conclusion contained in the text. 7Gary Woolley, Reading Comprehension: Assisting Children with Learning Difficulties (Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York 2011), 15. Reading comprehension is the activity in which there must be more than one component in it.

Fix-Up Strategy

  • The Concept of Fix-Up Strategy
  • The Benefit of Fix-Up Strategy
  • The Implementation of Fix-Up Strategy in Reading Instruction

The adjustment strategy is very complicated to do because it requires knowledge of the reader's background and creativity in reading. Using the adjustment strategy is one of the important tools students can develop to improve reading comprehension. The adjustment strategy is one that is included in self-monitoring because this strategy involves students directly and can be beneficial to students.

Action Hypothesis

If a student knows the definition of a word, using the formatting strategies should confirm the definition.20.

Variable and Operational Definition of Variables

Students are able to recognize an expression/idiom/phrase in the context of a reading text. Students are able to recognize grammatical features and details (examining specifically stated details) of a reading text. Students are able to identify exclusive facts that are not written (unstated details), supporting ideas, vocabulary in the context of a reading text.

Research Setting

Subject of the Research

Action Plan

In this case, the researcher conducted classroom action research in tenth grade at MA Muhammadiyah Metro. In the fourth phase, the researcher tried to see and think again about something that the researcher has done. In the third phase, the researcher observes the student's activity, their participation, class situation during the learning process and.

Data Collecting Technique

In addition, the researcher also collects the data from the post test and the result of the student's activity. In the fourth stage, the researcher discusses and analyzes the data that has been collected from all the activities from the acting stage to the observation stage to find out whether the implementation of card sorting is successful or unsuccessful in the second cycle and also compares the student . Improvement from first cycle to cycle to detect student achievement. The purpose of observation is to explain the situation being investigated: the activities, people or individuals involved in an activity and the relationships between them.

Documentation may refer to specific individuals, as with school records and reports on pupils, or may concern more "macro" issues, as with one of her Majesty's Inspectorate reports on the physical condition of schools it may have a number of features. 28 This means that documentation is note of information in the form of documentation. In this case, documentation is required by the researcher to get the complete data about the founding history of MA Muhammadiyah Metro, the organizational structure of MA Muhammadiyah Metro, etc. To measure students' descriptive text reading comprehension of the tenth grade of MA. Muhammadiyah Metro, the researcher applied some.

Both tests are designed to ask students to answer multiple-choice questions related to descriptive text topics. To observe the learning activity and each cycle, the researcher used the observation sheet. Feedback to individual students, optimal productive pairs and class groups is more vocal, etc.

Students are able to identify the meanings in descriptive text on the simple written texts.

Data Analysis

Indicators of Success

  • Description of Research Location
  • Description of the Research Data
  • Acting
  • Observing
  • Reflecting
  • Planning

In this case, students who did not become chat experts mentioned their understanding of the importance of surviving chats and hunts based on the results of the previous reading process. In this case, students who did not become clan experts mentioned their understanding of the meaning of clan world and tourist based on the result of the previous reading process. In addition, on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., the researcher conducted a post-test of cycle I with a similar task to the pre-test.

The result of the students' test in posttest I was better than test in pre-test before. The percentage of students' grade in posttest I Based on the result above, it can be seen that 5 students (50%) got scores up to the standard and 5 students (50%) got scores less than the standard. In this case, the students who did not become expert clunkers mentioned their understanding of the clunker's meaning and helped based on the result of previous reading process.

In this case, students who did not become expert klunks mentioned their understanding of the meaning of conservation and endangerment clusters based on the result of the previous reading process. Source: Grade 10 reading score of MA Muhammadiyah Metro post-test II students, October 29, 2019. Source: Activity of tenth grade students at MA Muhammadiyah Metro on October 8, 2019.

The table above shows that the students' scores on post-test II were diverse.


  • Result of Students Learning

It was successful and it would not be continued in the next cycle because the learning process and the learning product completely passed the indicators of success. The result of the pre-test showed that most students had difficulty taking the test. Based on Table 6, the student average was 55.9, showing that most students have not yet passed the passing mark of at least 68.

In this research, in order to know the students' reading comprehension after the treatment, the researcher conducted a post-test I. Based on Table 8, the average of the students was 59.3. It was shown that most of the students had not yet passed in achieving the entrance score of at least 68. At this stage, the researcher continued with cycle II, because the post test I score in cycle I did not yet meet the passing score, which only 50% successfully passed the assessment.

The researcher introduced the post-test II to measure the students' ability after the implementation of the treatment. The researcher took the data through the test in the form of multiple choices, which were completed in 60 minutes. Based on the table, the average of 10 students was 73.3, it turns out that most students have achievements.

In this phase, there are 8 students out of 10 students of 80% students passing grade and the examination was successful.

  • The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the whole
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Suggestion

Based on the graph above, it can be concluded that correction strategy can improve the students' ability in reading comprehension. The students' attention to the teacher's explanation from the first meeting to the next meeting was increased. The percentage of students' progress in paying attention to the teacher's explanation from cycle I to cycle II is 20%.

Percentage of students' progress in asking/answering the teacher's questions from I to II. cycle is 20%. The percentage of students' progress in being able to do the task from I to II. cycle, is 20%. Based on the student's reading comprehension problem investigated in the previous research, the researcher selects a correction strategy to improve the student's reading comprehension.

In addition, based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it was investigated that using fix-up strategy can improve students' reading comprehension. Pay attention to the teacher's explanation from 70% becomes 80%, the students' ask/answer questions from 50% becomes 70%, the students'. As a result of the students' activities in cycle I and cycle II, there is progress in the students' learning activity.

It is better for the teacher to use the Fix-up strategy in teaching English, especially in reading, because it can improve students' reading comprehension.


Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Dengan mengambil materi teks deskriptif dan contoh tentang tempat wisata dan orang, siswa dapat membedakan fungsi sosial dan struktur teks dari berbagai teks deskriptif yang berkaitan dengan tempat wisata dan situs sejarah. Diberikan soal teks deskriptif pilihan ganda tentang tempat wisata dan situs sejarah, siswa dapat menjawab soal pilihan ganda dengan benar dan tepat.

Pembelajaran 1. Fungsi social

  • Struktur teks
  • Topik
  • Description

Saat menulis teks deskriptif, kita perlu mengetahui cara menyampaikan deskripsi tertulis kita.


Teknik penilaian

  • Indikator, teknik, bentuk dan contoh
  • Instrument : Terlampir
  • Rubrik Penilaian

KI-2 : Mengevaluasi dan mengevaluasi perilaku jujur, disiplin, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri dalam interaksi efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam kemungkinan pergaulan dan keberadaan. KI-3 (Pengetahuan): Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi seni, budaya, dan humaniora, dengan pengetahuan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kewargaan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian. , serta penerapan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang studi tertentu sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya dalam memecahkan masalah. KI-4 (kemampuan): Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait pengembangan diri yang belajar di sekolah secara mandiri dan mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


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