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The researcher tried to investigated whether GIST strategy can be a strategy used to improve students’ reading comprehension ability

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi Generating Interaction Between Schemata And Text (GIST) dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca dan aktivitas belajar siswa di SMA N 1 Punggur. Skripsi penelitian ini berjudul “PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN MEMBACA SISWA MELALUI PENGGUNAAN STRATEGI MENERAPKAN INTERAKSI ANTAR SKEMA DAN TEKS (GIST) PADA KELAS XI SMA N 1 PUNGGUR LAMPUNG TENGAH TAHUN AKADEMI 2018/2019”.

Graph 2.  The Quantity of Students’ Mark on post-test 1 ...............................
Graph 2. The Quantity of Students’ Mark on post-test 1 ...............................

Background of the study

While reading, the students are not able to understand the meaning of the passage well. Moreover, they have less vocabulary which makes it difficult for them to understand the meaning of the text.

Problem Identification

Based on the entire illustration above, the researcher had conducted a classroom action research as an effort to improve students' reading comprehension by describing a research entitled "Student Improvement". Reading comprehension ability using GIST strategy among eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Punggur Central Lampung”.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

The Objective and Benefits of Study 1. Objective of the Study

  • The Definition of Comprehension
  • The Definition of Ability
  • The Definition of Reading Comprehension Ability
  • Kinds of Reading
  • The Strategies for Reading Comprehension Ability
  • Levels of Comprehension
  • The Measurement of Reading Comprehension Ability

According to the definition above, the researcher concludes that reading is very important for language acquisition because it makes students better after they read. From the definition above, the researcher concludes that reading is the process of understanding the meaning of the content and the researcher's idea about the topic.

Report Text

The Understanding of Report Text

From the explanation above, it means that the social function of report text is to convey information from observation through systematic analysis. The information described in the report text is usually general, either natural or artificial such as mammals, planets, rocks, plants, states, culture, transportation, and so on.

The Structures of Report Text

People may write report texts essentially for fun, to arouse and maintain the reader's interest in a topic. This is one idea of ​​Moss's explanation that report text is to get students to examine factual information and create a format for sharing information.19 Thus, according to Mark Anderson, the purpose of report text is to tell information about a topic.

The Concept of Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text (GIST)

The Definition of Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text (GIST)

24 The student may even want to try to capture the gist of the entire chapter or unit in one summary sentence. The summary is usually limited to no more than fifteen words; therefore, students should analyze ways to delete non-essential information and use their own words to summarize the main idea or "gist" of the selection25. It is believed that by having more choices in reading, students are helped to meet their individual needs and therefore, are given more opportunities to actively construct their own meaning.

We want students to use the GIST strategy to learn how to connect what they already know with a logical prediction about the outcome of a story or the purpose of a reading choice. 24 Trisha Brummer and Sarah Kartchner Clark, Writing Strategies for Mathematics: Second Edition (California: Shell Education, 2014), p.193.

The Implementations of Teaching Reading Comprehension Ability through GIST

Based on the above explanation, the researcher concludes that GIST, as a strategy for learning reading comprehension skills, is intended to help students understand the text.

The Benefit of GIST

Teaching Steps Using GIST strategy to improve Reading comprehension ability

Eventually, they will be able to generate GIST statements for text segments in a single step. Once the passage is chosen, the teacher explains to the students that they will learn a strategy for getting the most important details out of what they are reading. The teacher places 15 lines on the board or whiteboard and instructs the students to read the first sentence of the passage.

Students are instructed to summarize the sentence using a maximum of 15 words to fit the 15 lines available. As the teacher guides the whole class through their initial GIST experience, students can use this strategy in small groups and later individually.

Action Hypothesis

Once this task is completed, the students are asked to read the second sentence and review the summary of the two sentences is no more than 15 words.


Research Procedure

In this step, the researcher observed the teaching learning process using the form of observation. With reflection, the researcher analyzed and discussed the result during the teaching of learning as the weakness and strength made by the researcher and the students during the learning process. In this step, the researcher observed the teaching learning process using the observation format to collect the data in action plan II.

It is important for the researcher to develop the reading comprehension ability of XI grade students at SMA N 1 Punggur through the application of Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text (GIST) strategy. In carrying out the research, the researcher collaborated with the real English teacher of SMA N 1 Punggur as an observer and collaborator.

Figure 1 Anne Burn’s Action Research Cycle 31
Figure 1 Anne Burn’s Action Research Cycle 31

Data Collecting Technique

The purpose of the observation is to explain the situation under investigation: activities, people or individuals involved in an activity and the relationship between them. The researcher used this method to get the data about the history of the school, total of teachers, official employee and students at SMA N 1 Punggur. To collect the data more accurately, the researcher used the field notes, this would make the data analyzed simpler.

Data Analysis Method

In many professions, it is good practice to take "field notes" while you are actually on the job. In this research, the researcher used a very simple statistical formula to compare the pre-test and post-test scores to find out the increase in the mean score. Then, to find out the result, the researcher compared the mean scores between the pretest and the posttest for each cycle.

If from cycle 1, there are some students who are not successful, then the researcher conducts cycle 2. The research is called successful if 80% students get 77 as minimum score and 70% students are active in learning activity and do not need to continue the next cycle.

Result of the Research

In addition, the researcher prepared an observation sheet consisting of a list of the students' names and a list of the students' activities that were observed during the teaching-learning process. This showed that some students gave their full attention to the researcher during the learning process. After finishing the explanation, the researcher selected a passage of the text that will teach a strategy to be read by the students.

The researcher put 15 lines on the paper and instructed the students to read the first paragraph from the text. Here the researcher was a teacher and the English teacher as a collaborator observing the students' activities during the learning process.

Action and Learning Activity in cycle II

Based on the above analyses, the researcher concluded that this research should continue in cycle II. discussion good. The learning process in cycle II was focused on the weakness of cycle I. The researcher found that the students' problems were finding the main idea and writing the summary of the text. The researcher chose a passage of the text to teach a strategy to be read by the students.

This means that the time was up and the researcher ended the lesson and reminded the students to study again about report text. The observation was done by the researcher who is presented in meeting II in cycle II.


The Result of Pre Test

Action and Learning Result at Cycle I

From the mean score of pre-test and post-test 1 above, it can be seen that the students' reading comprehension has improved. The mean score in the pretest is 51, improved to 75 in the posttest 1, so an improvement of 24 points.

Action and Learning Result at Cycle II

The resulting grade of students' reading comprehension score in post-test 1 and post-test II. Never Thales, there is an improved Grade of the students' post-test I than pre-test. The resulting grade of students' reading comprehension score in pre-test, post-test I and post-test II.

The amount of the average of the students' grade at pre-test, post-test I cycle I and post-test 2 cycle II. Based on the table and graphic above, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in students' activities during the learning process in cycle I and cycle II by using imaging strategy.


This research linked up to cycle II, the result Grade and the result of the students' activities, the objective that was set in the success indicator was achieved 70% of the students got the minimum grade 77. From the result of this research it was known that more than 70% of the students received the minimum score of 77. In improving students' reading comprehension, the researcher used Generative Interaction between Diagrams and Text (GIST) as a strategy to train students' reading comprehension and made students understand more of the report text in reading also interested in learning to read in English.

Student score improved because students were trained in the strategy of creating interaction between schemas and text (GIST). In addition, the researcher used the strategy of creating interaction between schemas and text (GIST) that could improve students.



Bassma Basheer Nomas, The Impact of Using Technology to Teach English as a Second Language: English Language and Literature Studies. Silmon Grenall and Michael Swan, Effective Reading: Reading Still for Advanced Students: Teacher's Books, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Kompetensi Inti (KI)

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Materi Pembelajaran

Dengan menggunakan istilah teknis, yang dimaksud adalah istilah-istilah yang dicakup oleh teks laporan tersebut, misalnya tentang “musik” maka istilahnya harus musik.

Metode Pembelajaran

Media Pembelajaran 1. Media

Sumber Belajar

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa menemukan informasi terkait kata atau frase yang sering digunakan dalam Report text dengan benar sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Secara berkelompok, siswa membaca teks laporan lain dari sumber yang berbeda dengan pelafalan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi yang benar. Siswa membuat draft report text yang menggambarkan ciri fisik dan karakter salah satu temannya di kelas 5 SD.

Menyelesaikan uji kompetensi materi teks laporan yang terdapat dalam buku pegangan siswa atau lembar kerja yang disediakan secara individual untuk mengecek penguasaan siswa terhadap materi pelajaran. Memberikan hadiah mata pelajaran teks laporan kepada siswa yang memiliki kinerja dan kerja sama yang baik.

Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran


Graph 2.  The Quantity of Students’ Mark on post-test 1 ...............................
Figure 1 Anne Burn’s Action Research Cycle 31


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