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Academic year: 2023

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IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING SKILLS IN NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH THE USE OF ROUND TABLE TECHNIQUE IN THE ELEVENTH GRADE. The aim of the study is to find out whether the use of round table technique can improve students' writing skills in narrative text at SMA N 2 Sekampung East Lampung. It can be proved by the average score of the students from pre-test to post-test.

From the data above, it can be concluded that the students' writing ability in the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Sekampung is still fair, because the students do not have sufficient skill in the composition of narrative writing and The students still have problems expressing their ideas to push to write narrative text, in writing.

Problem Identification

Based on the above description, the writer concludes that the students have a lot of difficulty in expressing their idea in writing a narrative text, related to the writing learning technique used by the teacher.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

The Objective and The Benefit of Study 1. The Objective of Study

The Concept of Narrative Text

According to John, the linguistic features of the narrative text are: 1) Narratives are generally written in the past tense. From the above quote, it can be concluded that the ability to write narrative text means the level of mental competence to produce or reproduce useful written text that results in the ability to convey messages from the writer to the reader. In writing the narrative text skill, the story should be written in sequence so that there is an overall structure to follow.

Teaching Writing Narrative Text Using Pictures To The First Semester Students Of Faculty Of Social And Political University Of Tulungagung.

The Concept of Roundtable Technique


Action Hypothesis

It is a cooperative learning technique that has a main purpose of asking students' work in a group, all the members in the group contributed their ideas in turn. The researcher will use observation list to know about the use of round table to improve students' writing of narrative text. Creswell defines "The dependent variable is the response or the criterion variable that is thought to be caused by or influenced by the independent treatment conditions and any other independent variables.39 This means that dependent variables are variables that are dependent on the independent variable; it is the result of the influence of independent variables.

The researcher will divide the score into two categories, they are complete (72-100), and incomplete (20-71). The measurement of writing narrative text ability such as;.


Subject of the Study

Action Plan

The indicators of narrative writing ability in teaching English of the eleventh grade of SMAN 2 Sekampung East Lampung if 70% of the students achieved a score of more than 72. Action research is conducted by one or more individuals or groups for the purpose of solving a problem or providing information to inform local practice.”41. In other words, McNiff said that action research is a name given to a particular way of exploring our own learning.42 It means that the writer in the research can use a specific method in the learning process.

In this research, the writer needed collaborator to help her in this action research, she is Aprilia Handayani S,Pd is an English teacher in SMA Negeri 2 Sekampung of the East Lampung. In the classroom action research, the author would like to keep the research in two cycles, there is a connection between one and the other. From the illustrated above, the explanations about four steps of action research procedure are carried out in each cycle.

In this campaign, the writer would administer a pretest, treatment, and posttest to the students. During the observation, the researcher and the colleague used the observation sheet to write down important things as long as the learning process was going on. From the observation sheet, the researcher and collaborator would find out the result of the students' learning activity.

The research was done in collaboration with an English teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Sekampung, she is Mrs. Aprilia Handayai S.Pd as a collaborator. The researcher and the collaborator reflected all the actions to be performed and identified the result of the observation in the learning process and compared the pre-test and post-test scores.

Data Collecting Technique

The post-test will be conducted to know the progress of students writing narrative text using round table after the treatment. Documentation is the tool to collect data about the event in the past. Then the author selected this data to select an appropriate database on focus and objective of the study. Therefore, the researcher who used documentation obtained data about the state of the students, the history of SMAN 2 Sekampung, state of the environment, the state of teacher, staff and organizational structure, and geographical state of the school.

Furthermore, the researcher used documentation on archives that plan learning activity and the results of the students' activity, and documentation in the pictures of use to prove the students' pictures during the learning process. By doing the observation, the research made the observation sheets which contain a list of the students' activities.

Data Analysis Technique

Indicator of Success

It includes documentation of SMA N 2 Sekampung, research result and research interpretation.

Description of Research Location

  • The History of SMA N 2 Sekampung
  • The Profil of SMA N 2 Sekampung
  • The Condition of Teacher and Official Employer in SMA N 2 Sekampung
  • The students Quantity of SMA N 2 Sekampung in Academic Year 2017 / 2018

Based on the pre-test table, it can be deduced that all the students got < 72. At the beginning of the teaching-learning process, the researcher asked the students about narrative text. In the and meeting of meeting, the researcher gave feedback to the students of learning process.

The researcher provided motivation and informed the students about the activities at the next meeting. In posttest 1, (9) the students got a good score, but the result of the students was better than the students' test before giving treatment. In the learning process, four measurements were used and mentioned to know the students' activity.

At the end of the meeting, the teacher gave the students motivation to study hard. After the students completed the test, the researcher analyzed the students' score in post test 2. The researcher checked the students' score before and after using the round table as a technique for the teaching process of the lesson.

The researcher found significant improvement in students' scores in writing ability especially in narrative text. The comparison between students' scores in pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 is made. Based on the comparison table of students' results in post-test 1 and post-test 2 above, it appears that the result of students' writing ability in narrative text in post-test 2 was successful and the cycle could be stopped until the cycle. 2.

Table 8  The Pre-Test Result
Table 8 The Pre-Test Result

Interpretation A. Cycle 1

After analyzing students' results in the cycle 1 post-test, the survey had to be conducted in the next cycle because only 9 students (32%) took the test and achieved a score of ≥72. In addition, the researcher analyzed the score after test 2 and concluded that 19 students (76%) passed the test because they scored ≥72. From the result of the student's score after test 2, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in the score.

Students score on pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 No name Pre-test Post-test 1 Post-test 2 Based on the results of the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 it was known , that there was a significant positive improvement in student outcomes. Based on the graph above, it could be concluded that using the round table technique as a technique could improve the students.

The data of the students' learning activities were obtained from all the learning activities of the youth in the observation sheet. The students' attention to the teacher's explanation from the first meeting to the next meeting increased. The activity of students in the group improved, this can be seen in cycle 1 and cycle 2.

Based on the above result, it can be concluded that there was an improvement in the learning activities of the students during the study time cycle by using the round table technique. This can be seen from the average result of the observation sheet of students in the 1st and 2nd cycle.

Graph of the result of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2
Graph of the result of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2


In improving students' writing ability in narrative text, the researcher used the round table technique to test students' writing ability and encourage students to be more active in writing narrative text. In addition, the researcher used the round table technique as a technique that was an effective technique in writing ability and could be used as an alternative choice in the learning activity because this technique is so easy to use in writing ability and could be improved in students.



Instruction in Text Structure as a Determinant of Senior Secondary School Students Achievement in English Narrative Text in Ido Local Government Area, Oyo State “International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH) Bahir Dar- Ethiopia. Sangam Siahaan, English Paragraph, Pematang Siantar: Graha Ilmu: 2007 Sondang Manik and Jernih Donda S. Improve students' narrative writing. Implementing Heads Count Together to Improve Student Achievement in Elementary School Social Studies”.


Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk narrative, deceptive, hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk memperoleh akses ilmu pengetahuan. Pengungkapan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk narasi, eksplanasi, dan pembahasan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek formal dan informal secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan berbagai cara.

Accurate understanding of the meaning of simple functional text and simple essay in the form of report, narrative and analytical presentation in the context of daily life to access knowledge. Answer the meaning and rhetorical step of the simple in the form of an essay using oral language accurately, fluently and acceptably in everyday life. Narrative is a form of story that uses correlation about the story as it happened and tells a story that is related to the structure of time, eg: short story, novel, legend and happenings in our life.

The teacher asks the students about difficulties in understanding the narrative text that the students have already studied.


Please write the sentences cerefully !

Please correct the sentences before collect the paper!

Please write the text based on generic structure of the text!

Mention your name first!

Please write the sentences cerefully !

Please correct the sentences before collect the paper!

Please write the text based on generic structure of the text!

55 Staf Administrasi Sekolah S2 Feta Alfiriana 56 Staf Administrasi Sekolah S1 Eni Dwi Astuti 57 Staf Administrasi Sekolah S1 Adi Haryono.


Table 8  The Pre-Test Result
Figure 6  Graph of post test 2
Graph of post-test 1 and post test 2
Graph of the result of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2


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