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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The objective of the research is to find out whether the semantic mapping strategy affects the reading comprehension of eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari East Lampung. It can be concluded that there is positive and significant impact of using semantic maps strategy on students' reading comprehension among eleventh grade students in SMA N 1 Batanghari East Lampung.

Background of the study

Reading Comprehension Test Data of Grade XI IPS 3 Grade XI Students of SMA N 1 Batanghari. The writer intends to conduct research focusing on the use of semantic mapping strategy in teaching English, especially in reading comprehension.

Problem Identification

The writer wants to research with the title “The Impact of Using Semantic Maps Strategy on Students' Reading Comprehension among Eleventh Grade Students in SMAN 1 Batanghari East Lampung.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

Objectives of Benifit of The Study

Prior Reserach

5Aulia Dzakyu Rahma,” The Effectiveness Of Semantics Mapping On The Students Vocabulary Achievement”, (Jakarta: Department Of English Educatiom Faculty Of Educational Science Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2017). Therefore, the author proposes a research titled "Inflence of use semantics maps strategy on the students' reading comprehension among eleventh grade at SMAN 1 Batanghari".

The Concept of Reading Comprehension 1. The Concept of Reading

Procedure of Semantics Maps

As the teacher records student suggestions on the new chart, students record new additions to their own lists. When the teacher is satisfied with the completeness of the list, the teacher guides the students in classifying items by category and explicitly discusses these associations. Teacher or designated student leads the class in constructing a semantic map on the board or slide.

Teacher encourages students to add items and categories or to design their own, alternative semantic maps. After students have read assigned text, teacher leads discussion of the topics, categories and lexical items discovered (or not discovered) in the text. 24.

Example of Semantics Maps

The science of animal and plant ecology the branch of biology that deals with the relationship of living organisms to their environment, their habits and ways of living, etc. How animals and plants interact with the earth and each other study of biological systems and habitats.

The Advantage and Disandvantages of Semantic Maps

Theoretical framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical framework

Based on the table above showing whether the use of semantic maps is good for students' reading comprehension. So there is any positive and significant impact of using semantic maps strategy on students' reading comprehension among eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Batanghari Easr Lampung. In addition, if the use of semantic maps strategy has a poor effect on students' reading comprehension, then there is no positive and significant effect of the use of semantic maps strategy on students' reading comprehension among eleventh graders at SMA N 1 Batanghari East Lampung.


Based on the classroom problem, a researcher can prepare the design to be researched. This research aims to know the impact of using the semantic mapping strategy on students' reading comprehension. To investigate the achievement of the research, first the researcher was given a multiple choice question by the teacher to know the knowledge of reading comprehension in the pretest, the research instrument is the multiple choice reading test.

After the treatment was done, the researcher conducted the post-test to know the result from the treatment.

Operational Definition of Variables

Clarity refers to the clarity of the content knowledge reflected in the semantic maps drawn by the students and the teacher, and the clarity of the structure of the maps to represent the content knowledge. Relevance refers to the relevance of the content knowledge on the map to the subject areas. Integration and organization refer to the overall quality of the map, which reflects the complexity of the relationship between the concepts depicted on the map.

Marczkyk defined the sample as a "subset of the population".34 this means that the sample is that part of the population that represents the population that was the subject of the research. Ary says that "tests are valuable measuring instruments for educational research"35 This means that the test is one of the tools for measuring the student's basic abilities and achievements. In addition, the writer used a test as a data collection method to measure both variables.

The writer measures students' reading comprehension by giving the reading comprehension test using the reading test. The pre-test was administered in the first meeting before conducting the treatment in order to know the students' ability before doing the strategic treatment of semantic maps. The writer used the documentation method to obtain detailed information about the condition of teachers and official employees, the amount of students and the organizational structure of SMA N 1 Batanghari.

Research Instrument

The purpose of the pre-test was to know the students' knowledge of reading comprehension and the post-test. The score for the correct answer to each question is 20, so the total score is 100.

Data Analysis Technique

Description of the research

Organisationsstrukturen for SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari Deres personale i organisationen hos SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari.

Table 7  Number of students
Table 7 Number of students

Description of Research Data

Source: The result of the pre-test of students' reading comprehension of the eleventh graders of SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari on July 22, 2019. From the above data, we can conclude that the highest score is 50 and the lowest score is 10. Source: The result of the pre-test was conducted on July 22, 2019 Based on the data above the table it can be seen that all students of Class XI IPS 3 have scored below Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC).

Based on the frequency distribution table and diagram above, it can be deduced that of the 28 students sampled in the study, all students achieved a score below the minimum mastery criteria (MMC), i.e. (MMC) 75. de It can be deduced from the above explanation that all students of class XI IPS 3 do not meet the minimum masteri criteria (MMC).

Frequency Distribustion of Pre-test Score

After knowing the result of the pre-test, which is unsatisfactory, the writer gives the post-test after giving the treatment. The writer conducted the post test to know if there is any effect of semantic mapping strategy on students' reading comprehension. Source: Score of students after the eleventh grade reading comprehension test at SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari, August, 05, 2019.

From the above table, it can be concluded that the highest score of the data was 90 and the lowest score was 50. Based on the above table, it can be seen that the students got a score of <. So this means that the students of Batanghari Senior Secondary School 1 scored only nine high scores in the post-test.

Based on the frequency distribution of the above table and graph, it can be concluded that 28 students as a research sample can be divided first, the number of students who got the score 90-94 was 4 students or 14%. Based on the result of the post-test score of students of High School 1 Batanghari above, it can be concluded that the semantic mapping strategy can help students in reading comprehension among eleventh grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari Lampung Timur.

Frequency Distribution of Post-test Score

  • The Influence Of Using Semantics Maps Strategy On The Students Reading Comprehension Among The Eleventh Graders At SMA N 1 Batanghari East
    • Prerequisite Test a. Normality Test
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Interpretation
  • Statistical Significance
  • Discussion
  • Limitation
  • Suggestion

The Effect of Using Semantic Maps Strategy on Students' Reading Comprehension among Eleventh Graders at SMA N 1 Batanghari East Comprehension among Eleventh Graders at SMA N 1 Batanghari East Lampung. And (H0) was rejected if there was no positive and significant effect of the strategy of using semantic maps on students' reading comprehension. H0 : there is no significant effect of the strategy of using semantic maps on students' reading comprehension.

Ha: Using the semantic map strategy has some significant impact on students' reading comprehension. It means that there is a positive and significant impact of using the semantic maps strategy on the students' reading comprehension. The semantic mapping strategy is known to have a significant impact on students' reading comprehension in the eleventh graders of SMA N 1 Batanghari East Lampung.

Based on the above discussion, the author concludes that the strategy of semantic maps can be a solution for the teacher to help students understand the importance of reading comprehension. The result of this research shows that semantics planning strategy is successful in helping students with reading comprehension. Based on the results of the research, the researcher can conclude that there is a positive and significant impact of using semantic maps strategy on students' reading comprehension among eleventh graders at SMA N1 Batanghari East Lampung.


Kompetensi Inti

Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku adil, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, tanggap dan proaktif serta menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam menghadapi lingkungan sosial dan alam secara efektif serta memposisikan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam bidang ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, bertindak mandiri, bertindak efektif dan kreatif serta mampu menggunakan metode sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Metode Pembelajaran

Media Pembelajaran 1. Media

  • Alat/Bahan

Sumber Belajar

Di bawah bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempertanyakan perbedaan antara berbagai teks eksplanasi dalam bahasa Inggris, siswa menanyakan gagasan utama, informasi rinci, dan informasi khusus. Dengan demikian, untuk alasan di atas, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tiga tingkat pemerintahan diperlukan. Dengan menonton program berita, penduduk desa dapat mengikuti apa yang terjadi di belahan dunia lain.

Other programs on the animal kingdom, farm life, cultural events and health issues educate the villagers on various aspects of life. One of them is buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. Therefore, by buying local groceries, we help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced.

We help to reduce the amount of global warming" Paragraph 2 The underlined word can be replaced by ... read in. Everyone must change their lifestyle to reduce global warming. There are several things we can do. Finally, uniform acts as a social level, below which all students are equal in the eyes of the school and each other.


Table 7  Number of students


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