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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Problem Identification

Students do not fully understand CCU learning in English class, evidenced by a passive attitude when explaining the material. The teacher has not found any methods that are suitable to increase the speaking skills of the students.

Limitation of the Problem

Problem Formulation

Objective and Benefits of the Study

We hope that the use of CCU (Cross Culture Understanding) will be a motivation in learning English, so that their speaking ability will develop mainly about learning CCU. The teacher has a broad view of teaching, especially in developing creativity, as well as a way to create interesting learning for students, especially using CCU materials.


The Concept of Speaking

Mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second language or foreign language learners. So the elements of speaking are very useful to help students improve their speaking ability.

The Concept of Speaking Ability

Based on the characteristics of speech above, the author deduced that speech has some characteristics that need to be understood. To test speaking ability, there are some indicators that should be scored; Weir classified five criteria for speaking as follows20.

Table 2. The Criteria of Speaking
Table 2. The Criteria of Speaking

The Concept of CCU (Cross Cultural Understanding)

  • The Definition of Cross Cultural Understanding
  • Cross Cultural Competence
  • The Procedures of Teaching CCU

Cross-cultural understanding is necessary in communication not only by people of different nationalities such as the Indonesians and the English or Americans, but also between the Indonesians who come from different places and cultures (eg the Lampungnese and the Javanese). The competency measures complexity and depth of understanding of other people, and also includes cross-cultural sensitivity. Then we can conclude that the definitions of cross-cultural understanding are: all people experience the same feeling plus they travel to or live in another country or culture.

Sinagatullin states that the goal of cross-cultural understanding training is to help students acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to function in their own microculture. Only through the possession of sufficient CCK, CCA and CCS will people achieve Cross-Cultural Competence (CCC). CCC is the final stage of cross-cultural understanding and denotes the actor's ability to work effectively across cultures.

According to Ross and Thornson, the development of knowledge and skills through the experience of cultural differences to create cultural synergy is what leads to the development of intercultural competence.29. A Thornson, Toward an Operational Definition of Cross-Cultural Competence from Interview Data, (Florida: University of Central Florida, 2008), p.

Theoretical Framework and the Paradigm

  • Theoretical Framework
  • Paradigm

Based on the above figure, it can be assumed that the use of Intercultural Understanding is a good thing, students' speaking ability is also good.


  • Hypothesis Formulation
  • Statistical Hypothesis

There is no positive and significant effect of using intercultural understanding on students' speaking ability in SMA N 1 Terusan Nunyai Center Lampung.


  • Research Design
    • Independent variable
    • Dependent Variable
  • Population, Sample and Sampling Technique
    • Population
    • Sample
    • Sampling Technique
  • Data Collecting Technique
    • Test
    • Documentation
    • Observation
    • Voice Recording
  • Research Instrument
    • Instrument Blueprint
    • Instrument Calibration
  • Data Analysis Technique

Voice recording used by the researcher to collect the data about speaking ability of the students. The students' pre-test result for speaking ability in the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai. The Students' Post-test result for Speaking Ability at the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai.

To find out whether there was positive and significant impact of CCU material on the speaking ability of eleventh grade students of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai. Before conducting the research, the researcher did a preliminary test to find out the speaking ability of the students before the treatment. In other words, there was a positive and significant effect of using CCU material on students' speaking ability in the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai.

In addition, there is a positive and significant effect of using CCU materials on students' speaking skills. So there is an effect of CCU material on students' speaking ability in eleventh grader SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai.


Description of the Research Location

SMA Negeri 1 Terusan Nunyai didirikan pada tanggal 5 Mei 1992 berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI dengan nomor 0216/O/1992. SMA Negeri 1 Terusan Nunyai yang terletak di Jl. Tanah KM.84 Bandar Agung, Kecamatan Terusan Nunyai, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, Lampung. Kepala sekolah juga merupakan orang yang berkedudukan tinggi sebagai koordinator untuk semua tugas dalam kegiatan sekolah.

To do so, the principal of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai is assisted by the school committee, official staff, the student's superior, the general director and the curriculum leader. The condition of teachers and employers in SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai there are 52 teachers and 21 employees. The condition of facilities in SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai can be seen on appendix page 21.

The Description of Research Data

Based on the table above, it can be deduced that from 30 students as the research samples can be divided into: 1. For the class interval 55-59 there were 13 students or 43.33 % Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students who failed the test were the students who got score below 70. From the result of pre-test above, the researcher can conclude that the students' problem was to understand the material of speaking in teaching learning process.

After conducting the pretest of speaking ability in oral test, the researcher conducted the processing of CCU material to help the students get a better understanding of the speaking ability. Mind it, the researcher identified the students' difficulty in oral test speaking ability and offered concept CCU material to know if there was positive and significant influence of it. Based on the table above, it can be deduced that from 30 students the research samples can be divided into: 7.

For the class interval 60-64, there were 2 students or 7%. Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students who failed the test were those who scored below 70. From the above explanation it can be deduced that the student's speaking skills had improved in the post-test.

Hypothesis Testing

  • Putting the data into the formula Chi-Square (x2)
  • Getting the Data into the Formula of T-Test

Then, to know the critical value of chi-square, the researcher first calculated the df or degree of freedom. The researcher prepared the table and put the data into the t-test formula below to get t_observed. The results of the pre-test and post-test score of speaking ability in the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Terusan Nunyai NO.

To know the critical value of the t-test (observed), the researcher first calculated the df (degree of freedom). Therefore, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.


  • Interpretation of observed
  • Interpretation of t_observed


Based on the table above, the author measured the class interval using the formulation as follows: R = The highest score – the lowest score. Furthermore, after the students in this class were given the treatment of concept CCU material and they already understood, the researcher took the post-test to measure their speaking ability in oral test. Source: documentation of post-test result of speaking ability in oral test on 29 May 2019.

Based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the CCU material was an alternative material that had an impact on students' speaking ability. Using CCU material as an alternative technique, students learned such speaking skills in English learning. The fact showed that there was a change in the number of students who got lower results.

CCU materials can be a solution for the teaching learning process, especially in speaking because it made the students more active while learning. By using this material, the teaching and learning process was more interesting, enjoyable and fun because the material included cultural topics around their daily life and their environment so that the students could be active during the learning process.


Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU) is one of the materials in learning to speak to improve speaking skills. Based on the analysis and the result of the research, the researcher can conclude that the CCU material has a positive effect on the student's speaking skills. Based on the above conclusions, the researcher would like to make some suggestions for the teacher and for the students.

The reason is that CCU material is effective in opening the minds of the students to explore their ideas. The teachers advised to choose this material correctly and use it as an alternative learning technique to apply in the learning process, so that the students can speak good English and achieve the goal of the study. The student must have the confidence to speak more, to improve the fluency of the students.

Penelitian ini dapat menjadi titik awal pengembangan materi pemahaman lintas budaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Materi diskusi berkaitan dengan istilah budaya, keragaman budaya, identitas dan perbedaan budaya, persamaan dan persamaan antar budaya/budaya (lokal maupun internasional).



Muhammad Syafiq, Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara dengan Menggunakan Brainstorming di SMA Negeri 7 Kota Jambi, Jambi: FKIP Universitas Jambi, 2017. Bisakah Anda memberikan penjelasan singkat tentang tradisi, peristiwa sejarah, adat istiadat, kehidupan, tata krama dan tata krama dalam kehidupan barat. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri dan bertanggung jawab dalam melakukan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman sebaya.

Pengakuan akan pentingnya konsep budaya, identitas budaya, keanekaragaman budaya dan pengetahuan sosial untuk mengatur kehidupan manusia. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mengidentifikasi berbagai jenis kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan kebudayaan. Pengenalan singkat tentang budaya, tradisi, peristiwa sejarah, adat istiadat, kehidupan, kesopanan dan kesopanan di Negara bahasa sasaran khususnya di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat.

Berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selama proses pembelajaran, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan memberikan contoh perilaku santun di masyarakat. Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang budaya, keragaman budaya, identitas dan perbedaan budaya, persamaan dan persamaan di antara keduanya. Siswa membaca dengan lebih cermat semua istilah budaya, keanekaragaman budaya, identitas dan perbedaan budaya, persamaan dan kesamaan antar budaya/budaya (lokal atau internasional) untuk memberikan komentar dan pandangan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.

Siswa menerima umpan balik dari guru dan teman tentang fitur sosial dan elemen linguistik yang digunakan.


10  Table of Frequency Distribution Of Students‟ Post-Test
Table 1. The score of daily test of English Speaking in XI MIA 1   SMA N 1 Terusan Nunyai
Table 2. Categories Excellent, good, adequate and fair
Table 2. The Criteria of Speaking


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