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improving students' writing skill by using guided question


Academic year: 2023

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The purpose of this research was to determine the improvement of students' writing skills in descriptive paragraph writing, especially in terms of content and organization through the use of guided questions. The findings of the research showed that the improvement of grade eight students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar improved after the use of guided questioning. Finally, the researcher found that the improvement of students' ability to write a substantive and organizational descriptive paragraph by using guided questions was significantly improved in the eighth grade students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar.

His deepest appreciation to the principal of SMP Nurkaya Tidung Makassar (Isnada Nurdin S.Pt) and English teacher of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar (Nur Sufiana S.Pd) and all the students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar especially for VIII B in academic year 2016 /2017 who spared their time and activities to be the subject of this research. 23 Figure 4.1: The average score and improvement of the students' writing skills in descriptive paragraph in terms of content. 33 Figure 4.2: The average score and improvement of the students' writing skills in descriptive paragraph in terms of organization.


  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Research
  • Significance of the research
  • The Scope of the Research

Based on the above information, the researcher hopes that using Guided Question can improve students' writing ability in descriptive paragraphs. How was the improvement of students' ability to write the content of descriptive paragraph by using guided question in the eight grade students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar. How was the improvement of students' ability to organize descriptive paragraphs by using Guided Question in the eight grade students at SMP Nurkarya Tidung.

Improving the students' ability to write content descriptive paragraph by using guided question in the eighth grade student of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar. Improving the students' ability to organize descriptive paragraph in writing descriptive paragraph by using guided question in the eight degree students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar. The scope of this research was limited to the use of Guided Question to improve the students' writing skills.


  • Guided Question Procedure
  • Essential Question Criteria
  • Advantages of Using Guided Question
  • The Concept of Writing
    • The Importance of Writing
    • Characteristic of a Good Writing
    • Component of Writing
  • The Concept of Paragraph
    • Main Part of Paragraph
    • The Characteristic of an Effective Paragraph
    • Kinds of Paragraph
  • The Concept of Descriptive Paragraph
    • The Characteristics of Good Descriptive
    • Language Feature of Descriptive
    • The Types of Description

It focused on students' writing skill in terms of content and organization of descriptive paragraph in eighth grade in SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar. Students will not be confused about what to write because they will be guided to write by answering the questions related to the topic. Based on the above component, as long as some approaches had been applied to improve students' writing, especially in terms of content and organization at school, but these approaches are still weak.

In this case, the writer would like to introduce a strategy that is believed to be successful to improve the writing skills of the students. A good description is like a “word picture”; the reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis): There is an improvement in students' writing skills in descriptive paragraphs using guided questions. H0) Null hypothesis: There is no improvement in students' writing skills in descriptive paragraphs using guided questions.

Figure 2.1 : Conceptual FrameworkINPUT
Figure 2.1 : Conceptual FrameworkINPUT


  • Variable and Indicator
  • Population and Sample
  • Instrument of the research
  • Data collections
  • Technique of data analysis

Improving students' descriptive paragraph writing skills in terms of content and organization using guided questions. The data showed that using a guided question in writing a descriptive paragraph could improve students' writing skills in terms of content. Mean score and improvement of students' descriptive paragraph writing skill in terms of content.

The improvement of students' writing skills in descriptive paragraphs in terms of organization by using guided questions. The improvement of students' writing skill in descriptive text in terms of organization by using Guided Question. The average score and improvement of students' descriptive paragraph writing skills during the organization period.

Improving students' descriptive paragraph writing skills in terms of content using guided questions. This means that students' descriptive paragraph writing ability in terms of content improves after exposure to the treatment, namely Guided Questioning. Thus, the use of guided questions can improve students' writing skills, especially in writing a descriptive paragraph in terms of content.

The improvement of students' writing skills in descriptive paragraphs in terms of organization by using guided questions. Therefore, the result of the research can be concluded that the students' writing skill in descriptive paragraphs with respect to organization in posttest was categorized as poor. Thus, the use of Guided Question had improved students' writing skills especially in descriptive paragraphs in terms of organization.

Fakhrurasyid, 1999. The role of natural recreational facilities towards the ability to write short composition of students of SMUN 1 Pangkep.



The findings of this research refer to the implementation of the guided question in the substantive and organizational improvement of students' writing skills in the descriptive paragraph. The findings of this research present a description of the results of the research through the distribution of pre-test and post-test results in terms of content and organization using a guided question. Based on the above table 4.1, it was seen that the students' score in the post-test improved after teaching Writing a descriptive paragraph in terms of content using guided question.

The graph above showed that there was improvement from the students. Writing skill in descriptive paragraph in terms of content from pre-test with the mean score was 24.16 to post-test with the mean score was 35.83 and the improvement from pre-test to post-test test was 48.30%. The finding of this research presents the result description of the research through the distribution statement of pre-test and post-test in terms of organization by Guided Question. This showed from average score of the students in pre-test and post-test and also improvement percentage.

Mean score in pre-test was 23.32 and mean score of post-test was 36.66, it was improved from pre-test to post-test. The graph above showed that there was improvement of the students in writing descriptive paragraph seen from organization from pre-test with the average score was 23.32 to post-test with the average score was 36.66. It proved that there was significant improvement of students' writing skill in descriptive paragraph in terms of content and organization through the use of guided question in the eight grade students in SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar.

Based on the result, we could conclude that using Guided Question could also improve students' writing skills from the perspective of the organization. To know significant for content and organization, the researcher had used t-test analysis at the level of significance (p) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) = N-1 where N = number of students (20 students) ) and then the value of ​​t-table 1.729. This meant that there was a significant difference between the students' writing skills before and after the researcher used the Guided Question in writing skills for the eighth grade of.

Figure 4.1. The Mean Score and Improvement of The Students’ Writing skill in descriptive paragraph in Terms of content
Figure 4.1. The Mean Score and Improvement of The Students’ Writing skill in descriptive paragraph in Terms of content


Thus, the result can be concluded that the writing writing of the students was categorized as very poor during the pre-test. The post-test also shows that none of them achieved an excellent score in terms of content for writing descriptive paragraphs. Thus, the use of Guided Questions had improved students' writing skills, especially in descriptive paragraphs from within the content.

This means that the result of teaching students to write descriptive paragraphs by using Guided Question has a significant impact on students' writing skill in improving descriptive paragraphs. It could be seen in table 4.1 that the students' writing skills in the mean score of the pre-test was very poor, it was 23.32. Besides that, the post-test also shows that none of them got excellent scores for writing descriptive paragraphs in terms of organization.

The average score obtained from the pretest of the students was 23.32 and the average score of the pot-test was 36.66. This means that students' descriptive paragraph writing ability in terms of organization improves after undergoing treatment, namely Guided Questioning. This means that the result of teaching students descriptive paragraph writing using guided question has a significant impact on students' writing skills in terms of improving organization.

This meant that there was a significant difference between the students' writing ability before and after they received a researcher-guided question on descriptive paragraph writing of eighth grade SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar students and for VIII B students as a sample in this research. Improving students' ability to write content descriptive paragraph using questions directed at the eighth grade students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar was significantly improved. Improving the students' ability to write the descriptive paragraph of the organization by writing the descriptive paragraph using questions addressed to the eighth grade students of SMP Nurkarya Tidung Makassar was shown to have significant improvement.

Improving students' ability to write descriptive text through Haiku technique. Thesis: Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.



Besides that, the conclusions were a repetition of chapter 4, but the researcher had to explain briefly and in detail so that the reader could quickly understand and get the content of the research by seeing the conclusion.


The students were suggested to practice their writing skills constantly to have good mastery and more abilities. The English teachers who teach at the junior high school level were suggested to develop students' writing skills because writing skills were a tool for students to deliver information in addition to reading among the whole English skills. The researcher suggested that this research can help the English teacher to solve the students' problem in writing, especially in writing a descriptive paragraph by suggesting guiding questions as a technique to teach writing.

Teks deskriptif menggunakan berbagai jenis kata sifat (adjectives) yang mendeskripsikan, memberi nomor dan mengklasifikasikannya, misalnya: dua kaki kuat, taring putih tajam, dan lain-lain. Teks deskriptif menggunakan kata kerja Terkait untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya: ibuku baik sekali, bulunya sangat tebal, dll. Teks deskriptif juga menggunakan Adverbia (kata keterangan) untuk memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai perilaku atau kualitas (Adjective) yang dijelaskan, misalnya: sangat tinggi, pasti lolos, dan sebagainya.

Guru memotivasi siswa untuk selalu mengajukan pertanyaan terbimbing di rumah, sehingga memungkinkan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif.



Figure 2.1 : Conceptual FrameworkINPUT
Figure 4.1. The Mean Score and Improvement of The Students’ Writing skill in descriptive paragraph in Terms of content
Table 4.2. The improvement of students’ writing skill in descriptive text in terms of organization by using Guided Question.


Dokumen terkait

After doing this research and analyzing, it can be concluded that using guiding question technique is effective on students’ writing skill of recount text at the eighth grade students