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Increasing Organizational Performance Through Leadership Transfromasional In Tempeh District Office Lumajang

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Academic year: 2023

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Increasing Organizational Performance Through Leadership Transfromasional In Tempeh District Office Lumajang

Zamrotul Hasanah1, Riza Bahtiar Sulistyan2, Ainun Jariah3 STIE Widya Gama Lumajang



Performance improvement in an organization is influenced by Several factors, one of the which is leadership. Considered leadership nowadays is truly Able to Make the world develop. The problem faced by organisasi is that performance is not always good. In this study the transformational leadership is the independent variable and the dependent variable is organizational performance.

This study aims to Determine the effect of transformational leadership dimensions on the organizational performance of Tempeh District Office Lumajang Regency. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the dimensions of transformational leadership are inspirational motivation (MI), intellectual stimulation (SI),

Keywords: Transformational leadership dimensions, organizational performance


Improved performance in an organization is influenced by several factors, one of which is leadership.The idea of leadership confirms the capacity of individuals to move, act, and provide deployment to employees, so that they act together to achieve the goal(Rahmi, 2014: 13),

Performance is the result of the acquisition of the organization, both organizations that are profit- oriented and non-profit oriented that has been generated during the period. All members of the organization should provide strong support to be able to realize a good performance on the professional organization(Fahmi, 2015: 2),

Transformational leadership is defined as an act of empowerment, encouragement to his subordinates to do something more than what is expected. This kind of leadership to motivate subordinates to perform a higher level, to direct a greater effort, and demonstrate a high commitment(Rahmi, 2014: 53),

Results of a previous study conducted by García-Morales et al. (2012) titled "Transformational Leadership Influence on Organizational Performance Through Organizational Learning and Innovation" shows that transformational leadership has a positive influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation.

Previous studies conducted by Samad and Sarminah (2012) entitled "The Influence of Innovation and Transformational Leadership on Organizational Performance" which shows that transformational leadership can significantly affect the performance of the organization.


Previous research conducted by Garcı'a-Morales, Llore'ns-Montes, and Verdu'-Jover (2008) also studied the same topic titled "The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Organizational PerformanceThrough Knowledge and Innovation" states that have the effect of transformational leadership in improving organizational performance.

Research conducted by Yasir, Imran, and Irshad (2013) with the title of "mediating Role of Organizational Climate in The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Its Facets and Organizational Performance" shows that the influence of idealism, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation has an important role on the performance of the organization.

Research conducted by Mutahar, Rasli, and Al-Ghazali (2015) with the title "Relationship of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning and Organizational Performance" shows that transformational leadership positively affect the organization's performance.

The study entitled "The Importance of a Homogeneous Climate Transformational Leadership For Organizational Performance" conducted byJong and Bruch (2013) showed that transformational leadership has a strong relationship with the organization's performance.

The study titled "The Leader-Follower Dyad: The LinkBetween Leader and Follower Perceptions of Transformational Leadership and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance" conducted byMuterera, Hemsworth, Baregheh, and Garcia-Rivera (2016) showed that transformational leadership has a positive correlation with the performance of the organization.

Research has nothing in common with previous studies, both from the title, time studies, as well as study sites. This study only talks about transformational leadership and organizational performance at the District Office Tempeh, Lumajang.


Digunkan method in this research is quantitative method that the data used in the study in the form of balustrades by using statistical analysis (Sugiyono, 2017: 7), To determine the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable, this study used multiple linear regression analysis.

This research was conducted at the District Office Tempeh, Lumajang, located on Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 128, Hamlet Kebon Sari, Central Tempeh, District Tempeh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia. This study was conducted in March 2019.

The population is a group consisting of all subjects and also objects that have the quality and character that has been established for examination, then drawn conclusions (Sugiyono, 2017: 80), The population in this study were all employees in the district of Lumajang that berjum Tempeh; ah 133 people composed of 12 of people with civil servants and 121 permanent employees.

Samples are part of the total population group that has been set (Sugiyono, 2017: 81), In this study, the sampling technique used is non-probability sampling that the saturation sampling, where all members of the population used as respondents. Then the samples in this study were employees of the District Office Tempeh, Lumajang, amounting to 133 people.

The analytical methods used in this research are validity, reliability test, the data normality test, multicollinearity test data, the multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing.



Table 1 Results of Test Validity and Reliability

variables Statement rhitung Cronbach's Alpha Idealism influence (PI) 1

2 3

0.843 0.817 0.824

0.768 Motivation Inspiration (MI) 1

2 3

0.825 0.739 .851

0.727 Intellectual stimulation (SI) 1



0.909 0.722

Personal considerations (PP) 1 2


.870 0.715

Organizational Performance (KO)

1 2 3

0.856 0.763 .881


Source: Questionnaire Data Processing with SPSS 16, 2019

In Table 1 above, it can be seen that the magnitude of the correlation coefficient of whole grains each variable declaration has rhitung greater than rminimal. Thus, the whole grain is declared invalid and declared eligible as a research instrument for already collect data or information required. The tables can also be seen that the independent variables are the dimensions of transformational leadership and the dependent variable is the performance of the organization entirely memili coefficient Cronbach's alpha is more than the value of the interval of reliability so that the research questionnaire said to be reliable and the questionnaires were reliable because it can provide the same results if done pengukuan back on the same subject in a different time.

Table 2 Summary of Data and Multicolinearity Normality Test Data

Independent variables Asymp. Sig. (2- tailed)

multicolinearity tolerance VIF Idealism influence (PI)


0.261 3.834

Motivation Inspiration (MI) .247 4.042

Intellectual stimulation (SI) .689 1,451

Personal considerations (PP) 0,972 1.029

Source: Questionnaire Data Processing with SPSS 16, 2019

In table 2 that the results of the normality test data show that Asymp.Sig value is greater than the significance level of 5% according to the criteria of normality that has been mentioned above, all of the variables in this study have the data residual assumed normally distributed. On the table are also known multikolinieritas testing data show that all the variables that are used have VIF <10 and Tolerance value close to 1. It can be concluded that the independent variables in this study are free of symptoms multikolinieritas.

Table 3 Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Test T

variables B T Sig. Information

(Constant) 1,962 1.552 0.123

Influence of Organizational Performance Against

Idealism -0,084 -0.568 .571 No effect

Inspirational Motivation Organizational Performance


Against Intellectual stimulation Organizational

Performance 0.508 4.752 0,000

Take effect Personal Considerations Organizational Performance

Against 0,312 3.174 0,002

Take effect

Data Sources: Questionnaire Results Data Processing with SPSS 16, 2019

In Table 3 are known to a constant value of 1.962 indicates that the value of the variable performance of the organization (KO) at dengan1,962, if the value of the variable influence of idealism, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and personal consideration equal to 0.

The coefficient of influence idealism (PI) of -0,084 or negative indicates no unidirectional relationship, stating that any increase in the variable effect of idealism will improve organizational performance by -0,084. While the decline in the influence of one variable idealism will also reduce the performance of the organization by -0,084 assuming other independent variables constant or fixed.

The coefficient of inspirational motivation (MI) of 0.378 or positive showing unidirectional relationship, stating that any increase in the inspirational motivation will improve organizational performance by 0.378. While the decline of the inspirational motivation will also degrade the performance of the organization amounted to 0.378 assuming other independent variables constant or fixed.

Coefficient of intellectual stimulation (SI) of 0.508 or positive showing unidirectional relationship, stating that any increase in the intellectual stimulation will improve organizational performance by 0.508. While the decline of the inspirational motivation will also degrade the performance of the organization amounted to 0.508 assuming other independent variables constant or fixed.

Coefficient of personal considerations (PP) of 0,312 or positive showing unidirectional relationship, stating that any increase in the inspirational motivation will improve organizational performance of 0,312. While the decline in the private pertimbngan will also reduce the performance of the organization amounted to 0,312 assuming the other independent variables constant or fixed.


The first hypothesis showed personal consideration (PI) insignificant or no influence on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. Leadership is always a positive influence on subordinates so that the effect of these ideals can not be used as reasons for the increase or decrease the performance of the organization. Previous research conducted byChoudhary, Akhtar and Zaheer (2013) obtain the same result that the dimensions of transformational leadership is the influence of idealism has no effect on the performance of the organization.

The second hypothesis shows that inspirational motivation (MI) has an influence on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office.Motivation of leaders capable of improving the performance of the organization, as well as sebalikya if leaders can not motivate the organization's performance will decline. In a previous study conducted byİşcana, Ersarıb, and Naktiyokc (2014) also get the same result that dimensions of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation (MI) has a strong and positive impact or affect the performance of the organization.


The third hypothesis indicates that intellectual stimulation (SI) has an influence on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. intellectual stimulation (SI), which can improve the performance of the organization, and vice versa if the intellectual stimulation (SI) is not good then the organization's performance will decline. Previous research conducted byNoruzy, Dalfard, Azhdari, Nazari-Shirkouhi, and Rezazadeh (2013) get the same result that the dimensions of transformational leadership that is intellectual stimulation has an influence on the performance of the organization.

The fourth hypothesis indicates that personal considerations have an impact on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. Personal considerations (PP) which is better than the leadership can improve organizational performance, and vice versa if personal considerations (PP) of the leadership is not good then the organization's performance will decline. The results also supported by a previous study conducted byBirasnav (2014) who obtained the same result that the dimensions of transformational leadership that personal considerations have an impact on organizational performance.


The first hypothesis testing results show that there is no influence of transformational leadership dimensions that influence idealism (PI) on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. The second hypothesis testing results show that there are significant dimensions of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation (MI) on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. The third hypothesis testing results show that there are significant dimensions of transformational leadership that is intellectual stimulation (SI) on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office. The fourth hypothesis testing results show that there are significant dimensions of transformational leadership is a personal judgment (PP) on organizational performance Tempeh Lumajang District Office.


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