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KWL (Know, Want, Learned) Learning Techniques in Improving the Mastery of German Vocabulary for Students of the Foreign Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University


Academic year: 2024

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KWL (Know, Want, Learned) Learning Techniques in Improving the Mastery of German Vocabulary for Students of the Foreign Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and

Literature, Makassar State University

Misnawaty Usman1, Syukur Saud2, Nurming Saleh3, Ernawati4 Universitas Negeri Makassar1,2,3

E-Mail: misnawatyusman@yahoo.co.id

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on KWL learning techniques in improving German vocabulary mastery of students in the Foreign Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature. This research is experimental and uses quantitative methods. The data were analyzed using the T-test. The population in this study were students of the foreign language education study program, the language and literature faculty. The research sample is a total sample. The results of this study indicate that the KWL learning technique can improve the vocabulary mastery of German students of the language and literature faculty of foreign language education with a value of t h 3, 547> t t 2.145 at a significant level of 0.05.

Keywords: Learning techniques, vocabulary, german


Language is a communication tool that has an important role in everyday life.

In addition, language is also used by humans to convey thoughts and feelings both orally and in writing. Mastery of German vocabulary is very important which is a solid foundation for further mastery of German and improves the ability to make good sentences in German. Efforts to improve the quality and quantity of vocabulary also mean increasing critical thinking processes and broadening the student's outlook on life. The richness of a person's vocabulary also determines the quality of that person's language skills.

The ability of students to master vocabulary will affect the learning process, where students can understand German language material and convey their ideas in an essay form. The importance of mastery of the German language is related to the real condition which is still far from expectations, wherein the students mastery of vocabulary is very poor. This indicator can be seen from the results of research by Misnawaty Usman (2020), which found the Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) learning model is effective in learning German vocabulary. Research results by Misnawaty



Usman (2018) which found the results of the application of the Missing Letter Model in learning German vocabulary (Wortschatz) to be effective for students of the German Language Education Study Program, The Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University as well as the research results also by Misnawaty Usman (2019) which found to be the application of the Complete Sentence Type of Cooperative Learning Model in mastering German vocabulary (Wortschatz) for students of the German Language Education Study Program, The Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University.

Based on the description on the background above, the research title was formulated as follows "KWL (Know, Want, Learned) Learning Techniques in Increasing German Vocabulary Mastery for Students of the Foreign Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University.

Learning Technique of KWL

KWL was first introduced to the classroom by Donna Ogle in 1986. KWL (What, I Know, What I Want to Know and what I have Learned).

KWL stands for:

K (Know) what is known (before learning)

W (Want) What you want to know (before learning) L (Learned) What is known (after learning)

This theory is a critical learning technique in which students will remember in advance what they already know, imagine or determine what they want to know, carry out learning (the material or theme that has been selected) and find out what has been obtained from the new learning. The KWL learning technique will familiarize students with relating the knowledge that has been learned with what will be learned and determine what has been obtained from the learning that has just been done.

Table oF KWL

In the context of teaching, students are accustomed to using tables using the KWL technique. During teaching time, the teacher provides a paper in KWL format or writes it on the board as in the following table:

Table 1 : KWL Table

Donna in Kiranawati (2008) Know (K)

What is already known?

Want (W) What do you want to know

Learned (L) What has been learned / gained?


741 Benefits of KWL Learning Technique 1. Focusing students attention on a theme

2. Helping students associate old lessons with the lessons to be studied

3. Provide opportunities for students to share ideas and develop their knowledge 4. Students can get new information from other students' explanations

5. Students can conclude all the material that has been studied

6. Can increase students self-confidence because teachers always provide opportunities to present their ideas

7. Teachers can measure students' abilities in understanding the topics described VOCABULARY

Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a language component that is very essential to its existence and the property of a language. Keraf (1990: 80) states "Vocabulary is the whole word that is in a person's memory which will immediately cause a reaction when heard or read".

Types of Vovabulary Noun (Nomen)

Nouns are the names of objects and all the words that are hindered.This method of giving proper shape is called declination. The declination of the article and noun is as follows:

Table 2. Declination of the articles and adjectives

Maskulin Feminin Neutral

Nominativ: der Vater die Mutter das Messer

Genitiv: des Vaters der Mutter des Messers

Dativ: dem Vater der Mutter dem Messer

Akkusativ: den Vater die Mutter das Messer

Table 3. Changes in the form of article declination

Verbs (Verben)

Verbs are words that describe a situation, event, and action.

Maskulin Feminin Neutral

Nominativ: der die das

Genitiv: des der des

Dativ: dem der dem

Akkusativ: den die das


742 Adjective (Adjective)

Adjectives are words that serve to describe the state of a noun.

1. Number Words (Zahlwort) a. Base Number (Cardinalzahl) b. Multilevel Numbers (Ordinalzahl) 2. Pronouns (Die Prapositionen)

a. Prepositions that are always followed by Akkusativ b. Prepositions that are always followed by Dativ c. Prepositions followed by Akkusative and Dativ d. The preposition that Denitiv always follows RESEARCH METHODS

This study used two variables, that is the KWL learning technique as the first variable and vocabulary mastery as the second variable. The variable of this research is the improvement of students' mastery of German vocabulary by using the KWL technique for students to increase their mastery of German vocabulary in the Students of the Foreign Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Makassar State University. The population in this research were students of the German Language Education Study Program for the academic year 2020/2021 which consisted of two classes totaling 30 students. The sample in this research was a total sample (total sampling) consisting of two classes, that is students of the experimental group consisting of 15 students of the control group. Data collection techniques before data collection, students in the experimental class and control class were taught the same vocabulary material for six teaching time. Data analysis techniques obtained in this research were analyzed using t-test analysis, that is paired sample t-test.


Presentation of Data Analysis Results

Table 4: Paired sample statistics Mean N Std.

Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair



83.6073 77.7747

15 15

5.66528 5.44352

1.46277 1.40551 Source: based on the results of the post-test control class and experimental class using the SPSS 15.0 statistical application.



Table 5. The results of the paired sample difference test

Paired differences T dr Sig.

(2-tailed Mean Std.


Std.Error Mean

95% confidence interval of the difference

Lower Upper Pair 1

Experime nt Class–

Control Class

5.832 67

1.36879 1.26444 2.30575 9.35959 3.547 14 003

Source: based on the results of the post-test control class and experimental class using the SPSS 15.0 statistical application.

Hypothesis Test

Based on the data analysis, it was found that the post-test score in the control class and the post-test score in the experimental class was 3.547. test whether the value of ⁄ is to test whether the value of th is significantly different, then th is consulted with t in the attachment. From the table, it can be seen that th 3.547 is greater than tt 2.145 at the 5% (0.05) significance level.


The results of the presentation of data analysis showed that the value of vocabulary mastery after using the KWL learning technique in the experimental class and the value of vocabulary mastery in the control class, that is the post-test average value obtained by students in the experimental class was 83.6 and in the control class 77.7.


Based on the results of the data analysis that have been described, it can be concluded that learning using the KWL technique has a positive effect than learning without using the KWL technique. This is evidenced by the results of the data analysis that has been done, with the students post-test scores after testing the difference between each group, the results of the data analysis showed that the t value (3.547) was greater than the tt value (2.145) at the 5% (0.05) significance level.


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Pionir Jaya

Kiranawati. 2008. Teknik Membaca KWL.(http://gurupkn.wordpress.com), diakses 11 Desember 2010

Usman, Dkk. 2018. Penerapan Model Missing Letter dalam Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jerman (Wortschatz) bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa



Jerman FBS UNM. Laporan Penelitian PNBP FBS-UNM 1700/UN36.9/PL/2018 21 Desember 2018 Kontak No. 362/UN36.9/PL/2018

Usman, Dkk. 2019.The Influence Of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Model In Mastery Of German Language Vocabulary. Proceedings Of the 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019).


Usman, Dkk. 2019. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Complete Sentence dalam Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Jerman (Wortschatz) bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Asing Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra Universitas Negeri Makassar. Mandiri SK. No.309/UN36.11/LP2M/2019


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