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Academic year: 2023



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The research aimed to find out the improvement of students' speaking skills after they were taught through the debating method in the eleventh grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung. The researcher applied a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design, and the data were collected by giving pre-test, treatment and post-test. The techniques used for data acquisition are: first, collecting data from students pre-test, second post-test, and finally drawing the conclusion based on the data.

The result of the data analysis showed that the mean score was 35.5 for the pre-test and 6.67 for the post-test. The students' pronunciation in speaking was difficult to convey their thought because sometimes the students missed important words to say. Peneliti menggunakan metode pre-experimental dengan 1 kelas desain pre-test and post-test, and member data collection pre-test, tritmrn, and post-test.

All lectures and staff of the English Department for guidance and assistance during the years of the researcher's study. 41 Table 4.4 Table of frequency and rate percentage of the students' pronunciation41 Table 4.5 The students' improvement in pre-test and post-test.


  • Background
  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of Research
  • Significant of Research
  • Scope of Research

Debate technique is one of the strategies to improve students' ability to improve speaking skills. After making observations in SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung, the researcher found the students' difficulties in speaking. Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in using debate method to improve students' speaking skills.

The previous part focuses on vocabulary, the idea of ​​students' speaking skills and debate activities as a method to improve students' speaking skills. But the teacher must use a method to help the teaching and learning process to improve students' speaking skills. The research that is expected to provide information for consideration in the design of the debate method can improve students' speaking skills by applying this method in the learning process.

This research is expected to gain direct experience in analyzing the influence of students' speaking skills when using the debate method. The scope of the research is limited to the strategies of teachers who use the debate method in improving students' vocabulary and pronunciation in public speaking.


Previews of Research

One team must be the government/affirmative side - the side that agrees with the proposal, the other team must be the oppositional/negative side - the side that disagrees with the proposal. The third meeting, the researcher also used a group in debate method that used another topic that was "the use of foreign languages ​​in daily communication shows a lack of nationalism". The fifth meeting of the treatment, the researcher used a group and gave the topic "the behavior".

Based on the table above, the average score of the students in the vocabulary pretest is 3.5. Applying students' debate method can improve their vocabulary and pronunciation in teaching speaking skills. Students in second grade English speaking at SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung can be reached after applying the debate method.

Guru kemudu members' motion about "Using foreign languages ​​in daily communication shows lack of nationalism". Guru kemu motion of members about "Deviant behavior that is done by the teenager now more caused by social development or technology development".

Some Partinent Ideas

  • The Concept of Debate Model of Learning

Conceptual Frameweork


  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
  • Instrument of the Research
  • Research Procedure
  • Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher gave the students materials on debating technique before the treatment and a post-test was used to measure the students' competence in vocabulary and pronunciation after the treatment. The researcher gave the students a topic on Stop Bullying at School and gave them 20 minutes to prepare the material. Then the researcher rated the accuracy in the vocabulary and pronunciation of the students' debating technique.

The researcher gave a pre-test so that the students knew the students' knowledge of the movement. The table above also shows that the result of students' speaking skills lies in the accuracy after the test. Based on the table above, the researcher concluded that the average pronunciation score of students on the pre-test is 3.6.

The table above also shows that the result of the students' pronunciation fluency in the post-test. Based on the above table, students' mean score for pre-test in vocabulary is 3.5 and post-test is 6.2. The average score for the students' critical thinking in the pre-test is 3.6 and the post-test is 7.17.

This means that the speaking progress of the students was better after the lesson by implementing the debate method, so H1 is accepted. On the other hand, the result of the students is significantly different after considering the use of the debate method. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the speaking ability of eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung has improved.

The accuracy of the students' vocabulary and pronunciation in speaking English of the second grade of the SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung can be achieved after applying the debate method. The students who are taught through the debate method have a lot of new vocabulary and pronunciation in speaking skills. The school should support students' debate as a medium to improve their speaking skills.



The table above shows that in the pre-test 7 students or 35% were categorized as poor and 13 students or 65% were categorized as very poor. There are 18 students categorized as fair or 90%, 2 students categorized as good or 10%, none of them classified in very good and excellent. 3 students or 15% are rated as fair, 16 students or 80% are categorized as good and 1 student or 5% are categorized as very good.

The criterion of best is used to reject H0 if the t-test is greater than or equal to the t-table (t-test˃ or = t-table), that is, H1 is accepted and if the t-test is lower than the t-table (t-test˂ or = t-table) H0, is rejected.


In the teaching and learning process, there are two main aspects that need to be involved: the students and the teacher. Referring to the comparison between the pre-test and the post-test, there was an improvement in the students' score on the pre-test and post-test points. From this it can be concluded that the students' score between the pre-test and the post-test had a meaning. different. The students could have the freedom to speak their mind and ensure that the students could add their vocabulary, prepare for the class debate and be fun to learn in class.

Students need to understand well that forces interact so that the discussion process can improve students' vocabulary and speaking well. Based on the results of research, the debate method is effectively used in teaching speaking skills in the classroom. In conclusion, using the debate method in upper secondary school students can improve students' speaking skills, especially in the areas of vocabulary and critical thinking.

It means that the result of teaching students' speaking skills through the classroom debate method. It means that there was a significant difference in the result of the pretest before and after the teaching and learning processed with the method of debate in the classroom. This was because the students learned and practiced their English through the debate method which could expand their experience and new knowledge.

The average score of post-test in accuracy (vocabulary and pronunciation) is higher than pre-test. The men's score in the pre-test in speaking skills is higher than the pre-test. Students should have more practice in speaking English and students should ask the teacher if there is something they do not understand.

The success of teaching depends not only on the lesson plan, but more importantly, how the teacher can present the lesson and uses different methods, techniques and strategies to manage the class and make it fun for the students to learn to speak English. And there is group that feels happy when they ee apa eeeee bully the students because they feel happy. These students can have confidence if the teacher helps the students and talks to their parents.




Efektivitas pengajaran teks deskriptif menggunakan brosur pariwisata berbahasa Inggris kepada delapan siswa SMPN 1 Kepil Wonosobo pada tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleransi, damai) mengamati dan mengamalkan perilaku, bertanggung jawab, tanggap dan proaktif dalam menangani secara efektif perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan hidup, bangsa , negara bagian, wilayah regional, dan wilayah internasional. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan peristiwa, serta mengaplikasikan pengetahuan prosedural dalam bidang tertentu sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

Siswa dapat menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam pengungkapan pendapat dan pikiran serta reaksinya sesuai dengan konteks. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan menyikapi ungkapan pendapat atau pemikiran dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks. Buatlah argumen - Saya pikir kita harus setuju untuk tidak setuju - Saya pikir kita harus tidak setuju untuk menyetujui Penanganan Topik/gerakan.

Ketika membaca teks, fungsi sosial tidak tercapai, ekspresi dan unsur kebahasaan tidak tepat dan tidak lancar. Perilaku menyimpang yang ditampilkan remaja saat ini lebih banyak disebabkan oleh perkembangan sosial atau perkembangan teknologi. Marzuki sebagai pembicara pertama, dan pembicara kedua Munadimah, pembicara ketiga Usman, pembicara keempat Ruaidah Aisyah, pembicara kelima Nurhalika.

I am Harwan as the first speaker, and the second speaker is Muliyana, the third speaker is Sufy Rifqianti, the fourth speaker is Ismayanti, the fifth speaker is Nurfaidah.


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